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+# Code versioning
+<div style="position:absolute; width:40%">
+  * Current standard for code versioning
+  * Maintain versions of your code as it develops
+  * Local system, which does not require an online repository
+  * Repositories allow distributed development
+<img  align="middle" height="300px" src="slides/img/Git-logo.png">
+<div class="fragment" style="position:absolute; left:50%; width:40%"">
+* Recommended, supported repository
+* Allows tracking of issues
+* Ready for continous integration - code checked on commits to the repository.
+* [https://git-r3lab.uni.lu](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu)
+  **Use at LCSB** 
+   * All analyses code should be in a repository
+      * Minimally at submission of a manuscript
+      * Better daily
+      * Even better "analyses chunkwise"
+<aside class="notes">
+Policy! - code in central repository
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+# Data housekeeping
+## File names
+<div  style="display:flex; position:static; width:100%">
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="0" style="position:static; width:30%">
+### General pricinples  
+  * Machine readable
+  * Human readable
+  * Plays well with default ordering
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" style="position:absolute; left:33%; width:30%">
+### Separators  
+  * No spaces
+  * Underscore to separate
+  * Hyphen to combine
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" style="position:absolute; left:66%; width:30%">
+### Date format follows **ISO 8601**<br>
+  2018-12-03<br> 
+  2018-12-06_1700  
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" style="width:100%; position:static">
+<div style="position:absolute;width:55%">
+<b>Bad</b> names
+ PhD-project-Jan19 alldata_final.foo
+ Finacial detailes BIocore 19/11/12.xls
+ ATACseq1Londonmapped.bam
+ Hlad.jez.M-L-průtoky JíObj.z Ohře-od 10-2011.xlsx
+<div style="position:relative;width:55%; bottom:20%; left:50%">
+<b>Good</b> names
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" style="width:100%;">
+From Jenny Bryan by CC-BY  
+# Data housekeeping
+## File organization
+* Have folder organization conventions for your **group**
+  * Per Paper
+  * Per Study/Project 
+  * Per Collaborator
+* Keep <b>readme files</b> for data  
+  * Title
+  * Date of Creation/Receipt
+  * Instrument or software specific information
+  * People involved
+  * Relations between multiple files/folders 
+* Separate files you are actively working from the old ones  
+* Orient newcomers to the group's conventions
+# Data housekeeping
+<div style="position:absolute">
+## When working 
+  * Clarify and separate source and intermediate data
+  * Keep data copies to a **minimum**
+  * Cleanup post-analysis
+  * Cleanup copies created for presentations or for sharing
+  * Handover data to a new responsible when leaving
+<div style="position:relative;left:50%; width:40%">
+<img src="slides/img/cleaning-table.jpg" height="450px">
+# Data housekeeping
+## End of project
+  * data should be kept as a single copy on server-side storage 
+    * no copies on desktops and external devices
+  * non-proprietary formats
+  * minimal metadata:
+    * source
+    * context of generation
+    * data structure
+    * content
+  * sensitive data (e.g. whole genome) **must** be encrypted
+  <br/>
+  <br/>
+  * If not specified otherwise, data must be kept for **10 years** following project end for reproducibility purposes
+<aside class="notes">
+Note: sometimes it is hard to find/understand dataset 10 days old
+## In doubt on data archival?
+Contact R<sup>3</sup> for support on archival of datasets using tickets:
+  * https://service.uni.lu/sp
+  * Home > Catalog > LCSB > Biocore: Application services > Request for: Support
+# Data housekeeping - Summary
+## Server is your friend!
+  * Allows a consistent backup policy for your datasets
+  * Keeps number of copies to minimum
+  * Specification of clear access rights
+  * High accessibility
+  * Data are discoverable
+  * Server can't be stolen
+## General guidelines
+  * Use institutional media for storage of **all** data
+  * Research data (particularly sensitive data) should be in a single source location
+  * Enable encryption for data stored on movable media
+  * Clarify and separate source and intermediate data
+  * Disable write access to relevant source data (read-only)
+  * Backup research data!
