index 9b8b892f56214a248981074500bbd8e45cd4ea6d..5ed7ee28da358cf2fd2a5ae4942c08ef25346307 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: shinyscreen
 Title: Pre-screening of Mass Spectrometry Data 
-Version: 0.9.0
+Version: 0.9.3
 Author: Todor Kondić
 Maintainer: Todor Kondić <todor.kondic@uni.lu>
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ Authors@R:
       person(given = "Hiba Mohammed",
              family = "Taha",
              role = c("ctb"),
-             email = "hiba.mohammed-taha@ext.uni.lu"),
+             email = "hiba.mohammed-taha@uni.lu"),
       person(given = "Jessy",
              family = "Krier",
              role = c("ctb"),
-             email = "jessy.krier@ext.uni.lu"),
+             email = "jessy.krier@uni.lu"),
       person(given = "Mira",
              family = "Narayanan",
              role = c("ctb"),
-             email = "mira.narayanan@ext.uni.lu"),
+             email = "mira.narayanan@uni.lu"),
       person(given = "Anjana",
              family = "Elapavalore",
              role = c("ctb"),
-             email = "anjana.elapavalore@ext.uni.lu"),
+             email = "anjana.elapavalore@uni.lu"),
       person(given = "Marc",
              family = "Warmoes",
 	     role = c("ctb"),
@@ -41,31 +41,34 @@ Description: Pre-screening of Mass Spectrometry Data.
 License: Apache License (>= 2.0)
 Encoding: UTF-8
 LazyData: true
-RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
+RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
 Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-    'resources.R'
+    'resources.R'
-    'run.R'
-    'shinyUI.R'
+    'api.R'
+    'shiny-ui-base.R'
-    parallel,
+    future,
+    data.table,
+    assertthat,
+    withr,
-    shinydashboard,
-    shinyFiles,
-    rhandsontable
+    rhandsontable,
+    DT,
+    tcltk
index 3dff728265df969457d46f13debab4cd01b06f51..bc5cd3df79d187b2252c0de32825ba072d1bb3e4 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
 # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/R/api.R b/R/api.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4878a9afd12a4c5c2b1dd1b46b72b06466dab098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/api.R
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2020 by University of Luxembourg
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+##' @export
+new_state <- function() {
+    m <- new_conf()
+    init_state(m)
+##' @export
+new_rv_state <- function() react_v(m=list2rev(new_state()))
+##' @export
+new_state_fn_conf <- function(fn_conf) {
+    m <- new_state()
+    m$conf <- read_conf(fn_conf)
+    init_state(m)
+##' @export
+run <- function(fn_conf="",m=NULL,phases=NULL,help=F) {
+    all_phases=list(setup=setup_phase,
+                    comptab=mk_comp_tab,
+                    extract=extr_data,
+                    prescreen=prescreen,
+                    sort=sort_spectra,
+                    subset=subset_summary,
+                    plot=create_plots,
+                    saveplot=save_plots)
+    if (help) {
+        message("(run): You can run some of the following, or all the phases:")
+        message(paste(paste0("(run): ",names(all_phases)),collapse = "\n"))
+        return(invisible(NULL))
+    }
+    the_phases <- if (is.null(phases)) all_phases else {
+                                                      x <- setdiff(phases,names(all_phases))
+                                                      if (length(x)>0) {
+                                                          message("(run): Error. Unknown phases:")
+                                                          message(paste(paste0("(run): ",x),collapse = "\n"))
+                                                          stop("Aborting.")
+                                                      }
+                                                      all_phases[phases]
+                                                  }
+    m <- if (nchar(fn_conf)!=0) new_state_fn_conf(fn_conf) else if (!is.null(m)) m else stop("(run): Either the YAML config file (fn_conf),\n or the starting state (m) must be provided\n as the argument to the run function.")
+    dir.create(m$conf$project,
+               showWarnings = F,
+               recursive = T)
+    m <- withr::with_dir(new=m$conf$project,code = Reduce(function (prev,f) f(prev),
+                                                          x = the_phases,
+                                                          init = m))
+    return(invisible(m))
+##' @export
+setup_phase <- function(m) {
+    m <- mk_tol_funcs(m)
+    m <- load_inputs(m)
+    m <- concurrency(m)
+    m
+##' @export
+run_in_dir <- function(m) {
+    m <- setup_phase(m)
+    m <- mk_comp_tab(m)
+    m <- extr_data(m)
+    m <- prescreen(m)
+    m <- sort_spectra(m)
+    m <- subset_summary(m)
+    m <- create_plots(m)
+    m <- save_plots(m)
+    invisible(m)
+##' @export
+load_compound_input <- function(m) {
+    coll <- list()
+    fields <- colnames(EMPTY_CMPD_LIST)
+    fns <- m$conf$compounds$lists
+    coltypes <- c(ID="character",
+                  SMILES="character",
+                  Formula="character",
+                  Name="character",
+                  RT="numeric",
+                  mz="numeric")
+    for (l in 1:length(fns)) {
+        fn <- fns[[l]]
+        ## Figure out column headers.
+        nms <- colnames(file2tab(fn,nrows=0))
+        ## Read the table. Knowing column headers prevents unnecessary
+        ## warnings.
+        dt <- file2tab(fn, colClasses=coltypes[nms])
+        verify_cmpd_l(dt=dt,fn=fn)
+                                        # nonexist <- setdiff(fnfields,fields)
+        coll[[l]] <- dt #if (length(nonexist)==0) dt else dt[,(nonexist) := NULL]
+        coll[[l]]$ORIG <- fn
+    }
+    cmpds <- if (length(fns)>0) rbindlist(l=c(list(EMPTY_CMPD_LIST), coll), use.names = T, fill = T) else EMPTY_CMPD_LIST
+    dups <- duplicated(cmpds$ID)
+    dups <- dups | duplicated(cmpds$ID,fromLast = T)
+    dupIDs <- cmpds$ID[dups]
+    dupfns <- cmpds$ORIG[dups]
+    msg <- ""
+    for (fn in unique(dupfns)) {
+        inds <- which(dupfns %in% fn)
+        fndupID <- paste(dupIDs[inds], collapse = ',')
+        msg <- paste(paste('Duplicate IDs', fndupID,'found in',fn),msg,sep = '\n')
+    }
+    ## TODO: Should we just kick out the duplicates, instead of
+    ## erroring?
+    assert(all(!dups), msg = msg)
+    cmpds[,("known"):=.(the_ifelse(!is.na(SMILES),"structure",the_ifelse(!is.na(Formula),"formula","mz")))]
+    m$input$tab$cmpds <- cmpds
+    m$input$tab$setid <- read_setid(m$conf$compounds$sets,
+                                    m$input$tab$cmpds)
+    m
+##' @export
+load_data_input <- function(m) {
+    m$input$tab$mzml <- file2tab(m$conf$data)
+    assert(all(unique(m$input$tab$mzml[,.N,by=c("adduct","tag")]$N)<=1),msg="Some rows in the data table contain multiple entries with same tag and adduct fields.")
+    m
+##' @export
+load_inputs <- function(m) {
+    m <- load_compound_input(m)
+    m <- load_data_input(m)
+    m
+##' @export
+mk_comp_tab <- function(m) {
+    setid <- m$input$tab$setid
+    setkey(setid,set)
+    mzml<- m$input$tab$mzml
+    setkey(mzml,set)
+    cmpds<-m$input$tab$cmpds
+    setkey(cmpds,ID)
+    ## mzml[,`:=`(wd=sapply(file,add_wd_to_mzml,m$conf$project))]
+    assert(nrow(cmpds)>0,msg="No compound lists have been provided.")
+    message("Begin generation of the comprehensive table.")
+    comp <- cmpds[setid,on="ID"][mzml,.(tag,adduct,ID,RT,set,Name,file,SMILES,Formula,mz,known),on="set",allow.cartesian=T]
+    tab2file(tab=comp,file=paste0("setidmerge",".csv"))
+    setkey(comp,known,set,ID)
+    ## Known structure.
+    ## comp[,`:=`(mz=mapply(calc_mz_from_smiles,SMILES,adduct,ID,USE.NAMES = F))]
+    comp[known=="structure",`:=`(mz=calc_mz_from_smiles(SMILES,adduct,ID))]
+    ## Known formula.
+    comp[known=="formula",`:=`(mz=calc_mz_from_formula(Formula,adduct,ID))]
+    setnames(comp,names(COMP_NAME_MAP),
+             function(o) COMP_NAME_MAP[[o]])
+    setcolorder(comp,COMP_NAME_FIRST)
+    fn_out <- get_fn_comp(m)
+    tab2file(tab=comp,file=fn_out)
+    message("Generation of comp table finished.")
+    setkeyv(comp,c("set","tag","mz"))
+    m$out$tab$comp <- comp
+    m
+verify_compounds <- function(conf) {
+    ## * Existence of input files
+    fns_cmpds <- conf$compounds$lists
+    fn_cmpd_sets <- conf$compounds$sets
+    ## ** Compound lists and sets
+    assert(isThingFile(fn_cmpd_sets),
+           msg=paste("Cannot find the compound sets file:",fn_cmpd_sets))
+    for (fn in fns_cmpds) {
+        assert(isThingFile(fn), msg=paste("Cannot find compound list:",fn))
+    }
+    ## * Data files
+    df_sets <- file2tab(fn_cmpd_sets)
+    all_sets<-unique(df_sets$set)
+    return(list(conf=conf,all_sets=all_sets))
+verify_data_df <- function(mzml,all_sets) {
+    no_file <- which(mzml[,!file.exists(file)])
+    no_adducts <- which(mzml[,!(adduct %in% names(ADDUCTMAP))])
+    no_sets <- which(mzml[,!(set %in% all_sets)])
+    assert(length(no_file)==0,msg = paste("Non-existent data files at rows:",paste(no_file,collapse = ',')))
+    assert(length(no_adducts)==0,msg = paste("Unrecognised adducts at rows:",paste(no_adducts,collapse = ',')))
+    assert(length(no_sets)==0,msg = paste("Unknown sets at rows:",paste(no_sets,collapse = ',')))
+verify_data <- function(conf,all_sets) {
+    ## * Existence of input files
+    fn_data <- conf$data
+    assert(isThingFile(fn_data),msg=paste("Data table does not exist:",fn_data))
+    mzml <- file2tab(fn_data)
+    verify_data_df(mzml=mzml,all_sets)
+    return(conf)
+#' @export
+concurrency <- function(m) {
+    ## Reads the concurrency entry in the config. It is optional, if
+    ## not given, then it is up to the user to define the plan of the
+    ## futures package. If present, it contains at least the `plan'
+    ## specification. It can also contain `workers` entry specifying
+    ## the number of workers. If that entry is absent, the default
+    ## number of workers is NO_WORKERS from the resources.R.
+    ## TODO: Needs a rework to be useful. But, this is not a problem,
+    ## because the user controls concurrency settings from the outside
+    ## using future::plan.
+    ## workers <- m$conf$concurrency$workers
+    ## plan <- m$conf$concurrency$plan
+    ## if (!is.null(plan) && plan!=user) {
+    ##     n <- if (!is.null(workers)) workers else NO_WORKERS
+    ##     if (!is.na(n)) future::plan(plan,workers=workers) else future::plan(plan)
+    ##     m$conf$concurrency$workers <- n
+    ## } else {
+    ##     m$conf$concurrency$workers <- NA
+    ##     m$conf$concurrency$plan <- "user"
+    ## }
+    ## message("plan: ",m$conf$concurrency$plan)
+    ## message("workers: ",m$conf$concurrency$workers)
+    ## So we can actually debug.
+    m$future <- if (!m$conf$debug)
+                    future::future
+                else {
+                    message("Debug: futures evaluate as identity")
+                    function(x,...) identity(x)
+                }
+    m
+#' @export
+mk_tol_funcs <- function(m) {
+    ## Depending on units given when the user specified the errors,
+    ## generate functions that calculate errors given the concrete
+    ## mass.
+    ## Mass errors can be either in ppm, or Da.
+    ## Time errors in min, or s.
+    ## The mass error calculation functions and the retention time
+    ## error in minutes are in m$extr$tol.
+    ## TODO make these things compatible with futures.
+    m$extr$tol$coarse <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]],
+                                      "ms1 coarse error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed."
+                                      )
+    m$extr$tol$fine <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]],
+                                    "ms1 fine error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.")
+    m$extr$tol$eic <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance$eic,
+                                   "eic error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.")
+    m$extr$tol$rt <- gen_rt_err(m$conf$tolerance$rt,
+                                "rt error: Only s(econds), or min(utes) allowed.")
+    m
+##' @export
+extr_data <- function(m) {
+    ## Reduce the comp table to only unique masses (this is because
+    ## different sets can have same masses).
+    m$out$tab$data <- m$out$tab$comp[,head(.SD,1),by=BASE_KEY]
+    m$out$tab$data[,set:=NULL] #This column is meaningless now.
+    file <- m$out$tab$data[,unique(file)]
+    allCEs <- do.call(c,args=lapply(file,function(fn) {
+        z <- MSnbase::readMSData(files=fn,msLevel = c(1,2),mode="onDisk")
+        unique(MSnbase::collisionEnergy(z),fromLast=T)
+    }))
+    allCEs <- unique(allCEs)
+    allCEs <- allCEs[!is.na(allCEs)]
+    cols <-paste('CE',allCEs,sep = '')
+    vals <- rep(NA,length(cols))
+    m$out$tab$data[,(cols) := .(rep(NA,.N))]
+    file <- m$out$tab$data[,unique(file)]
+    ftags <- m$out$tab$data[,.(tag=unique(tag)),by=file]
+    futuref <- m$future
+    tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(ftags),function(ii) {
+        fn <- ftags[ii,file]
+        the_tag <- ftags[ii,tag]
+        message("(extract): Commencing extraction for tag: ", the_tag, "; file: ",fn)
+        tab <- as.data.frame(data.table::copy(m$out$tab$data[tag==the_tag,.(file,tag,adduct,mz,rt,ID)]))
+        ## err_ms1_eic <- m$extr$tol$eic
+        ## err_coarse_fun <- m$extr$tol$coarse
+        ## err_fine_fun <- m$extr$tol$fine
+        ## err_rt <- m$extr$tol$rt
+        err_coarse <- m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]]
+        err_fine <- m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]]
+        err_ms1_eic <- m$conf$tolerance$eic 
+        err_rt <- m$conf$tolerance$rt
+        x <- futuref(extract(fn=fn,
+                             tag=the_tag,
+                             tab=tab,
+                             err_ms1_eic=err_ms1_eic,
+                             err_coarse = err_coarse,
+                             err_fine= err_fine,
+                             err_rt= err_rt),
+                     lazy = F)
+        x
+    })
+    msk <- sapply(tmp,future::resolved)
+    curr_done <- which(msk)
+    for (x in curr_done) {
+        message("Done extraction for ", unique(future::value(tmp[[x]])$ms1$tag))
+    }
+    while (!all(msk)) {
+        msk <- sapply(tmp,future::resolved)
+        newly_done <- which(msk)
+        for (x in setdiff(newly_done,curr_done)) {
+            message("Done extraction for ", unique(future::value(tmp[[x]])$file))
+        }
+        Sys.sleep(0.5)
+        curr_done <- newly_done
+    }
+    ztmp <- lapply(tmp,future::value)
+    m$extr$ms1 <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(ztmp,function(x) x$ms1))
+    m$extr$ms2 <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(ztmp,function(x) x$ms2))
+    data.table::setkeyv(m$extr$ms1,BASE_KEY)
+    data.table::setkeyv(m$extr$ms2,c(BASE_KEY,"CE"))
+    fn_ex <- get_fn_extr(m)
+    timetag <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
+    saveRDS(object = m, file = file.path(m$conf$project,
+                                         paste0(timetag,"_",FN_EXTR_STATE)))
+    m
+##' @export
+conf_trans <- function(conf) {
+    conf$prescreen <- conf_trans_pres(conf$prescreen)
+    conf
+##' @export
+prescreen <- function(m) {
+    ## Top-level auto prescreening function.
+    message("(prescreen): Start.")
+    confpres <- conf_trans_pres(m$conf$prescreen)
+    m$qa <- create_qa_table(m$extr,confpres)
+    m1 <- assess_ms1(m)
+    m <- assess_ms2(m1)
+    m$out$tab$summ <- gen_summ(m$out$tab$comp,m$qa$ms1,m$qa$ms2)
+    message("(prescreen): End.")
+    m
+##' Sets the key specified by DEF_KEY_SUMM and adds second indices,
+##' either from DEF_INDEX_SUMM, or user-specified in
+##' conf[["summary table"]]$order. The order entry is a list of
+##' strings with names of columns in summ, optionally prefixed with a
+##' minus(-) sign. Columns prefixed with the minus are going to be in
+##' ascending order.
+##' @title Sort the Summary Table 
+##' @param m 
+##' @return m
+##' @author Todor Kondić
+##' @export
+sort_spectra <- function(m) {
+    ## Sorts the summary table (summ) in order specified either in
+    ## `order spectra` sublist of m$conf, or if that is null, the
+    ## Now, add secondary indexing.
+    cols <- if (!is.null(m$conf[["summary table"]]$order)) m$conf[["summary table"]]$order else DEF_INDEX_SUMM
+    idx <- gsub("^\\s*-\\s*","",cols) #We need only column names for
+                                        #now, so remove minuses where
+                                        #needed.
+    assertthat::assert_that(all(idx %in% colnames(m$out$tab$summ)),msg = "Some column(s) in order key in conf file does not exist in the summary table.")
