@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ We use [PhyloPhlAn](https://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/phylophlan) to find the
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ We use [PhyloPhlAn](https://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/phylophlan) to find the
To find which strains are common to several samples based on reads and potentially linked to reconstructed genomes, we use [StrainPhlAn](http://segatalab.cibio.unitn.it/tools/strainphlan/).
To find which strains are common to several samples based on reads and potentially linked to reconstructed genomes, we use [StrainPhlAn](http://segatalab.cibio.unitn.it/tools/strainphlan/).
### Part 8: [Analysis of intra- and inter-population variability](pogenom.md)
### Part 8: [Analysis of intra- and inter-population variability](pogenom.md)
In this step, single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are used to examine the intra- and inter-population variability of the population-level genomes which were in common between different samples using Pogenom.
In this step, single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are used to examine the intra- and inter-population variability of the population-level genomes which were in common between different samples using [Pogenom](https://github.com/EnvGen/POGENOM).
The resulting .vcf file for each group of bins is then used as input to [Pogenom](http://envgen.github.io/), which calculates the intra- and interpopulation diversities, amongst other useful data. Pogenom also takes as input the number of bins in the group, which can be found in the .vcf file (`$num`).
The resulting .vcf file for each group of bins is then used as input to [Pogenom](https://github.com/EnvGen/POGENOM), which calculates the intra- and interpopulation diversities, amongst other useful data. Pogenom also takes as input the number of bins in the group, which can be found in the .vcf file (`$num`).