Created by Aaron Quinlan Spring 2009.
Copyright 2009,2010,2011 Aaron Quinlan. All rights reserved.
Stable releases:
Released under GNU public license version 2 (GPL v2).
BEDTools is a collection of utilities for comparing, summarizing, and intersecting genomic features in BED, GTF/GFF, VCF and BAM formats.
See the extensive PDF manual included at:
This manual covers many common usage examples. There are also examples available at:
- Unpack the source downloaded tarball.
- cd into the expanded folder.
- Type "make clean" and hit enter.
- Type "make all" and hit enter.
- If you encountered no errors, then all of the BED Tools should now be in bin/ If not, try to troubleshoot then email me: aaronquinlan at gmail dot com
- Copy the files in bin/ to ~/bin or if you have the privileges, to /usr/local/bin.
- Use the tools.
List of available tools
Utility | Description |
intersectBed (BAM) | Returns overlaps between two BED/GFF/VCF files. |
pairToBed (BAM) | Returns overlaps between a paired-end BED file and a regular BED/VCF/GFF file. |
bamToBed (BAM) | Converts BAM alignments to BED6, BED12, or BEDPE format. |
bedToBam (BAM) | Converts BED/GFF/VCF features to BAM format. |
bed12ToBed6 | Converts "blocked" BED12 features to discrete BED6 features. |
bedToIgv | Creates IGV batch scripts for taking multiple snapshots from BED/GFF/VCF features. |
coverageBed (BAM) | Summarizes the depth and breadth of coverage of features in one BED versus features (e.g, "windows", exons, etc.) defined in another BED/GFF/VCF file. |
genomeCoverageBed (BAM) | Creates either a histogram, BEDGRAPH, or a "per base" report of genome coverage. |
unionBedGraphs | Combines multiple BedGraph files into a single file, allowing coverage/other comparisons between them. |
annotateBed | Annotates one BED/VCF/GFF file with overlaps from many others. |
groupBy | Summarizes data in a file/stream based on common columns. |
overlap | Returns the number of bases pairs of overlap b/w two features on the same line. |
*pairToPair * | Returns overlaps between two paired-end BED files. |
closestBed | Returns the closest feature to each entry in a BED/GFF/VCF file. |
subtractBed | Removes the portion of an interval that is overlapped by another feature. |
windowBed (BAM) | Returns overlaps between two BED/VCF/GFF files based on a user-defined window. |
mergeBed | Merges overlapping features into a single feature. |
complementBed | Returns all intervals _not_ spanned by the features in a BED/GFF/VCF file. |
fastaFromBed | Creates FASTA sequences based on intervals in a BED/GFF/VCF file. |
maskFastaFromBed | Masks a FASTA file based on BED coordinates. |
shuffleBed | Randomly permutes the locations of a BED file among a genome. |
slopBed | Adjusts each BED entry by a requested number of base pairs. |
sortBed | Sorts a BED file by chrom, then start position. Other ways as well. |
linksBed | Creates an HTML file of links to the UCSC or a custom browser. |