January 19th, 2017
Sylvain Arreckx & Laurent Heirendt
(Tuesday: verify that everybody has a working computer with git installed)
Verify that everyone has a GitHub and a Gitlab account
Thursday: interactive session ˜/work/training/cobratoolbox
- Git (on GitHub and GitLab)
Init (git-r3 / graphique)
clone, add, commit, (diff, log), push and status
branch, checkout (add commit push on a branch)
Demo that if pushed to a branch, we will have a conflict -> submit a PR to DEVELOP from own branch to avoid that
- Github
Explain interface
Fork, update the fork
PR, issues (on a dummy test repo)
Thursday: Home exercise (30 min)
Task 1a: Create a function with documentation
Task 1b: test
Task 2: Push to forked repo and create a PR
Bonus Task: Fork the cobratoolbox and update
Friday: 1h debriefing
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