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## Constants



QANAMES <- c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")

ppInpFt<-function() {

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stripext<-function(fn) {
    if (length(bits)> 1) paste(head(bits,-1),collapse=".") else fn}

idsFromFiles<-function(setDir) {
    sapply(res,function (r) as.integer(r[[1]]))

##' Create directories without drama.
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##' Create directories without drama.
##' @title Create directories without drama
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##' @param path Names of the directories.
##' @return The character string containing the input argument `path`.
##' @author Todor Kondić
no_drama_mkdir<-function(path) {
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    f <- Vectorize(function(path) {
        if (! dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path)

##' Produce the Rmb Settings file
##' Produce the Rmb Settings file based on the customisation file in
##' YAML format.
##' @title Generate RMassBank settings file.
##' @param sett_alist The named list of settings that are different
##'     from the RMassBank defaults.
##' @param file The name of the YAML specification that will be merged
##'     with the template Rmb settings file.
##' @return NULL
mk_sett_file<-function(sett_alist,file) {
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    for (nm in names(sett_alist)) {
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##' Combine the RMB settings files
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##' Combine RMB settings with different collisional energies into one
##' settings file with multiple collisional energy entries.
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##' @title Combine RMB Settings With Different Collisional Energies
##' @param sett_fns A list of settings files.
##' @param fname The name of the combined file.
##' @return fname
##' @author Todor Kondić
mk_combine_file<-function(sett_fns,fname) {
    all_settings <- lapply(sett_fns,yaml::yaml.load_file)
    comb_settings <- all_settings[[1]]
    for (n in 1:length(all_settings)) {
        comb_settings$spectraList[[n]] <- all_settings[[n]]$spectraList[[1]]


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fn_data2wd <- function(fn_data,dest) {
    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data) {
        noext <- stripext(fn_data)
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get_presc_d <- function(wd) {wd}
gen_presc_d <- function(wd) dir.create(wd,recursive = T,showWarnings = F)
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get_cmpd_l_fn <- function(wd) {
    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"compounds.csv")
    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))

get_stgs_fn <- function(wd) {
    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"settings.ini")
    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))

get_ftable_fn <- function(wd) {
    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"ftable.csv")
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    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))

get_inp_stgs_fn<- function(fn_data) {
    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data) {
        bnm <- stripext(fn_data)
        fn <- paste(bnm,".ini",sep='')},

get_info_dir <- function(wd) {

get_info_fn <- function(wd) {

gen_info_dir <- function(wd) {
    nm <- get_info_dir(wd)

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emptyfield <- function (f) {length(f) == 0 | | f == ""}
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##' Generate the RMassBank compound list from the input compound list
##' in CSV file src_fn. The input compound list format is either a
##' Chemical Dashboard csv file with, at least, PREFERRED_ SMILES
##' columns _filled_ out, or just an ordinary CSV file with columns
##' SMILES and Names filled. Argument dest_fn is the destination
##' filename. Returns the number of compounds.
##' @title Generate Compound List File
##' @param src_fn The input compound list CSV filename.
##' @param dest_fn The resulting compound list CSV filename.
##' @return Number of compounds.
##' @author Todor Kondić
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gen_cmpd_l<-function(src_fn,dest_fn) {
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    ## Names
    nms<-if ("PREFERRED_NAME" %in% names(df)) df$PREFERRED_NAME else df$Name
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    ## CAS
    casvals<-if ("CASRN" %in% names(df)) df$CASRN else df$CAS
    ## CAS
    rt<- df$RT
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    if (is.null(casvals)) casvals <- rep(NA,sz)
    if (is.null(nms)) nms <- rep(NA,nrow(df))
    if (is.null(rt)) rt <- rep(NA,nrow(df))
    odf <- data.frame(ID=df$ID,Name=nms,SMILES="",mz=NA,RT=rt,Level=3,CAS=casvals,stringsAsFactors=F)

