describe('Publications Modal - component', () => {
it('should render number of publications', () => {});
it('should render download csv button', () => {});
it('should trigger download on csv button click', () => {});
it('should render search input', () => {});
it('should be able to search publications by using search input', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Pubmed ID column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Title column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Authors column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Journal column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Year column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on Elements on map column header', () => {});
it('should be able to sort publications by clicking on SUBMAPS on map column header', () => {});
it('should render publications list', () => {});
it('should render pagination', () => {});
it('should be able to navigate to next page', () => {});
it('should be able to navigate to previous page', () => {});