+    data.table::setindexv(m$out$tab$summ,idx)
+    ## Now we order based on either summary table order subkey, or
+    tmp <- quote(data.table::setorder())
+    tmp[[2]] <- quote(m$out$tab$summ)
+    for (n in 1:length(cols)) tmp[[2+n]] <- parse(text=cols[[n]])[[1]]
+    message("Ordering expression: \n",deparse(tmp))
+    eval(tmp) #Execute the setorder call
+    m
+##' Subsets the summary table by applying conditions set out in the
+##' filter subkey of summary table key of the config. Each member of
+##' filter is an expression that and all of them are chained together
+##' using AND logical operation and applied to the summary table.
+##' @title Subset the Summary Table
+##' @param m 
+##' @return m
+##' @author Todor Kondić
+##' @export
+subset_summary <- function(m) {
+    filt <- m$conf[["summary table"]]$filter
+    m$out$tab$flt_summ <- if (!is.null(filt)) {
+                              tmp <- lapply(filt, function (x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
+                              expr <- Reduce(function (x,y) {z<-call("&");z[[2]]<-x;z[[3]]<-y;z},x=tmp)
+                              message("Filtering with: ",deparse(bquote(m$out$tab$summ[.(expr)])))
+                              eval(bquote(m$out$tab$summ[.(expr)]))
+                          } else m$out$tab$summ
+    m
+##' @export
+gen_struct_plots <- function(m) {
+    ## Generate structure plots.
+    comp <- m$out$tab$comp
+    res <- if (NROW(comp)>0) {
+        structtab <- m$out$tab$comp[known=="structure",unique(.SD),.SDcols=c("ID","SMILES")]
+        message("Start generating structures.")
+        structtab[,img:=.({tmp <- lapply(SMILES,function (sm) smiles2img(sm,width = 500,height = 500, zoom = 4.5))
+            tmp})]
+        message("Done generating structures.")
+        structtab
+           } else {
+               dtable(ID=character(0),SMILES=character(0),img=list())
+           }
+    m$out$tab$structfig <- res
+    m
+#' @export
+create_plots <- function(m) {
+    ## Produce plots of EICs and spectra and group them acording to
+    ## conf$figures$grouping.
+    ## Select the data nedeed for plotting.
+    flt_summ <- m$out$tab$flt_summ
+    group_data <- m$conf$figures$grouping
+    plot_group <- if (!shiny::isTruthy(group_data$group)) FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping$group else group_data$group
+    plot_plot <- if (!shiny::isTruthy(group_data$plot)) FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping$plot else group_data$plot
+    plot_ms1_label <- if (!shiny::isTruthy(group_data$plot)) FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping$label else group_data$label
+    plot_ms2_label <- "CE"
+    plot_index <- c(plot_group,plot_plot)
+    ## All the possible curve labels.
+    all_ms1_labels <- flt_summ[,unique(.SD),.SDcols=plot_ms1_label][[plot_ms1_label]]
+    all_ms1_labels <- sort(all_ms1_labels[!is.na(all_ms1_labels)])
+    all_ms2_ce_labels <- flt_summ[,unique(CE)]
+    all_ms2_ce_labels <- sort(all_ms2_ce_labels[!is.na(all_ms2_ce_labels)])
+    ## Plot styling.
+    style_eic_ms1 <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms1_eic_int,
+                                all_ms1_labels=all_ms1_labels,
+                                legend_name_ms1=plot_ms1_label)
+    style_eic_ms2 <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms2_eic_int,
+                                all_ms1_labels = all_ms1_labels,
+                                all_ms2_labels = all_ms2_ce_labels,
+                                legend_name_ms1 = plot_ms1_label,
+                                legend_name_ms2 = "CE")
+    style_spec_ms2 <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms2_spec_int,
+                                 all_ms1_labels = all_ms1_labels,
+                                 all_ms2_labels = all_ms2_ce_labels,
+                                 legend_name_ms1 = plot_ms1_label,
+                                 legend_name_ms2 = "CE")
+    style_ms2_leg <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms2_spec_int,
+                                all_ms1_labels = all_ms1_labels,
+                                all_ms2_labels = all_ms2_ce_labels,
+                                legend_name_ms1 = plot_ms1_label,
+                                legend_name_ms2 = "CE",
+                                ms1_legend_info = F)
+    plot_key <- gen_key_plot_tab(m)
+    topdir <- FIG_TOPDIR 
+    dir.create(topdir,showWarnings = F)
+    my_theme <- function(...) plot_theme(legend.position = "left",
+                                         legend.direction = "vertical")
+    theme_full <- my_theme()
+    theme_noleg <- plot_theme(legend.position = "none")
+    clean_range<-function(def,rng) {
+        x1 <- rng[1]
+        x2 <- rng[2]
+        if (is.na(x1) || x1 == 0) x1 <- def[1]
+        if (is.na(x2) || x2 == 0) x2 <- def[2]
+        c(x1,x2)
+    }
+    ## If structures do not exist, generate them.
+    if (is.null(m$out$tab$structfig)) m <- gen_struct_plots(m)
+    plot_key[,mapply(function(gv,pv) {
+        key <- c(gv,pv)
+        names(key) <- plot_index
+        p_chr_ms1 <- plot_ms1_chr(m, plot_index =  key)
+        p_chr_ms2 <- plot_ms2_chr(m, plot_index =  key)
+        p_spec_ms2 <- plot_ms2_spec(m, plot_index = key)
+        p_struct <- plot_struct_nowrap(m, plot_index = key)
+        ## Produce the filename.
+        fn <- paste0(paste(..plot_group,gv,..plot_plot,pv,sep = "_"),".pdf")
+        fn <- gsub("\\[","",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("\\]","",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("\\+","p",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("-","m",fn)
+        fn <- if (!is.null(topdir)) file.path(topdir,fn) else fn
+        rt_int <- get_rt_interval(p_chr_ms1$data, p_chr_ms2$data, m$conf$figures)
+        my_coord <- ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = rt_int)
+        p_chr_ms1 <- p_chr_ms1 + my_coord + theme_full
+        p_chr_ms2 <- p_chr_ms2 + my_coord + theme_full
+        leg1 <- cowplot::get_legend(p_chr_ms1)
+        leg2 <- cowplot::get_legend(p_chr_ms2)
+        p_spec_ms2 <- p_spec_ms2 + theme_full
+        ## Plot labels.
+        labels <- c(paste0("EIC (MS1) ",..plot_group,": ",gv,", ",..plot_plot,": ",pv),
+                        NA,
+                        paste0("EIC (MS2) ",..plot_group,": ",gv,", ",..plot_plot,": ",pv),
+                        NA,
+                        paste0("MS2 Spectra ",..plot_group,": ",gv,", ",..plot_plot,": ",pv),
+                        NA)
+        big_fig <- cowplot::plot_grid(p_chr_ms1+theme_noleg,
+                                      p_struct,
+                                      p_chr_ms2+theme_noleg,
+                                      leg2,
+                                      p_spec_ms2+theme_noleg,
+                                      leg1,
+                                      align = "hv",
+                                      axis='l',
+                                      ncol = 2,
+                                      nrow = 3,
+                                      labels = labels,
+                                      rel_widths = c(2,1))
+        message("Plotting: ",paste(key,collapse = ", ")," to: ",fn)
+        ggplot2::ggsave(plot=big_fig,width = 21, height = 29.7, units = "cm", filename = fn)
+    },
+    get(..plot_group),
+    get(..plot_plot))]
+    m
+#' @export
+save_plots <- function(m) {
+    topdir <- FIG_TOPDIR 
+    dir.create(topdir,showWarnings = F)
+    my_theme <- function(...) plot_theme(legend.position = "left",
+                                         legend.direction = "vertical")
+    clean_range<-function(def,rng) {
+        x1 <- rng[1]
+        x2 <- rng[2]
+        if (is.na(x1) || x1 == 0) x1 <- def[1]
+        if (is.na(x2) || x2 == 0) x2 <- def[2]
+        c(x1,x2)
+    }
+    get_ms2_leg <- m$aux$get_ms2_leg
+    grouping <- m$conf$figures$grouping
+    plot_group <- grouping$group
+    plot_plot <- grouping$plot
+    plot_ms1_label <- grouping$label
+    plot_ms2_label <- "CE"
+    doplot <- function(eic_ms1,eic_ms2,spec_ms2,leg_ms2,struct,group,plot,t_group="",t_plot="",print_labs=T) {
+        ## Produce the filename.
+        fn <- paste0(paste(t_group,group,t_plot,plot,sep = "_"),".pdf")
+        fn <- gsub("\\[","",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("\\]","",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("\\+","p",fn)
+        fn <- gsub("-","m",fn)
+        fn <- if (!is.null(topdir)) file.path(topdir,fn) else fn
+        ## Create an empty figure.
+        xxdf <- eic_ms1$data[,.(rt=rt,intensity=intensity)]
+        empty_fig <- ggplot2::ggplot(xxdf,ggplot2::aes(x=rt,y=intensity)) +
+            ggplot2::geom_blank() +
+            ggplot2::theme_void()
+        leg1 <- cowplot::get_legend(eic_ms1)
+        leg2 <- empty_fig
+        if (NROW(eic_ms2$data) == 0)
+            eic_ms2 <- empty_fig else {
+                                     leg2 <- leg_ms2
+                                 }
+        if (NROW(spec_ms2$data) == 0) spec_ms2 <- empty_fig
+        if (is.na(struct)) struct <- empty_fig
+        ## Plot labels.
+        labels <- if (print_labs) {
+                      c(paste0("EIC (MS1) ",t_group,": ",group,", ",t_plot,": ",plot),
+                        NA,
+                        paste0("EIC (MS2) ",t_group,": ",group,", ",t_plot,": ",plot),
+                        NA,
+                        paste0("MS2 Spectra ",t_group,": ",group,", ",t_plot,": ",plot),
+                        NA)
+                  } else {
+                      rep(NA,6)
+                  }
+        ## Interval
+        rt_int <- get_rt_interval(eic_ms1$data, eic_ms2$data, m$conf$figures)
+        my_coord <- ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = rt_int)
+        big_fig <- cowplot::plot_grid(eic_ms1+my_coord+my_theme(),
+                                      struct,
+                                      eic_ms2+my_coord+my_theme(),
+                                      leg2,
+                                      spec_ms2 + my_theme(),
+                                      leg1,
+                                      align = "hv",
+                                      axis='l',
+                                      ncol = 2,
+                                      nrow = 3,
+                                      labels = labels,
+                                      rel_widths = c(2,1))
+        message("Saving plot: ",group,", ",plot," to ",fn)
+        ggplot2::ggsave(plot=big_fig,width = 21, height = 29.7, units = "cm", filename = fn)
+    }
+    m$out$tab$ms2_plot[m$out$tab$ms1_plot,
+                       Map(function (ms1eic,
+                                     ms2eic,
+                                     ms2spec,
+                                     leg,
+                                     struct,
+                                     grp,
+                                     plt)
+                           doplot(ms1eic,ms2eic,ms2spec,
+                                  leg,struct,grp,plt,
+                                  t_group=m$conf$figures$grouping$group,
+                                  t_plot=m$conf$figures$grouping$plot),
+                           i.fig_eic,
+                           x.fig_eic,
+                           x.fig_spec,
+                           x.fig_leg,
+                           i.fig_struct,
+                           .SD[[1]],
+                           .SD[[2]]),
+                       on=c(plot_group,plot_plot),
+                       .SDcols=c(plot_group,plot_plot)]
+    m
+#' @export
+report <- function(m) {
+    figtopdir <- FIG_TOPDIR #file.path(m$conf$project,FIG_TOPDIR)
+    pander::evalsOptions("graph.output","pdf")
+    author <- if (!is.null(m$conf$report$author)) m$conf$report$author else REPORT_AUTHOR
+    title <- if (!is.null(m$conf$report$title)) m$conf$report$title else REPORT_TITLE
+    doc <- pander::Pandoc$new(author,title)
+    doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return("Plots",level = 1))
+    sets <- m$out$tab$flt_summ[,unique(set)]
+    rep_theme <- ggplot2::labs(title = NULL)
+    for (s in sets) {
+        doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return(paste('Set', s), level = 2))
+        sdf <- m$out$tab$flt_summ[set==s,]
+        group <- sdf[,unique(adduct)]
+        for (g in group) {
+            asdf <- sdf[adduct==g,] 
+            ids <- asdf[,unique(ID)]
+            for (id in ids) {
+                message("Image ","set: ",s," group: ", g, " id: ",id)
+                doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return(paste('ID',id),level = 3))
+                tab <- asdf[ID==id,.(tag,ms1_int,ms1_rt,adduct,mz,file)]
+                ms2info <- m$out$tab$ms2_spec[adduct==g & ID==id,.(tag,ID,rt,ms2_max_int,file)]
+                tab2 <- tab[ms2info,on="file"][,.(tag,mz,adduct,"$RT_{ms1}$[min]"=ms1_rt,"$RT_{ms2}$[min]"=rt,"$I{ms1}$"=formatC(ms1_int, format="e",digits = 2), "$I(ms2)$"= formatC(ms2_max_int, format="e",digits = 2))]
+                data.table::setorderv(tab2,c("$I{ms1}$","$I(ms2)$"),c(-1,-1))
+                doc$add.paragraph("")
+                figpath <- fig_path(top=figtopdir,set=s,group=g,id=id,suff="all",ext="pdf")
+                doc$add(pander::pandoc.image.return(img=paste0("file:",figpath)))
+                doc$add.paragraph("")
+                message("Adding table.")
+                doc$add.paragraph(pander::pandoc.table.return(tab2))
+                message("Done adding table.")
+                ## doc$add(print(tab))
+                doc$add.paragraph("")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return("Appendix", level = 1))
+    doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return("Configuration",level = 2))
+    doc$add(m$conf)
+    doc$add(pander::pandoc.header.return("R Session Info",level = 2))
+    doc$add(sessionInfo())
+    m$out$report <- doc
+    m$out$report$export('report.pdf')
+    m
+#' @export
+app <- function() {
+    unlink(list.files(pattern = "app_run.*html$"))
+    unlink(list.files(pattern = "app_run.*Rmd$"))
+    file.copy(system.file(file.path("rmd","app.Rmd"),package = "shinyscreen"),"app_run.Rmd")
+    rmarkdown::run(file = "app_run.Rmd")
diff --git a/R/base.R b/R/base.R
index 9e3b28f7c2ab7fe6080e09d400f02169c5037c6f..abdebdd511ecaa0d09e1077f12f3ec07aee23671 100644
--- a/R/base.R
+++ b/R/base.R
@@ -12,16 +12,18 @@
 ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ## limitations under the License.
+##' @import data.table
+## Redirections
+the_ifelse <- data.table::fifelse
+dtable <- data.table::data.table
 tab2file<-function(tab,file,...) {
-    write.csv(x=tab,file=file,row.names=F,...)
+    data.table::fwrite(x=tab,file=file,...)
-file2tab<-function(file,stringsAsFactors=F,comment.char='',sep=',',...) {
-    read.csv(file=file,
-             header=T,
-             stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors,
-             comment.char=comment.char,
-             na.strings=c("","NA"),...)