    for (ri in 1:nrow(df)) {
        if (emptyfield(df$SMILES[ri])) {
            if (! emptyfield(df$Mass[ri])) {
                odf$mz[ri] <- df$Mass[ri]
                odf$Level[ri] <- 5
            } else 
                stop ("At row ",ri," of the input compound list, there are neither SMILES, nor Mass to be found.")
        } else odf$SMILES[ri] <- df$SMILES[ri]
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    f <- Vectorize(function (dest_fn) {
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##' Generates settings file and loads it.
##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File
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##' @param stgs Settings named list, or a settings filename.
##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
##' @return result of RMassBank::loadRmbSettings
##' @author Todor Kondić
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gen_stgs_and_load <- function(stgs,wd) {
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    stgs<-if (is.character(stgs)) yaml::yaml.load_file(stgs) else stgs
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##' Generates the RMassBank compound list and loads it.
##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Compound List
##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
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##' @param fn_cmpdl The input compound list filename. 
##' @return Named list. The key `fn_cmpdl` is the path of the
##'     generated compound list and the key `n` the number of
##'     compounds.
##' @author Todor Kondić
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gen_cmpdl_and_load <- function(wd,fn_cmpdl) {
    RMassBank::loadList(fn_comp,check=F) #reduce universality of this statement!!!

##' Generates file table.
##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File
##' @param fn_data The mzML filename.
##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
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##' @param n_cmpd Number of compounds.
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##' @return File path of the file table.
##' @author Todor Kondić
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gen_ftable_old <- function(fn_data,wd,n_cmpd) {
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    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data,wd) {
    }, vectorize.args=c("fn_data","wd"))


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gen_ftable <- function(id,fnData,wd) {
    n <- length(id)
    files <- rep(fnData,n)
    df <- data.frame(Files=files,ID=id,wd=wd,stringsAsFactors=F)

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gen_fn_stgs <- function(fn_inp,fn) {
    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_inp,fn) {
        stgs <- yaml::yaml.load_file(fn_inp)
        fn}, vectorize.args=c("fn_inp","fn"))


conf <- function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,dest) {
    wd <- fn_data2wd(fn_data,dest)
    fn_inp_stgs <- get_inp_stgs_fn(fn_data)
    fn_stgs <- get_stgs_fn(wd)
    fn_out_cmpd_l <- get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)

    n_cmpd <- gen_cmpd_l(fn_cmpd_l,fn_out_cmpd_l)

reconf <- function(wd) {## Load the settings.
    fn_stgs <- get_stgs_fn(wd)
    ## Load the compound list.
    fn_cmpd_l <- get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)
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##' Prescreens. Writes data out. Adapted from ReSOLUTION
##' @title Prescreen
##' @param wd Absolute path to the directory that will contain the
##'     resulting data frame.
##' @param RMB_mode ...
##' @param FileList ...
##' @param cmpd_list ...
##' @param ppm_limit_fine ...
##' @param EIC_limit ...
##' @author Emma Schymanski, Todor Kondić
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RMB_EIC_prescreen_df_old <- function (wd, RMB_mode, FileList, cmpd_list,
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                                  ppm_limit_fine = 10, EIC_limit = 0.001) {

