Only simple, single-purpose code is allowed here. Max line count 500 lines. Think simple scripts, packages, ...
Code related to Talavera Andujar et al DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-6j2gm
An R package for generating chemical stripes from patent or literature data extracted from PubChem
A repository for the non-target analysis of Luxembourg surface water samples led by Dagny Aurich
Configuration of the teaching system.
Utilities that work with GNPS records.
A repository to track files needed for the Integrated Systems Biology (ISB401) Master's course.
Repository for NORMAN-SLE work organization at ECI, including list tracking, updates and documentation. Main representatives: Emma and Hiba.
PubChem PFAS
Educational platform for ISB401 course.
A project for interactions with PubChem
A home for documentation, scripts etc related to PubChem efforts
Treating compound mixes
Pre-screening mass spectrometry data.