# coding=utf-8
import logging
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.contrib import messages
from web.models import Worker, WorkerStudyRole
from web.models.constants import GLOBAL_STUDY_ID
from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
import functools

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    Dear developer reader, welcome to one of the most precious pieces of magic python can deliver.
    This cute class decorator provides the same functionality as standard decorator functions, but
    with the additional ability to keep a state along the decorated function calls.

    The decorator is used as follows:
    @PermissionDecorator('change_worker') #codename of the permission
    def worker_edit(request, worker_id):

    In this case, this decorator class has two static variables, codenames and n_decorators.
    The main question this decorator intends to answer is: 
        - Could I get all the codenames from all the decorators used along the code?
        To do so, we have a static variable, codenames, and when an instance of the decorator 
        is created, the permission codename used in the decorator is stored.

        - Then, in the code, we could do: PermissionDecorator.codenames to access the list of
        codenames used in the whole code.

        - We also have a static set of permissions, in which we can add the Permission object 
        obtained from the codename. This is also safe, since, if no Permission is found we can 
        raise an exception and avoid mid-runtime errors since this would be done during the 
        program initialization.

        - This solves the following problem: We wanted to have a list of the used codenames along 
        the code, so this used codenames would be visible, while the unused ones are kept hidden.

    This kind of decorators could also be used to register functions, having for example, a decorator
    called @RegisterFunction that does not receive any argument, and hence, the __init__ method
    would receive the decorated function instead of the decorator arguments. Or, if the decorator has
    arguments, using the __call__ method to keep a static list of functions within the class.

    This way you could gather all the decorated functions to use them later, accessing the static
    variables from the decorators.

    This is useful to avoid hardcoded lists of functions or decorator arguments.

    Two good references on the topic:
class PermissionDecorator:
    codenames = set()
    permission_ids = set()
    permissions = None
    n_decorators = 0

    def __init__(self, perm_codename):
        This method is called when the code is interpreted, this is, when a function is decorated
        because an instance of the decorator is created.
        PermissionDecorator.codenames.add(perm_codename) #register permission codename
        PermissionDecorator.n_decorators += 1 #count number of decorators

        query_result = Permission.objects.filter(codename=perm_codename)
        if len(query_result) < 0:
            logger.warn('Codename {} used in PermissionDecorator does not exist.'.format(perm_codename))
            raise ValueError

        if query_result[0].id not in PermissionDecorator.permission_ids: #avoid re-query if the permissions remain the same
            PermissionDecorator.permissions = Permission.objects.filter(id__in=PermissionDecorator.permission_ids).all()

        #variables to be used on decorator call
        self.perm_codename = perm_codename

    def __call__(self, func):
        This method is also called when the function is decorated
        def func_wrapper(request, **kwargs):
            This method is called when the decorated function is called
            if request.user.is_superuser:
                return func(request, **kwargs)
                worker = Worker.get_by_user(request.user)
                roles = WorkerStudyRole.objects.filter(worker=worker, study_id=GLOBAL_STUDY_ID)
                if roles.count() > 0:
                    permissions = roles[0].permissions.filter(codename=self.perm_codename)
                    if len(permissions) > 0:
                        return func(request, **kwargs)
                messages.error(request, 'You are not authorized to view this page. Request permissions to the system administrator.')
                #avoid loops if the HTTP_REFERER header is set to the visited URL
                http_referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'web.views.index')
                if http_referer == request.build_absolute_uri() or http_referer == request.path:
                    http_referer = 'web.views.index'
                return redirect(http_referer)
        return func_wrapper