    n_spec <- 0
    cmpd_RT_maxI <- ""
    msms_found <- ""
    rts <- 0
    max_I_prec <- ""
    cmpd_RT_maxI_min <- ""
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    file_list <- read.csv(FileList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,comment.char='')
    cmpd_info <- read.csv(cmpd_list, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,comment.char='')
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    ncmpd <- nrow(cmpd_info)
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    get_width <- function(maxid) {log10(maxid)+1}
    id_field_width <- get_width(ncmpd)
    fn_out<- function(id,suff) {file.path(odir,paste(formatC(id,width=id_field_width,flag=0),suff,".csv",sep=''))}
    f <- mzR::openMSfile(file_list$Files[1])
    for (i in 1:length(file_list$ID)) {
        cpdID <- file_list$ID[i]
        n_spec <- n_spec + 1
        smiles <- tryCatch(RMassBank::findSmiles(cpdID), error = function(e) NA)
        if (! {
            mz <- as.numeric(RMassBank::findMz(cpdID, RMB_mode)[3])
        else {
            mz <- as.numeric(RMassBank::findMz(cpdID, RMB_mode, retrieval = "unknown")[3])
        eic <- RMassBank::findEIC(f, mz, limit = EIC_limit)
        msms_found[n_spec] <- FALSE
        msms <- RMassBank::findMsMsHR.mass(f, mz, 0.5, RMassBank::ppm(mz, ppm_limit_fine, 
                                                                      p = TRUE))
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        max_I_prec_index <- which.max(eic$intensity)
        cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec] <- eic[max_I_prec_index, 1]
        max_I_prec[n_spec] <- eic[max_I_prec_index, 2]
        cmpd_RT_maxI_min[n_spec] <- as.numeric(cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec])/60
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        cpd_df <- data.frame("rt"=c(),"intensity"=c())
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        for (specs in msms) {
            if (specs@found == TRUE) {
                df <-, lapply(specs@children, function(sp) c(sp@rt, 
                                                                           intensity = max(sp@intensity))))
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                cpd_df <- rbind(cpd_df,df,make.row.names = F)
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                msms_found[n_spec] <- TRUE
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        if (nrow(cpd_df)>0) write.csv(x=cpd_df,file=fn_out(cpdID,".kids"),row.names=F)
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        rts[i] <- (cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec])
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    write.csv(cbind(file_list$ID, cmpd_info$mz, cmpd_info$Name, 
                    cmpd_RT_maxI, cmpd_RT_maxI_min, max_I_prec, msms_found), 
              file = file.path(odir,"RTs_wI.csv"), 
              row.names = F)

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##' Prescreens. Writes data out. Adapted from ReSOLUTION
##' @title Prescreen
##' @param wd Absolute path to the directory that will contain the
##'     resulting data frame.
##' @param RMB_mode ...
##' @param FileList ...
##' @param cmpd_list ...
##' @param ppm_limit_fine ...
##' @param EIC_limit ...
##' @author Emma Schymanski, Todor Kondić
RMB_EIC_prescreen_df <- function (wd, RMB_mode, FileList, cmpd_list,
                                  ppm_limit_fine = 10, EIC_limit = 0.001) {

    n_spec <- 0
    cmpd_RT_maxI <- ""
    msms_found <- ""
    rts <- 0
    max_I_prec <- ""
    cmpd_RT_maxI_min <- ""
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    file_list <- read.csv(FileList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,comment.char='')
    cmpd_info <- read.csv(cmpd_list, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,comment.char='')
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    ncmpd <- nrow(cmpd_info)
    fid <- file_list$ID
    cmpind <- which(cmpd_info$ID %in% fid)
    mzCol <- cmpd_info$mz[cmpind]
    nmCol <- cmpd_info$Name[cmpind]
    get_width <- function(maxid) {log10(maxid)+1}
    id_field_width <- get_width(ncmpd)

    fn_out<- function(id,suff) {file.path(odir,paste(formatC(id,width=id_field_width,flag=0),suff,".csv",sep=''))}
    f <- mzR::openMSfile(file_list$Files[1])
    for (i in 1:length(file_list$ID)) {
        cpdID <- file_list$ID[i]
        n_spec <- n_spec + 1
        smiles <- tryCatch(RMassBank::findSmiles(cpdID), error = function(e) NA)
        mz<-if (! {
                mz <- as.numeric(RMassBank::findMz(cpdID, RMB_mode)[3])
            } else {
                mzCol[[i]]  ## TODOR REMOVE mz <- as.numeric(RMassBank::findMz(cpdID, RMB_mode, retrieval = "unknown")[3])
        message("Pre findeic")
        ## TODOR REMOVED if ([[i]])) mzCol[[i]] <- mz ## infer from findMz.
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        eic <- RMassBank::findEIC(f, mz, limit = EIC_limit)
        message("Post findeic")
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        msms_found[n_spec] <- FALSE
        msms <- RMassBank::findMsMsHR.mass(f, mz, 0.5, RMassBank::ppm(mz, ppm_limit_fine, 
                                                                      p = TRUE))