+file2tab<-function(file,na.strings=c("","NA","\"\""),...) {
+    data.table::fread(file=file,na.strings = na.strings, ...)
 isThingFile<-function(fn) {
@@ -35,3 +37,19 @@ split_path <- function(path) {
   if (dirname(path) %in% c(".", path)) return(basename(path))
   return(c(basename(path), split_path(dirname(path))))
+print_table <- function (df) {
+    paste(apply(df,1,function (row) paste(row,collapse=',')),collapse = "\n")
+assert <- function(expr,msg) shiny::validate(shiny::need(expr,message=msg))
+gen_uniq_lab <- function(prev,pref='',suff='') {
+    l <- length(prev)
+    gen <- function() paste0(pref,as.integer(runif(1,min=l,max=2L*l+1L)),suff)
+    cand <- gen()
+    while (cand %in% prev) cand <- gen()
+    c(prev,cand)
diff --git a/R/extraction.R b/R/extraction.R
index e3ba5207691988d8aec309fb41593525bc6a7ee0..a1624e3ec8cc17e1feac99f2ceeef0c3d5bd2fb5 100644
--- a/R/extraction.R
+++ b/R/extraction.R
@@ -19,6 +19,30 @@ load_raw_data<-function(fn,mode="inMemory") {
+centroided1 <- function(ms) {
+    if (all(MSnbase::centroided(ms)) == T)
+        return(T) else {
+                      state <- MSnbase::isCentroided(ms)
+                      N <- length(state)
+                      fls <-length(which(state == F))
+                      if (fls/(1.*N) < 0.01) T else F
+                  }
+centroided <- function(msvec) {
+    if (is.vector(msvec)) {
+        f <- list()
+        for (i in 1:length(msvec)) {
+            f[[i]] <- future::future(centroided1(msvec[[i]]))
+        }
+        lapply(f, FUN = future::value)
+    } else {
+        centroided1(msvec)
+    }
 acq_mz<-function(tabFn) {
@@ -33,17 +57,15 @@ id2name<-function(id) {paste("ID:",id,sep='')}
 ppm2dev<-function(m,ppm) 1e-6*ppm*m
 gen_mz_range<-function(mz,err) {
-    mat<-matrix(data=numeric(1),nrow=length(mz),ncol=2,dimnames=list(as.character(names(mz))))
+    mat<-matrix(data=numeric(1),nrow=length(mz),ncol=2)
     mat[,1]<-mz - err
     mat[,2]<-mz + err
 gen_rt_range<-function(rt,err) {
-    mat<-matrix(data=numeric(1),nrow=length(rt),ncol=2,dimnames=list(as.character(names(rt))))
+    mat<-matrix(data=numeric(1),nrow=length(rt),ncol=2)
     mat[rV,1]<-(rt[rV] - err)*60
@@ -53,10 +75,7 @@ gen_rt_range<-function(rt,err) {
-filt_ms2_by_prcs <- function(ms2,mz,errCoarse) {
-    mzRng<-gen_mz_range(mz,err=errCoarse)
-    ids<-rownames(mzRng)
+filt_ms2_by_prcs <- function(ms2,mzrng,ids,adduct) {
@@ -64,37 +83,41 @@ filt_ms2_by_prcs <- function(ms2,mz,errCoarse) {
     inRange<-function(i) {
-        x<-mzRng[,1]<mp & mp<mzRng[,2]
-        mRows<-which(x)
-        sids<-ids[mRows]
-        sids
+        x<-mzrng[,1]<mp & mp<mzrng[,2]
+        ind<-which(x)
+        sids <- ids[ind]
+        add <- adduct[ind]
+        dtable(ID=sids,adduct=add)
-    lst<-lapply(1:nR,function(i) list(n=i,prec_scan=psn[[i]],aN=acN[[i]],ids=inRange(i)))
+    lst<-lapply(1:nR,function(i) {
+        dt <- inRange(i)
+        list(n=i,prec_scan=psn[[i]],aN=acN[[i]],ids=dt$ID,adduct=dt$adduct)
+    })
     nemp<-sapply(lst,function(m) length(m$ids)>0)
     dfL<-sum(sapply(wrk,function(w) length(w$ids)))
-    df<-data.frame(ID=character(dfL),
-                   prec_scan=integer(dfL),
-                   aN=integer(dfL),
-                   OK=logical(dfL),
-                   stringsAsFactors=F)
+    df<-dtable(ID=character(dfL),
+               adduct=character(dfL),
+               prec_scan=integer(dfL),
+               aN=integer(dfL),
+               OK=logical(dfL))
     df$OK<-T #TODO Introduced for testing, be careful.
     for (m in wrk) {
-        df[rng,"ID"]<-m$ids
-        df[rng,"prec_scan"]=m$prec_scan
-        df[rng,"aN"]<-m$aN
+        df[rng,"ID"] <- m$ids
+        df[rng,"prec_scan"] <- m$prec_scan
+        df[rng,"aN"] <- m$aN
+        df[rng,"adduct"] <- m$adduct
-filt_ms2_by_prcs_ht<-function(ms2,mz,errCoarse) {
-    lgnd<-filt_ms2_by_prcs(ms2,mz,errCoarse)
+filt_ms2_by_prcs_ht<-function(ms2,mzrng,ids,adduct) {
+    lgnd<-filt_ms2_by_prcs(ms2,mzrng=mzrng,ids=ids,adduct=adduct)
     ns<-which(MSnbase::acquisitionNum(ms2) %in% scans)
@@ -105,29 +128,37 @@ filt_ms2_by_prcs_ht<-function(ms2,mz,errCoarse) {
 pick_unique_precScans<-function(idx) {
-    ids<-idx$ID[mind]
-    data.frame(prec_scan=idx$prec_scan[mind],ID=ids,stringsAsFactors=F)
+    data.frame(prec_scan=idx$prec_scan[mind],
+               ID=idx$ID[mind],
+               adduct=idx$adduct[mind],
+               stringsAsFactors=F)
 pick_uniq_pscan<-function(leg) {
-    ids<-unique(leg$ID)
-    x<-lapply(ids,function(id) {ups<-unique(leg[id==leg$ID,"prec_scan"]);data.frame(ID=rep(id,length(ups)),prec_scan=ups,stringsAsFactors = F)})
-    res<-do.call(rbind,c(x,list(stringsAsFactors=F)))
-    res[order(res$prec_scan),]
+    res <- leg[,.(prec_scan=unique(prec_scan)),by=c("ID","adduct")]
+    res[order(prec_scan),]
+    ## ids<-unique(leg$ID)
+    ## x<-lapply(ids,function(id) {ups<-unique(leg[id==leg$ID,"prec_scan"]);data.frame(ID=rep(id,length(ups)),prec_scan=ups,stringsAsFactors = F)})
+    ## res<-do.call(rbind,c(x,list(stringsAsFactors=F)))
+    ## res[order(res$prec_scan),]
-verif_prec_fine_ht<-function(preLeg,ms1,mz,errFinePPM) {
-    mzRng<-gen_mz_range(mz,err=ppm2dev(mz,errFinePPM))
+verif_prec_fine_ht<-function(preLeg,ms1,mz,mzrng,ids,adduct) {
+    ## TODO FIXME TESTPHASE Something goes wrong here, all mapply results are
+    ## not OK. More testing needed.
-    df$mz<-mz[df$ID]
-    mz1<-mzRng[df$ID,1]
-    mz2<-mzRng[df$ID,2]
-    ipns<-match(df$prec_scan,MSnbase::acquisitionNum(ms1))
-    rms1<-ms1[ipns]
-    mzsp<-MSnbase::mz(rms1)
-    df$OK<-mapply(function(m1,sp,m2) any((m1<sp) & (sp<m2)),mz1,mzsp,mz2)
-    df[df$OK,]     
+    xx <- dtable(adduct=adduct,ID=ids,mz=mz,mz1=mzrng[,1],mz2=mzrng[,2])
+    df <- preLeg[xx,on=c("ID","adduct")]
+    df$ipns<-match(df$prec_scan,MSnbase::acquisitionNum(ms1))
+    df[, ("mzsp") := .(lapply(ipns,function (ip) if (!is.na(ip)) MSnbase::mz(ms1[[ip]]) else NA_real_))]
+    df$OK<-mapply(function(m1,sp,m2) any((m1<sp) & (sp<m2)),df$mz1,df$mzsp,df$mz2)
+    res<-df[df$OK,]
+    res$ipns<-NULL
+    res$mz1<-NULL
+    res$mz2<-NULL
+    res$mzsp<-NULL
+    res
 filt_ms2<-function(ms1,ms2,mz,errCoarse,errFinePPM) {
@@ -150,6 +181,60 @@ filt_ms2<-function(ms1,ms2,mz,errCoarse,errFinePPM) {
+filt_ms2_fine <- function(ms1,ms2,mz,ids,adduct,err_coarse_fun,err_fine_fun) {
+    ## This function is supposed to extract only those MS2 spectra for
+    ## which it is proven that the precursor exists within the fine
+    ## error range.
+    mzrng_c <- gen_mz_range(mz,err_coarse_fun(mz))
+    mzrng_f <- gen_mz_range(mz,err_fine_fun(mz))
+    tmp<-filt_ms2_by_prcs_ht(ms2,mzrng=mzrng_c,ids=ids,adduct=adduct)
+    legMS2<-tmp$leg
+    legPcs<-pick_uniq_pscan(legMS2)
+    legPcs<-verif_prec_fine_ht(legPcs,ms1=ms1,mz=mz,mzrng=mzrng_f,ids=ids,adduct=adduct)
+    ## x<-Map(function (id,psn,a) {legMS2[id==legMS2$ID & a==legMS2$adduct & psn==legMS2$prec_scan,]},legPcs[,"ID"],legPcs[,"prec_scan"],legPcs[,"adduct"])
+    ## x <- data.table::rbindlist(x)[,.(ID,adduct,aN)]
+    x <- legMS2[legPcs[,.(ID,adduct,prec_scan)],on=c("ID","adduct","prec_scan")]
+    ## x<-do.call(rbind,c(x,list(make.row.names=F,stringsAsFactors=F)))[c("ID","aN")]
+    ## rownames(x)<-NULL
+    x<-x[order(x$aN),]
+    x
+extr_ms2<-function(ms1,ms2,ids,mz,adduct,err_coarse_fun, err_fine_fun) {
+    ## Extraction of MS2 EICs and spectra.
+    x <- filt_ms2_fine(ms1=ms1,
+                       ms2=ms2,
+                       mz=mz,
+                       ids=ids,
+                       adduct=adduct,
+                       err_coarse_fun=err_coarse_fun,
+                       err_fine_fun=err_fine_fun)
+    ## This was here before and obviously wrong when multiple adducts
+    ## correspond to the same ID:
+    ## 
+    ## uids <- unique(x$ID)
+    ## uadds <- unique(x$adduct)
+    idadd <- x[,unique(.SD),.SDcols=c("ID","adduct")]
+    acN<-MSnbase::acquisitionNum(ms2)
+    chunks <- Map(function(id,ad) {
+        ans <- x[id==x$ID & ad==x$adduct,]$aN
+        sp<-ms2[which(acN %in% ans)]
+        message("id:",id,"ad:",ad)
+        res <- gen_ms2_spec_blk(sp)
+        res$ID <- id
+        res$adduct <- ad
+        res
+    },
+    idadd$ID,idadd$adduct)
+    data.table::rbindlist(chunks,fill = T)
 add_ms2_prcs_scans<-function(ms2,idx) {
@@ -167,11 +252,6 @@ add_ms2_prcs_scans<-function(ms2,idx) {
 refn_ms2_by_prec<-function(idxMS2,preFine) {
@@ -214,7 +294,7 @@ grab_ms2_spec<-function(idx,raw) {
 gen_ms2_chrom<-function(ms2Spec) {
     lapply(ms2Spec, function(sp)
@@ -241,19 +321,18 @@ gen_ms2_chrom<-function(ms2Spec) {
-gen_ms1_chrom<-function(raw,mz,errEIC,rt=NULL,errRT=NULL) {
-    mzRng<-gen_mz_range(mz,err=errEIC)
-    rtRng<-gen_rt_range(rt,err=errRT)
-    ids<-dimnames(mzRng)[[1]]
+gen_ms1_chrom <- function(raw,mz,errEIC,id,rt=NULL,errRT=NULL) {
+    mzRng<-gen_mz_range(mz,err = errEIC)
+    rtRng<-gen_rt_range(rt,err = errRT)
     res<-lapply(x,function (xx) {
-        df<-data.frame(rt=rt,intensity=ints,stringsAsFactors=F)
+        df<-dtable(rt=rt,intensity=ints)
-    names(res)<-ids
+    names(res)<-id
@@ -267,20 +346,6 @@ gen_ms1_chrom_ht<-function(raw,mz,errEIC,rt=NULL,errRT=NULL) {
-tab2file<-function(tab,file,...) {
-    write.csv(x=tab,file=file,row.names=F,...)
-file2tab<-function(file,stringsAsFactors=F,comment.char='',...) {
-    read.csv(file=file,
-             header=T,
-             stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors,
-             comment.char=comment.char,
-             na.strings=c("","NA"),...)
 get_ext_width <- function(maxid) {as.integer(log10(maxid)+1)}
 id_fn_ext<-function(width,id) {
@@ -351,7 +416,7 @@ extr_msnb <-function(file,wd,mz,errEIC, errFinePPM,errCoarse=0.5,rt=NULL,errRT=N
     message("Extracting MS2 spectra.")
     message("Resampling MS2 spectra.")
-    # idxMS2<-add_ms2_prcs_scans(ms2,idxMS2)
+                                        # idxMS2<-add_ms2_prcs_scans(ms2,idxMS2)
     vprsc<-verif_prec_fine(preSc=prsc,ms1=ms1,mz=mz,errFinePPM = errFinePPM)
@@ -411,39 +476,114 @@ extr_msnb_ht <-function(file,wd,mz,errEIC, errFinePPM,errCoarse,fnSpec,rt=NULL,e
-##' Extracts data from mzML files.
-##' @title Data Extraction from mzML Files
-##' @param fTab File table with Files,ID,wd,Name,mz and RT
-##'     columns. Column Files, as well as wd must have all rows
-##'     identical.
-##' @param extr_fun Extraction function from the backend.
-##' @param errEIC Absolute mz tolerance used to extract precursor EICs.
-##' @param errFinePPM Tolerance given in PPM used to associate input
-##'     masses with what the instrument assigned as precursors to MS2.
-##' @param errCoarse Absolute tolerance for preliminary association of
-##'     precursors (from precursorMZ), to MS2 spectra.
-##' @param errRT The half-width of the retention time window.
-##' @param fnSpec Output file specification.
-##' @return Nothing useful.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-extract<-function(fTab,extr_fun,errEIC,errFinePPM,errCoarse,fnSpec,errRT) {
-    fnData<-fTab$Files[[1]]
-    wd<-fTab$wd[[1]]
-    ID<-fTab$ID
-    mz<-fTab$mz
-    rt<-fTab$rt
-    names(mz)<-id2name(ID)
-    if (!is.null(rt)) names(rt)<-ID
-    dir.create(wd,showWarnings=F)
-    extr_fun(file=fnData,
-             wd=wd,
-             mz=mz,
-             rt=rt,
-             errRT=errRT,
-             errEIC=errEIC,
-             errFinePPM=errFinePPM,
-             errCoarse=errCoarse,
-             fnSpec=fnSpec)
+extr_eic_ms1 <- function(tab,err) {
+    ## Asynchronous extraction of ms1 spectra. The result is a list of
+    ## running futures.
+    file <- unique(tab$file)
+    res <-lapply(file,function (fn) future::futur(extr_fn(fn), lazy=T))
+    names(res) <- file
+    res
+##' @export
+extract <- function(fn,tag,tab,err_ms1_eic.,err_coarse,err_fine,err_rt.) {
+    ## Extracts MS1 and MS2 EICs, as well as MS2 spectra, subject to
+    ## tolerance specifications.
+    ## TODO: Still detecting external references ... but which?
+    ## However, the results check out, compared to sequential access.
+    err_coarse_fun <- gen_mz_err_f(err_coarse,
+                                   "ms1 coarse error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.")
+    err_fine_fun <- gen_mz_err_f(err_fine,
+                                 "ms1 fine error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.")
+    err_ms1_eic <- gen_mz_err_f(err_ms1_eic.,
+                                "eic error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.")
+    err_rt <- gen_rt_err(err_rt.,
+                         "rt error: Only s(econds), or min(utes) allowed.")
+    tab <- data.table::as.data.table(tab)
+    ## chunk <- tab[file==fn]
+    mz <- tab$mz
+    rt <- tab$rt
+    id <- tab$ID
+    adduct <- tab$adduct
+    names(mz) <- id
+    names(rt) <- id
+    mzerr <- err_coarse_fun(mz)
+    mzrng <- gen_mz_range(mz=mz,err=mzerr)
+    rtrng <- gen_rt_range(rt=rt,err=err_rt)
+    mzmin <- min(mzrng)
+    mzmax <- max(mzrng)
+    read_ms1 <- function() {
+        ms1 <- MSnbase::readMSData(file=fn,msLevel=1,mode="onDisk")
+        ms1 <- MSnbase::filterMz(ms1,c(mzmin,mzmax))
+        ms1
+    }
+    read_ms2 <- function() {
+        ms2 <- MSnbase::readMSData(file=fn,msLevel=2,mode="onDisk")
+        ms2
+    }
+    extr_ms1_eic <- function(ms1) {
+        eic <- MSnbase::chromatogram(ms1,mz=mzrng,msLevel=1,missing=0.0,rt=rtrng)
+        bits <- dtable(N=sapply(eic,NROW))
+        bigN <- bits[,sum(N)]
+        bits[,idx:=paste0('I',.I)]
+        bits$ID <- id
+        bits$adduct <- adduct
+        bits$tag <- tag
+        res<-dtable(rt=numeric(bigN),
+                    intensity=numeric(bigN),
+                    tag=tag,
+                    adduct=bits[,rep(adduct,N)],
+                    ID=bits[,rep(ID,N)],
+                    idx=bits[,rep(idx,N)])
+        data.table::setkey(res,idx)
+        names(eic)<-bits$idx
+        res[,c("rt","intensity") :=
+                 .(MSnbase::rtime(eic[[idx]])/60.,
+                   MSnbase::intensity(eic[[idx]])),
+                   by=idx]
+        data.table::setkeyv(res,BASE_KEY)
+        res
+    }
+    ms1 <- read_ms1()
+    ms2 <- read_ms2()
+    res_ms1 <- extr_ms1_eic(ms1)
+    res_ms2 <- extr_ms2(ms1=ms1,
+                        ms2=ms2,
+                        ids=id,
+                        mz=mz,
+                        adduct=adduct,
+                        err_coarse_fun=err_coarse_fun,
+                        err_fine_fun=err_fine_fun)
+    res_ms2[,"tag":=tag]
+    res <- list(ms1=res_ms1,
+                ms2=res_ms2)
+    res
+gen_ms2_spec_blk <- function(spectra) {
+    dt <- dtable(mz=MSnbase::mz(spectra),
+                 intensity=MSnbase::intensity(spectra),
+                 rt = lapply(MSnbase::rtime(spectra),function (z) z/60.),
+                 CE = MSnbase::collisionEnergy(spectra),
+                 an = MSnbase::acquisitionNum(spectra))
+    dt[,maspI:=sapply(intensity,function (zz) max(zz))]
+    data.table::rbindlist(apply(dt,1,function(row) dtable(intensity=row[["intensity"]],
+                                                          rt = row[["rt"]],
+                                                          mz = row[["mz"]],
+                                                          CE = row[["CE"]],
+                                                          an = row[["an"]])))
diff --git a/R/mix.R b/R/mix.R
index 4834d690f838645c838842027afe95781d8fb818..952e19ddd14966508d59ddba16f4c483f8c0e519 100644
--- a/R/mix.R
+++ b/R/mix.R
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ stripext<-function(fn) {
     if (length(bits)> 1) paste(head(bits,-1),collapse=".") else fn}
-get_mz_cmp_l<-function(id,mode,cmpL) {
+get_mz_cmp_l<-function(id,adduct,cmpL) {
@@ -24,13 +24,136 @@ get_mz_cmp_l<-function(id,mode,cmpL) {
          } else if (nchar(smiles)>0)
-             mde<-as.character(mode)
-             wh<-MODEMAP[[mde]]
+             mde<-as.character(adduct)
+             wh<-ADDUCTMAP[[mde]]
          } else stop("Both SMILES and mz fields, for ID ",id,", found empty in the compound list. Aborting.")
