... | ... | @@ -933,6 +933,9 @@ done | paste - - - | awk '$4=100*$2/$3' | \ |
sed $'1 i\\\nsample\tmapped_reads\ttotal\tpercent_mapped' > mappability_over_5000bp.txt
##### Notes - for 2019_GDB data #####
1. Since **diamond** was inadvertently run on the "new_nr.dmnd (BLAST nucleotide database), the folder was renamed ```mv diamond diamond_new_nr```
##### Notes - for 2018_GDB data #####
1. Flye does not produce metabat bins. Reason == only 2 contigs (less than 1500 bp) have coverages over 1.
2. Should we adjust the "minCV" parameter for metabat?
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