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feat(cleanup): access to element via store

Merged Miłosz Grocholewski requested to merge feat/MIN-84-access-to-element-via-store into development
77 files
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/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
import { MODELS_MOCK } from '@/redux/compartmentPathways/compartmentPathways.mock';
import { initialMapDataFixture, openedMapsThreeSubmapsFixture } from '@/redux/map/map.fixtures';
import { StoreType } from '@/redux/store';
import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ import {
} from '@/utils/testing/getReduxWrapperWithStore';
import { act, render, screen, within } from '@testing-library/react';
import { HISTAMINE_MAP_ID, MAIN_MAP_ID } from '@/constants/mocks';
import { Project } from '@/types/models';
import { MapModel, Project } from '@/types/models';
import { projectFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/projectFixture';
import { ProjectState } from '@/redux/project/project.types';
import { PROJECT_STATE_INITIAL_MOCK } from '@/redux/project/project.mock';
@@ -17,6 +16,43 @@ import { ModelsState } from '@/redux/models/models.types';
import { DEFAULT_ERROR } from '@/constants/errors';
import { MapNavigation } from './MapNavigation.component';
const MODELS_MOCK: MapModel[] = [
width: 26779.25,
height: 13503.0,
defaultCenterX: null,
defaultCenterY: null,
description: '',
name: 'Core PD map',
defaultZoomLevel: null,
tileSize: 256,
references: [],
authors: [],
creationDate: null,
modificationDates: [],
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 9,
id: 5054,
width: 26779.25,
height: 13503.0,
defaultCenterX: null,
defaultCenterY: null,
description: '',
name: 'Core PD map',
defaultZoomLevel: null,
tileSize: 256,
references: [],
authors: [],
creationDate: null,
modificationDates: [],
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 9,
export const MODELS_DATA: ModelsState = {
data: [