... | ... | @@ -598,7 +598,15 @@ sourmash plot ont_hybrid_bins_sourmash_comp --labels --pdf |
##### dREP #####
# checking to see if the bins are the same
- Binning the metaspades_hybrid assembly was a `conundrum`
- Binners require a `bam` file (typically) to estimate coverage
- So, the question arose which bam file should/could we use?
- We had the following options to choose from: bwa_sr_metaspades_hybrid, bwa_lr_metaspades_hybrid, bwa_merged_metaspades_hybrid, mmi_sr_metaspades_hybrid, mmi_lr_metaspades_hybrid, and mmi_merged_metaspades_hybrid
- Here above, sr==short-reads mapped to assembly, lr==long-reads, and merged==merging of sr- and lr- bam files
- If you haven't caught on to how we do things around here - we do them all
- This is the part of the story, I like to call "BinCHECK" using [drep](https://github.com/MrOlm/drep)
# checking to see if the bins reconstructed from different 'bam' files are similar
cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB
mkdir bins
cp /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/results/Binning/checkm_output/sample_list bins/.
... | ... | @@ -644,6 +652,19 @@ cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/bins |
dRep compare drep_output -g ./*.fa
##### VizBin #####
- The binners did great for the sr- and hybrid assemblies, however, fared poorly with the lr- (flye) assembly
- A sign of a good researcher is that they never trust their own data, and validate it twelve-ways-to-Sunday
- Not saying that I'm good, but I like to validate, for lack-of-a-better-word in my vocabulary and at my discretion, the "heck" out of something
- And since "seeing is believing", I took the assemblies to our very own CCL's [VizBin](http://claczny.github.io/VizBin/) implemented via [BusyBee](https://ccb-microbe.cs.uni-saarland.de/busybee/)
# Running flye assemblies on the BusyBee web server
# Downloaded the "methylation-aware" flye assembly to the Desktop
# And uploaded it to the BusyBee server
# Changed the minimum contig length to 1500
# Run ID: b9d043cf-9a55-4ba8-9d1b-2bef4861cd61
##### QUAST #####
- Testing assembly stats using quast
... | ... | |