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Example Minerva plugin showing how plugins can interact with Minerva
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Example Minerva plugin showing how plugins can interact with Minerva (version 18 and higher)
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Example Minerva plugin showing how plugins can interact with Minerva (version <18.0.0)
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LCSB-BioCore / sensitive-hpc-data-a-la-carte
Apache License 2.0Software development guidelines for handling sensitive data in HPC (à la carte approach)
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Aurélien Ginolhac / quartoteachting_template
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Official LCSB theme for Jekyll static-pages generator. Pre-approved by Communications Department, can be used to easily generate web pages thanks to Gitlab CI and Gitlab Pages
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Thea Vanwuellen / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings
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Miroslav Kratochvil / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings
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Marina Popleteeva / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings