Check why vouchers appear even if disabled under study settings
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- Carlos Vega added To Do label
added To Do label
- Carlos Vega mentioned in commit 446ddc77
mentioned in commit 446ddc77
- Carlos Vega mentioned in commit 5f01a5ce
mentioned in commit 5f01a5ce
- Carlos Vega mentioned in commit 20c39d1b
mentioned in commit 20c39d1b
- Author Owner
There is no condition control implemented in the sidebar at least in the
branch.This has been implemented in branch bug/hide_vouchers_if_not_set_in_study
- Carlos Vega mentioned in merge request !174 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !174 (merged)
- Carlos Vega added Done and removed To Do labels
- Piotr Gawron closed via merge request !174 (merged)
closed via merge request !174 (merged)
- Piotr Gawron mentioned in commit bbe5d91b
mentioned in commit bbe5d91b
- Carlos Vega changed milestone to %0.12.0
changed milestone to %0.12.0
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