import nexmo
from django.conf import settings
class Nexmo:
Gateway for sending text messages and making phone calls using Nexmo_.
All you need is your Nexmo Account API and Secret, as shown in your Nexmo
account dashboard.
Should be set to your account's API Key.
Should be set to your account's secret.
Should be set to a phone number or name.
.. _Nexmo:
def __init__(self):
self.client = nexmo.Client(key=getattr(settings, 'NEXMO_API_KEY'), secret=getattr(settings, 'NEXMO_API_SECRET'))
self.default_from = getattr(settings, 'NEXMO_DEFAULT_FROM')
def send_sms(self, device, token):
body = 'Your authentication token is %s' % token
phone_number = device.number.as_e164"Sending authentication token to %s", phone_number)
self.client.send_message({'to': phone_number, 'from': self.default_from, 'text': body})