index e41ecbf00ae11def98ef39ed26f31819ca52dafd..8a10bcb09980743eb86d3c6469618177628322de 100644
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ smasch (1.0.0~alpha.0-0) unstable; urgency=low
   * backward incompatible: smasch is using python3 (#337)
   * improvement: docker script is available (#338)
+  * improvement: deb package that can be installed on ubuntu/debian machines
+    (#338)
   * small improvement: login background is configurable (#327)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:00:00 +0200
@@ -17,20 +19,29 @@ smasch (0.15.0) stable; urgency=low
 smasch (0.14.0) stable; urgency=low
   * small improvement: address is available in list of subject columns (#310)
-  * small improvement: no new appointments can be scheduled when subject is marked as excluded, resigned, deceased or endpoint reached (#309)
-  * small improvement: issue date can be entered manually on voucher creation (#312)
+  * small improvement: no new appointments can be scheduled when subject is
+    marked as excluded, resigned, deceased or endpoint reached (#309)
+  * small improvement: issue date can be entered manually on voucher creation
+    (#312)
   * small improvement: there is possibility to select RedCap checks (#300)
-  * small improvement: permissions list extended. New permissions: view daily planning; modify sample kits (equipement items); modify flying teams; modify rooms; view kit requests; view statistics; modify mail templates; can export (#322)
+  * small improvement: permissions list extended. New permissions: view daily
+    planning; modify sample kits (equipement items); modify flying teams;
+    modify rooms; view kit requests; view statistics; modify mail templates;
+    can export (#322)
   * small improvement: next of keen data added to subject (#318)
-  * small improvement: simple data provenance- we track changes about: appointments, who and when marked subjects as deceased, resigned, who finished visit (#317)
+  * small improvement: simple data provenance- we track changes about:
+    appointments, who and when marked subjects as deceased, resigned, who
+    finished visit (#317)
   * bug fix: label for font color fixed (#320)
-  * bug fix: exception should handled properly when there is a problem with uploading mail templates (#321)
+  * bug fix: exception should handled properly when there is a problem with
+    uploading mail templates (#321)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 05 Apr 2020 09:33:54 +0200
 smasch (0.13.1) stable; urgency=low
-  * bug fix: Allow cancelled events to be dragged out of the daily planning (#305)
+  * bug fix: Allow cancelled events to be dragged out of the daily planning
+    (#305)
   * bug fix: Disable Visit button after visit is submitted (#306)
   * bug fix: Add format to disabled workers (#307)
   * bug fix: Edit visit page doesn't allow to change worker (#308)
@@ -41,12 +52,16 @@ smasch (0.13.0) stable; urgency=low
   * small improvement: Enpoint reached column added
   * small improvement: Option "removed" to vouchers
-  * small improvement: Option to show all voucher types when issuing a voucher to a subject
+  * small improvement: Option to show all voucher types when issuing a voucher
+    to a subject
   * small improvement: Possibility to remove appointment
-  * small improvement: Automatically add extra-availability if a worker is assigned an appointment
-  * small improvement: Faster way to edit a subject visit and/or to add appointments to current visit
+  * small improvement: Automatically add extra-availability if a worker is
+    assigned an appointment
+  * small improvement: Faster way to edit a subject visit and/or to add
+    appointments to current visit
   * small improvement: pages are restricted to roles
-  * small improvement: Show more information about cancelled and finished appointments in daily planning
+  * small improvement: Show more information about cancelled and finished
+    appointments in daily planning
   * small improvement: Show workers in daily planning by availability
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 29 Mar 2019 16:15:35 +0100
@@ -61,25 +76,32 @@ smasch (0.12.2) stable; urgency=low
 smasch (0.12.1) stable; urgency=low
   * bug fix: Sorting screening number column could fail (#271)
-  * bug fix: Voucher functionality problems (partner not showing up in table, or number, or template) (#267)
+  * bug fix: Voucher functionality problems (partner not showing up in table,
+    or number, or template) (#267)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 20 Nov 2018 09:18:23 +0100
 smasch (0.12.0) stable; urgency=low
-  * small improvement: every voucher have a number of hours to be used attached to it. (#211)
+  * small improvement: every voucher have a number of hours to be used attached
+    to it. (#211)