+calc_mz_from_formula_outer <- function(chform,adduct,id) {
+    check_chform <- enviPat::check_chemform(ISOTOPES,chform)
+    wind <- which(check_chform$warning)
+    if (length(wind) > 0) stop("Cannot understand the following formulas: ",
+                               paste(check_chform$new_formula[wind],collapse = ","))
+    mol_form <- check_chform$new_formula
+    l_mol <- length(mol_form)
+    l_add <- length(adduct)
+    adds <- ADDUCTS[Name %in% adduct,.(Name,
+                                       add=as.character(Formula_add),
+                                       ded=as.character(Formula_ded),
+                                       charge=Charge)]
+    dt <- dtable(ID = rep(id,each = l_add),
+                 mol_form = rep(mol_form,each = l_add),
+                 adduct = rep(adds$Name,l_mol),
+                 add = rep(adds$add,l_mol),
+                 ded = rep(adds$ded,l_mol),
+                 charge= rep(adds$charge,l_mol))
+    merger <- function (mol_form,add,ded) {
+        full_form <- rep(NA_character_,length(mol_form))
+        both_ind <- which(add != 'FALSE' & ded != 'FALSE')
+        add_only_ind <- which(add != 'FALSE' & ded == 'FALSE')
+        ded_only_ind <- which(ded != 'FALSE' & add == 'FALSE')
+        ainds <- c(both_ind,add_only_ind)
+        full_form[ainds] <- vapply(ainds,function (i) enviPat::mergeform(mol_form[[i]],add[[i]]),FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = F)
+        dinds <- c(both_ind,ded_only_ind)
+        full_form[dinds] <- vapply(dinds,function (i) {
+            z <- check_ded2(mol_form[[i]],ded[[i]])
+            if (z) enviPat::subform(mol_form[[i]],ded[[i]]) else NA_character_
+        },
+        FUN.VALUE = character(1))
+        full_form
+    }
+    dt[,("full_form"):=.(merger(mol_form,add,ded))]
+    dt[!is.na(full_form),("mz"):=.(mapply(function(ff,ch) enviPat::isopattern(ISOTOPES,chemforms = ff,
+                                                                              charge = ch, verbose = F)[[1]][1],
+                                          full_form,
+                                          charge, USE.NAMES = F))]
+    dt[is.na(full_form),("mz"):=NA_real_]
+    dt
+calc_mz_from_formula <- function(chform,adduct,id) {
+    check_chform <- enviPat::check_chemform(ISOTOPES,chform)
+    wind <- which(check_chform$warning)
+    if (length(wind) > 0) stop("Cannot understand the following formulas: ",
+                               paste(check_chform$new_formula[wind],collapse = ","))
+    mol_form <- check_chform$new_formula
+    uad <- unique(adduct)
+    uadds <- lapply(uad,function(a) ADDUCTS[Name==a,.(Name,
+                                                      add=as.character(Formula_add),
+                                                      ded=as.character(Formula_ded),
+                                                      charge=Charge),on=""])
+    names(uadds) <- uad
+    adds <- rbindlist(l=lapply(adduct,function(a) uadds[[a]]))
+    merger <- function (mol_form,add,ded) {
+        res <- numeric(length(mol_form))
+        both_ind <- which(add != 'FALSE' & ded != 'FALSE')
+        add_only_ind <- which(add != 'FALSE' & ded == 'FALSE')
+        ded_only_ind <- which(ded != 'FALSE' & add == 'FALSE')
+        ainds <- c(both_ind,add_only_ind)
+        res[ainds] <- vapply(ainds,function (i) enviPat::mergeform(mol_form[[i]],add[[i]]),FUN.VALUE = character(1), USE.NAMES = F)
+        dinds <- c(both_ind,ded_only_ind)
+        res[dinds] <- vapply(dinds,function (i) {
+            z <- check_ded2(mol_form[[i]],ded[[i]])
+            if (z) enviPat::subform(mol_form[[i]],ded[[i]]) else NA_character_
+        },
+        FUN.VALUE = character(1))
+        res
+    }
+    forms  <- merger(mol_form,adds$add,adds$ded)
+    ## Check if formulas actually calculated.
+    bad_idx <- which(forms=="0")
+    bad_adducts <- adduct[bad_idx]
+    bad_ids <- id[bad_idx]
+    non_dups <- !duplicated(bad_idx)
+    bad_ids <- bad_ids[non_dups]
+    bad_adducts <- bad_adducts[non_dups]
+    if (length(bad_idx)>0) stop(paste0("Unable to process the adducts:\n",
+                                        paste(bad_adducts,collapse = ","),
+                                        "\nfor id-s:",
+                                        paste(bad_ids,collapse = ",")))
+    mz <- the_ifelse(!is.na(forms),
+                     mapply(function(ff,ch) enviPat::isopattern(ISOTOPES,chemforms = ff,
+                                                                charge = ch, verbose = F)[[1]][1],
+                            forms,
+                            adds$charge, USE.NAMES = F),
+                     NA_real_)
+    mz
+calc_mz_from_smiles <- function(smiles,adduct,id) {
+    mol <- lapply(smiles,function(s) try(RMassBank::getMolecule(s), silent = T))
+    check <- which(is.atomic(mol))
+    if (length(check) > 0)
+        stop("Errors in SMILES with IDs:",paste(id[which],collapse = ','))
+    mol_form <- sapply(mol,function(x) (rcdk::get.mol2formula(x))@string,USE.NAMES = F)
+    names(mol_form) <- id
+    calc_mz_from_formula(mol_form,adduct,id)
+calc_mz_from_smiles_outer <- function(smiles,adduct,id) {
+    mol <- lapply(smiles,function(s) try(RMassBank::getMolecule(s), silent = T))
+    check <- which(is.atomic(mol))
+    if (length(check) > 0)
+        stop("Errors in SMILES with IDs:",paste(id[which],collapse = ','))
+    mol_form <- sapply(mol,function(x) (rcdk::get.mol2formula(x))@string,USE.NAMES = F)
+    names(mol_form) <- id
+    calc_mz_from_formula_outer(mol_form,adduct,id)
 get_col_from_cmp_l<-function(id,cname,cmpL) {
@@ -38,23 +161,45 @@ get_col_from_cmp_l<-function(id,cname,cmpL) {
-gen_clean_state_ftab<-function(ftable) {
-    ftable$Comments <- ""
-    ftable[c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")] <- T
-    ftable["MS2rt"] <- NA_real_
-    ftable["iMS2rt"] <- NA_integer_
-    ftable["rt"]<-NA_real_
-    ftable["checked"]<-'NONE'
-    ftable
+gen_clean_state_summ<-function(summ) {
+    summ$Comments <- ""
+    summ[c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")] <- T
+    summ["MS2rt"] <- NA_real_
+    summ["iMS2rt"] <- NA_integer_
+    summ["rt"]<-NA_real_
+    summ["checked"]<-'NONE'
+    summ
+gen_empty_summ <- function() {
-pp_touch_q<-function(ftab) {
+gen_summ <- function(comp,qa_ms1,qa_ms2) {
+    comp_cols <- intersect(SUMM_COLS,colnames(comp))
+    summ <- comp[,..comp_cols]
+    data.table::setkeyv(summ,BASE_KEY)
+    ms1_cols <- intersect(SUMM_COLS,colnames(qa_ms1))
+    ms1_cols <- setdiff(ms1_cols,colnames(summ))
+    summ <- qa_ms1[summ,c(..comp_cols,..ms1_cols),on=BASE_KEY]
+    ms2_cols <- intersect(colnames(qa_ms2),SUMM_COLS)
+    ms2_cols <- setdiff(ms2_cols,colnames(summ))
+    summ <- qa_ms2[summ,c(..comp_cols,..ms1_cols,..ms2_cols),on=BASE_KEY]
+    data.table::setkeyv(summ,c(BASE_KEY_MS2,"an"))
+    summ[,qa_ms1_exists:=the_ifelse(!is.na(qa_ms1_good_int),T,F)]
+    summ[,qa_ms2_exists:=the_ifelse(!is.na(CE),T,F)]
+    summ[,qa_pass:=apply(.SD,1,all),.SDcols=QA_FLAGS[!(QA_FLAGS %in% "qa_pass")]]
+    summ$Comments<-""
+    data.table::setkeyv(summ,DEF_KEY_SUMM)
+    data.table::setcolorder(summ,SUMM_COLS)
+    summ
+pp_touch_q<-function(summ) {
     ## Returns indices that are ok to be auto processed.
-    which(ftab$checked==FTAB_CHK_NONE | ftab$checked==FTAB_CHK_AUTO)
+    which(summ$checked==SUMM_CHK_NONE | summ$checked==SUMM_CHK_AUTO)
-preProc <- function (ftable,noiseFac=3,errRT=0.5,intThreshMS1=1e5,intThreshMS2=5000.) {
-    wds<-unique(ftable$wd)
+preProc <- function (summ,noiseFac=3,errRT=0.5,intThreshMS1=1e5,intThreshMS2=5000.) {
+    wds<-unique(summ$wd)
     fn_spec<-function(wd) readRDS(file.path(wd,FN_SPEC))
     message("Loading RDS-es ...")
@@ -80,10 +225,10 @@ preProc <- function (ftable,noiseFac=3,errRT=0.5,intThreshMS1=1e5,intThreshMS2=5
     ## during the dataframe generation stage. In this case, the file
     ## with the corresponding ID will not be there.
-    okinds<- pp_touch_q(ftable)
+    okinds<- pp_touch_q(summ)
     for (ind in okinds) {
-        wd <- ftable$wd[ind]
-        id <- ftable$ID[ind]
+        wd <- summ$wd[ind]
+        id <- summ$ID[ind]
         ii<-match(nid,MSnbase::fData(eics)[["ID"]]) #id, because id-s, not nid-s are in fData for ms1 eics;
@@ -99,39 +244,39 @@ preProc <- function (ftable,noiseFac=3,errRT=0.5,intThreshMS1=1e5,intThreshMS2=5
-        ftable[ind,"rt"]<-eic$rt[[ms1MaxInd]]
+        summ[ind,"rt"]<-eic$rt[[ms1MaxInd]]
         ##If MS1 does not exist, set entry to F.
         if (maxInt < intThreshMS1) {
-            ftable[ind,"MS1"] <- F
+            summ[ind,"MS1"] <- F
             ## Other checks automatically fail, too.
-            ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
-            ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
+            summ[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
+            summ[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
         } else {
             ## Noisy?
-            if (ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"]) {
+            if (summ[ind,"AboveNoise"]) {
                 mInt <- mean(eic$intensity)
                 if (maxInt < noiseFac*mInt) {
-                    ftable[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
-                    ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F ## If noisy, this is
-                                                 ## probably meaningles, so
-                                                 ## F.
+                    summ[ind,"AboveNoise"] <- F
+                    summ[ind,"Alignment"] <- F ## If noisy, this is
+                    ## probably meaningles, so
+                    ## F.
         ## MS2 checks.
         if (! (nid %in% ms2nids)) {
-            ftable[ind,"MS2"] <- F
-            ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
+            summ[ind,"MS2"] <- F
+            summ[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
         } else {
             ## Alignment still makes sense to be checked?
-            if (ftable[ind,"Alignment"]) {
+            if (summ[ind,"Alignment"]) {
                 ## rtInd <- ms1MaxInd #match(maxInt,eic$intensity)
                 rtMS1Peak <- eic$rt[[ms1MaxInd]]
@@ -150,29 +295,29 @@ preProc <- function (ftable,noiseFac=3,errRT=0.5,intThreshMS1=1e5,intThreshMS2=5
                 msmsInt<- msms$intensity[rtInd]
                 if (length(msmsRT) > 0) {
                     msmsRTind <- which.min(abs(msmsRT - rtMS1Peak))
-                    ftable[ind,"iMS2rt"] <- rtInd[msmsRTind]
-                    ftable[ind,"MS2rt"] <- msmsRT[msmsRTind]
+                    summ[ind,"iMS2rt"] <- rtInd[msmsRTind]
+                    summ[ind,"MS2rt"] <- msmsRT[msmsRTind]
                 } else {
-                    ftable[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
+                    summ[ind,"Alignment"] <- F
-        ftable[ind,"checked"]<-FTAB_CHK_AUTO
+        summ[ind,"checked"]<-SUMM_CHK_AUTO
-    ftable
+    summ
 smiles2img <- function(smiles, kekulise=TRUE, width=300, height=300,
-                              zoom=1.3,style="cow", annotate="off", abbr="on",suppressh=TRUE,
-                              showTitle=FALSE, smaLimit=100, sma=NULL) {
-  dep <- rcdk::get.depictor(width = width, height = height, zoom = zoom, style = style, annotate = annotate,
-                      abbr = abbr, suppressh = suppressh, showTitle = showTitle, smaLimit = smaLimit,
-                      sma = NULL)
-  mol <- RMassBank::getMolecule(smiles)
-  z<-rcdk::view.image.2d(mol, depictor=dep)
-  grid::rasterGrob(z)
+                       zoom=1.3,style="cow", annotate="off", abbr="on",suppressh=TRUE,
+                       showTitle=FALSE, smaLimit=100, sma=NULL) {
+    dep <- rcdk::get.depictor(width = width, height = height, zoom = zoom, style = style, annotate = annotate,
+                              abbr = abbr, suppressh = suppressh, showTitle = showTitle, smaLimit = smaLimit,
+                              sma = NULL)
+    mol <- RMassBank::getMolecule(smiles)
+    z<-rcdk::view.image.2d(mol, depictor=dep)
+    grid::rasterGrob(z)
 gen_ms2_spec_data <- function(id,tag,iMS2rt,data,luckyN=NA) {
@@ -203,12 +348,12 @@ gen_ms2_spec_data <- function(id,tag,iMS2rt,data,luckyN=NA) {
     } else return(NULL)
-gen_ms2_spec_fn <- function(id,tag,mode,set,width=6) {
+gen_ms2_spec_fn <- function(id,tag,adduct,set,width=6) {
         iid<- if (!is.na(iid)) iid else id
         num <- formatC(iid,width = width,format='d',flag='0')
-        ss<-trimws(paste(num,mode,tag,set,sep="_"),which='both')
+        ss<-trimws(paste(num,adduct,tag,set,sep="_"),which='both')
@@ -225,7 +370,7 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
-                        fTab,
+                        summ,
@@ -250,8 +395,6 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
     mk_leg_lab<-function(tag,rt) {paste(tag,"; rt= ",formatC(rt[[tag]],format='f',digits=rt_digits),"min")}
-    sci10<-function(x) {ifelse(x==0, "0", parse(text=gsub("[+]", "", gsub("e", " %*% 10^", scales::scientific_format()(x)))))}
@@ -355,11 +498,11 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
             ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = rrtMS2,
-                                                     ylim = rintMS2)+
+                                     ylim = rintMS2)+
             ggplot2::labs(x=CHR_GRAM_X,y=CHR_GRAM_Y,title=NULL,subtitle = "MS2",tag = "   ")+
-            ggplot2::labs(colour=PLOT_MS2_LEG_TIT)+theme()
+    ggplot2::labs(colour=PLOT_MS2_LEG_TIT)+theme()
@@ -373,7 +516,7 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
             ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = rmzSpMS2,
-                                                     ylim = rintSpMS2)+
+                                     ylim = rintSpMS2)+
@@ -382,7 +525,7 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
     ## MS1 time series.
     plMS1<- if(is.data.frame(dfChrMS1) && nrow(dfChrMS1)>0) {
-                } else NULL
+            } else NULL
     ## Empty
@@ -394,9 +537,9 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
              } else plEmpty
     ## Structure
     if (!is.null(smile) && !is.na(smile) && !nchar(smile)<1) {
@@ -409,14 +552,14 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
     ## MS2 Spectrum
     if (!all(sapply(dfsChrMS2,is.null))) {
         plSpecMS2<-if (is.data.frame(dfSpecMS2)) { #sometimes
-                                                   #dfSpecMS2 ends up
-                                                   #as a list of
-                                                   #logicals; this
-                                                   #probably happens
-                                                   #when either MS2 is
-                                                   #bad in some way,
-                                                   #or the RT
-                                                   #intervals are
+                                        #dfSpecMS2 ends up
+                                        #as a list of
+                                        #logicals; this
+                                        #probably happens
+                                        #when either MS2 is
+                                        #bad in some way,
+                                        #or the RT
+                                        #intervals are
@@ -439,7 +582,7 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
     ##           str(df)
     ##           message("---DF")
     ##           gridExtra::tableGrob(df) #+ggplot2::labs(subtitle="Top m/z")
     ##       } else NULL
     res<- if (!is.null(plMS1)) cowplot::plot_grid(plMS1,plStruc,plMS2,plEmpty,plSpecMS2,align = "hv",axis='l',ncol = 2,nrow=3,rel_widths=c(3,1)) else NULL
@@ -447,92 +590,59 @@ plot_id_msn <- function(ni,
-adornmzMLTab<-function(df,projDir=getwd()) {
-    pref<-df$set
-    mask<-is.na(pref)
-    drop<-df$files[mask]
-    for (d in drop) warning("Dropping",d,"because no set specified for it.")
