From b8e3f9aa96c819c81b4717f8ca67e2ff255990ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Todor=20Kondi=C4=87?= <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 11:33:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] app: Restructuring Viewer

* app_results_explorer_cindex: New file.

* app_results_explorer_cindex_controls: New file.
 R/api.R                                       |  11 +-
 R/shiny-ui-base.R                             |  25 ++-
 inst/rmd/app.Rmd                              | 211 +-----------------
 inst/rmd/app_config_and_status.Rmd            |   3 +
 inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd      |  22 ++
 .../app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd  |  18 ++
 inst/www/custom.css                           |  16 ++
 7 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd
 create mode 100644 inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd

diff --git a/R/api.R b/R/api.R
index 46e2f71..9dfd886 100644
--- a/R/api.R
+++ b/R/api.R
@@ -697,12 +697,17 @@ prepare_app <- function(dir_before,
     dir_start <- tempfile("shinyscreen")
     dir.create(dir_start, recursive = T)
+    ## Get list of app document contents.
+    dir_rmd = system.file("rmd",package = "shinyscreen")
+    fnms_rmd = list.files(dir_rmd,pattern = r"(^app.*\.Rmd$)",full.names=T)
     ## Copy startup files to that location.
     dir.create(file.path(dir_start,'www'), showWarnings=F)
     saveRDS(object = init,file=file.path(dir_start,"init.rds"))
-    file.copy(system.file(file.path("rmd","app.Rmd"),package = "shinyscreen"),file.path(dir_start,"app_run.Rmd"))
-    file.copy(system.file(file.path("rmd","app_config_and_status.Rmd"),package = "shinyscreen"),file.path(dir_start,"app_config_and_status.Rmd"))
     file.copy(system.file(file.path("www","custom.css"),package = "shinyscreen"),file.path(dir_start,"www","custom.css"))
+    for (fn in fnms_rmd) file.copy(fn,file.path(dir_start,basename(fn)))
@@ -736,7 +741,7 @@ app <- function(projects=getwd(),
-    rmarkdown::run(file = "app_run.Rmd", shiny_args = shiny_args, render_args = render_args)
+    rmarkdown::run(file = "app.Rmd", shiny_args = shiny_args, render_args = render_args)
diff --git a/R/shiny-ui-base.R b/R/shiny-ui-base.R
index 8193bc7..3bbce3a 100644
--- a/R/shiny-ui-base.R
+++ b/R/shiny-ui-base.R
@@ -1213,13 +1213,36 @@ mk_shinyscreen_server <- function(projects,init) {
-                                                     pattern=patt))
+                                                     pattern=patt),
+                                  selected=character(0))
             } else {
         }, label = "mf-database-type")
+        observeEvent(input$mf_local_database,{
+            fn = input$mf_local_database
+            if (length(fn) && nchar(fn)>0L) {
+                e = init$envopts
+                dbdir = e$metfrag$db_dir
+                fn = file.path(dbdir,fn)
+                dtnms = data.table::fread(file=fn,nrows=1L)
+                nms = names(dtnms)
+                updateSelectInput(session=session,
+                                  inputId="mf_local_db_col_ident",
+                                  choices = c(character(0),nms),
+                                  selected = character(0))
+                updateSelectInput(session=session,
+                                  inputId="mf_local_db_col_scores",
+                                  choices = c(character(0),nms),
+                                  selected = character(0))
+            }
+        }, label = "mf-local-database")
diff --git a/inst/rmd/app.Rmd b/inst/rmd/app.Rmd
index bad1dcb..2cb33f0 100644
--- a/inst/rmd/app.Rmd
+++ b/inst/rmd/app.Rmd
@@ -394,212 +394,17 @@ actionButton(inputId = "presc_b",
 ## Results Explorer
-<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap;">
-<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: column; padding-right:1.0em">
-### Compound Index
-```{r, echo=F}
-            choices=c(NA_character_,
-                      "adduct","tag"),
-            multiple=T,
-            selected=c("adduct","tag"))
-<div style="display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap">
-```{r, echo=F}
-selectInput("sort1",label="Sort by ", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%",selected="quality")
-selectInput("sort2",label="then by ", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%",selected="mz")
-selectInput("sort3",label="then", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%")
-selectInput("sort4",label="and finally by", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%")
-</div> <!-- Arrange -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-</div> <!-- cindex -->
-</div> <!-- Compound Explorer Panel -->
-### Viewer
-<div class="plot-layout"> <!-- Plot Section -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-           hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
-                             delayType = "throttle",
-                             delay=100),
-           dblclick = "plot_rt_click",
-           brush = "plot_brush")
-```{r, echo=F}
-```{r, echo=F}
-           hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
-                             delayType = "throttle",
-                             delay=100),
-           dblclick = "plot_rt_click",
-           brush = "plot_brush")
-#### Tweak Plot Parameters
-```{r, echo=F}
-#### Retention Time Range
-<div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row;"> <!-- RT div -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-numericInput(inputId = "plot_rt_min",
-             label="Start",
-             value=NA_real_,
-             width="30%")
+<div class='flex-layers'> <!-- cindex -->
+<div>					  <!-- cindex-cindex -->