   * small improvement: every voucher should be valid for 90 days only (#212)
   * small improvement: project manager role added (#233)
   * small improvement: document generation for vouchers (#196)
   * small improvement: nd_number regex check is a configuration option (#257)
-  * small improvement: Add excluded boolean field and exclude reason string field to StudySubject Model (#254)
-  * small improvement: Flags in daily planning: subjects and workers have flags assigned to them (#260)
-  * small improvement: Possibility to remove some roles from Daily Planning (250)
+  * small improvement: Add excluded boolean field and exclude reason string
+    field to StudySubject Model (#254)
+  * small improvement: Flags in daily planning: subjects and workers have flags
+    assigned to them (#260)
+  * small improvement: Possibility to remove some roles from Daily Planning
+    (#250)
   * small improvement: Horizontal scroll in subject list added (#240)
-  * small improvement: exceeded visit status is not applicable for visits that have unfinished appointments (#219)
+  * small improvement: exceeded visit status is not applicable for visits that
+    have unfinished appointments (#219)
   * small improvement: Configuration page for a study (#215)
   * small improvement: sort by screening_number (#207)
-  * small improvement: add possibility to have daily availability for short period of time (#204)
+  * small improvement: add possibility to have daily availability for short
+    period of time (#204)
   * small improvement: User management page (#127)
   * small improvement: export custom set of columns (#161)
   * bug fix: Fix overflow of daily planning board and add some links (#252)
@@ -90,14 +112,17 @@ smasch (0.12.0) stable; urgency=low
 smasch (0.11.3) stable; urgency=low
-  * bug fix: template generated for appointment with flying team name in unicode returned 500
+  * bug fix: template generated for appointment with flying team name in
+    unicode returned 500
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 03 Sep 2018 15:13:00 +0200
 smasch (0.11.2) stable; urgency=low
-  * bug fix: daily scheduling bug which didn't allow to show daily scheduling when appointment had time length = 0 (#209)
-  * bug fix: email with kit request contain double entries for patients with two appointment_types that should be included in it (#210)
+  * bug fix: daily scheduling bug which didn't allow to show daily scheduling
+    when appointment had time length = 0 (#209)
+  * bug fix: email with kit request contain double entries for patients with
+    two appointment_types that should be included in it (#210)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 04 May 2018 16:02:07 +0200
@@ -115,16 +140,23 @@ smasch (0.11.0) stable; urgency=low
   * improvement: voucher types (#187)
   * improvement: voucher partners (#127)
   * improvement: health partners (#127)
-  * small improvement: when first appointment in first visit is finished adjust visit dates (#180)
+  * small improvement: when first appointment in first visit is finished adjust
+    visit dates (#180)
   * small improvement: exceed visit list doesn't include first visit (#179)
-  * small improvement: subject required contact list contains more column by default (#177)
-  * small improvement: default columns visible in subjects without visit list modified (#176)
-  * small improvement: default columns visible in Unfinished appointments list modified (#174)
-  * small improvement: default columns visible in approaching visits list modified (#173)
-  * small improvement: default columns visible in exceeded visits list modified (#146)
+  * small improvement: subject required contact list contains more column by
+    default (#177)
+  * small improvement: default columns visible in subjects without visit list
+    modified (#176)
+  * small improvement: default columns visible in Unfinished appointments list
+    modified (#174)
+  * small improvement: default columns visible in approaching visits list
+    modified (#173)
+  * small improvement: default columns visible in exceeded visits list modified
+    (#146)
   * small improvement: default columns visible in unfinished visits list (#146)
   * small improvement: additional column in kit request email (#206)
-  * small improvement: list of visits/subjects/appointments have short description of what this list is about (#201)
+  * small improvement: list of visits/subjects/appointments have short
+    description of what this list is about (#201)
   * small improvement: separation of study data and demographics (#181)
   * small improvement: flying team management (#178)
   * small improvement: pdp related study fields (#186)
@@ -141,31 +173,47 @@ smasch (0.10.2) stable; urgency=low
 smasch (0.10.1) stable; urgency=low
   * bug fix: generating from mail templates could throw an error (#165)