-    df<-df[!mask,]
-    pref<-df$set
-    wd<-basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(df$Files))
-    wd<-file.path(projDir,pref,wd)
-    df$wd<-wd
-    df
+add_wd_to_mzml <- function(fn,proj) {
+    wd<-basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(fn))
+    file.path(proj,wd)
-genSuprFileTab <- function(fileTab,compTab) {
-    genOne<-function(ids,fn) {
-        K<-length(ids)
-        fTabRow<-fileTab[fileTab$Files == fn,]
-        cols<-lapply(names(fileTab),function(n) rep(fTabRow[[n]],K))
-        names(cols)<-NULL
-        cols<-c(cols,list(ids))
-        names(cols)<-c(names(fileTab),"ID")
-        df<-as.data.frame(cols,stringsAsFactors = F)
-        df
-    }
-    tabs<-lapply(fileTab$Files,function(fn)
-    {
-        wh<-which(fileTab$Files==fn)
-        set<-fileTab$set[[wh]]
-        md<-fileTab$mode[[wh]]
-        sel<-(compTab$set %in% set) & (compTab$mode %in% md)
-        ids<-compTab$ID[sel]
-        genOne(ids,fn)
-    })
-    res<-do.call(rbind,tabs)
-    res
-getEntryFromComp<-function(entry,id,set,mode,compTab) {
+getEntryFromComp<-function(entry,id,set,adduct,compTab) {
     ind <- which(compTab$ID %in% id &
                  compTab$set %in% set &
-                 compTab$mode %in% mode)
+                 compTab$adduct %in% adduct)
     res<- if (length(ind)==1) compTab[ind,entry] else {
                                                      if (length(ind)>1) {
                                                          warning("Nonunique selection in comprehensive table:")
                                                          for (i in ind) {
-                                                             message('ID: ',compTab$ID[[i]],' set: ',compTab$set[[i]],' mode: ',compTab$mode[[i]])
+                                                             message('ID: ',compTab$ID[[i]],' set: ',compTab$set[[i]],' adduct: ',compTab$adduct[[i]])
-                                                         warning("The compound set table likely containes duplicate IDs per set/mode combination. Please correct this.")
+                                                         warning("The compound set table likely containes duplicate IDs per set/adduct combination. Please correct this.")
                                                      } else {
-                                                         warning("Entries not found for id ", id,"set ",set, "and mode ", mode, " .")
+                                                         warning("Entries not found for id ", id,"set ",set, "and adduct ", adduct, " .")
-addCompColsToFileTbl<-function(ft,compTab) {
-    nR<-nrow(ft)
-    mzCol<-rep(NA,nR)
-    nmCol<-rep("",nR)
-    rtCol<-rep(NA,nR)
-    for (ir in 1:nR) {
-        id<-ft[ir,"ID"]
-        set<-ft[ir,"set"]
-        m<-ft[ir,"mode"]
-        entries<-getEntryFromComp(c("mz","Name","rt"),id,set,m,compTab)
-        mzCol[[ir]]<-  entries[["mz"]]
-        nm<-entries[["Name"]]
-        nmCol[[ir]]<- if (!is.na(nm)) nm else ""
-        rtCol[[ir]]<- entries[["rt"]]
-    }
-    ft$mz<-mzCol
-    ft$Name<-nmCol
-    ft$rt<-rtCol
-    ft
+## add_comp_summ <- function(ft,ctab) {
+##     nR<-nrow(ft)
+##     mzCol<-rep(NA,nR)
+##     nmCol<-rep("",nR)
+##     rtCol<-rep(NA,nR)
+##     for (ir in 1:nR) {
+##         id<-ft[ir,"ID"]
+##         set<-ft[ir,"set"]
+##         m<-ft[ir,"adduct"]
+##         entries<-getEntryFromComp(c("mz","Name","rt"),id,set,m,ctab)
+##         mzCol[[ir]]<-  entries[["mz"]]
+##         nm<-entries[["Name"]]
+##         nmCol[[ir]]<- if (!is.na(nm)) nm else ""
+##         rtCol[[ir]]<- entries[["rt"]]
+##     }
+##     ft$mz<-mzCol
+##     ft$Name<-nmCol
+##     ft$rt<-rtCol
+##     ft
+## }
+get_set_adduct <- function(s,mzml) {
+    unique(mzml[set == s,adduct])
 vald_comp_tab<-function(df,ndf,checkSMILES=F,checkMz=F,checkNames=F) {
     ## Fields.
     if (is.null(df$ID)) stop("Column ID missing in ",ndf," .")
@@ -594,3 +704,909 @@ vald_comp_tab<-function(df,ndf,checkSMILES=F,checkMz=F,checkNames=F) {
+read_setid <- function(fn,cmpds) {
+    assert(file.exists(fn),msg=paste("Please provide valid compounds set table:", fn))
+    assert(nrow(cmpds) > 0,msg="Please provide at least one compounds list.")
+    setid <- file2tab(fn,colClasses=c(ID="character"))
+    x<-cmpds[setid,on='ID'][,.SD,.SDcols=c(colnames(setid),'known')]
+    sids <- unique(setid$ID)
+    cids <- unique(cmpds$ID)
+    diff <- setdiff(sids,cids)
+    assert(length(diff)==0,msg=paste("The following IDs from set table have not been found in the compound table:","------",print_table(dtable(diff)),"------",sep = "\n"))
+    x
+write_conf <- function(m,fn) {
+    m$conf$data <- get_fn_ftab(m)
+    if (NROW(m$input$tab$mzml)>0) tab2file(tab=m$input$tab$mzml,file=file.path(m$conf$project,FN_DATA_TAB))
+    yaml::write_yaml(x=m$conf,file=fn)
+write_state <- function(m,fn_conf) {
+    write_conf(m,fn_conf)
+    tab2file(tab=m$input$tab$mzml,file=file.path(m$conf$project,FN_DATA_TAB))
+read_conf <- function(fn) {
+    cf <- yaml::yaml.load_file(fn)
+    fnl <- cf$compound$lists
+    if (length(fnl)>0) {
+        nms <- character(0)
+        for (i in 1:length(fnl)) {
+            nms <- gen_uniq_lab(nms,pref = 'L')
+        }
+        names(fnl) <- nms
+    }
+    cf$compound$lists <- fnl
+    ## conf_trans(cf)
+    cf
+##' @export
+get_fn_comp <- function(m) {
+    file.path(m$conf$project,FN_COMP_TAB)
+##' @export
+get_fn_summ <- function(m) {
+    file.path(m$conf$project, FN_SUMM)
+##' @export
+get_fn_extr <- function(m) {
+    file.path(m$conf$project, "extracted.rds")
+##' @export
+get_fn_conf <- function(m) {
+    file.path(m$conf$project, FN_CONF)
+##' @export
+get_fn_ftab <- function(m) {
+    file.path(m$conf$project, FN_DATA_TAB)
+init_state <- function(m) {
+    m$out$tab <- list()
+    m$input$datafiles <- NULL
+    m$input$tab$mzml <- EMPTY_MZML
+    lab <- gen_uniq_lab(list(),pref="L")
+    m$input$tab$lists <- list()
+    m$input$tab[[lab[[1]]]] <- EMPTY_CMPD_LIST
+    m$out$tab$ms1_plot <- EMPTY_MS1_PLOT_TAB
+    m$out$tab$ms2_plot <- EMPTY_MS2_PLOT_TAB
+    m$out$tab$comp <- EMPTY_COMP_TAB
+    m
+base_conf <- function () {
+    m <- list()
+    m$conf <- list(project=getwd(),
+                   compounds=list(lists=list(),
+                                  sets="",
+                                  data=""),
+                   extr=list(fn=""),
+                   debug = F)
+    m
+extr_conf <- function(m) {
+    m$conf$tolerance <- list("ms1 coarse"=MS1_ERR_COARSE,
+                             "ms1 fine"=MS1_ERR_FINE,
+                             "eic"=EIC_ERR,
+                             "rt"=RT_EXTR_ERR)
+    m
+presc_conf <- function(m) {
+    m$conf$prescreen <- list("ms1_int_thresh"=1e5,
+                             "ms2_int_thresh"=2.5e3,
+                             "s2n"=3,
+                             "ret_time_shift_tol"=0.5)
+    m
+new_conf <- function() presc_conf(
+                           extr_conf(
+                               base_conf()))
+verify_cmpd_l <- function(dt,fn) {
+    fields <- colnames(EMPTY_CMPD_LIST)
+    dtflds <- colnames(dt)
+    assert('ID' %in% dtflds, msg = paste('ID column must be present and filled in', fn))
+    ess <- c('SMILES','Formula','mz')
+    pres <- ess %in% dtflds
+    assert(length(pres) > 0,
+           msg = paste('Compound list from ',fn,
+                       'does not contain any of "SMILES", "Formula", or "mz". \nThe compound list needs at least one of those to be valid.'))
+    exst <- ess[pres]
+    x <- lapply(exst,function (nm) do.call(all,as.list(is.na(dt[[nm]]))))
+    assert(!do.call(all,x), msg = paste('At least one of', paste(exst,collapse = ','),
+                                        '\nmust contain some values in compound list from',fn))
+    invisible(T)
+#' @export
+grab_unit <- function(entry,unit) {
+    what <- paste0("\\<",unit,"\\>$")
+    entry <- trimws(entry,which="both")
+    if (grepl(what,entry))
+        suppressWarnings(as.numeric(sub(paste0("^(.*)",unit),"\\1",entry))) else NA_real_
+rt_in_min <- function(entry) {
+    xs <- grab_unit(entry,"s")
+    xm <- grab_unit(entry,"min")
+    x <- if (is.na(xm)) xs/60. else xm
+    x
+conf_trans_pres <- function(pres_list) {
+    ## Translate and validate prescreening input.
+    pres_list[CONF_PRES_NUM] <- sapply(pres_list[CONF_PRES_NUM],as.numeric)
+    for (par in CONF_PRES_NUM) {
+        assert(!suppressWarnings(is.na(pres_list[[par]])),msg=paste("Prescreen parameter",par,"is not a number."))
+    }
+    for (par in CONF_PRES_TU) {
+        xs <- grab_unit(pres_list[[par]],"s")
+        xm <- grab_unit(pres_list[[par]],"min")
+        x <- if (is.na(xm)) xs else xm
+        assert(!is.na(x),msg = paste("Time unit parameter error for",par,"Only s(econds) or min(utes) allowed."))
+        pres_list[[par]] <- x
+    }
+    pres_list
+create_qa_table <- function(extr,conf_presc) {
+    ## The first input argument is the extracted `ms`, table
+    ## containing MS1 and MS2 spectra. The argument `conf_presc` is
+    ## m$conf$prescreen, the prescreening parameters given in the conf
+    ## file.
+    ## The qa table is just a copy of ms with added quality control
+    ## columns QA_COLS.
+    ## The QA_FLAGS columns are flags specifying which properties of
+    ## compounds are known well, or not.
+    ## For each compound (mass) we ask the following questions:
+    ## qa_ms1_exists -- does the MS1 spectrum exist at all?
+    ## qa_ms2_exists -- do we have any MS2 spectra at all?
+    ## qa_ms1_above_noise -- is MS1 above the noise treshold?
+    ## qa_ms2_near -- is there any MS2 spectrum inside the tolerated
+    ## retention time window around the MS1 peak? That is, are we
+    ## non-RT-shifted?
+    ## qa_ms2_good_int -- Is there any MS2 spectral intensity greater
+    ## than the MS2 threshold and less than the MS1 peak?
+    ## qa_pass -- did the spectrum pass all the checks?
+    ## The columns in QA_NUM_REAL are:
+    ## 
+    ## ms1_int -- the maximum intensity of MS1 spectrum over the
+    ## entire run;
+    ##
+    ## ms1_rt -- the retention time of the peak MS1.
+    ## The columns in QA_NUM_INT are:
+    ##
+    ## ms2_sel -- index of the selected MS2 spectrum; if not NA, the
+    ## associated spectrum passed all the checks (qa_pass == T); the
+    ## spectrum itself is in one of the member sublists of the `spec'
+    ## column. The integer `ms2_sel' is then the index of the spectrum
+    ## in that sublist.
+    ##
+    ## ms1_rt_ind -- TODO (but not important to end users).
+    qa <- list(prescreen=conf_presc)
+    checks <- extr$ms2[,{
+        z <-..QA_FLAGS
+        z[1:length(z)]<-F
+        names(z)<-..QA_FLAGS
+        z
+    },keyby=BASE_KEY_MS2]
+    checks[,(QA_NUM_INT):=NA_integer_]
+    checks[,(QA_NUM_REAL):=NA_real_]
+    setkeyv(checks,BASE_KEY_MS2)
+    qa$checks <- checks
+    qa
+assess_ms1 <- function(m) {
+    qa <- m$qa
+    ms1 <- m$extr$ms1
+    ## Calculate auxiliary variables and indices.
+    qa_ms1 <- ms1[,.(ms1_rt_ind=which.max(intensity)),keyby=BASE_KEY]
+    qa_ms1 <- ms1[qa_ms1,.(ms1_rt_ind=ms1_rt_ind,
+                           ms1_int=intensity[[ms1_rt_ind]],
+                           ms1_rt=rt[[ms1_rt_ind]],
+                           ms1_mean=mean(intensity)),on=BASE_KEY,by=.EACHI]
+    qa_ms1[,qa_ms1_good_int := ms1_int > qa$prescreen$ms1_int_thresh]
+    qa_ms1[,qa_ms1_above_noise := F]
+    qa_ms1[qa_ms1_good_int==T,qa_ms1_above_noise := .(ms1_int > qa$prescreen$s2n*ms1_mean)]
+    ## checks[(!qa_ms1_above_noise),c("qa_ms2_good_int","qa_ms2_near","qa_ms2_exists","qa_pass"):=F]
+    ## qa_ms1 <- check_ms1_noise(check_ms1(qa_ms1))
+    m$qa$ms1 <- qa_ms1
+    m
+assess_ms2 <- function(m) {
+    presconf <- conf_trans_pres(m$conf$prescreen)
+    ms1 <- m$extr$ms1
+    ms2 <- m$extr$ms2
+    qa_ms1 <- m$qa$ms1
+    qa_ms2 <- ms2[qa_ms1[qa_ms1_above_noise==T],.(CE=unique(CE),
+                                                  pc_rt=i.ms1_rt,
+                                                  pc_int=i.ms1_int,
+                                                  an=unique(an)),on=BASE_KEY,by=.EACHI,nomatch=NULL]
+    rt_win2 <- presconf$ret_time_shift_tol
+    qa_ms2 <- ms2[qa_ms2,.(pc_rt=pc_rt,
+                           pc_int=pc_int,
+                           ms2_int=max(intensity),
+                           ms2_rt=unique(rt),
+                           qa_ms2_near=head(rt,1) < pc_rt + rt_win2 & head(rt,1) > pc_rt - rt_win2),
+                  by=.EACHI,on=c(BASE_KEY_MS2,"an")]
+    qa_ms2$qa_ms2_good_int <-F
+    qa_ms2[qa_ms2_near==T,
+           qa_ms2_good_int := ms2_int > presconf$ms2_int_thresh & ms2_int < pc_int,
+           by=c(BASE_KEY_MS2,"an")]
+    ## qa_ms2$qa_pass <- F
+    ## qa_ms2[qa_ms2_good_int==T,qa_pass:=T]
+    qa_ms2$ms2_sel <- F
+    qa_ms2[qa_ms2_good_int==T,ms2_sel:={
+        ind<-which.min(abs(ms2_rt-pc_rt))
+        z<-ms2_sel
+        z[[ind]]<-T
+        z
+    },by=BASE_KEY_MS2]
+    setkeyv(qa_ms2,BASE_KEY_MS2)
+    m$qa$ms2 <- qa_ms2
+    m    
+gen_mz_err_f <- function(entry,msg) {
+    eppm <- grab_unit(entry,"ppm")
+    eda <- grab_unit(entry,"Da")
+    shinyscreen:::assert(xor(is.na(eda), is.na(eppm)), msg = msg)
+    if (is.na(eda)) function(mz) eppm*1e-6*mz else function (mz) eda
+gen_rt_err <- function(entry,msg) {
+    em <- grab_unit(entry,"min")
+    es <- grab_unit(entry,"s")
+    shinyscreen:::assert(xor(is.na(em), is.na(es)), msg = msg)
+    if (is.na(em)) es/60. else em
+fig_path <- function(top,set,group,id,suff,ext="pdf") {
+    base <- paste("plot",set,group,id,suff,sep="_")
+    fn <- paste0(base,".",ext)
+    fn <- gsub("\\[","",fn)
+    fn <- gsub("\\]","",fn)
+    fn <- gsub("\\+","p",fn)
+    fn <- gsub("-","m",fn)
+    if (!is.null(top)) file.path(top,fn) else fn
+get_coord_lim <- function(new,def) {
+    if (is.null(new)) return(def)
+    res <- new
+    if (length(new[[1]])==0) res[[1]]<-def[[1]]
+    if (length(new[[2]])==0) res[[2]]<-def[[2]]
+    res
+gen_base_ms1_plot_tab <- function(summ,ms1_spec) {
+    ident <- c("set",
+               "adduct",
+               "tag",
+               "ID",
+               "mz",
+               "file")
+    res <- summ[ms1_spec,c(.SD,
+                           list(rt_peak=i.ms1_rt,
+                                eicMS1=lapply(i.eicMS1,list))),
+                .SDcols=ident,
+                on=BASE_KEY,
+                nomatch=NULL]
+    setkeyv(res,cols=BASE_KEY)
+    res
+gen_base_ms2_plot_tab <- function(summ,ms2_spec) {
+    ident <- c("set",
+               "adduct",
+               "tag",
+               "ID",
+               "mz",
+               "file")
+    res <- summ[ms2_spec,c(.SD,
+                           list(CE=i.CE,
+                                rt_peak = i.rt,
+                                int_peak = ms2_max_int,
+                                spec = i.spec,
+                                ms2_sel = i.ms2_sel)),
+                .SDcols=ident,
+                on=BASE_KEY,
+                nomatch=NULL]
+    setkeyv(res,cols=BASE_KEY)
+    res
+## Format the y labels.
