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  1. Sep 16, 2011
  2. Sep 15, 2011
  3. Jan 03, 2011
  4. Sep 22, 2010
  5. Sep 21, 2010
  6. Aug 18, 2010
    • Aaron's avatar
      Big commit. · b9ab28d0
      Aaron authored
      	1. Added new version of BamTools supporting uncompressed BAM.
      	2. Added -ubam option to intersectBed.
      	3. First functional release of annotateBed.
      	4. Updated GetEditDistance calls to GetTag(NM) per the new API change in BamTools.
  7. Jul 18, 2010
  8. Jul 17, 2010
  9. Jun 29, 2010
  10. May 03, 2010
    • Aaron's avatar
      Multiple changes. · 7b52f3e3
      Aaron authored
      	1. Added BAM support to windowBed.
      	2. Forced correct BEDPE ordering for bamToBed.
      	3. Added default overlapFraction = 0.0 to bedFile prototype.
  11. Apr 15, 2010
  12. Apr 12, 2010
    • Aaron's avatar
      Added the -wao option to intersectBed. · 27234494
      Aaron authored
      	- Allows one to report 0 overlap for non-overlapping A features
      	- Changed all private memeber variables to use "_VAR" notation.
      	- Added convenience functions for reporting overlaps.
  13. Mar 15, 2010
  14. Jan 23, 2010
  15. Jan 08, 2010
  16. Jan 05, 2010
  17. Jan 04, 2010
  18. Jan 01, 2010
  19. Dec 30, 2009
    • Aaron's avatar
      Updated genomeCoverageBed. · 4ff410b4
      Aaron authored
      	1. Revised usage to 80 chars
      	2. GPL headers
      	3. Added new stdin logic
      	4. Changes logo.
      	5. Revised the usage statement.
  20. Dec 29, 2009
  21. Dec 20, 2009
    • Aaron's avatar
      GFF support seems to work. Improved bedFile.cpp. · c0d4e8a4
      Aaron authored
      	1. Got parseGffLine working
      	2. Added GFF support to the reportBed* methods.
      	3. Cleaned up the stdin / parsing logic and centralized it within bedFile.cpp.
      	This removes some of the complexity from each of the tools and tidies the codebase
  22. Oct 27, 2009
    • Aaron's avatar
      Version 2.2.4 (10/27/2009) · 885b0515
      Aaron authored
      	1. Updated the mergeBed documentation to describe the -names option which allows one to report the names of the
      	features that were merged (separated by semicolons).
  23. Sep 18, 2009
    • Aaron's avatar
      Version 2.2.0 · 952c45ad
      Aaron authored
      === Notable changes in this release ===
      1.  coverageBed will optionally only count features in BED file A (e.g. sequencing reads) that overlap with
      	the intervals/windows in BED file B.  This has been requested several times recently and facilitates CHiP-Seq and
      	RNA-Seq experiments.
      2.  intersectBed can now require a minimum __reciprocal__ overlap between intervals in BED A and BED B.  For example,
      	previously, if one used -f 0.90, it required that a feature in B overlap 90% of the feature in A for the "hit"
      	to be reported.  If one adds the -r (reciprocal) option, the hit must also cover 90% of the feature in B.  This helps
      	to exclude overlaps between say small features in A and large features in B:
      	A ==========
      	B  **********************************************************
      	-f 0.50 (Reported), whereas -f 0.50 -r (Not reported)
      3.  The score field has been changed to be a string.  While this deviates from the UCSC definition, it allows one to track
      	much more meaningful information about a feature/interval.  For example, score could now be:
      	7.31E-05  (a p-value)
      	0.334577  (mean enrichment)
      	2:2.2:40:2 (several values encoded in a string)
      4.  closestBed now, by default, reports __all__ intervals in B that overlap equally with an interval in A.  Previously, it
      	merely reported the first such feature that appeared in B.  Here's a cartoon explaining the difference.
      	**Prior behavior**
      	A	 ==============
      	B.1        				++++++++++++++
      	B.2       				++++++++++++++
      	B.3               				+++++++++
      	Result = B.1 			++++++++++++++
      	**Current behavior**
      	A	 ==============
      	B.1        				++++++++++++++
      	B.2       				++++++++++++++
      	B.3               				+++++++++
      	Result = B.1 			++++++++++++++
      			 B.2 			++++++++++++++
      	Using the -t option, one can also choose to report either the first or the last entry in B in the event of a tie.
      5.  Several other minor changes to the algorithms have been made to increase speed a bit.
  24. May 12, 2009
  25. May 05, 2009
  26. Apr 27, 2009
    • Aaron Quinlan's avatar
      Version 1.2. Added closestBed, linksBed and subtractBed · a1af7c6a
      Aaron Quinlan authored
      	1.  Added subtractBed.
      		A. Fixed bug that prevented "split" overlaps from being reported.
      		B. Prevented A from being reported if >=1 feature in B completely spans it.
      	2.  Added linksBed.
      	3.  Added the ability to define separate windows for upstream and downstream to windowBed.
  27. Apr 26, 2009
  28. Apr 23, 2009
  29. Apr 21, 2009
  30. Apr 15, 2009