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        max_I_prec_index <- which.max(eic$intensity)
        cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec] <- eic[max_I_prec_index, 1]
        max_I_prec[n_spec] <- eic[max_I_prec_index, 2]
        cmpd_RT_maxI_min[n_spec] <- as.numeric(cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec])/60 ## conversion to minutes

        if (length(eic$rt)>0) eic$rt <- eic$rt/60 ## conversion to minutes

        bindKids <- function(kids)
  ,lapply(kids,function (kid)

        bindSpec <- function(specLst) {
  ,lapply(specLst,function (sp) bindKids(sp@children)))
        found <- which(vapply(msms,function(sp) sp@found,FUN.VALUE=F))
        msmsExst <- msms[found]
        ## message("found:",found)
        ## message("Lall:",length(msms))
        ## message("Lsome:",length(msmsExst))
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        if (length(found)>0) {
            msms_found[n_spec] <- T
            msmsTab <-,stringsAsFactors=F)
            names(msmsTab) <- c("rt","intensity")
            if (nrow(msmsTab)>0) {
                msmsTab$rt <- msmsTab$rt/60 ## conversion to minutes

        rts[i] <- (cmpd_RT_maxI[n_spec])
    rtwiDf <- data.frame(ID=file_list$ID, mz=mzCol, Name=nmCol, 
                         cmpd_RT_maxI=cmpd_RT_maxI, cmpd_RT_maxI_min=cmpd_RT_maxI_min,
                         max_I_prec=max_I_prec, msms_found=msms_found,stringsAsFactors=F)
    write.csv(rtwiDf, file = file.path(odir,"RTs_wI.csv"), row.names = F)

preProcLai <- function (fnFileTab,fnDest=paste(stripext(fnFileTab),"_candidate.csv",sep=''),noiseFac=3,rtDelta=0.5,ms1_intTresh=1e5,ms2_intTresh=1e4,MS1peakWi=0.3) {
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    ## read in .csv file as file
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    ftable <- read.csv(file = fnFileTab, header = T, sep=",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
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    getWidth <- function(maxid) {log10(maxid)+1}
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    ids <- as.numeric(levels(factor(ftable$ID)))
		      ##is MS1 intensity high enough?)
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    id_field_width <- getWidth(max(ids))
    fn_out<- function(id,suff) {paste(formatC(id,width=id_field_width,flag=0),suff,".csv",sep='')}

    ## for loop through dataframe called file to set tresholds
    ftable[c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","MS1Intensity","AboveNoise","MS2Intensity","MS1peakWidth")] <- T
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    ftable$Comments <- ""
    for (ind in 1:nrow(ftable)) {
        wd <- ftable$wd[ind]
        id <- ftable$ID[ind]
        fn_eic <- file.path(wd,fn_out(id,".eic"))
        eic <- NULL
        maxInt <- NULL
        eicExists <- T

	##does MS1 exist?
        if(!file.exists(fn_eic)) { 
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            ftable[ind,"MS1"] = FALSE
            eicExists <- F
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        else {
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            eic <- read.csv(fn_eic, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
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            maxInt <- max(eic$intensity)

	    ##is MS1 intensity high enough?
            if (maxInt < ms1_intTresh) {
                ftable[ind,"MS1Intensity"] = FALSE
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            ##Detect noisy signal. This is a naive implementation, so careful.
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            mInt <- mean(eic$intensity)
            if (maxInt < noiseFac*mInt) ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F

	    ##Is MS1 peak a proper peak, or just a spike? Check peakwidth.

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	#####MS2 checks
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        fn_kids <- file.path(wd,fn_out(id,".kids"))

