... | @@ -496,6 +496,32 @@ mv -vf cd-hit cd-hit_non_mod_basecalled # renamed the folder since it was run |
... | @@ -496,6 +496,32 @@ mv -vf cd-hit cd-hit_non_mod_basecalled # renamed the folder since it was run |
- For example: since we used two mappers bwa-mem and minimap for the reads, we binned each sample separtely based on the mapper
- For example: since we used two mappers bwa-mem and minimap for the reads, we binned each sample separtely based on the mapper
- Additionally, we needed to merge bam files for the "hybrid"-binning, so we compared bins using [sourmash](https://github.com/dib-lab/sourmash) and compared assemblies using [quast](https://github.com/ablab/quast)
- Additionally, we needed to merge bam files for the "hybrid"-binning, so we compared bins using [sourmash](https://github.com/dib-lab/sourmash) and compared assemblies using [quast](https://github.com/ablab/quast)
##### QUAST - 2019_GDB #####
- Like any good experiment, sometimes the basics are key evaluators of the data
- To address this, used (meta)[QUAST](https://github.com/ablab/quast) to assess how the assemblies look
# Testing assembly stats using quast on the 2019_GDB "methylation-aware" data
srun -p interactive -t 4:00:00 --pty bash -i # interactive session
conda activate quast
cd /mnt/lscratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/
mkdir quast_methylation_aware
cd quast_methylation_aware
ln -s ../results/assembly/*.fa .
metaquast.py --max-ref-number 0 --threads 24 *fa -o methylation_2019_quast_results
# Testing assembly stats using quast on the 2019_GDB "non_mod" basecalled data
srun -p interactive -t 4:00:00 --pty bash -i # interactive session
conda activate quast
cd /mnt/lscratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/
mkdir quast_non_mod
cd quast_non_mod
ln -s ../non_methylation_aware_results/assembly/*.fa .
metaquast.py --max-ref-number 0 --threads 24 *fa -o non_mod_2019_quast_results
# downloaded both the folders to desktop at ~/Documents/Nanopore_ONT/.
##### SOURMASH #####
##### SOURMASH #####
- To check if the bins across different metaspades_hybrid 'bam' files are similar
- To check if the bins across different metaspades_hybrid 'bam' files are similar
- to decide whether to go with sr_bam or merged_bam files
- to decide whether to go with sr_bam or merged_bam files
... | | ... | |