+  * Download Anti-virus software
+  * Generate checksums 
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+# Data and metadata
+<div style="display:grid;grid-gap:100px;grid-template-columns: 40% 40%">
+<div >
+## Data
+  * "*information in digital form that can be transmitted or processed*"
+  <p align="right">-- Merriam-Webster dictionary</p>
+  * "*information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer*"
+  <p align="right">--Cambridge dictionary</p>
+## Metadata
+  * data describing other data
+  * information that is given to describe or help you use other information
+  * metadata are data
+    * can be processed and analyzed
+<div class="fragment">
+## Metadata examples:
+<div style="position:absolute">
+  <ul>
+    <li> LabBook </li>
+    <li> author/owner of the data</li>
+    <li> origin of the data 
+    <li> data type
+  </ul>
+<div style="position:absolute;left:25%">
+  <ul>
+    <li> description of content </li>
+    <li> modification date </li>
+    <li> description of modification </li>
+    <li> location </li>
+  </ul>
+<div style="position:relative;left:50%;top:0.7em">
+  <ul> 
+    <li> calibration readings</li>
+    <li> software/firmware version</li>
+    <li> data purpose</li>
+    <li> means of creation</li>
+  </ul>
+<div class="fragment">
+<center style="color:red">!Insufficient metadata make the data useless!</center>
+<aside class="notes">
+Sometimes metadata collection takes more time than data collection
+# LCSB research data
+three categories:
+  * **Primary data** 
+    * scientific data 
+      * measurements, images, observations, notes, surveys, ...
+      * models, software codes, libraries, ...
+    * metadata directly describing the data
+      * data dictionaries
+      * format, version, coverage descriptions, ...
+  * **Research record**
+    * description of the research process, including experiment 
+      * experiment set-up
+      * followed protocols
+      * ...
+  * **Project accompanying documentation** 
+      * ethical approvals, information on the consent)
+      * collaboration agreements
+      * intellectual property ownership
+      * other relevant documentation
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+# Typical flow of data
+<div style="display:grid;grid-gap:10px;grid-template-columns: 30% 20% 30%;
+  grid-auto-flow:column;grid-template-rows: repeat(4,auto);position:relative;left:8%">
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="1">
+  <div class="box-title red">Source data</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Experimental results
+  * Large data sets  
+  * Manually collected data  
+  * External
+  </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="2">
+  <div class="box-title yellow">Intermediate</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Derived data 
+  * Tidy data 
+  * Curated sets
+  </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="3">
+  <div class="box-title blue">Analyses</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Exploratory
+  * Model building
+  * Hypothesis testing
+  </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="4">
+  <div class="box-title green">Dissemination</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Manuscript, report, presentation, ...
+  </div>
+<img src="slides/img/data-flow_sources.png" height=60%>
+<img src="slides/img/data-flow_transformation.png" height=60%>
+<img src="slides/img/data-flow_chart.png" height=60%>
+<img src="slides/img/data-flow_paper.png" height=60%>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="5">
+<div class="box-title red">Preserve</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Version data sets 
+  * Backup
+  * Protect
+  </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="6">
+  <div class="box-title yellow">Reproduce</div>
+  <div class="content">
+  * Automate your builds 
+  * Use workflow tools (e.g. Snakemake)
+  </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="7">
+<div class="box-title blue">Trace</div>
+  <div class="content">
+ * Multiple iterations.
+ * Code versioning (Git)
+ </div>
+<div class="content-box fragment" data-fragment-index="8">
+<div class="box-title green">Track</div>
+  <div class="content">
+   * Through multiple versions
+   </div>
+<aside class="notes">
+flow of the data is downstream (mostly), but you are going back and forth
+applies to all data (financial report, lab safety assessment)
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+# FAIR (meta)data principles
+ * dates back to 2014
+ * well accepted by scientific community
+ * necessity in data driven science
+ * officially embraced by EU and G20
+ * required by funding agencies and journal publishers
+<img src="slides/img/fair-principles.png" height="400px">
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+# LCSB How-Tos
+  <iframe data-src="https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/" height="600px" width="1200px"></iframe>
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\ No newline at end of file
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+# IT101 - Working with computers
+<br>IT101 - Working with computers<br>
+## June 09th, 2020
+<div style="top: 6em; left: 0%; position: absolute;">
+    <img src="theme/img/lcsb_bg.png">
+<div style="top: 5em; left: 60%; position: absolute;">
+    <img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px">
+    <br><br><br><br>
+    <h3></h3>
+    <br><br><br>
+    <h4>
+        Vilem Ded<br>
+        Data Steward<br>
+        vilem.ded@uni.lu<br>
+        <i>Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine</i>
+    </h4>
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+# Data housekeeping
+## Available data storage
+<div class='fragment' style="position:absolute">
+<img src="slides/img/LCSB_storages_full.png" height="750px">
+<div class='fragment' style="position:absolute">
+<img src="slides/img/LCSB_storages_personal-crossed.png" height="750px">
+# Data ingestion/transfer
+## Receiving and sending data 
+<img height="450px" style="position:relative;left:10%" src="slides/img/banned_exchange_channels.png"><br>
+<div style="position:absolute; left:10%;width:30%">
+## E-mail is not for data transfer
+* Avoid transfer of any data by e-mail
+* E-mail is a poor repository
+* Data can be read on passage
+<div class="fragment" style="left:50%; width:30%; position:absolute">
+## Exchanging data
+* Share on Atlas server
+* OwnCloud share (LCSB - BioCore)
+* DropIt service (SIU)
+* AsperaWeb share for sensitive data
+# Data ingestion/transfer
+Data can be corrupted:
+  * (non-)malicious modification
+  * faulty file transfer
+  * disk corruption
+<div class="fragment">
+### Solution
+ * disable write access to the source data
+ * Generate checksums!