+sci10 <- function(x) {
+    prefmt <- formatC(x,format="e",digits=2)
+    bits <- strsplit(prefmt,split="e")
+    bits1 <-sapply(bits,function(x) {
+        if (length(x) > 1) {
+            res <- x[[1]]
+            sub(" ","~",res)
+        } else {
+            x
+        }
+    })
+    bits2 <-sapply(bits,function(x) if (length(x)>1) paste0(" %*% 10^","'",sub("[+]"," ",x[[2]]),"'") else "")
+    txt <- mapply(function(b1,b2) if (nchar(b2)!=0) {paste0("'",b1,"'",b2)} else NA,
+                  bits1,
+                  bits2,
+                  SIMPLIFY = F)
+    names(txt) <- NULL
+    txt <- gsub(pattern = "^'0\\.00'.*$","  0",x=txt)
+    parse(text=txt)
+sci10_old <- function(x) {
+    if (length(x)!=0) {
+        x<-sapply(x,function(x) if(x!=0) x else "0")
+        ifelse(x==0,"0",{
+            prefmt <- formatC(x,format="e",digits=2)
+            bits <- strsplit(prefmt,split="e")
+            bits1 <-sapply(bits,function(x) {
+                if (length(x) > 1) {
+                    res <- x[[1]]
+                    sub(" ","~",res)
+                } else {
+                    x
+                }
+            })
+            print(bits1)
+            bits2 <-sapply(bits,function(x) if (length(x)>1) paste0(" %*% 10^",sub("[+]","~",x[[2]])) else "")
+            txt <- mapply(function(b1,b2) if (nchar(b2)!=0) {paste0(b1,b2)} else NA,
+                                 bits1,
+                                 bits2,
+                          SIMPLIFY = F)
+            names(txt) <- NULL
+            message("---------")
+            print(txt)
+            message("________")
+            ## parse(text=txt)})
+            txt})
+     } else ""
+plot_theme <- function (legend.position="none",...)
+    ggplot2::theme(
+                 plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0),"cm"),
+                 legend.position = legend.position,
+                 axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=ggplot2::rel(1.2)),
+                 axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=ggplot2::rel(1.2)),
+                 ...)
+plot_decor <- function(m,islog,all_ms1_labels,legend_name_ms1,legend_name_ms2="CE",all_ms2_labels=NULL,
+                       ms1_legend_info=T) {
+    textf <- ggplot2::element_text
+    my_theme <- plot_theme(legend.position="bottom",legend.box="horizontal")
+    ## Logarithmic, or linear y axis?
+    scale_y <- if (shiny::isTruthy(islog))
+                   ggplot2::scale_y_log10 else ggplot2::scale_y_continuous
+    getpal <- colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"))
+    col_all_vals <- getpal(length(all_ms1_labels))
+    names(col_all_vals) <- all_ms1_labels
+    scale_colour <- if (ms1_legend_info) {
+                        function(breaks, labels, ...) ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = col_all_vals,
+                                                                                   breaks = breaks,
+                                                                                   labels = labels,
+                                                                                   name = legend_name_ms1,...)
+                    } else {
+                        function(breaks=NULL, labels=NULL, ...) NULL
+                    }
+    shape_all_vals <- 1:length(all_ms2_labels)
+    scale_ms2 <- if (length(shape_all_vals)>0) {
+                     names(shape_all_vals) <- all_ms2_labels
+                     function(breaks, labels, ...)  ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_all_vals,
+                                                                                breaks = breaks,
+                                                                                labels = labels,
+                                                                                name = legend_name_ms2, ...)
+                 } else {
+                     function(breaks=NULL, labels=NULL, ...) NULL
+                 }
+    function(plot, breaks, labels, ms2_breaks=NULL, ms2_labels=NULL) {
+        plot +
+            scale_colour(breaks=breaks,
+                         labels=labels) +
+            scale_ms2(breaks=ms2_breaks,
+                      labels=ms2_labels) +
+            scale_y(labels=sci10) + my_theme
+    } 
+gen_get_ms2_legend <- function(m,legend_name_ms2="CE",all_ms2_labels) {
+    shape_all_vals <- 1:length(all_ms2_labels)
+    scale_ms2 <- if (length(shape_all_vals)>0) {
+                     names(shape_all_vals) <- all_ms2_labels
+                     function(breaks, labels, ...)  ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_all_vals,
+                                                                                breaks = breaks,
+                                                                                labels = labels,
+                                                                                name = legend_name_ms2, ...)
+                 } else {
+                     function(breaks=NULL, labels=NULL, ...) NULL
+                 }
+    function(plot,breaks,labels) {
+        thing <- plot + scale_ms2(breaks=breaks,
+                                  labels=labels)
+        cowplot::get_legend(thing)
+    }
+plot_eic_ms1_df <- function(df,style_fun,plot_label) {
+    mk_leg_lab<-function(tag,rt) {if (length(tag) > 0) paste(tag,"; rt= ",formatC(rt,format='f',digits=RT_DIGITS)," min",sep='') else character(0)}
+    ## mz <- df[,unique(prec_mz)]
+    tbl <- df[,.(verb_labs=mk_leg_lab(get(..plot_label),rt_peak),plot_label=get(..plot_label)),
+              by=c(plot_label,"rt_peak")]
+    verb_labs <- tbl[,verb_labs]
+    labs <- tbl[,plot_label]
+    df[,plot_label:=factor(get(..plot_label))]
+    style_fun(ggplot2::ggplot(df,ggplot2::aes(x=rt,y=intensity,colour=plot_label)),
+              breaks=labs,
+              labels=verb_labs) +
+        ggplot2::geom_line(key_glyph=KEY_GLYPH) +
+        ggplot2::labs(x=CHR_GRAM_X,
+                      y=CHR_GRAM_Y)
+plot_eic_ms2_df <- function(df,style_fun) {
+    mz <- df[,unique(prec_mz)]
+    ddf <- df[!is.na(rt_peak)==T]
+    ms2_labs <- ddf[,plot_label]
+    ms1_labs <- ddf[,levels(parent_label)]
+    res <- if (NROW(ddf)>0) {
+               plot <- style_fun(ggplot2::ggplot(ddf,ggplot2::aes(x = rt_peak,ymin = 0,ymax = int_peak,
+                                                                  y = int_peak,
+                                                                  color = parent_label, shape = plot_label)),
+                                 breaks=ms1_labs,
+                                 labels=ms1_labs,
+                                 ms2_breaks=ms2_labs,
+                                 ms2_labels=ms2_labs)
+               plot + ggplot2::geom_linerange(key_glyph=KEY_GLYPH) +
+                   ggplot2::geom_point() +
+                   ggplot2::labs(x=CHR_GRAM_X,
+                                 y=CHR_GRAM_Y)
+           } else {
+               p <- ggplot2::ggplot(ddf,ggplot2::aes(x=1:10,y=1:10))+ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+               p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="NO MS2 SPECTRA", color="black")+ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                          axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                          axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                          axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+           }
+    res
+plot_spec_ms2_df <- function(df,style_fun) {
+    ms2_labs <- df[,levels(plot_label)]
+    ms1_labs <- df[,levels(parent_label)]
+    plot <- if (NROW(df)>0) {
+                ddf <- df[,.(mz,intensity,parent_label,plot_label)]
+                plot <-style_fun(ggplot2::ggplot(ddf,
+                                                 ggplot2::aes(x=mz,ymin=0,ymax=intensity,
+                                                              y = intensity,
+                                                              color=parent_label,
+                                                              shape=plot_label)),
+                                 labels=ms1_labs,
+                                 breaks=ms1_labs,
+                                 ms2_breaks=ms2_labs,
+                                 ms2_labels=ms2_labs)
+                plot + ggplot2::geom_linerange(key_glyph=KEY_GLYPH) +
+                    ggplot2::geom_point() +
+                    ggplot2::labs(x="mz", y="intensity")
+            } else {
+                ddf <- data.table(x=1:10,y=1:10)
+                p <- ggplot2::ggplot(ddf,ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+                p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="NO MS2 SPECTRA", color="black")+ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                                                                                                                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+            }
+    plot
+plot_leg_ms2 <- function(df,style_fun) {
+    mz <- df[,unique(mz)]
+    ddf <- df[!is.na(rt_peak)==T]
+    mk_leg_lab<-function(tag,rt,have_sel) {if (length(tag) > 0 && have_sel) paste(tag,"; rt= ",formatC(rt,format='f',digits=RT_DIGITS)," min",sep='') else if (!have_sel) tag  else character(0)}
+    tbl <- ddf[,.(verb_labs=mk_leg_lab(plot_label,.SD[ms2_sel==T,rt_peak],any(ms2_sel)),plot_label),
+               by="plot_label"]
+    ms2_verb_labs <- tbl[,verb_labs]
+    ms2_labs <- tbl[,plot_label]
+    ms1_labs <- ddf[,levels(parent_label)]
+    blah <- ggplot2::ggplot(ddf,ggplot2::aes(shape = plot_label,y=int_peak,x=rt_peak)) + ggplot2::geom_point()
+    plot <- style_fun(blah,
+                      breaks=ms1_labs,
+                      labels=ms1_labs,
+                      ms2_breaks=ms2_labs,
+                      ms2_labels=ms2_verb_labs)
+    cowplot::get_legend(plot)
+#' @export
+tk_save_file <-  function (default = "", caption = "Select files", filters = NULL, index = 1) {
+    args <- list("tk_getSaveFile", title = caption)
+    if (nzchar(default)) 
+        args <- c(args, initialdir = dirname(default), initialfile = basename(default))
+    if (!is.null(filters)) {
+        if (!is.character(filters) || length(dim(filters)) != 
+            2 || ncol(filters) != 2) 
+            stop("'filters' must be a 2-column character matrix")
+        f <- filters
+        f[] <- paste0("{", filters, "}")
+        ff <- apply(f, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
+        fff <- paste0("{", ff, "}")
+        args <- c(args, filetypes = paste(fff, collapse = " "))
+    }
+    as.character(do.call(tcltk::tcl, args))
+get_rt_interval <- function(data_ms1,data_ms2,conf_figures) {
+    rt_new_lim <- c(rt_in_min(conf_figures$rt_min),
+                    rt_in_min(conf_figures$rt_max))
+    rt_lim <- get_coord_lim(rt_new_lim,DEFAULT_RT_RANGE)
+    ms1_lim <- range(data_ms1$rt)
+    ms2_lim <- if (NROW(data_ms2)>0) range(data_ms2$rt_peak) else c(NA,NA)
+    rlim <- min(rt_lim[[2]],ms1_lim[[2]],ms2_lim[[2]],na.rm = T)
+    llim <- max(rt_lim[[1]],ms1_lim[[1]],ms2_lim[[1]],na.rm = T)
+    c(llim-0.5,rlim+0.5)
+get_plot_data <- function(plot_index,plot_label,
+                          summ_tab,summ_cols,extr_tab=NULL,
+                          extr_cols=NULL) {
+    thenames<-ifelse(nchar(names(summ_cols))!=0,names(summ_cols),summ_cols)
+    names(summ_cols)<-thenames
+    ind_nms <- names(plot_index)
+    plot_group <- ind_nms[[1]]
+    plot_plot <- ind_nms[[2]]
+    meta <- summ_tab[get(ind_nms[[1]]) == plot_index[[1]] &
+                     get(ind_nms[[2]]) == plot_index[[2]],
+                     unique(.SD),.SDcols=c(plot_label,summ_cols)]
+    data.table::setkeyv(meta,plot_label)
+    data.table::setnames(meta,summ_cols,names(summ_cols))
+    if (!is.null(extr_tab)) {
+        data_cols <- c(plot_label,extr_cols)
+        data <- extr_tab[get(ind_nms[[1]]) == plot_index[[1]] &
+                         get(ind_nms[[2]]) == plot_index[[2]],..data_cols]
+        return(meta[data,on=plot_label])
+    } else meta
+get_ms1_chr_pdata <- function(m,plot_index) get_plot_data(m$out$tab$summ,
+                                                      c("mz",
+                                                        rt_peak="ms1_rt"),
+                                                      m$extr$ms1,
+                                                      extr_cols = c("rt","intensity"),
+                                                      plot_index = plot_index,
+                                                      plot_label = m$conf$figures$grouping$label)
+get_ms2_chr_pdata <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    z<- get_plot_data(plot_index = plot_index,
+                      plot_label = c(m$conf$figures$grouping$label,"an"),
+                      summ_tab = m$out$tab$summ,
+                      summ_cols = c(prec_mz="mz",
+                                    rt_peak="ms2_rt",
+                                    int_peak="ms2_int",
+                                    "CE",
+                                    "ms2_sel"))
+    z$plot_label =  factor(z$CE)
+    z$parent_label = factor(z[[m$conf$figures$grouping$label]])
+    z
+get_ms2_spec_pdata <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    z <- get_plot_data(plot_index = plot_index,
+                       plot_label = c(m$conf$figures$grouping$label,"an"),
+                       summ_tab = m$out$tab$summ[ms2_sel == T,],
+                       summ_cols = c(prec_mz="mz",
+                                     rt_peak="ms2_rt",
+                                     int_peak="ms2_int",
+                                     "CE",
+                                     "ms2_sel"),
+                       extr_tab = m$extr$ms2,
+                       extr_cols = c("mz","intensity"))
+    z$plot_label =  factor(z$CE)
+    z$parent_label = factor(z[[m$conf$figures$grouping$label]])
+    z
+##' @export
+plot_ms1_chr <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    pdata <- get_ms1_chr_pdata(m,plot_index)
+    if (NROW(data) < 0 ) {
+        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10),
+                             ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+
+            ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="NO MS1 SPECTRA", color="black")+
+            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+        return(p)
+    } else
+        group_data <- m$conf$figures$grouping
+    plot_group <- names(plot_index)[[1]]
+    plot_plot <- names(plot_index)[[2]]
+    plot_label <- group_data$label
+    all_labels <- m$out$tab$flt_summ[,sort(unique(get(..plot_label)))]
+    style <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms1_eic_int,
+                        all_ms1_labels=all_labels,
+                        legend_name_ms1=plot_label)
+    plot_eic_ms1_df(pdata,
+                    style_fun = style,
+                    plot_label = plot_label)
+##' @export
+plot_ms2_chr <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    pdata <- get_ms2_chr_pdata(m,plot_index)
+    if (NROW(data) < 0 ) {
+        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10),
+                             ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+
+            ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="NO MS2 SPECTRA", color="black")+
+            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+        return(p)
+    } else
+    group_data <- m$conf$figures$grouping
+    plot_group <- names(plot_index)[[1]]
+    plot_plot <- names(plot_index)[[2]]
+    plot_ms1_label <- group_data$label
+    all_ms1_labels <- m$out$tab$summ[,sort(unique(get(plot_ms1_label)))]
+    all_ms2_ce_labels <- m$out$tab$summ[,sort(na.omit(unique(CE)))]
+    style <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms2_eic_int,
+                        all_ms1_labels = all_ms1_labels,
+                        all_ms2_labels = all_ms2_ce_labels,
+                        legend_name_ms1 = plot_ms1_label,
+                        legend_name_ms2 = "CE")
+    plot_eic_ms2_df(pdata, style_fun = style)
+##' @export
+plot_ms2_spec <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    pdata <- get_ms2_spec_pdata(m,plot_index)
+    if (NROW(data) < 0 ) {
+        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10),
+                             ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+
+            ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="NO MS2 SPECTRA", color="black")+
+            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+        return(p)
+    } else
+    group_data <- m$conf$figures$grouping
+    plot_group <- names(plot_index)[[1]]
+    plot_plot <- names(plot_index)[[2]]
+    plot_ms1_label <- group_data$label
+    all_ms1_labels <- m$out$tab$summ[,sort(unique(get(plot_ms1_label)))]
+    all_ms2_ce_labels <- m$out$tab$summ[,sort(na.omit(unique(CE)))]
+    style <- plot_decor(m,m$conf$logaxes$ms2_spec_int,
+                        all_ms1_labels = all_ms1_labels,
+                        all_ms2_labels = all_ms2_ce_labels,
+                        legend_name_ms1 = plot_ms1_label,
+                        legend_name_ms2 = "CE")
+    plot_spec_ms2_df(pdata, style_fun = style)
+##' @export
+plot_struct <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    id <- plot_index[["ID"]]
+    if (is.null(id)) {
+        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10),
+                             ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+
+            ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="STRUCTURE PLOT UNAVAILABLE", color="black")+
+            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+        return(p)
+    } else {
+        ## grid::grid.draw(gridExtra::arrangeGrob(m$out$tab$structfig[ID==id,img][[1]]))
+        grid::grid.draw(m$out$tab$structfig[ID==id,img][[1]],
+                        recording = F)
+    }
+##' @export
+plot_struct_nowrap <- function(m,plot_index) {
+    id <- plot_index[["ID"]]
+    if (is.null(id)) {
+        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10),
+                             ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y))+
+            ggplot2::geom_blank()+ggplot2::labs(x="",y="")
+        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom="text", x=5, y=5, size=6, label="STRUCTURE PLOT UNAVAILABLE", color="black")+
+            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.x=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(),
+                           axis.ticks.y=ggplot2::element_blank())
+        return(p)
+    } else {
+        m$out$tab$structfig[ID==id,img][[1]]
+    }
+##' @export
+gen_key_plot_tab <- function(m) {
+    fltsumm <- m$out$tab$flt_summ
+    validate(need(NROW(fltsumm) > 0,
+                  message = "Generate summary table first."))