+```{r, child='app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd'}
-```{r, echo=F}
-numericInput(inputId = "plot_rt_max",
-             label="End",
-             value=NA_real_,
-             width="30%")
-</div> <!-- RT div -->
-#### Intensity Range (MS1)
-<div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row;"> <!-- Intensity div -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-numericInput(inputId = "plot_i_min",
-             label="Start",
-             value=NA_real_,
-             width="30%")
+</div>					  <!-- cindex-cindex -->
+<div>					  <!-- cindex-controls -->
+```{r, child='app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd'}
-```{r, echo=F}
-numericInput(inputId = "plot_i_max",
-             label="End",
-             value=NA_real_,
-             width="30%")
-</div> <!-- Intensity div -->
-#### Report
-<div style="display: flex-flow: row nowrap"> <!-- Control Bar -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-          label="Filename of the single entry plot",
-          value="default.pdf")
-             label="Save single entry plot")
-          label="Report Name",
-          value="report")
-             label="Create report")
-          label="Summary table name",
-          value="summary.csv")
-actionButton("summ_tab_b", "Save summary table")
-          label="Table of MS2 spectra",
-          value="ms2_spectra_table.csv")
-actionButton("ms2_spectra_tab_b", "Save MS2 spectra table")
-</div> <!-- Control Bar -->
-```{r, echo=F}
-           hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
-                             delayType = "throttle",
-                             delay=100),
-           dblclick = "plot_mz_click",
-           brush = brushOpts(id="plot_mz_brush"))
-</div> <!-- Plots -->
-### Measurement Properties
-<div class="measure-prop-sec">
-<div class="sel-spec"> <!-- sel-spec -->
-#### Select Spectrum
-```{r, echo=F}
-selectInput("sel_parent_trace",label="Select parent", choices=character(),size=10L,selectize=F)
-```{r, echo=F}
-selectInput("sel_spec",label="Select spectrum", choices=character(),size=10L,selectize=F)
-```{r, echo=F}
-actionButton("cmt_changes_b",label="Commit changes")
-</div> <!-- sel-spec -->
-<div class="measure-props"> <!-- measure-props -->
-#### Properties
-             label="Retention time (MS1)",
-             value=NA_real_)
-             label="Intensity (MS1)",
-             value=NA_real_)
-                   label="Quality Control",
-                   choices=QABOX_VALS)
-              label="MS2 Selected",
-              value=F)
-</div> <!-- measure-props -->
-<div class="spec-tab"> <!-- spec tab -->
-#### Mass Spectrum
-```{r, echo=F}
-</div> <!-- spec tab -->
+</div>					  <!-- cindex-controls -->
+</div>					  <!-- cindex -->
-</div> <!-- measure-prop-sec -->
 <!-- ENGINE -->
diff --git a/inst/rmd/app_config_and_status.Rmd b/inst/rmd/app_config_and_status.Rmd
index 29f5fb8..8e4229b 100644
--- a/inst/rmd/app_config_and_status.Rmd
+++ b/inst/rmd/app_config_and_status.Rmd
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ selectInput("mf_local_database",
             label="Select Identifiers",
+            multiple = T,
@@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ selectInput("mf_local_db_col_ident",
             label="Select Scoring Types",
             choices = METFRAG_INTRINSIC_SCORES,
+            multiple = T,
             selected = names(METFRAG_DEFAULT_SCORES))
@@ -236,6 +238,7 @@ DT::DTOutput("mf_local_ident")
 ```{r, echo = F}
 	label="Select local scoring terms",
+    multiple = T,
diff --git a/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd b/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a12d057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+### Compound Index
+```{r, echo=F}
+            choices=c(NA_character_,
+                      "adduct","tag"),
+            multiple=T,
+            selected=c("adduct","tag"))
+<div class="flex-cols"> <!-- select-grouping-labels -->
+```{r, echo=F}
+selectInput("sort1",label="Sort by ", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%",selected="quality")
+selectInput("sort2",label="then by ", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%",selected="mz")
+selectInput("sort3",label="then", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%")
+selectInput("sort4",label="and finally by", choices=shinyscreen:::ARRANGE_CHOICES,width="15%")
+</div> <!-- select-grouping-labels --
+```{r, echo=F}
diff --git a/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd b/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f180bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmd/app_results_explorer_cindex_controls.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<div class='flex-ctrl-row'>
+```{r, echo=F}
+          label="Report Name",
+          value="report")
+             label="Create report")
+          label="Summary table name",
+          value="summary.csv")
+actionButton("summ_tab_b", "Save summary table")
+          label="Table of MS2 spectra",
+          value="ms2_spectra_table.csv")
+actionButton("ms2_spectra_tab_b", "Save MS2 spectra table")
diff --git a/inst/www/custom.css b/inst/www/custom.css
index 86c38b5..1685ae5 100644
--- a/inst/www/custom.css
+++ b/inst/www/custom.css
@@ -62,8 +62,24 @@
 /* test comment */
+/* Splitting items on the screen in columns. */
 .flex-cols {
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row nowrap;
   column-gap: 1rem;
+/* A row of controls. */
+.flex-ctrl-row {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: row wrap;
+  column-gap: 0.5rem;
+/* Splitting items in horizontal layers. */
+.flex-layers {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;