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  • R3/school/courses
  • vilem.ded/courses
  • todor.kondic/courses
  • noua.toukourou/courses
  • nene.barry/courses
  • laurent.heirendt/courses
  • marina.popleteeva/courses
  • jenny.tran/courses
8 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (274)
with 430 additions and 19 deletions
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ rm -rf $rootDir/public
rm -rf $rootDir/theme
mkdir $rootDir/public
if [[ $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop" ]]; then
if [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "develop" ]]; then
elif [[ $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" ]]; then
elif [[ $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" ]]; then
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ nBlades=0
for d in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d)
if [[ "${d}" == *20* ]]; then
cd "${d}"
pushd "${d}"
echo "changed to ${d}"
for d1 in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d)
......@@ -46,20 +46,23 @@ do
# create the required folders in public
mkdir -p $rootDir/public/$BLADE/$version
# change to the blade directory to be built
echo "going to $BLADE..."
pushd $BLADE
# run contribute
cp ../../template/ .
ln -s ../../theme/package.json package.json
ln -s ../../theme theme
cp -v ../../template/ .
ln -sv ../../theme/package.json package.json
ln -sv ../../theme theme
# install npm
yarn global add grunt-cli generator-reveal
echo "installing deps"
yarn add grunt-cli generator-reveal grunt
yarn install
grunt dist
mv public/* $rootDir/public/$BLADE/$version/.
echo "running dist"
yarn exec grunt dist
echo "copying to common public dir"
cp -rLv public/* $rootDir/public/$BLADE/$version/.
echo " > latest built for file set ${BLADE}"
......@@ -75,10 +78,10 @@ do
echo "autoredirect file set"
# move back out
cd ..
echo " > -----------------------------------------------------"
cd "${rootDir}"
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ localroot = os.getcwd()
# generate the index properly speaking
cardDirs = ["2020", "2019"]
cardDirs = ["2023", "2022", "2021", "2020", "2019"]
# determine first the directories
......@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ with open(indexFile, 'w') as file:
print("\n > New index generated and saved in " + indexFile)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,3 +23,4 @@ package.json
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ build:website:
JEKYLL_ENV: production
image: node:19-bullseye
stage: build
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop"
......@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ upload:
stage: deploy
image: alpine
- apk add rsync
- 'which ssh-agent || ( apk add --update openssh )'
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
- echo "$B64SSHPRIVKEY" | base64 -d | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
......@@ -83,5 +84,5 @@ upload:
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop"
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"
- scp -P $SSHPORT -r site/* $SSHCONNECT:~/web/latest
- scp -P $SSHPORT -r public/* $SSHCONNECT:~/web/latest
- rsync -ravu --info=progress2 -e "ssh -p $SSHPORT" site/* $SSHCONNECT:~/web/latest
- rsync -ravu --info=progress2 -e "ssh -p $SSHPORT" public/* $SSHCONNECT:~/web/latest
[submodule "theme"]
path = theme
url =
url =
# Best practices
* `pull` before `push` and, generally, before starting to work
* Work on your <font color="red">own</font> branch (in your own fork), and **not** on `master` and **not** on `develop`
* Do **not push** to `master`, but **submit a Pull Request (PR)**
* Get your code **reviewed** by your peers (submit a PR!)
* Submit a PR **often**!
* `clone` a repository, do not download the `.zip` file.
* Do **not** combine `git` commands
$ git commit -am "myMessage" # do not do this
* Stage only 1 file at once using
$ git add
* Commit **only a few files** at once (after multiple separate `git add` commands)
* `Push` often - avoid conflicts
Remember: **A `push` a day keeps conflicts away!**
# Development scheme
Generally, in a repository, there are guidelines for contributing.
<div class="fragment">
A common development scheme is dual with a:
- **development** version of the code on `develop`
- **stable** version of the code on `master`
A **version** of the code is referred to as a **branch**.
<div class="fragment">
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
<font color="red">In the practice repository, the development branch is called `develop`!</font>
<div class="fragment">
![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Use this dual development scheme for your own repositories!
# Branches
A **version** of the code (i.e., a **branch**) is made up of a sequence of code changes.
<div class="fragment">
These individual code changes are called **commits**.
For instance, the `master` and `develop` branches can be represented as a timeline:
<img src="slides/img/branch-master.png" class="branch-master" height="500em"/>
# Switch between branches
List all branches of the repository with
$ git branch -a
Exit by typing `q`. The branch with the * is the current branch.