+<div style="position:absolute;left:40%">
+<img src="slides/img/checksum.png" width="500px">
+<div class="fragment" style="position:relative; left:0%">
+## When to generate checksums?
+* before data transfer
+  - new dataset from collaborator
+  - upload to remote repository
+* long term storage
+  - master version of dataset
+  - snapshot of data for publication
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+# Introduction
+<div  class="fragment" style="position:absolute">
+<img   height="450px" src="slides/img/wordcloud.png"><br>
+## Learning objectives
+  * How to manage your data
+  * How to look and analyze your data
+  * Solving issues with computers
+  * Reproduciblity in the research data life cycle
+<div  class="fragment" style="position:relative;left:50%; width:40%">
+<div >
+<img   height="405px" src="slides/img/rudi_balling.jpg"><br>
+Prof. Dr. Rudi Balling, director
+## Pertains to practically all people at LCSB
+   * Scientists
+   * PhD candidates
+   * Technicians
+   * Administrators
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+    {"filename": "index.md"},
+    {"filename": "introduction.md"},
+    {"filename": "data-introduction.md"},
+    {"filename": "data_flow.md"},
+    {"filename": "ingestion.md"},
+    {"filename": "storage_setup.md"},
+    {"filename": "data-housekeeping.md"},
+    {"filename": "howtos.md"},
+    {"filename": "reproducibility.md"},
+    {"filename": "code_versioning.md"},
+    {"filename": "visualization.md"},
+    {"filename": "problem_solving.md"},
+    {"filename": "fair-principles.md"},
+    {"filename": "r3_group.md"},
+    {"filename": "thanks.md"}
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+## Overview
+0. Introduction - learning objectives + targeted audience
+1. Data workflow
+1. Ingestion:
+    * receiving/sending/sharing data
+    * file naming
+    * checksums
+    * backup
+ 1. making data tidy 
+    * what is table 
+    * 
+ 1. Learning to code workflows and analyses - excel files, coding
+ 1. Code versioning and reproducibility
+ 1. Visualization
+  * see the data
+ 1. problem solving
+    * guide
+    * rubberducking
+    * google for help
+    * oracle
+  1. R3 team
+  1. Acknowledgment
+  1. data minimization
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Problem solving
+A guide for solving computing issues
+1. Express the problem 
+  * Write down what you want to achieve
+2. Search for help 
+  * Read **FAQs**, **help pages** and the **official documentation** well before turning to Google
+  * Use stack exchange, forums and related resources carefully
+3. Ask an expert 
+    * You have to submit the problem in writing
+    * Make the question interesting
+    * If you supply a trivial problem, it will stop answering
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+# Responsible and Reproducible Research (R<sup>3</sup>)
+## What is R<sup>3</sup>?
+A multi-facetted change management
+process built on 3 pillars:
+- R3 pathfinder
+- R3 school
+- R3 accelerator
+Common link module: R3 clinic
+<div style="top: -1em; left: 50%; position: absolute;">
+    <img src="slides/img/3pillars-full.png">
+<aside class="notes">
+Pathfinder - policies, data management changes<br>
+School - courses, howtos, trainnings<br>
+Accelerator - advanced teams and their boost/support, CI/CD setup<br>
+Clinic - hands-on, meetings in groups, code review + suggestions<br>
+## R<sup>3</sup> Training
+  * LCSB's Monthly Data Management and Data Protection training
+  * ELIXIR Luxembourg's trainings <br>
+   https://elixir-luxembourg.org/training
+  * R<sup>3</sup> school Git basics - every 4 months 
+  <aside class="notes">
+    Direct newcommers to this monthly training  
+  </aside>
+# Responsible and Reproducible Research (R<sup>3</sup>)
+<center><img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px"></center>
+Your R<sup>3</sup> contacts:
+<div style="display:block;text-align:center;position:relative">
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Christophe Trefois
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/christophe_trefois.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> coordination
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Venkata Satagopam
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/venkata_satagopam.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> Core
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Reinhard Schneider
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/reinhard_schneider.png">
+  * Head of Bioinformatics Core 
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Pinar Alper
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/pinar_alper.png">
+  * Data steward
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Yohan Yarosz</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/yohan_yarosz.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> Core
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Laurent Heirendt</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/laurent_heirendt.png">
+  * Git, CI
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Wei Gu</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/wei_gu.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> Core
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Sarah Peter</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/sarah_peter.png">
+  * HPC
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Vilem Ded</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/vilem_ded.png">
+  * Data steward
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Noua Toukourou</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/noua_toukourou.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> Core
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Alexey Kolodkin</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/alexey_kolodkin.png">
+  * Data steward
+<div class="profile-container">
+  * Maharshi Vyas</li>
+  * <img src="slides/img/R3_profile_pictures/maharshi_vyas.png">
+  * R<sup>3</sup> Core
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+# Reproducibility
+* ensures credibility
+* key requirement for follow-up and collaborative studies
+<div style="position:absolute">
+<img src="slides/img/reproducibility_nature.png" height="650px">
+<div class="fragment" style="position:relative;left:50%">
+## Why is our workflow not reproducible?