+    plot_group <- m$conf$figures$grouping$group
+    plot_plot <- m$conf$figures$grouping$plot
+    plot_label <- m$conf$figures$grouping$label
+    plot_key <- c(plot_group,plot_plot)
+    idx <- fltsumm[,{
+        lapply(.SD,
+               function (col) {
+                   val <- unique(col)
+                   if (length(val)<=1) T else F
+               })
+    },
+    by=c(plot_group,plot_plot)]
+    idxlst <- as.logical(idx[,lapply(.SD,function (col) all(col))])
+    nmidx <- colnames(idx)
+    cols <- nmidx[idxlst]
+    cols <- na.omit(setdiff(cols,plot_key))
+    fltsumm[,unique(.SD[,..cols]),
+            by=plot_key]
diff --git a/R/resources.R b/R/resources.R
index aec28722c9d23b4ce8c21f4a0b62468b131cb281..9fe17a4765fd3ad954b7d6f55fb1579dff1d3b55 100644
--- a/R/resources.R
+++ b/R/resources.R
@@ -14,28 +14,52 @@
+## Config defaults
+CONF <- list(data=NA_character_,
+             project=getwd(),
+             compounds=list(lists=list(),
+                            sets=NA_character_))
 ## Constants
+FN_SUMM <- "summ.csv"
 FN_LOC_SETID <-"setid.csv"
-              mH="MmHm_mass",
-              pNH4="MpNH4_mass",
-              pNa="MpNa_mass")
-TAG_DEF <- "unspecified"
+FN_CONF <- "conf-state.yaml"
+FN_EXTR_STATE <- "state_after_extraction.rds"
+.envp <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
+data(adducts,package = "enviPat", envir = .envp)
+data(isotopes,package = "enviPat", envir = .envp)
+ADDUCTS <- dtable(.envp$adducts)
+ISOTOPES <- dtable(.envp$isotopes)
+.envp <- NULL
+ADDUCTS$Name <- the_ifelse(ADDUCTS$Charge>0,paste0("[",ADDUCTS$Name,"]+"),paste0("[",ADDUCTS$Name,"]-"))
+## names(ADDUCTMAP) <- apply(ADDUCTS,1,function(row) {
+##     nm <- row[["Name"]]
+##     sgn <- row[["Charge"]]
+##     suff <- if (sgn > 0) "+" else if (sgn < 0) "-" else ""
+##     paste0("[",nm,"]",suff)
+## })
+## ADDUCTS$Name <- names(ADDUCTMAP)
+TAG_NA <- "::UNSET::"
+SET_NA <- "::UNSET::"
-QANAMES <- c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")
+## QANAMES <- c("MS1","MS2","Alignment","AboveNoise")
@@ -44,11 +68,6 @@ RT_DIGITS=2
-                "fnUnkL",
-                "fnSetId",
-                "tagsInp")
@@ -76,11 +95,11 @@ EXTR_MS2_DIR<-"MS2"
 MS1_ERR_COARSE<-0.5                     # Da
@@ -97,4 +116,161 @@ MS1_SN_FAC <- 3.0
 ## Shiny objects
+## Possible compound list fields
+EMPTY_CMPD_LIST <- dtable(ID=character(),
+                          SMILES=character(),
+                          Name=character(),
+                          Formula=character(),
+                          RT=numeric(),
+                          mz=numeric(),
+                          known=character(),
+                          ORIG=character())
+COMP_LIST_COLS <- c("ID","Name","SMILES","Formula","RT","mz")
+## Comprehensive table properties
+COMP_NAME_MAP <- list(RT="rt")
+COMP_NAME_FIRST <- c("ID","mz","rt","adduct","tag","set","Name","known","SMILES","Formula","file")
+## Trivial data table
+EMPTY_MZML <- dtable(file=character(0),
+                     tag=character(0),
+                     adduct=character(0),
+                     set=character(0))
+FN_DATA_TAB <- "data-files.csv"
+## Default number of concurrent workers
+## Input parameters for prescreening.
+CONF_PRES_NUM <- c("ms1_int_thresh","ms2_int_thresh","s2n")
+CONF_PRES_TU <- c("ret_time_shift_tol")
+## Prescreening columns
+QA_FLAGS <- c("qa_pass",
+              "qa_ms1_exists",
+              "qa_ms2_exists",
+              "qa_ms1_good_int",
+              "qa_ms1_above_noise",
+              "qa_ms2_near",
+              "qa_ms2_good_int")
+QA_NUM_REAL <- c("ms1_int","ms1_rt","ms1_mean")
+QA_NUM_INT <- c("ms2_sel","ms1_rt_ind")
+## MS2 spectral table columns
+MS2_SPEC_COLS <- c("adduct","tag","ID","CE","rt","file","spec","ms2_max_int")
+## MS1 spectral table columns
+MS1_SPEC_COLS <- c("adduct","tag","ID","eicMS1","ms1_int","ms1_rt","ms1_mean")
+## Default secondary indexing in the summary table
+DEF_INDEX_SUMM <- c("set", "-qa_pass", "-ms1_int", "adduct","-mz")
+## Top-level directory to store the figures
+FIG_TOPDIR <- "figures"
+## Figure filter
+FIG_DEF_SUBSET <- c("set","adduct","ID")
+REPORT_AUTHOR <- "Anonymous"
+REPORT_TITLE <- "Plots of EICs and MS2 Spectra"
+## Select the most fundamental group of entries. Within this group,
+## each ID is unique.
+BASE_KEY <- c("adduct","tag","ID")
+FIG_DEF_CONF <-list(grouping=list(group="adduct",
+                                  plot="ID",
+                                  label="tag"))
+## File table properties
+SUMM_COLS=c("set",BASE_KEY_MS2,"an","mz","ms1_rt", "ms1_int", "ms2_rt", "ms2_int",
+            "ms1_mean","ms2_sel",QA_FLAGS,"Name", "SMILES", "Formula", "known","Comments","file")
+PLOT_FEATURES <- c("adduct",
+                   "tag",
+                   "ID")
+## Empty summary table.
+EMPTY_SUMM <- data.table::data.table(set=character(0),
+                                     adduct=character(0),
+                                     tag=character(0),
+                                     ID=character(0),
+                                     CE=character(0),
+                                     an=integer(0),
+                                     mz=numeric(0),
+                                     ms1_rt=numeric(0),
+                                     ms1_int=numeric(0),
+                                     ms2_rt=numeric(0),
+                                     ms2_int=numeric(0),
+                                     ms1_mean=numeric(0),
+                                     ms2_sel=logical(0),
+                                     qa_pass=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms1_exists=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms2_exists=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms1_good_int=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms1_above_noise=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms2_near=logical(0),
+                                     qa_ms2_good_int=logical(0),
+                                     Name=character(0),
+                                     SMILES=character(0),
+                                     Formula=character(0),
+                                     known=character(0),
+                                     Comments=character(0),
+                                     file=character(0))
+## Default sorting keys of spectra in the summary table
+SUBSET_VALS <- c(IGNORE="ignore",
+                 GOOD="select good",
+                 BAD="select bad")
+## Empty plotting tables.
+EMPTY_MS1_PLOT_TAB <- dtable(ID=character(),
+                             SMILES=character(),
+                             tag=character(),
+                             fig_eic=list(),
+                             fig_struct=list())
+EMPTY_MS2_PLOT_TAB <- dtable(tag=character(),
+                             ID=character(),
+                             fig_eic=list(),
+                             fig_spec=list(),
+                             fig_leg=list())
+## Empty comprehensive table.
+EMPTY_COMP_TAB <- dtable(ID=character(),
+                         mz=numeric(),
+                         rt=numeric(),
+                         adduct=character(),
+                         tag=character(),
+                         set=character(),
+                         Name=character(),
+                         known=character(),
+                         SMILES=character(),
+                         Formula=character(),
+                         file=character())
diff --git a/R/run.R b/R/run.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 33a92c746233c9eb7e369969525fd7bdad4473cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/R/run.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2020 by University of Luxembourg
-## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-## You may obtain a copy of the License at
-##     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-## limitations under the License.
-is_gen_done<-function(dest) {
-    fnFlag<-file.path(dest,".gen.DONE")
-    file.exists(fnFlag)
-is_ms2_done<-function(set,dest) {
-    fnFlag<-file.path(dest,paste('.',set,'.DONE',sep=''))
-    file.exists(fnFlag)
-set_ms2_done<-function(set,dest) {
-    fnFlag<-file.path(dest,paste('.',set,'.DONE',sep=''))
-    file.create(fnFlag)
-set_gen_done<-function(dest) {
-    fnFlag<-file.path(dest,".gen.DONE")
-    file.create(fnFlag)
-unset_gen_done<-function(dest) {
-    fnFlag<-file.path(dest,".gen.DONE")
-    if (is_gen_done(dest)) unlink(fnFlag,force=T)
-##' Paste with no separator.
-##' @title Paste With No Separator
-##' @param ... Strings to paste together.
-##' @return Pasted string.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-attch<-function(...) paste(...,sep='')
-##' Do the prescreening.
-##' @title Prescreening on bunch of files.
-##' @param fTab File table with Files,ID,wd,Name and mz
-##'     columns. Column Files, as well as wd must have all rows
-##'     identical.
-##' @param extr_fun Extraction function from the backend. 
-##' @param errEIC Absolute mz tolerance used to extract precursor EICs.
-##' @param errFinePPM Tolerance given in PPM used to associate input
-##'     masses with what the instrument assigned as precutsors to MS2.
-##' @param proc Amount of processors, or FALSE. 
-##' @param fnLog For parallel execution, dump messages there.
-##' @return Nothing useful.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-##' @export
-              errEIC,
-              errFinePPM,
-              errCoarse,
-              errRT,
-              proc=F,fnLog='prescreen.log',extr_fun=extr_msnb_ht) {
-    message("*** Started to generate prescreen data ...")
-    unlink(fnLog)
-    fread<-function(fTab) {
-        extract(fTab=fTab,
-                extr_fun=extr_fun,
-                errEIC=errEIC,
-                errFinePPM=errFinePPM,
-                errRT=errRT,
-                errCoarse=errCoarse,
-                fnSpec=FN_SPEC)
-        return(T)
-    }
-    fns<-unique(fTab$Files)
-    fTabs<-lapply(fns,function(fn) fTab[fTab$Files==fn,])
-    if (proc>1) {
-        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(spec=proc,type='PSOCK',outfile=fnLog)
-        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl,library(shinyscreen))
-        ## parallel::clusterExport(cl,c("extract"),envir=environment())
-        res<-parallel::parLapply(cl,fTabs,fread)
-        parallel::stopCluster(cl)
-        res
-    } else {
-        lapply(fTabs,fread)
-    }
-    message("*** ... done generating prescreen data.")
diff --git a/R/shiny-ui-base.R b/R/shiny-ui-base.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc83bf3e49f47b3ff8a25ec3acbf63f2cd0a49eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/shiny-ui-base.R
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2020 by University of Luxembourg
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+##     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+##' @importFrom shiny validate
+react_v <- shiny::reactiveValues
+react_f <- shiny::reactive
+react_e <- shiny::eventReactive
+obsrv <- shiny::observe
+obsrv_e <- shiny::observeEvent
+isol <- shiny::isolate
+# volumes <- function() c(wd=getwd(), shinyFiles::getVolumes()())
+validate1 <- function(expr,msg) shiny::validate(shiny::need(expr,msg))
+path2vol <- function(path) {
+    ## This function returns shinyFiles compatible volumes.
+    splits <- split_path(path)
+    file.path(tail(splits,1),'')
+prim_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(...,
+                                             status="primary",
+                                             solidHeader=T)}
+good_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(...,
+                                             status="success",
+                                             solidHeader=T)}
+err_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(...,
+                                            status="danger",
+                                            solidHeader=T)}
+inact_box<-function(...) {shinydashboard::box(...,
+                                            status="danger",
+                                            solidHeader=T)}
+html<-function(...) {shiny::tags$div(shiny::HTML(...))}
+## num_input<-function(...,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH) {shiny::tags$div(id="inline",shiny::textInput(...,width=width))}
+num_input <- function(inputId,label,...,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH) {
+    shiny::tags$div(style="display:inline-block",
+                    shiny::tags$label(label, `for` = inputId),
+                    shiny::tags$input(id = inputId, type = "text",style=paste("width:",width,sep = ""),...))
+num_input_unit <- function(inputId,l1,l2,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH,...) {
+    shiny::tags$div(style="display:inline-block",
+                    shiny::tags$label(l1, `for` = inputId), 
+                    shiny::tags$input(id = inputId, type = "text",style=paste("width:",width,sep = ""),...),
+                    shiny::tags$label(paste(" ",l2,sep=""), `for` = inputId))
+txt_file_input <- function(inputId,input,fileB,label,volumes,default = "") {
+    fnobj<-shinyFiles::parseFilePaths(roots = volumes,
+                                      selection = input[[fileB]])
+    fn <- fnobj[['datapath']]
+    if (isThingFile(fn)) {
+        shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId,
+                         label = label,
+                         value = fn)
+    } else {
+        shiny::isolate(currFn <- input[[inputId]])
+        if (!isThingFile(currFn)) {
+            shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId,
+                             label = label,
+                             value = default)
+        } else {
+            shiny::textInput(inputId = inputId,
+                             label = label,
+                             value = currFn)
+        }
+    }
+##' @export
+mz_input <- function(input_mz,input_unit,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH,height=NUM_INP_HEIGHT,def_mz=0,def_unit="Da",pref="+/-") {
+    style <- "display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; width: "
+    stylel <- "display: inline-block; vertical-align:top;"
+    style=paste0(style,width,"; ")
+    shiny::div(shiny::div(style=stylel,
+                          shiny::tags$label(pref,`for`=input_mz)),
+               shiny::div(style=style,
+                          shiny::numericInput(input_mz,
+                                              label=NULL,
+                                              value = def_mz)),
+               shiny::div(style=style,
+                          shiny::selectInput(input_unit,
+                                             label=NULL,
+                                             c("ppm","Da"),
+                                             selected=def_unit)))
+##' @export
+rt_input <- function(input_rt,input_unit,width=NUM_INP_WIDTH,width_u=1-NUM_INP_WIDTH,height=NUM_INP_HEIGHT,def_rt=0,def_unit="min",pref="+/-") {
+    width=paste0(as.character(width), "%")
+    width_u=paste0(as.character(width_u), "%")
+    style="display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; width: "
+    style=paste0(style,width,"; ")
+    stylel <- "display: inline-block; vertical-align:top;"
+    styleu <- paste0("display: inline-block; vertical-align:top; color: black; width: ",width_u,";")
+    shiny::div(shiny::div(style=stylel,
+                          shiny::tags$label(pref,`for`=input_rt)),
+               shiny::div(style=style,
+                          shiny::numericInput(input_rt,
+                                              label=NULL,
+                                              value = def_rt)),
+               shiny::div(style=styleu,
+                          shiny::selectInput(input_unit,
+                                             label=NULL,
+                                             c("min","s"),
+                                             selected=def_unit)))
+rev2list <- function(rv) {
+    ## Take reactive values structure and convert them to nested
+    ## lists.
+    if (class(rv)[[1]] != "reactivevalues")
+        rv else lapply(shiny::reactiveValuesToList(rv),rev2list)
+##' @export
+list2rev <- function(lst) {
+    ## Take nested named list and create reactive values from it.
+    if (class(lst)[[1]] != "list")
+        lst else do.call(react_v,lapply(lst,list2rev))
+mk_roots <- function(wd) local({
+    addons <- c("project"=normalizePath(wd,winslash = '/'))
+    def_vol <- function() {
+             path <- addons[['project']]
+             svols <- shinyFiles::getVolumes()()
+             vol <- path2vol(path)
+             sel <- match(vol,svols)
+             res <- names(svols)[[sel]]
+             res
+         }
+    list(set=function (rts) {addons <<- rts},
+         get=function () c(addons,shinyFiles::getVolumes()()),
+         def_vol=def_vol,
+         def_path=function() {
+             vol <- def_vol()
+             svols <- shinyFiles::getVolumes()()
+             pref <- svols[[vol]]
+             res <- sub(paste0(pref,'(.*)'),'\\1',addons[["project"]])
+             message('Relative path: ',res)
+             res
+         })
+#' @export
+merge2rev <- function(rev,lst) {
+    crawllist <- function(lst,currname=""){
+    cls <- class(lst)
+    if (cls[[1]]=="list" && length(names(lst)) > 0)
+        invisible(lapply(names(lst),
+                         function (nm)
+                             crawllist(lst[[nm]],
+                                       currname=paste0(currname,'[["',nm,'"]]'))))
+    else {
+            currname
+        }
+    }
+    vars <- unlist(crawllist(lst),recursive = T)
+    vars
+    pref_r <- deparse(substitute(rev))
+    pref_l <- deparse(substitute(lst))
+    lhs <- paste0(pref_r,vars)
+    rhs <- paste0(pref_l,vars)
+    exprs <- Map(function (a,b) call("<-",
+                                     parse(text=a)[[1]],
+                                     parse(text=b)[[1]]),
+                 lhs,
+                 rhs)
+    code <- quote({})
+    for (n in 1:length(exprs)) {
+        code[[n+1]] <- exprs[[n]]
+    }
+    code
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 891eb435f3b6698731178bf1da4345d3e8546d11..82cc96d52e30cda94bb194a0996f099c414d9b65 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -237,20 +237,20 @@
     | 999 | mixC |    |
-***  Data Files
+***  Data files
     These should be in mzML format.
