modify rooms; view kit requests; view statistics; modify mail templates;
can export (#322)
* small improvement: next of keen data added to subject (#318)
* small improvement: simple data provenance- we track changes about: appointments, who and when marked subjects as deceased, resigned, who finished visit (#317)
* small improvement: simple data provenance- we track changes about:
appointments, who and when marked subjects as deceased, resigned, who
finished visit (#317)
* bug fix: label for font color fixed (#320)
* bug fix: exception should handled properly when there is a problem with uploading mail templates (#321)
* bug fix: exception should handled properly when there is a problem with
uploading mail templates (#321)
-- Piotr Gawron <> Mon, 05 Apr 2020 09:33:54 +0200
smasch (0.13.1) stable; urgency=low
* bug fix: Allow cancelled events to be dragged out of the daily planning (#305)
* bug fix: Allow cancelled events to be dragged out of the daily planning
* bug fix: Disable Visit button after visit is submitted (#306)
* bug fix: generating from mail templates could throw an error (#165)
* bug fix: when appointment date changes then information about daily planning for this appointment is removed (so the time constraints aren't violated) (#172)
* bug fix: empty workers (without credentials) were created with every email (#171)
* bug fix: when appointment date changes then information about daily
planning for this appointment is removed (so the time constraints are not
violated) (#172)
* bug fix: empty workers (without credentials) were created with every email
-- Piotr Gawron <> Mon, 20 Nov 2017 15:07:54 +0100
smasch (0.10.0) stable; urgency=low
* improvement: subject list contain info about visits with filter possibility (#140)
* improvement: there is possibility to remove scheduled appointment that is not attached to subject visit (#150)
* improvement: there is possibility to disable user account - it's not visible in daily planning, and user cannot login anymore (#151)
* improvement: In daily planning there is possibility to schedule general appointments (that are not assigned to any patient visit) (#160)
* small improvement: Calendar view with appointments contain initials of people (doctors, nurses, ...) who are available that day (#143)
* small improvement: Validation added for entered nd numbers (it must match NDxxxx) (#148)
* small improvement: Subject contains field for information about reason of resignation from the study (#155)
* small improvement: Start date of the follow up visit is based on the date of the first visit (not on the date of the last visit) (#169)
* improvement: subject list contain info about visits with filter possibility
* improvement: there is possibility to remove scheduled appointment that is
not attached to subject visit (#150)
* improvement: there is possibility to disable user account - it's not
visible in daily planning, and user cannot login anymore (#151)
* improvement: In daily planning there is possibility to schedule general
appointments (that are not assigned to any patient visit) (#160)
* small improvement: Calendar view with appointments contain initials of
people (doctors, nurses, ...) who are available that day (#143)
* small improvement: Validation added for entered nd numbers (it must match
NDxxxx) (#148)
* small improvement: Subject contains field for information about reason of
resignation from the study (#155)
* small improvement: Start date of the follow up visit is based on the date
of the first visit (not on the date of the last visit) (#169)
* small improvement: Subject country is a list not a free text (#170)
* bug fix: When exporting subject list to excel there is additional (artificial) column with information if patient dropped out (it's marked true when patient had at least one finished appointment and resigned) (#156)
* bug fix: Opening of the new tab by clicking on "Edit" button in subject list fixed #149
* bug fix: When exporting subject list to excel there is additional
(artificial) column with information if patient dropped out (it's marked
true when patient had at least one finished appointment and resigned)
* bug fix: Opening of the new tab by clicking on "Edit" button in subject
list fixed #149
* bug fix: Resolution of export to pdf improved (#168)
-- Piotr Gawron <> Mon, 06 Nov 2017 11:14:27 +0100
smasch (0.9.1) stable; urgency=low
* small improvement: daily planning uses abbreviation in the title of the appointment type in calendar view
* small improvement: daily planning uses abbreviation in the title of the
appointment type in calendar view
* small improvement: log info about sending sms added
* bug fix: update of an appointment cleared data from daily planning