+ Lack of provenance:
+  * Input data downloaded from “some website”
+  * Copy & paste operations
+  * Manual text entry
+  * Analysis not coded
+  * Intermediate and final data not generated by deterministic processes
+# Reproducibility
+## Learning to code workflows and analyses
+<div style="display:inline-grid;grid-gap: 40px;grid-template-columns: auto auto;position:relative;left:12%">
+<div class="fragment">
+<div class="content-box">
+<div class="box-title red">Excel alone</div>
+<div class="content">
+  * Is great for looking at data.
+  * Data entry is fast.
+  * Analysis flow is hidden and not in focus.
+<div style="text-align:center">
+<img src="slides/img/excel_data-sheet.png" height="280px">
+<div class="fragment">
+<div class="content-box">
+<div class="box-title">Coding</div>
+<div class="content">
+  * Is great for controlling analysis
+  * Data is hidden.
+  * Flow is visible.
+<img src="slides/img/code-example.png"  height="280px">
+<div class="content-box fragment" style="left:15%;width:60%;position:relative">
+<div class="box-title green">Develop data science skills</div>
+<div class="content">
+  * Develop good data management and analysis habits.
+  * Start coding your analysis within Excel.
+  * Make yourself familiar with a statistics environment such as R, Python or Matlab
+  * No need to learn a high level programming language such as C++ or Java.
+# Table
+<div style="position:absolute">
+"Tabular format of data"
+### Header
+ * one line!
+ * **good** names of columns
+### Rows
+ * represent observations/entities
+### Columns
+  * represent property of the observations
+  * one data type
+<div style="left:50%; position:relative; top:-2em">
+<img src="slides/img/excel_data-sheet.png" width="600px">
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" style="position:absolute">
+<img src="slides/img/excel_analyses-sheet.jpeg" width="600px"><br>
+<div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4" style="position:relative">
+<img src="slides/img/red-cross.png" width="600px"><br>
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66aba999f56b75d617fc3bee905595d6b95ac7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2020/2020-09-08_IT101-DM/slides/storage_setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Storage set-up
+* Download Anti-virus software
+* Regualarly update your SW/OS
+* Encrypt movable media
+### Passwords
+* Strong passwords
+* Password manager
+* Safe password exchange channels
+* Expiration time on password share
+### Backup
+  * take care of your own backups!
+  * don't work on your backup copy!
+  * minimum is <b>3-2-1 backup rule</b>
+<div style="position:absolute;right:10%;top:10%">
+<img src="slides/img/undraw_secure_server_s9u8.png" height="750px">
+# Storage set-up
+## Backup - Central IT/LCSB
+<div style="position:relative">
+<img src="slides/img/LCSB_storages_backed-up.png" height="750px">
+<div style="position:absolute;left:65%;top:60%">
+Server administrators take care of:
+* server backups
+* LCSB OwnCloud backups
+* group/application server backups (not always)
+# Storage set-up
+## Backup - personal research data
+<div style="position:relative">
+<img src="slides/img/LCSB_storages_backup.png" height="750px">
+<div style="position:absolute;left:55%;top:70%">
+<font color="red">One version should reside on Atlas!</font>
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+# Thank you.<sup> </sup>
+<center><img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px"></center>
+Contact us if you need help:
+<a href="mailto:lcsb-r3@uni.lu">lcsb-r3@uni.lu</a>
+HowTo cards: https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/
+HPC: https://hpc.uni.lu/
+LCSB GitLab: https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/
+Service Portal: https://service.uni.lu/sp
diff --git a/2020/2020-09-08_IT101-DM/slides/visualization.md b/2020/2020-09-08_IT101-DM/slides/visualization.md
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+# Visualization
+**Plot your data!**
+  <img src="slides/img/DinoSequentialSmaller.gif" height="500px">
+  <blockquote>"never trust summary statistics alone; always visualize your data"</blockquote>
+  <figcaption>--Alberto Cairo</figcaption>
+# Visualization
+**Plot your data!**
+  <img src="slides/img/plot-data.png" height="800px">