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ContextBase.cpp 10.4 KiB
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 * ContextBase.cpp
 *  Created on: Feb 12, 2013
 *      Author: nek3d

#include "ContextBase.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>


	_programNames["intersect"] = INTERSECT;
	_programNames["sample"] = SAMPLE;
	_programNames["map"] = MAP;
	_programNames["merge"] = MERGE;
	if (hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		_keyListOps = new KeyListOps();
	delete _genomeFile;
	_genomeFile = NULL;

	//close all files and delete FRM objects.
	for (int i=0; i < (int)_files.size(); i++) {
		delete _files[i];
		_files[i] = NULL;
	if (hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		delete _keyListOps;
		_keyListOps = NULL;


bool ContextBase::determineOutputType() {
	if (_outputTypeDetermined) {
		return true;
	//test whether output should be BED or BAM.
	//If the user explicitly requested BED, then it's BED.
	if (getExplicitBedOutput()) {
		_outputTypeDetermined = true;
		return true;

	//Otherwise, if the input is BAM, then the output is BAM
	if (getFile(0)->getFileType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_FILE_TYPE) {

	//Okay, it's bed.
	_outputTypeDetermined = true;
	return true;


void ContextBase::openGenomeFile(const QuickString &genomeFilename)
	_genomeFile = new NewGenomeFile(genomeFilename.c_str());

void ContextBase::openGenomeFile(const BamTools::RefVector &refVector)
	_genomeFile = new NewGenomeFile(refVector);

bool ContextBase::parseCmdArgs(int argc, char **argv, int skipFirstArgs) {
	_argc = argc;
	_argv = argv;
	_skipFirstArgs = skipFirstArgs;
	if (_argc < 2) {
		return false;


	_argsProcessed.resize(_argc - _skipFirstArgs, false);

	for (_i=_skipFirstArgs; _i < argc; _i++) {
		if (isUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs)) {

		if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-i") == 0) {
			if (!handle_i()) return false;
		else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-g") == 0) {
			if (!handle_g()) return false;
		else if ((strcmp(_argv[_i], "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(_argv[_i], "--help") == 0)) {
			if (!handle_h()) return false;
		else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-split") == 0) {
			if (!handle_split()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-bed") == 0) {
			if (!handle_bed()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-ubam") == 0) {
			if (!handle_ubam()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-fbam") == 0) {
			if (!handle_fbam()) return false;
        else if(strcmp(_argv[_i], "-sorted") == 0) {
			if (!handle_sorted()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-nobuf") == 0) {
			if (!handle_nobuf()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-header") == 0) {
			if (!handle_header()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-n") == 0) {
			if (!handle_n()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-seed") == 0) {
			if (!handle_seed()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-o") == 0) {
			if (!handle_o()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-c") == 0) {
			if (!handle_c()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-null") == 0) {
			if (!handle_null()) return false;
        else if (strcmp(_argv[_i], "-delim") == 0) {
			if (!handle_delim()) return false;

	if (!openFiles()) {
		return false;
	if (!cmdArgsValid()) {
		return false;
	if (!determineOutputType()) {
		return false;
	if (hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		FileRecordMgr *dbFile = getFile(hasIntersectMethods() ? _databaseFileIdx : 0);
		if (!_keyListOps->isValidColumnOps(dbFile)) {
			return false;

bool ContextBase::cmdArgsValid()
	bool retval = true;
	for (_i = _skipFirstArgs; _i < _argc; _i++) {
		if (!isUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs)) {
			_errorMsg += "\n***** ERROR: Unrecognized parameter: ";
			_errorMsg += _argv[_i];
			_errorMsg += " *****";
			retval = false;
	return retval;

bool ContextBase::openFiles() {

	//Make a vector of FileRecordMgr objects by going through the vector
	//of filenames and opening each one.
	if (_allFilesOpened) {
		return true;

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)_fileNames.size(); i++) {
		FileRecordMgr *frm = getNewFRM(_fileNames[i]);
		if (hasGenomeFile()) {
		if (!frm->open()) {
			return false;
		_files[i] = frm;
	_allFilesOpened = true;
	return true;

int ContextBase::getBamHeaderAndRefIdx() {
	if (_bamHeaderAndRefIdx != -1) {
		//already found which BAM file to use for the header
		return _bamHeaderAndRefIdx;
	if (_files[_queryFileIdx]->getFileType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_FILE_TYPE) {
		_bamHeaderAndRefIdx = _queryFileIdx;
	} else {
		_bamHeaderAndRefIdx = _databaseFileIdx;
	return _bamHeaderAndRefIdx;

int ContextBase::getUnspecifiedSeed()
	// thanks to Rob Long for the tip.
	_seed = (unsigned)time(0)+(unsigned)getpid();
	return _seed;

bool ContextBase::handle_bed()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_fbam()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_g()
	if (_argc <= _i+1) {
		_errorMsg = "\n***** ERROR: -g option given, but no genome file specified. *****";
		return false;
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_h()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_header()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_i()
	if (_argc <= _i+1) {
		_errorMsg = "\n***** ERROR: -i option given, but no input file specified. *****";
		return false;
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_n()
	if (_argc <= _i+1) {
		_errorMsg = "\n***** ERROR: -n option given, but no number of output records specified. *****";
		return false;
	setNumOutputRecords(atoi(_argv[_i + 1]));
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_nobuf()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_seed()
	if (_argc <= _i+1) {
		_errorMsg = "\n***** ERROR: -seed option given, but no seed specified. *****";
		return false;
	_hasConstantSeed = true;
	_seed  = atoi(_argv[_i+1]);
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_split()
    markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_sorted()
	markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

bool ContextBase::handle_ubam()
    markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
	return true;

// Methods specific to column operations.
// for col ops, -c is the string of columns upon which to operate
bool ContextBase::handle_c()
	if (!hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		return false;
    if ((_i+1) < _argc) {
        _keyListOps->setColumns(_argv[_i + 1]);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        return true;
    return false;

// for col ops, -o is the string of operations to apply to the columns (-c)
bool ContextBase::handle_o()
	if (!hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		return false;
    if ((_i+1) < _argc) {
    	 _keyListOps->setOperations(_argv[_i + 1]);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
    return true;

// for col ops, -null is a NULL value assigned
// when no overlaps are detected.
bool ContextBase::handle_null()
	if (!hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		return false;
    if ((_i+1) < _argc) {
    	 _keyListOps->setNullValue(_argv[_i + 1]);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        return true;
    return false;

//for col ops, delimStr will appear between each item in
//a collapsed but delimited list.
bool ContextBase::handle_delim()
	if (!hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		return false;
    if ((_i+1) < _argc) {
    	 _keyListOps->setDelimStr(_argv[_i + 1]);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
        markUsed(_i - _skipFirstArgs);
    return true;

void ContextBase::setColumnOpsMethods(bool val)
	_hasColumnOpsMethods = val;
	if (val) {
		_keyListOps = new KeyListOps();

const QuickString &ContextBase::getColumnOpsVal(RecordKeyList &keyList) const {
	if (!hasColumnOpsMethods()) {
		return _nullStr;
	return _keyListOps->getOpVals(keyList);

FileRecordMgr *ContextBase::getNewFRM(const QuickString &filename) {
	if (!_useMergedIntervals) {
		return new FileRecordMgr(filename);
	} else {
		FileRecordMergeMgr *frm = new FileRecordMergeMgr(filename);
		return frm;