	##does MS2 exist? Regardless of quality/alignment.
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        if(!file.exists(fn_kids)) {
            ftable[ind,"MS2"] = FALSE
	    ftable[ind,"MS2Intensity"] = NA #moot
	    ftable[ind,"Alignment"] = NA #moot
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        } else {
        ## Detect RT shifts. Naive implementation, so careful.
            if (eicExists) {  ################WHY THIS IF CONDITIONAL?? If MS2 exists, then eic MUST exist, no? Seems redundant.
		    ##Is MS2 intensity high enough?
		    ms2maxInt <- max(msms@intensity)
		    if (ms2maxInt > ms2_intTresh){
			    rtInd <- match(maxInt,eic$intensity) #returns position of first match in eic$intensity
                	    rtMax <- eic$rt[rtInd] #fetch the rtmax value (RT with highest int;seconds)  using above index
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                	    msms <- read.csv(fn_kids, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
                	    whc <- msms$rt > rtMax - rtDelta #T/F vector: are RT vals of ms2 above rtMax within Delta? Good peaks=TRUE;rt must be retentionTime!!!
                	    whc <- whc < rtMax + rtDelta #T/F vector: are RT vals of ms2 above rtMax within Delta?
		#Overwrites whc! In any case, cannot use this as both must be T to give final whc of T (i.e. fall within the window).
                	    ints <- msms$intensity[whc] #builds ints vector with intensities which fall in window
                	    if (! any(ints>0)) ftable[ind,"Alignment"] = FALSE #if none of ints larger than 0, Alignment <-F 
		    } else {
			ftable[ind,"MS2Intensity"] = FALSE
		    	ftable[ind,"Alignment"] = NA #neither T or F, the MS2 was not of decent intensity in first place, alignment moot. 
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    ## get a csv outfile
    write.csv(ftable, file = fnDest,row.names=F)


preProc <- function (fnFileTab,lCmpdList,fnDest=paste(stripext(fnFileTab),"_candidate.csv",sep=''),noiseFac=3,rtDelta=0.5,intTresh=1e5) {
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    ## read in .csv file as file
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    ftable <- read.csv(file = fnFileTab, header = T, sep=",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
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    getWidth <- function(maxid) {log10(maxid)+1}
    ids <- as.numeric(levels(factor(ftable$ID)))
    id_field_width <- getWidth(lCmpdList)
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    fn_out<- function(id,suff) {paste(formatC(id,width=id_field_width,flag=0),suff,".csv",sep='')}
    ## For loop through dataframe called file to set thresholds.
    ftable[c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")] <- T
    ftable["MS2rt"] <- NA
    ## QA check plan:
    ## If MS1 does not exist, set MS1 to F, as well as everything else except MS2.
    ## If it exists, proceed to noise check.
    ## If noise check fails, set AboveNoise and Alignment to F.
    ## MS2 will be checked independently.
    ## If MS2 does not exist, set MS2 and Alignment to F.
    ## If it does, check the Alignment.
    ## If Alignment is wrong, set Alignment to F.
    ## Terminology: MS1 does not exist if the intensity is below the
    ## intensity threshold. MS2 does not exist if it was not picked up
    ## during the dataframe generation stage. In this case, the file
    ## with the corresponding ID will not be there.

    ftable$Comments <- ""
    for (ind in 1:nrow(ftable)) {
        wd <- ftable$wd[ind]
        id <- ftable$ID[ind]
        fn_eic <- file.path(wd,fn_out(id,".eic"))
        eic <- NULL
        maxInt <- NULL
        if (!file.exists(fn_eic)) {
            warning("File ",fn_eic,"does not exist. Skipping.")
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        eic <- read.csv(fn_eic, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
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        maxInt <- max(eic$intensity)
        ##If MS1 does not exist, set entry to F.
        if (maxInt < intTresh) {
            ftable[ind,"MS1"] <- F
            ## Other checks automatically fail, too.
            ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
            ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
        } else {
            ## Noisy?
            if (ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"]) {
                mInt <- mean(eic$intensity)
                if (maxInt < noiseFac*mInt) {
                    ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
                    ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F ## If noisy, this is
                                                 ## probably meaningles, so
                                                 ## F.