<div class="fragment">
Checkout another branch
$ git checkout <branchName>
<div class="fragment">
You can switch to the `develop` branch with
$ git checkout develop
If the local branch does not exist but the remote does, it is created automatically.
<div class="fragment">
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
# Create your own version
Assume that you want to work on a file:
<div class="fragment">
<font color="red">Create a new **branch**!</font>
$ git checkout -b myBranch
The `-b` flag creates the branch. Locally, you have your own version now:
<img src="slides/img/branch-create.png" class="branch-create" height="500em"/>
Push your version to your fork:
$ git push origin myBranch
<div class="fragment">
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
# How do I start working on a repository?
You have to `clone` it first:
$ git clone
If you did not configure your SSH key, clone using HTTPS:
$ git clone
You will be prompted to enter your credentials.
# How to configure `git`?
$ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
$ git config --global ""
Test whether your username and email have been registered
$ git config --list
This should list the configuration with `` and ``.
Exit by typing `q`.
# What is an SSH key?
An SSH key is a secure access credential.
**Principle**: <br><br>
Communicate **securely** with Github/Gitlab **without** entering the username/password.
# How do I get and set my SSH key?
Check if you already have an SSH key:
$ ls -al ~/.ssh
If there are 2 files named `id_rsa`, you have an SSH key.
If you don’t have yet an SSH key, you have to generate one:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
If you set a password to your key (recommended), add it to the `ssh-agent`:
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
$ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Then, add the SSH key to Github/Gitlab.
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
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# The 5 essential commands
**Yes**, you only need 5 commands!
`pull, status, add, commit, push`
or in other words (remember these!):
$ git pull <remote> <branch>
$ git status
$ git add # example
$ git commit -m "myMessage" # example
$ git push <remote> <branch>
# Pull the latest version of an existing branch
Pull the latest revision on branch `myBranch`:
$ git pull origin myBranch
# Already up to date
<div class="fragment">
Verify its `status` with:
$ git status
# Modify a file
Copy the file `` in the folder `_attendees` and rename it with your firstname:
$ cd _attendees
$ cp
Then, make your changes with your favorite editor!
Reference for markdown:
# Add your file to the stage
First, check the repository status
$ git status
# uncommitted changes (displayed in red)
<div class="fragment">
Now, add the file (bring it on stage)
$ git add # replace myName
$ git status
# returns the same as before, generally in green (means staged)
<div class="fragment">
**ADVANCED**: If there have been more changes after the file has been added, you can see your changes in the terminal
$ git diff
exit with `q`.
![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) If it is a long diff, you can display additional lines with space.
# Add a commit message
$ git commit -m "Add the profile of <myName>"
$ git status
# Push your file to your fork
$ git push origin myBranch
<div class="fragment">
**ADVANCED**: see the log of all the commits (and your last one) in the terminal
$ git log
exit by typing `q`.
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# What is a `fork`?
<img src="slides/img/fork.jpg" class="as-is" height="500em"/>
# Not really ...
<img src="slides/img/fork-crossed.png" class="as-is" height="500em"/>
# What is a `fork`?
- In general, when contributing to a repository, you only have **read** access.
- In other words, you can only **pull** (unless it is your own repository or access has been granted).
- In general, you **cannot write** changes. In other words, you do not have **push** access.
- You have to work on your **own copy**.
- In other words, you have to work on your own <font color="red">**fork**</font>.
# How to get a fork?
Browse to the original repository and click on the button `Fork`:
![Fork the repo](
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
# Time to practice!
Fork the practice repository: <br><br><br><br>
Then, clone your fork to your home directory!
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
$ git clone<yourName>/basic-git-practice.git
Change to the practice directory with:
$ cd basic-git-practice
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
If you did not configure your SSH key, clone using HTTPS:
$ git clone<yourName>/basic-git-practice.git
# A note on shortcuts ...
<font color="red">
Any other rudimentary method such as
*'I simply download the `.zip` and unzip it - works like a charm!'*
shall **be avoided**!
# How to update my fork?
As you have your own fork, it will not automatically be updated once the original repository is updated.
![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) You have to update it yourself!
**More on that later!**
# GitHub and GitLab
<img src="" alt="GitHub" style="width: 200px;"/>
<img src="" alt="GitLab" style="width: 200px;"/>
GitHub and GitLab are VCS systems.
GitHub/Gitlab are both **publicly available**, but GitLab can be **on-premise**.
Positive point: GitHub and GitLab are (almost) the same.
<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
- **GitHub**: [](
- Public GitLab: [](
- LCSB specific: [](
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