jayhesselberth authoredjayhesselberth authored
unionBedGraphs combines multiple BEDGRAPH files into a single file such that one can directly compare coverage (and other text-values such as genotypes) across multiple sample
Usage and option summary
- ::
- unionBedGraphs [OPTIONS] -i FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 ... FILEn
Option | Description |
-header | Print a header line, consisting of chrom, start, end followed by the names of each input BEDGRAPH file. |
-names | A list of names (one per file) to describe each file in -i. These names will be printed in the header line. |
-empty | Report empty regions (i.e., start/end intervals w/o values in all files). Requires the '-g FILE' parameter (see below). |
-g | The genome file to be used to calculate empty regions. |
-filler TEXT | Use TEXT when representing intervals having no value. Default is '0', but you can use 'N/A' or any other text. |
-examples | Show detailed usage examples. |
Default behavior
- ::
cat 1.bg chr1 1000 1500 10 chr1 2000 2100 20
cat 2.bg chr1 900 1600 60 chr1 1700 2050 50
cat 3.bg chr1 1980 2070 80 chr1 2090 2100 20
cat sizes.txt chr1 5000
unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg chr1 900 1000 0 60 0 chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0 chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0 chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0 chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80 chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80 chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80 chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0 chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20
Add a header line to the output
- ::
- unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg -header chrom start end 1 2 3 chr1 900 1000 0 60 0 chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0 chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0 chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0 chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80 chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80 chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80 chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0 chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20
Add a header line with custom file names to the output
- ::
- unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg -header -names WT-1 WT-2 KO-1 chrom start end WT-1 WT-2 KO-1 chr1 900 1000 0 60 0 chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0 chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0 chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0 chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80 chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80 chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80 chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0 chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20
Include regions that have zero coverage in all BEDGRAPH files.
- ::
- unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg -empty -g sizes.txt -header chrom start end WT-1 WT-2 KO-1 chrom start end 1 2 3 chr1 0 900 0 0 0 chr1 900 1000 0 60 0 chr1 1000 1500 10 60 0 chr1 1500 1600 0 60 0 chr1 1600 1700 0 0 0 chr1 1700 1980 0 50 0 chr1 1980 2000 0 50 80 chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80 chr1 2050 2070 20 0 80 chr1 2070 2090 20 0 0 chr1 2090 2100 20 0 20 chr1 2100 5000 0 0 0
Use a custom value for missing values.
- ::
- unionBedGraphs -i 1.bg 2.bg 3.bg -empty -g sizes.txt -header -filler N/A chrom start end WT-1 WT-2 KO-1 chrom start end 1 2 3 chr1 0 900 N/A N/A N/A chr1 900 1000 N/A 60 N/A chr1 1000 1500 10 60 N/A chr1 1500 1600 N/A 60 N/A chr1 1600 1700 N/A N/A N/A chr1 1700 1980 N/A 50 N/A chr1 1980 2000 N/A 50 80 chr1 2000 2050 20 50 80 chr1 2050 2070 20 N/A 80 chr1 2070 2090 20 N/A N/A chr1 2090 2100 20 N/A 20 chr1 2100 5000 N/A N/A N/A
Use BEDGRAPH files with non-numeric values.
- ::
cat 1.snp.bg chr1 0 1 A/G chr1 5 6 C/T
cat 2.snp.bg chr1 0 1 C/C chr1 7 8 T/T
cat 3.snp.bg chr1 0 1 A/G chr1 5 6 C/T
unionBedGraphs -i 1.snp.bg 2.snp.bg 3.snp.bg -filler -/- chr1 0 1 A/G C/C A/G chr1 5 6 C/T -/- C/T chr1 7 8 -/- T/T -/-