Excel file PDP. Create importer
It's becoming more ad-hoc that I wish it to be, but it's coming.
Things that could already be on the database:
- Language
- Country
- Location
- Flying Team
- Referals (Health Partner)
- A subject with the same SS number, first name and last name
- A studySubject with the same ND number, subject
Columns to be transformed to a standard format
- Gender (it comes as 'm' or 'f')
- Language (it comes as letters such as 'L', 'F', etc. or even 'Fin' or 'lt', or 'Sp'
- Prefered writen language (same as language)
- Country (it comes as LUX)
- SS number (comes with spaces)
- Date of birth (comes in format dd.mm.YYYY)
- Date added (V1) # visits might have comments like (Tel)
- ... (V2)
- ... (V3)
- ... (V4)
Boolean (Y/N or blank)
- Deceased
- Postponed
- Resigned
- Excluded
- PDP 1.0
- Column names remain the same
- All study subjects can have all voucher types
Voucher activity column has no effect on the Subjects and only the IDs from Voucher References are used to add Vouchers. Important note here @piotr.gawron - All vouchers partners can do all voucher types
- Assumed that vouchers are IN USE and that their expire 365 after their creation
- The worker who issues the voucher is the referral (health partner)
- Voucher Reference follows this condition
nd_number, date, voucher_partner, voucher_type, num = 'ND0019-20180807-ZIT-IT-00173'.split('-')
assessments = OrderedDict([('Cognitive Test', 180), ('Risk Factor', 120),
('Voucher Distribution', 120), ('Follow Up', 90)])
voucher_types_dict = OrderedDict([('Cognitive Activity', 'CA'), ('Neurofit', 'NF'),
('Mobilfit', 'MF'), ('Diet', 'D'), ('Consulte ORL', 'CORL'),
('Physical Activity', 'PA'),
('Individual Cognitive Training', 'IT'),
('Social', 'S'), ('Test', 'T')])
Not done
- Add adequate locale to the Languages and flags.
- Add adequate country id to the countries.
Notes on data
- Some Subjects has no language so the default language is chosen.
- A Subject has no preferred written language so the first language is chosen.
- There are 3 invalid SS Numbers: 1943010852 (too short even for ancient SS numbers), 1936110312203, 1939121227113