cerr<<"\t-s\t"<<"Force strandedness. That is, only merge features"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\tthat are the same strand."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- By default, merging is done without respect to strand."<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"\t-s\t"<<"Force strandedness. That is, only merge features"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\tthat are the same strand."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- By default, merging is done without respect to strand."<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"\t-S\t"<<"Force mergeing for a _specific_ strand. That is, only merge features"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\tthat from a specific strabd."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- For example, -S + will or -S -"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- By default, merging is done without respect to strand."<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"\t-d\t"<<"Maximum distance between features allowed for features"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\tto be merged."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- Def. 0. That is, overlapping & book-ended features are merged."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- (INTEGER)"<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"\t-d\t"<<"Maximum distance between features allowed for features"<<endl;cerr<<"\t\tto be merged."<<endl;cerr<<"\t\t- Def. 0. That is, overlapping & book-ended features are merged."<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- (INTEGER)"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t\t- Note: negative values enforce the number of b.p. required for overlap."<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"\t-header\t"<<"Print the header from the A file prior to results."<<endl<<endl;
cerr<<"Notes: "<<endl;
cerr<<"Notes: "<<endl;
cerr<<"\t(1) All output, regardless of input type (e.g., GFF or VCF)"<<endl;
cerr<<"\t will in BED format with zero-based starts"<<endl<<endl;