# Tips when resetting University of Luxembourg Active Directory password on a Mac
To reset your password when using a Mac, go to <https://owa.uni.lu> and change your password there.
To reset your UL AD password when using a Mac:
**Before** rebooting your Mac, you should change your keychain password to avoid any issues down the raod.
1. Go to <https://owa.uni.lu> and change your password there.
You can use the following command to do that: `security set-keychain-password "/Users/YOURHOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"`
2.**Before** rebooting your Mac, you should change your keychain password to avoid any issues down the road. To do so, run the following command `security set-keychain-password "/Users/YOURHOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db"`
3. If you use FileVault, after the first reboot, first enter your old password, then the new one. Normally, FileVault will sync and update with your new password after you reboot.
If you use FileVault, after the first reboot, first enter your old password, then the new one.
Normally, FileVault will sync and update with your new password after you reboot.