@@ -11,29 +11,7 @@ We performed the planned computational analysis and drafter the first version of
@@ -11,29 +11,7 @@ We performed the planned computational analysis and drafter the first version of
## Directory structure
## Directory structure
We have following 4 directories in this project:
-**scripts** contains all the script including *pre-processing & QC*, *differential expression analysis*, *pathway enrichment analysis*, and *gene regulatory network analysis*
-**data** must contain input data; intermediate and output data files will be created in the directory by the scripts
-**figures** will contain all the figures generated for the manuscript by the scripts; the precomputed figures are available from https://webdav-r3lab.uni.lu/public/data/sbpj-x776/figures/
+ data
-**GRN** must contain the JAR files required for running GRN algorithm; there are also output files for different GRN analyses. You can download the .jar files and the generated output files from https://webdav-r3lab.uni.lu/public/data/sbpj-x776/GRN.zip
+ scripts
+ figures
### data
**data** contains all the input and output files and RData objects that are necessary for producing the results
### scripts
**scripts** contains all the script including *pre-processing & QC*, *differential expression analysis*, *pathway enrichment analysis*, and *gene regulatory network analysis*
### figures
**figures** contains all the figures generated for the manuscript
### GRN
**GRN** contains the JAR files required for running GRN algorithm as well as all the output files for different GRN analyses.