        ## MS2 checks.
        fn_kids <- file.path(wd,fn_out(id,".kids"))
        if (!file.exists(fn_kids)) {
            ftable[ind,"MS2"] <- F
            ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
        } else {
            ## Alignment still makes sense to be checked?
            if (ftable[ind,"Alignment"]) {
                rtInd <- match(maxInt,eic$intensity)
                rtMS1Peak <- eic$rt[[rtInd]]
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Todor Kondic committed
                msms <- read.csv(fn_kids, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char='')
Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
                rtInd <- which(msms$rt > rtMS1Peak - rtDelta & msms$rt < rtMS1Peak + rtDelta)
                msmsRT <- msms$rt[rtInd]
                if (length(msmsRT) > 0) {
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Todor Kondic committed
                    ftable[ind,"iMS2rt"] <- which.min(abs(msmsRT - rtMS1Peak))
                    ftable[ind,"MS2rt"] <- msmsRT[ftable[ind,"iMS2rt"]]
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    write.csv(ftable, file = fnDest,row.names=F)

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##' Helper function for rendersmiles2
##' @title Render Compound from an Online Resource
##' @param depictURL The URL of the object to plot.
##' @param coords The positioning of the image (in data coords).
##' @param filename Temp filename.
##' @return Nothing useful.
##' @author Todor Kondić
renderurl <- function(depictURL,coords=c(0,0,100,100), filename=tempfile(fileext=".svg")) {
    h <- new_handle()
    curl::handle_setopt(h, ssl_verifyhost = 0, ssl_verifypeer=0)
    img <- rsvg(filename)
    if (length(img)>2) {

## rendersmiles <- function(smiles, kekulise=TRUE, coords=c(0,0,100,100), width=200, height=200,
##                               zoom=1.3,style="cow", annotate="off", abbr="on",suppressh=TRUE,
##                               showTitle=FALSE, smaLimit=100, sma=NULL) {
##   dep <- get.depictor(width = width, height = height, zoom = zoom, style = style, annotate = annotate,
##                       abbr = abbr, suppressh = suppressh, showTitle = showTitle, smaLimit = smaLimit,
##                       sma = NULL)
##   library(rcdk)
##   library(RChemMass)
##   mol <- getMolecule(smiles)
##   img <- view.image.2d(mol, depictor=dep)
##   rasterImage(img, coords[1],coords[2], coords[3],coords[4])

## }

##' Render smiles from an online resource.
##' @title Turn SMILES to an Image Using Online Resource
##' @param smiles The SMILES string.
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##' @param style Structure style.
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##' @param ... Hand over to renderurl.
##' @return Nothing useful.
##' @author Todor Kondić
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rendersmiles2 <- function(smiles,style="cow",...) {
    dpurl <- buildCDKdepictURL(smiles,style=style)
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calcLogTics <- function(lims,powUnit=1,linDiv=1,howMany=NULL) {
    ## Find integer power limits.
    llim <- log10(lims)
    llim[is.infinite(llim)] <- 0
    nlim <- llim/powUnit
    ilim <- round(nlim)*powUnit

    all <- if (linDiv>1) {
               z <- sapply(seq(ilim[1],(ilim[2]-1),by=powUnit),
                           function(i) {
                               a <- 10.**i
                               b <- 10.**(i+1)
                               st <- b/linDiv
                               s <- seq(0,b,by=st)
               dim(z) <- prod(dim(z))
           } else
    res <- if (!is.null(howMany)) {
               if (howMany<length(all)) {
                   step <- length(all) %/% howMany    
                   ind <- seq(1,howMany*step,by=step)
               } else
           } else



calcLabels <- function(ticVals) {
    pw <- as.integer(log10(abs(ticVals)))
    mags <- 10**pw
    mags[] <- 0
    pw[] <- 0
    mant <- signif(ticVals/mags,3)
    zz <- Map(function (m,p) c(m=m,p=p),mant,pw)
    sapply(zz,function (z) {as.expression(bquote(.(z['m']) %*% 10^.(z['p'])))},USE.NAMES = F)

arrPlot <- function(xlim,ylim,ytics,xaxis=F,log=NULL,cex=0.2) {
    ylim[] <- 1
    ylim[ylim == 0] <- 1
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(1,10)

    if (xaxis) xaxt="s" else xaxt="n"
    if (! is.null(log) && ! any( ) {
        plot(1,1,xlab="",ylab="",xlim = xlim,ylim = ylim,type="n",log=log,xaxt=xaxt,yaxt = "n")
        ltics <- calcLabels(ytics)
        axis(side=2,at=ytics,labels=ltics,las=2,cex=cex,gap.axis = -1)
    } else {
        plot(1,1,xlab="",ylab="",xlim = xlim,ylim = ylim,type="n",xaxt = xaxt)


