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A complete REdo of dePLOYment of the R3 sites.

This is basically a small heap of haskell that produces a static HTML site out of a pile of markdown pages (with metadata in the YAML header blocks, similarly to what Jekyll does), complemented with a template and assets. The template language here is a slightly updated Mustache.

How to use this

  • install the haskell platform (e.g. with
  • cabal run reploy builds a really tiny demo site (run in project folder)
  • cabal install produces and installs an executable reploy into the cabal path (usually ~/.cabal/bin) -- you can use it as a program directly

Optionally, there is a docker built directly from this repository.

Containerized use

Locally, Docker has insurmountable issues with producing the files with the right permissions. Use podman instead, roughly like this:

podman run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/data -d /data

Configuration and options

Run cabal run reploy -- --help (or just reploy --help if you installed the executable) to get a complete listing of available options with the documentation.

Generally, you will mostly need to set only -s (marks which directories to source), -d (marks where to put the generated HTML) and -u (sets the URL base in case your website won't sit in the domain root).

Search support

Reploy can generate a plaintext JSON dump of the site that is usable with Javascript search engines, such as lunr.

The way to produce the search indexes for lunr is described in the documentation at the top of scripts/make-search-index.js. By default, this works with the minimal search implementation present in the default template (present in assets/, templates/ and pages/

Markdown pages

As the most important difference from many other site generators, there is no information implicitly leaking from the directory structure of the page sources into the structure of the site, and the minor cases where this happens are non-default or have to be explicitly defined.

All pages should be stored in some of the (possibly multiple) source directories specified by the -s option. Directory layout does not matter, all markdown files are sourced (unless exempted by another options). Generally, one markdown file produces one "main" resulting page at the "mount" location, and optionally several redirect pages and (additions to) category pages.

All markdown files have to contain a YAML header that describes where the page should go and adds a few other formatting options. The whole content of the YAML header (together with some other data) is also made accessible to the Mustache templates -- that way you can smuggle custom contents to the HTML rendering machinery.

YAML header format

Required options
  • mount (string): what should be the canonical URL of the page
  • name (string): the name of the page for display in templates and page links (technically, the name is not required UNLESS you refer to it from the templates, but the templates usually do that)
  • template (string): name of the template file used to render the page. Defaulted from command options.
  • search (boolean, default true): if not set, the page is omitted from the search index.
  • toc (boolean or int, default 3): if false, no ToC is generated for the page. Otherwise the integer sets the depth of the ToC.
  • order (integer or string, defaults to name and then mount): order of the page in page listings. Negative numbers and zero sort before strings, positive numbers sort after strings.
  • tags (array of strings): list of /-separated hierarchical tags ("categories") that are assigned to the page. The page will be listed in the category listings accordingly.
  • redirect (array of strings): list of mounts that should redirect to this page (useful e.g. for old URLs, etc).

Example page

mount: /about-something
name: About something
order: -1
toc: 2
template: special.html
  - stuff/special

# A page about something!

Lorem ipsum etc., as usual.

Example tag-metadata.yml

  name: "Root tag"
  extra_message_can_be_processed_by_template: "xxxx"
  name: "Testing"
  order: -1

name and order work just as with pages.

Template syntax

Reploy uses the "simple" vanilla Mustache enhanced by a single extra construction: {{?something}}xxx{{/something}} will render xxx only if something evaluates to "not falsey" (non-null, nonempty). This provides an easy but precise way to switch 2 branches of the code given the availability of some information in the base data, without any dependence on javascript implementation of negated truthiness -- the switch is perfectly complementary to {{^something}}xxx{{/something}} which only renders xxx if something js-evaluates to falsey (null, empty) value.

Other constructions:

  • {{#something}}...{{/something}} can be used to "enter" the scope of something or unpack an array
  • {{> template.html}} sources another template in the place
  • {{{something}}} renders something WITHOUT escaping the HTML special characters (thus allowing injection of HTML code directly)

Link processing

All links in the document (that is, markdown links [title](url) and <img> sources) are processed by function processLink in reploy.hs. The logic of the processing is as follows:

  • If the link has a reasonable URI scheme (it starts with http:, https:, ftp: or mailto:, it is considered "absolute" and taken as is.
  • If the link is an absolute path (starts with a /), it is considered to be a link to a known local page "mount", and it will be changed to precisely point to a page at that mount.
  • If none of the above applies, the link is considered relative. The path is used to find a file relatively from the dirname of the source markdown file. The file at that path is then stored in mount /files/xxx/yyyyyyyyyyyyy/<original-filename> (where xxx and yyyy... are formed by splitting the 16-character SHA256 hash of the file) and linked appropriately. This provides a way to store files without the dependency on the original directory structure, at the same time the hash acts as a cache buster, and (potentially) a content verification helper.