description="There are two tables that need to be supplied before prescreening starts. One is the compound list, its format being the same like the one for the RMassBank (fields: ID,Name,SMILES,RT,CAS,mz,Level). Another is the compound set table (fields: ID,Name).",
description="There are two tables that need to be supplied before prescreening starts. One is the compound list, its format being the same like the one for the RMassBank (fields: ID,Name,SMILES,RT,CAS,mz,Level). Another is the compound set table (fields: ID,Name). Once those tables are imported, they can further be modified as copies inside the project dir. Shinyscreen will never modify any initial (meta)data.",
confmzMLSets<-shinydashboard::box(title="Sets and tags",
"What is a set?",
"Comma-delimited list of set types",
shiny::h5("Shinyscreen uses two properties, tags and sets, to categorise mzML data. Tags are properties of individual files. For example, if a single file represents a collection of spectra acquired at a specific collision energy, that energy could be used as a tag. Tags are used to differentiate the spectra in a chromatogram."),
"What is a tag?",
"What is a tag? (example: collision energy; can be left empty.)",