Laurent Heirendt authoredLaurent Heirendt authored
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permalink: /external/vpn-cerbere-access/
VPN/CERBERE connection
In addition to the LCSB account, external collaborators are provided with VPN account so that they can access the servers that are hosted at the LCSB.
VPN Temporary Password Reset
To reset temporary VPN password please visit PasswordReset
Click on Change password
- Username - firstname.lastname
- Password - Temporary password provided by Sysadmins for VPN
- Click Next
- Enter the new password that you want to use.
Download VPN
Once you have reset your VPN Password, please download VPN client from VPN
- Username - firstname.lastname
- Password - Password you have set for VPN
Note- If firstname.lastname does not work, give a try with firstname.lastname@uni.lu
Then depending on your distribution of OS, it will suggest you a link to download.
Connect to Cerbere via VPN
Launch the VPN client and enter
- Username - firstname.lastname
- Password - VPN password that you have set.
Once you are connected to VPN, download RDP files from Cerbere
Enter same credentials as VPN
- Username - firstname.lastname
- Password - VPN password that you have set.
Under My Authorizations, select Sessions and download the file
Access to the VM
Run the command/script you have downloaded from Cerbere. For example like below -
ssh -t firstname.lastname@cerbere.uni.lu 'Interactive@als-epilepsy-vm-1:SSH:ALS-epilepsy-Group'
WARNING: Access to this system is restricted to duly authorized users only. Any attempt to access this system without authorization or fraudulently remaining within such system will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.
Any authorized user is hereby informed and acknowledges that his/her actions may be recorded, retained and audited.
user's password: VPN password
Account successfully checked out
Connecting to Interactive@als-epilepsy-vm-1:SSH...
Target login: firstname.lastname
firstname.lastname's password: LUMS Password
You are hereby informed and acknowledge that your actions may be recorded, retained and audited in accordance with your organization security policy.
Please contact your WALLIX Bastion administrator for further information.
Last login: Fri Dec 6 16:43:22 2019 from cerbere.uni.lu