## The 5 essential commands <br> **Yes**, you only need 5 commands! <br> `pull, status, add, commit, push` <br> or in other words (remember these!): ```bash $ git pull <remote> <branch> $ git status $ git add myFile.txt # example $ git commit -m "myMessage" # example $ git push <remote> <branch> ``` ## Pull the latest version of an existing branch Pull the latest revision on branch `add-2-numbers`: ```bash $ git pull origin add-2-numbers # Already up to date ``` <div class="fragment"> <br> Verify its `status` with: ```bash $ git status ``` ## Modify a file Modify and rename `addTwoNumbers.m` in the folder `src/firstCommit` as `addTwoNumbers_myName`: ```bash $ cd src/firstCommit $ git mv addTwoNumbers_myName.m addTwoNumbers_laurent.m # replace myName ``` <br> Open the file using the `Visual Studio Code` editor (or any other editor) and correct the line ```Matlab c = a - b; ``` ## Add your file to the stage First, check the repository status ```bash $ git status # uncommitted changes (displayed in red) ``` <div class="fragment"> <br> **ADVANCED**: see your changes in the terminal ```bash $ git diff ``` exit with `q` <div class="fragment"> <br> Now, add the file (bring it on stage) ```bash $ git add addTwoNumbers_laurent.m # replace myName $ git status # returns the same as before, generally in green (means staged) ``` ## Add a commit message ```bash $ git commit -m "Correcting formula for adding 2 numbers" $ git status ``` ## Push your file to your fork ```bash $ git push origin add-2-numbers ``` <div class="fragment"> <br> **ADVANCED**: see the log of all the commits (and your last one) in the terminal ```bash $ git log ``` exit by typing `q` ## Do it yourself **Exercice 1:** * Edit the test in `test/suite` <div class="fragment"> <br> <img src="img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px"> <div class="fragment"> **Exercice 2:** * Checkout a new branch named `multiply-2-numbers` * Rename and modify `src/secondCommit/multiplyTwoNumbers_myName.m` * Push the file `src/secondCommit/multiplyTwoNumbers_myName.m` * Don't forget to edit <font color="red">`_myName`</font>