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arrPlotStd <- function(xlim,ylim,xaxis=F,log=log,cex=1.5,mar,intTresh) {
    if (ylim[1]<intTresh) ylim[1] <- intTresh
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Todor Kondic committed
    if  ([2])) ylim[2] <- 10
    if (xaxis) xaxt="s" else xaxt="n"
    plot(1,1,xlab="",ylab="",xlim = xlim,ylim = ylim,type="n",log=log,xaxt=xaxt,yaxt = "n",cex.axis=cex)
    ytics <- if (log=="y") axTicks(side=2, nintLog = 3) else axTicks(side=2)
    ltics <- calcLabels(ytics)
    axis(side=2,at=ytics,labels=ltics,las=2,cex.axis=cex,gap.axis = -1)
cmpdID2nm_1 <- function(id) paste("id",id,sep='')
cmpdIDnm <- Vectorize(cmpdID2nm_1)
plot_id_aux <- function(i,wd,eics,maybekids,mass,smile,tags,fTab,logYAxis,pal="Dark2",cex=0.75,rt_digits=2,m_digits=4,rtrange=NULL) {
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    clean_rtrange <- function(def) {
            x1 <- rtrange[1]
            x2 <- rtrange[2]
            if ( || x1 == 0) x1 <- def[1]
            if ( || x2 == 0) x2 <- def[2]

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Todor Kondic committed
    if (logYAxis == "linear") log = ""
    if (logYAxis == "log") log = "y"
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    ##FIXME: fTab will break presc.plot.
    recs <- fTab[fTab$ID %in% as.integer(i),c("wd","MS2rt","iMS2rt")]
    ## osmesi <- fTab[fTab$ID %in% as.integer(i),"SMILES"]
    message("smile arg:",smile)
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    MS2Peak <- sapply(wd,function(x) recs[recs$wd %in% x,"MS2rt"])
    iMS2Peak <- sapply(wd,function(x) recs[recs$wd %in% x,"iMS2rt"])
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Todor Kondic committed
    eic <- eics[[i]]
    maybekid <- maybekids[[i]]
    dfs <- lapply(file.path(wd,eic),function(fn) {
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        tryCatch(read.csv(fn,stringsAsFactors = F,comment.char=''),
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                 error=function(e) {message(paste(e,"; offending file:",fn))})
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    dfs <- lapply(dfs,function(x) data.frame(rt=x$rt,intensity=x$intensity))
Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed

    ## Find existing children.
    maybes <- file.path(wd,maybekid)
    indkids <- which(file.exists(maybes))
    kids <- maybes[indkids]
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    dfs_kids <- lapply(kids,read.csv,stringsAsFactors=F,comment.char='')
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    MS2Peak <- MS2Peak[indkids]
    iMS2Peak <- iMS2Peak[indkids]
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    #dfs_kids <- lapply(dfs_kids,function(x) data.frame(rt=x$retentionTime,intensity= x$intensity))
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    ## Find max intensities.
    w_max <- sapply(dfs,function (x) which.max(x$intensity))
    rt_max <- Map(function(df,w) df$rt[[w]],dfs,w_max)
    i_max<- Map(function(df,w) df$intensity[[w]],dfs,w_max)
    symbs <- LETTERS[1:length(w_max)]

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    ## Find max intensities in children
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    w_max_kids <- sapply(dfs_kids,function (x) which.max(abs(x$intensity)))
    rt_near_kids <-  Map(function(df,w) {if (! && !is.null(df$rt)) df$rt[[w]] else NA},dfs_kids,iMS2Peak)
    i_near_kids <- Map(function(df,w) {if (! && !is.null(df$intensity)) df$intensity[[w]] else NA},dfs_kids,iMS2Peak)
    symbs_kids<- letters[indkids]

