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Environmental Cheminformatics / ShinyTPs
Artistic License 2.0ShinyTPs: Curate transformation products from text mining results from HSDB & PubChem
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Code used for the analysis of the RNA-seq, ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq datasets produced in this study. Original fastq files deposited in https://ega-archive.org/, under the accession number EGAD00001009288.
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Elisa Gomezdelope / ML_PD_metab_transc
MIT LicenseThis repository contains the code for ML analyses performed in Chapter 4 of my PhD thesis "Interpretable Machine Learning on omics data for biomarker discovery in Parkinson's disease". The project consists on performing Parkinson's disease (PD) case-control classification from blood plasma metabolomics measurements at the baseline clinical visit from the LuxPARK cohort, and from whole blood transcriptomics data at baseline as well as dynamic features engineered from a short temporal series of 4 timepoints from the PPMI cohort. The study involves evaluation of different feature selection strategies, The goal was to build and test a collection of ML models and, most interestingly, identify molecular and higher-level functional representations associated with PD diagnosis.
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BDS / GeneDER / GeneDER_core
MIT LicenseThis repository contains the scripts that have been developed in the course of the GeneDER project (Biomedical Data Science group - Enrico Glaab Lab).
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This repository contains the code for statistical analyses performed in Chapter 3 of my thesis "Cross-sectional and longitudinal profiling of PD transcriptomics and metabolomics". The project consists on whole blood transcriptomics and blood plasma metabolomics cross-sectional and longitudinal profiling of Parkinson's disease patients and controls from the PPMI cohort and the LuxPARK cohort respectively, to identify differential molecular and higher-level functional features in PD.
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Environmental Cheminformatics / PD cheminformatics pipeline
Artistic License 2.0Updated -
Computational modelling and simulation / GeneRegulationAnalysis
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Gene regulation inference of COVID-19
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MIT LicenseUpdated -
Miroslav Kratochvil / minervaR
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyR code for an interface to MINERVA API and helper functions
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Environmental Cheminformatics / PubChem Docs
Artistic License 2.0A home for documentation, scripts etc related to PubChem efforts
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Elisa Gomezdelope / GRL_sample_similarity_PD
MIT LicenseGraph representation learning modelling pipeline exploiting sample-similarity networks derived from high-throughput omics profiles to learn PD-specific fingerprints from the spatial distribution of molecular abundance similarities in an end-to-end fashion. The scripts apply the graph representation learning modelling pipeline on sample-similarity networks of transcriptomics and metabolomics data from the PPMI and the LuxPARK cohort, respectively.
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DVB / Monzel_2020
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Marina Popleteeva / courses
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalRepository for all slides related to R3 courses.