There are several tools that can be used for password management. Some provide limited (basic) features for, some require a fee. Below are some password management tools that can be used:
-[LastPass]( for most features). Paid access allows secure sharing of passwords e.g. for shared infrastructure. If you're in charge of the archival and management of research data for your group, please check with the LCSB IT Team whether they can provide you a LastPass subscription.
-[dashlane]( for limited features).
# Securely Sending Passwords To Others
When sending passwords to collaborators, it is not advised to use e-mail or instant messaging. The preferred way is to generate **password links**, and then send these links to collaborators. Password links can have varying expiry periods; a link may expire once visited, or it be valid for a certain duration. Below are a list of freely available tools that can be used to generate password links. We recommend the use of **Privatebin** hosted by Uni-LU HPC Platform.