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    def_rt_rng <- range(sapply(dfs,function(x) x$rt))
    rt_rng <- if (is.null(rtrange))  def_rt_rng else clean_rtrange(def_rt_rng)
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    int_rng<- range(sapply(dfs,function(x) x$intensity))
    int_rng_kids<- if (! is.null(dfs_kids))
                       range(sapply(dfs_kids,function(x) x$intensity)) else
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Todor Kondic committed
    cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=length(dfs),name=pal)
    lgnd <- Map(function(k,v) paste(k,"= ",formatC(v,format="f",digits=rt_digits),sep=''),symbs,rt_max)
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    layout(matrix(c(3,3,4,4,1,2), 3, 2, byrow = TRUE))
    ## par(mar=c(1,2,1,4))
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    struc_xr <- c(0,100)
    struc_yr <- c(0,100)
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Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
    plot(1,1,type="n",xlab="",ylab="",xlim=struc_xr,ylim=struc_yr,xaxt="n",yaxt="n",asp=1,axes = FALSE)
    if (!emptyfield(smile))
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    col_eng <- c(0,100)
    peak_int <- c(0,100)
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Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
    plot(1,1,type="n",xlab="",ylab="",xlim=col_eng,ylim=peak_int,xaxt="n",yaxt="n",axes = FALSE)
    linfo <- legend("topleft",horiz=T,legend=tags,col=cols,fill=cols,bty="n",cex=1.5)
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Todor Kondic committed
    cols_kids <- cols[indkids]
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    lgnd_kids <- Map(function(k,v) paste(k,"= ",tryCatch(formatC(v,digits=rt_digits,format="f"),error=function(e) "NA"),sep=''),symbs_kids,rt_near_kids)
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Todor Kondic committed

    if (length(lgnd_kids)>0) legend(x=linfo$rect$left-14*linfo$rect$left,y=linfo$rect$top-1*linfo$rect$h,horiz=F,legend=lgnd_kids,fill=cols[indkids],bty="n",cex=1.5)
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Todor Kondic's avatar
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    title(main=paste("ID:",i,"Ion m:",formatC(mass,digits=m_digits,format="f")))
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    for (k in seq(length(w_max))) text(rt_max[[k]],i_max[[k]],labels=symbs[[k]],pos=4,offset=0.5*k)

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    mtext("intensity",side = 2,adj=0.2,cex=1.3,line=7)
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    ## Plot eic across the directory set.
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    for (n in 1:length(dfs)) {
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        df <- dfs[[n]]
        col <- cols[[n]]
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        lines(intensity ~ rt,data=df,col=col)
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    if (length(dfs_kids) >0) {
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Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
        for (k in 1:length(indkids)) {
            lines(intensity ~ rt,data=dfs_kids[[k]],type="h",col=cols_kids[[k]])
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    } else {
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Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
Todor Kondic's avatar
Todor Kondic committed
    mtext("retention time [min]",side = 1,adj=0.5,cex=1.3,line = 3)
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    if (length(dfs_kids)>0) for (k in seq(length(w_max_kids))) text(rt_near_kids[[k]],i_near_kids[[k]],labels=symbs_kids[[k]],pos=4,offset=0.5*k)    
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adornmzMLTab<-function(df,projDir=getwd()) {
    for (d in drop) warning("Dropping",d,"because no set specified for it.")

genSuprFileTbl <- function(fileTbl,IDSet,destFn="ftable.csv") {
    genOneFileTbl <- function(id,fileTbl) {
        n <- nrow(fileTbl)
        K <- length(id)
        longid <- rep(id,n)
        cols <- lapply(names(fileTbl),function(cn) rep("",n*K))
        names(cols) <- names(fileTbl)
        bdf <-,stringsAsFactors = F)
        rows <- lapply(1:n*K,function(x) NA)
        for (j in 1:n) {
            for (i in 1:K)
                rows[[(j-1)*K+i]] <- fileTbl[j,]
        bdf <-,rows),stringsAsFactors = F)
        bdf <- cbind(bdf,data.frame(ID=longid))
    sets <- levels(factor(IDSet$set))
    setTbl <- lapply(sets,function (s) {
        sl1<-IDSet$set %in% s
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        if (!any(sl2)) stop("Set",s,"does not select anything in the currently processed files.")

    allTbl <-,setTbl)