## Copyright (C) 2020 by University of Luxembourg ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ##' @importFrom shiny validate react_v <- shiny::reactiveValues react_f <- shiny::reactive react_e <- shiny::eventReactive obsrv <- shiny::observe obsrv_e <- shiny::observeEvent vols <- shinyFiles::getVolumes vol_f <- vols() volumes <- function() c(wd=getwd(), shinyFiles::getVolumes()()) validate1 <- function(expr,msg) shiny::validate(need(expr,msg)) path2vol <- function(path) { ## This function returns shinyFiles compatible volumes. splits <- split_path(path) file.path(tail(splits,1),'') } prim_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(..., status="primary", solidHeader=T)} good_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(..., status="success", solidHeader=T)} err_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(..., status="danger", solidHeader=T)} inact_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(..., status="danger", solidHeader=T)} html<-function(...) {shiny::tags$div(shiny::HTML(...))} ## num_input<-function(...,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH) {shiny::tags$div(id="inline",shiny::textInput(...,width=width))} num_input <- function(inputId,label,...,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH) { shiny::tags$div(style="display:inline-block", shiny::tags$label(label, `for` = inputId), shiny::tags$input(id = inputId, type = "text",style=paste("width:",width,sep = ""),...)) } num_input_unit <- function(inputId,l1,l2,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH,...) { shiny::tags$div(style="display:inline-block", shiny::tags$label(l1, `for` = inputId), shiny::tags$input(id = inputId, type = "text",style=paste("width:",width,sep = ""),...), shiny::tags$label(paste(" ",l2,sep=""), `for` = inputId)) } txt_file_input <- function(inputId,input,fileB,label,volumes) { fnobj<-shinyFiles::parseFilePaths(roots = volumes, selection = input[[fileB]]) fn <- fnobj[['datapath']] if (isThingFile(fn)) { shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId, label = label, value = fn) } else { shiny::isolate(currFn <- input[[inputId]]) if (!isThingFile(currFn)) { shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId, label = label, value = "") } else { message('Why is this happening so much?') shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId, label = label, value = currFn) } } } rv_conf2conf <- function(rv) { x <- shiny::reactiveValuesToList(rv$conf) x$compounds<-shiny::reactiveValuesToList(rv$conf$compounds) x } conf2rv_conf <- function(conf,rv) { rv$conf <- shiny::reactiveValues(project=conf$project, data=conf$data, compounds=shiny::reactiveValues(known=conf$compounds$known, unknown=conf$compounds$unknown, setid=conf$compounds$setid)) rv }