import click import datetime import os from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree from shutil import copyfile @click.command() @click.option('--date','%Y-%m-%d'), help='Date of the presentation - format: YYYY-MM-DD') @click.option('--name', default='myPresentation', help='Short name of the presentation.') def main(date, name): """Copies the template folder""" # validate the date validateDate(date) # get the directory mainDir = date[:4] # get the root directory rootDir = os.getcwd() # create a root directory if not existing if not os.path.exists(mainDir): os.mkdir(mainDir) # generate the full name of the presentation fullName = date + "_" + name # generate the full path fullPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mainDir, fullName) slidesPath = os.path.join(fullPath, 'slides') # print out a summary click.echo(' > Date: {0}' . format(date)) click.echo(' > Name: {0}' . format(name)) click.echo(' > Directory: {0}' . format(fullPath)) click.echo(' > Root directory: {0}' . format(rootDir)) # create the directory if not os.path.exists(fullPath): os.mkdir(fullPath) # create an empty slides folder inside if not os.path.exists(slidesPath): os.mkdir(slidesPath) click.echo(' > Directory for slides {0} created.' . format(slidesPath)) else: click.echo(' > Directory for slides {0} already exists.' . format(slidesPath)) # change to the root directory of the presentation os.chdir(fullPath) # generate the symlink to the theme createSymlink('../../theme', 'theme') createSymlink('../../theme/package.json', 'package.json') # reset the theme os.chdir('../../theme') os.system('git checkout -- templates/_index.html') os.chdir(fullPath) click.echo(' > Theme reset.') # copy the contents of the template folder if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullPath, 'slides', '')): copy_tree(os.path.join(rootDir, 'template', 'slides'), slidesPath) click.echo(' > Template slides copied.') else: click.echo(' > Slide deck already exists.') # copy the Gruntfile if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullPath, '')): copyfile(os.path.join(rootDir, 'template', ''), os.path.join(fullPath, '')) click.echo(' > Gruntfile copied.') else: click.echo(' > Gruntfile already exists.') # launch the presentation deck if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(fullPath, 'node_modules')): click.echo(' > Installing dependencies ... ') os.system('yarn add -g grunt-cli generator-reveal') os.system('yarn') click.echo(' > All dependencies installed.') else: click.echo(' > All dependencies already installed.') # add analytics os.system('sed -i "/matomohead/r./../../.ci/analytics/head.html" theme/templates/_index.html') os.system('sed -i "/matomopolicy/r./../../.ci/analytics/policy.html" theme/templates/_index.html') os.system('sed -i "/matomobanner/r./../../.ci/analytics/gdpr-banner.html" theme/templates/_index.html') click.echo(' > Matomo added.') # launch the server os.system('grunt server') def createSymlink(src, dst): if not os.path.islink(dst): os.symlink(src, dst) click.echo(' > Symlink to {0} created.' . format(dst)) else: click.echo(' > Symlink to {0} already exists.' . format(dst)) def validateDate(input): """Validate a date string to fit the ISO format""" try: datetime.datetime.strptime(input, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: print('The date {} is invalid'.format(input)) raise if __name__ == '__main__': main()