The Shinyscreen Package
Prescreening with presc.plot
- Generate prescreening data frames,"~/ECI_SCRATCH/20190627_HEROBER",patt=".*.mzML",full.names=T), mode="pH",fn_cmpd_l="./cutlist.csv",proc=F,dest=".")
This is to be carried out inside the directory containing the
files. For sequential execution, leave out theproc
argument. - Plot,
require(shinyscreen) presc.plot(list.files(".",patt="2.*POS",include.dirs=T),mode="pH",cex=0.7,rt_digits=2,m_digits=4,pal="Dark2",out="prescreen.pdf")
The only argument is a sequence of absolute paths to directories containing the prescreen data. The resulting plot file is going to be placed into the current working directory.
Prescreening with presc.shiny
- Same as above
- To start the Shiny prescreening, do
require(shinyscreen) df<- data.frame(Files=rep("file.mzML",15),ID=1:15,tag=rep(c(15,30,45),5),set_name="Collision Energy") This dataframe is the input that has to be introduced in order to have all the information from the data. pos_wds <- list.files(".",patt=".*2019.*_[49][35]$",include.dirs=T,full.names=T) This is an example of using the POS data (pH). presc.shiny(pos_wds,mode="pH",cex=1,prescdf=df) The arguments which need to be put into the presc.shiny are pos_wds (as an example), the mode (pH or mH), cex as a font size and prescdf=df to get the information into the shiny part.