-  * bug fix: when appointment date changes then information about daily planning for this appointment is removed (so the time constraints aren't violated) (#172)
-  * bug fix: empty workers (without credentials) were created with every email (#171)
+  * bug fix: when appointment date changes then information about daily
+    planning for this appointment is removed (so the time constraints are not
+    violated) (#172)
+  * bug fix: empty workers (without credentials) were created with every email
+    (#171)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 20 Nov 2017 15:07:54 +0100
 smasch (0.10.0) stable; urgency=low
-  * improvement: subject list contain info about visits with filter possibility (#140)
-  * improvement: there is possibility to remove scheduled appointment that is not attached to subject visit (#150)
-  * improvement: there is possibility to disable user account - it's not visible in daily planning, and user cannot login anymore (#151)
-  * improvement: In daily planning there is possibility to schedule general appointments (that are not assigned to any patient visit) (#160)
-  * small improvement: Calendar view with appointments contain initials of people (doctors, nurses, ...) who are available that day (#143)
-  * small improvement: Validation added for entered nd numbers (it must match NDxxxx) (#148)
-  * small improvement: Subject contains field for information about reason of resignation from the study (#155)
-  * small improvement: Start date of the follow up visit is based on the date of the first visit (not on the date of the last visit) (#169)
+  * improvement: subject list contain info about visits with filter possibility
+    (#140)
+  * improvement: there is possibility to remove scheduled appointment that is
+    not attached to subject visit (#150)
+  * improvement: there is possibility to disable user account - it's not
+    visible in daily planning, and user cannot login anymore (#151)
+  * improvement: In daily planning there is possibility to schedule general
+    appointments (that are not assigned to any patient visit) (#160)
+  * small improvement: Calendar view with appointments contain initials of
+    people (doctors, nurses, ...) who are available that day (#143)
+  * small improvement: Validation added for entered nd numbers (it must match
+    NDxxxx) (#148)
+  * small improvement: Subject contains field for information about reason of
+    resignation from the study (#155)
+  * small improvement: Start date of the follow up visit is based on the date
+    of the first visit (not on the date of the last visit) (#169)
   * small improvement: Subject country is a list not a free text (#170)
-  * bug fix: When exporting subject list  to excel there is additional (artificial) column with information if patient dropped out (it's marked true when patient had at least one finished appointment and resigned) (#156)
-  * bug fix: Opening of the new tab by clicking on "Edit" button in subject list fixed #149
+  * bug fix: When exporting subject list  to excel there is additional
+    (artificial) column with information if patient dropped out (it's marked
+    true when patient had at least one finished appointment and resigned)
+    (#156)
+  * bug fix: Opening of the new tab by clicking on "Edit" button in subject
+    list fixed #149
   * bug fix: Resolution of export to pdf improved (#168)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 06 Nov 2017 11:14:27 +0100
 smasch (0.9.1) stable; urgency=low
-  * small improvement: daily planning uses abbreviation in the title of the appointment type in calendar view
+  * small improvement: daily planning uses abbreviation in the title of the
+    appointment type in calendar view
   * small improvement: log info about sending sms added
   * bug fix: update of an appointment cleared data from daily planning
@@ -174,9 +222,12 @@ smasch (0.9.1) stable; urgency=low
 smasch (0.9.0) stable; urgency=low
   * improvement: export of daily planning to pdf (#153)
-  * small improvement: in daily planning user appointments show the location (#154)
-  * small improvement: when saving finished appointment there is check on subject nd number (#158)
-  * small improvement: daily planning uses fixed colors (instead of random values) to avoid possibility of having too similar colors (#163)
+  * small improvement: in daily planning user appointments show the location
+    (#154)
+  * small improvement: when saving finished appointment there is check on
+    subject nd number (#158)
+  * small improvement: daily planning uses fixed colors (instead of random
+    values) to avoid possibility of having too similar colors (#163)
   * bug fix: exception could occur when updating appointment (#162)
  -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 13 Oct 2017 12:59:39 +0200