-** Sets, Tags, Modes, Files and IDs
-   Each file is labelled by a tag, mode and set. Sets are defined in
+** Sets, Tags, Adducts, Files and IDs
+   Each file is labelled by a tag, adduct and set. Sets are defined in
    the compound set CSV file and group compounds according to their
-   IDs. Modes correspond to the adducts. Tags label files in the
+   IDs. Adducts correspond to the adducts. Tags label files in the
-   For known compounds, each set can contain multiple modes. Sets of
-   unknowns can only contain a single mode. Any files belonging to the
-   same set that have been acquired in a single mode, must carry
+   For known compounds, each set can contain multiple adducts. Sets of
+   unknowns can only contain a single adduct. Any files belonging to the
+   same set that have been acquired in a single adduct, must carry
    unique tags. 
-   In addition, the IDs of compounds belonging to the same set/mode
+   In addition, the IDs of compounds belonging to the same set/adduct
    combination must be unique. Different ID sets may overlap.
    Essentially, sets serve the purpouse of visually grouping files in
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 ** Config Screen
    This is the start tab. Import the compound and set lists first,
    then proceed to import the mzML files. Provide tags in the tag text
-   box and then assign the sets, modes and tags to the imported mzML
+   box and then assign the sets, adducts and tags to the imported mzML
    files using table widget. Once this is done, move on to the
    ~Spectra Extraction~ tab.
diff --git a/inst/rmd/app.Rmd b/inst/rmd/app.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47f0556fb375338533914380bfc294ae8da213bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/rmd/app.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+output: html_document
+runtime: shiny_prerendered
+author: Environmental Cheminformatics Group, LCSB, University of Luxembourg
+title: "`r paste('Shinyscreen', packageVersion('shinyscreen'))`"
+```{r, context='setup', include='false'}
+## library(shinydashboard)
+def_state <- new_state()
+def_datafiles <- shinyscreen:::dtable(file=character(0),
+                                      tag=character(0))
+def_datatab <- shinyscreen:::dtable("tag"=factor(),
+                                    "adduct"=factor(levels=shinyscreen:::DISP_ADDUCTS),
+                                    "set"=factor())
+def_summ_subset <- shinyscreen:::dtable("QA Column"=shinyscreen:::QA_FLAGS,
+                                        "Select"=factor("ignore",levels=shinyscreen:::SUBSET_VALS))
+## RMassBank masks shiny::validate. Unmask it.
+validate <- shiny::validate
+## def_state$input$tab$tags <- def_datatab
+rv_state <- list2rev(def_state)
+compl_sets <- eventReactive(rv_state$input$tab$setid,
+                            rv_state$input$tab$setid[,unique(set)])
+## Reactive values to support some of the UI elements.
+## rv_ui <- reactiveValues(datatab=def_tags)
+## Update with data-files.
+rv_dfile <- reactiveVal(def_datafiles)
+## Data-file table when loading.
+rv_datatab <- reactiveVal(def_datatab)
+## Re-definitions.
+## Plotting parameters.
+## Transient rt range.
+rv_rtrange <- reactiveValues(min=def_state$conf$rt_min,
+                             max=def_state$conf$rt_max)
+## Transient mz range.
+rv_mzrange <- reactiveValues(min=NA,
+                             max=NA)
+<style type="text/css">
+.main-container {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+# Configuration {.tabset}
+## Inputs
+<summary>Specify the project directory</summary>
+This is where the output files and the state of the analysis will be
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "project_b",
+             label= "Project")
+Current project directory is `r textOutput("project", inline=T)`
+<details><summary>Load the compound list(s)</summary>
+A compound list is composed of entries describing compounds. This
+description is used to search for its spectrum in the data file. The
+list is a table in the ***CSV*** format and contains these columns,
+* ***ID*** : required column, must be filled; this is a user-defined
+  ID, uniquely associated with a compound
+* ***Name*** : this column can be left blank; if not, it should contain the
+  names of the compounds
+* ***SMILES*** : a _SMILES_ string, describing the structure of the
+  compound; this entry can be left empty only if one of either
+  ***Formula***, or ***mz*** entries are not
+* ***Formula*** : a chemical formula of a compound; this field can be
+  empty only if one of either ***SMILES***, or ***mz*** entries are
+  not
+* ***mz*** : mass of the ionised compound; this field can be left
+  empty only if one of either ***SMILES***, or ***Formula*** is not
+* ***CAS*** : the CAS number of the compound; it can be left empty
+* ***RT*** : retention time of the MS1 peak in minutes, if known; can
+  be left empty.
+Only ***ID*** and one of ***SMILES***, ***Formula*** or ***mz*** must
+be filled. When structure, or a formula of a compound is known, it is
+also possible to look for various adducts in the sample. Of course,
+scanning for completely unknown compounds is also supported by the
+***mz*** column. In this case, ***mz*** is the mass of the ion.
+It is strongly recommended to quote SMILES, names and formulas in the
+CSV file used with Shinyscreen.
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "comp_list_b",
+             label= "Compound list(s)")
+`r htmlOutput("comp_lists")`
+<details><summary>Load compound set list (_setid_ table)</summary>
+The compound lists can contain more entries than is necessary. Using
+the _setid_ lists, it is possible to create _compound sets_ which
+contain only those compounds that will actually be searched for in the
+data files. A _setid table_ is a _CSV_ containing at least two
+* ***ID*** : the ID entry from the compound list
+* ***set*** : an user-defined set name.
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "setid_b",
+             label= "Load the setid table")
+`r htmlOutput("setids", inline=T)`
+## Data files
+<details><summary>Load data files</summary>
+Shinyscreen currently supports only the **mzML** file format. After
+loading the files, set file tags in the file table (column
+**tag**). Additionally, specify a set of compounds that is supposed
+to be extracted from the file using the **set** column. Finally,
+specify the **adduct** in the adduct column. In case of compounds
+with unknown structure and formula, the adduct is ignored for obvious
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "datafiles_b",
+             label= "Load data files.")
+<details><summary>Assign tags to data files.</summary>
+Each tag designates an unique file. Use the table below to assign
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+<details><summary>Assign sets to tags.</summary>
+For each tag, assign a set and an adduct (if the structure information
+exists, otherwise _adduct_ column is ignored).
+```{r, echo=F}
+## Extraction
+### Spectra extraction based settings
+<details><summary>MS1 coarse error</summary>
+Extract all entries matching the target mass within this error in the
+precursor table.
+```{r, echo=F}
+shinyscreen::mz_input(input_mz = "ms1_coarse",
+                       input_unit = "ms1_coarse_unit",
+                       def_mz = def_state$conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]],
+                       def_unit = "Da")
+<details><summary>MS1 fine error</summary>
+The precursor table masses can be of lower accuracy. Once there is a
+match within the coarse error, it can be further checked versus the
+fine error bounds directly in the mass spectrum.
+```{r, echo=F}
+shinyscreen::mz_input(input_mz = "ms1_fine",
+                      input_unit = "ms1_fine_unit",
+                      def_mz = def_state$conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]],
+                      def_unit = "ppm")
+<details><summary>MS1 EIC window</summary>
+The mz interval over which the intensities are aggregated to generate
+a chromatogram.
+```{r, echo=F}
+shinyscreen::mz_input(input_mz = "ms1_eic",
+                      input_unit = "ms1_eic_unit",
+                      def_mz = def_state$conf$tolerance[["eic"]],
+                      def_unit = "Da")
+<details><summary>Retention time window</summary>
+If the expected retention time has been specified for the compound,
+then search for the MS1 signature inside the window defined by this
+```{r, echo=F}
+shinyscreen::rt_input(input_rt = "ms1_rt_win",
+                      input_unit = "ms1_rt_win_unit",
+                      def_rt = def_state$conf$tolerance[["rt"]],
+                      def_unit = "min")
+## Prescreening
+<details><summary>MS1 intensity threshold</summary>
+Ignore MS1 signal below the threshold.
+```{r, echo=F}
+numericInput(inputId = "ms1_int_thresh",
+             label = NULL,
+             value = def_state$conf$prescreen$ms1_int_thresh)
+<details><summary>MS2 intensity threshold</summary>
+Ignore MS2 signal below the threshold.
+```{r, echo=F}
+numericInput(inputId = "ms2_int_thresh",
+             label = NULL,
+             value = def_state$conf$prescreen$ms2_int_thresh)
+MS1 signal-to-noise ratio.
+```{r, echo=F}
+numericInput(inputId = "s2n",
+             label = NULL,
+             value = def_state$conf$prescreen$s2n)
+<details><summary>MS1/MS2 retention delay.</summary>
+Look for associated MS2 spectrum within this window around the MS1
+```{r, echo=F}
+shinyscreen::rt_input(input_rt = "ret_time_shift_tol",
+                      input_unit = "ret_time_shift_tol_unit",
+                      def_rt = def_state$conf$prescreen[["ret_time_shift_tol"]],
+                      def_unit = "min")
+## Filter and order the summary table
+<div style= "display: flex; vertical-align:top; ">
+<div style="padding-right: 0.5em">
+<details><summary>Filter summary table</summary>
+Filter entries in the summary table according to the QA criteria.
+* **qa_pass** : entries that passed all checks
+* **qa_ms1_exists** : MS1 intensity is above the MS1 threshold
+* **qa_ms2_exists** : those entries for which some MS2 spectra have been found
+* **qa_ms1_above_noise** : MS1 is intense enough and above the noise level
+* **qa_ms2_good_int** : MS2 intensity is above the MS2 threshold
+* **qa_ms2_near** : MS2 spectrum is close enough to the MS1 peak
+* **ignore** : ignore QA criterion
+* **take the good ones** : entry passed QA
+* **take the bad ones** : entry failed QA
+```{r, echo=F}
+<div style="padding-left: 0.5em">
+<details><summary>Ordering by columns</summary>
+It is possible to order the summary table using columns (keys): 
+*`r paste(gsub("^-(.+)","\\1",shinyscreen:::DEF_INDEX_SUMM), collapse = ',')`*.
+The sequence of columns in the table below describes the
+sequence of ordering steps -- the key in the first row sorts the
+entire summary table and subsequent keys break the ties.
+```{r, echo=F}
+## Report
+```{r, echo=F}
+shiny::textInput(inputId = "rep_aut", label = "Report author", value = def_state$conf$report$author)
+shiny::textInput(inputId = "rep_tit", label = "Report title", value = def_state$conf$report$title)
+# View compound Lists and Sets {.tabset}
+## Compound List
+```{r, echo=F}
+## Setid Table
+```{r, echo=F}
+# Save and Restore
+Shinyscreen can start from either a previously saved _state_ file (in
+RDS format), or from a _YAML_ config file. States saved using GUI can
+also be used from the script.
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "state_file_load_b",
+             label= "Restore project")
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "state_file_save_b",
+             label= "Save project")
+# Extract Data and Prescreen
+<details><summary>Extract spectra from data files.</summary>
+After Shinyscreen is configured, the compound and setid lists loaded, it
+is possible to proceed with extracting the data. This is potentially a
+time-intensive step, so some patience might be needed.
+Once the data is extracted, it will be possible to quality check the
+spectra associated with the compounds specified in the _setid_ list,
+to subset that data, look at the plots and publish a report.
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "extract_b",
+             label = "Extract")
+<details><summary>Prescreen extracted spectra.</summary>
+After the data extraction is finished, the quality of the retrieved
+spectra can be checked using the criteria defined in the
+_Prescreening_ tab of the _Configuration_ Section. The resulting
+_summary table_ is given below and is based on the prescreening
+criteria and filter and ordering setup specified in _Filter and order
+the summary table_ configuration subsection.
+<div style="display: flex; vertical-align: top;">
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "presc_b",
+             label = "Prescreen")
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+actionButton(inputId = "sortsubset_b",
+             label = "Sort and subset")
+# Browse Results {.tabset}
+## Summary table
+```{r, echo=FALSE}
+## Data Explorer
+### Grouping plots
+<details><summary>How to group plots?</summary> 
+Plots are organised according to three categories: _plot group_,
+_label group_ and _label_. Category _label_ represents a line in a
+plot (for example, data from a specific file designated by _tag_ key
+in the file table). Category _label group_ defines how different
+labels are grouped together onto a graph (for continuing from the
+previous example, if _label group_ is _ID_ then all _tag_s connected
+to a single _ID_ are going to be plotted together on a graph). Lastly,
+Different _label group_s are going to be organised into _plot group_s.
+Keys in different categores must be different.
+<div style= "display: flex; vertical-align:top; ">
+<div style="padding-right:0.5em;">
+```{r, echo=F}
+p_feats <- 1:length(PLOT_FEATURES)
+names(p_feats) <- PLOT_FEATURES
+selectInput(inputId = "plot_grp",
+            label = "Group plots",
+            choices = p_feats,
+            selected = p_feats[[shinyscreen:::FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping[["group"]]]],
+            width  = "100%")
+<div style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;">
+```{r, echo=F}
+p_feats <- 1:length(PLOT_FEATURES)
+names(p_feats) <- PLOT_FEATURES
+selectInput(inputId = "plot_grp_plot",
+            label = "Group labels",
+            choices = p_feats,
+            selected = p_feats[[shinyscreen:::FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping[["plot"]]]],
+            width  = "100%")
+<div style="padding-left:0.5em;">
+```{r, echo=F}
+p_feats <- 1:length(PLOT_FEATURES)
+names(p_feats) <- PLOT_FEATURES
+selectInput(inputId = "plot_label",
+            label = "Label",
+            choices = p_feats,
+            selected = p_feats[[shinyscreen:::FIG_DEF_CONF$grouping[["label"]]]],
+            width = "100%")
+### Plot selection
+```{r, echo=F}
+Each plot supports zooming by selecting an area within the plot. The
+zoom can be reset by double clicking on the plot surface.
+<!-- <div style="overflow-y:scroll;max-height:80vh; width: 100%; background: white;"> -->
+```{r echo=F}
+sidebarLayout(sidebarPanel(h5("Global RT range"),
+                           shinyscreen::rt_input(input_rt = "plot_rt_min",
+                                                 input_unit = "plot_rt_min_unit",
+                                                 width=55,
+                                                 width_u=40,
+                                                 def_rt = "min",
+                                                 def_unit = "min",
+                                                 pref = ""),
+                           shinyscreen::rt_input(input_rt = "plot_rt_max",
+                                                 input_unit = "plot_rt_max_unit",
+                                                 width=55,
+                                                 width_u=40,
+                                                 def_rt = "max",
+                                                 def_unit = "min",
+                                                 pref = ""),
+                           hr(),
+                           h5("Log scale"),
+                           checkboxGroupInput("plot_log",
+                                              label=NULL,
+                                              choices = c("MS1 EIC","MS2 EIC","MS2 Spectrum"),
+                                              selected = character(0)),
+                           hr(),
+                           uiOutput("plot_b_ctrl"),
+                           h5("Pointer position"),
+                           textOutput("plot_hover_out"),
+                           width=4),
+              wellPanel(id = "tPanel",style = "overflow-y:scroll; max-height:80vh; background: white",
+                        column(6,
+                               plotOutput("plot_ms1_eic",
+                                          hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
+                                                            delayType = "throttle",
+                                                            delay=100),
+                                          dblclick = "plot_rt_click",
+                                          brush = "plot_brush"),
+                               plotOutput("plot_ms2_eic",
+                                          hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
+                                                            delayType = "throttle",
+                                                            delay=100),
+                                          dblclick = "plot_rt_click",
+                                          brush = "plot_brush")),
+                        column(6,
+                               plotOutput("plot_struct"),
+                               plotOutput("plot_ms2_spec",
+                                          hover = hoverOpts(id="plot_hover",
+                                                            delayType = "throttle",
+                                                            delay=100),
+                                          dblclick = "plot_mz_click",
+                                          brush = brushOpts(id="plot_mz_brush")))))
+<!-- </div> -->
+```{r, echo=F}
+<!-- ENGINE -->
+<!-- setup is here  -->
+```{r, include="false", context='setup'}
+ord_nms <- gsub("^-(.+)","\\1",shinyscreen:::DEF_INDEX_SUMM)
+ord_asc <- grepl("^-.+",shinyscreen:::DEF_INDEX_SUMM)
+ord_asc <- factor(ifelse(ord_asc, "descending", "ascending"),levels = c("ascending","descending"))
+def_ord_summ <- shinyscreen:::dtable("Column Name"=ord_nms,"Direction"=ord_asc)
+adapt_range <- function(fig,x_range=NULL) {
+    if (is.null(x_range)) fig else fig+coord_cartesian(xlim=x_range)
+plot_boiler <- function(m,tab,row,plot_fun,rv_x_range,adapt_x_range=T) {
+    req(row)
+    plot_group <- m$conf$figures$grouping$group
+    plot_plot <- m$conf$figures$grouping$plot
+    ms1_plot <- m$out$tab$ms1_plot
+    ms1_plot <- m$out$tab$ms1_plot
+    req(row)
+    idx <- get_plot_idx(tab = tab,
+                        plot_group = plot_group,
+                        plot_plot = plot_plot,
+                        row =row)
+    fig <- plot_fun(m=m,plot_index = idx)
+    x_range <- if (adapt_x_range) c(rv_x_range$min,rv_x_range$max) else NULL
+    adapt_range(fig,x_range=x_range)
+get_plot_idx <- function(tab,plot_group,plot_plot,row) {
+    pg <- tab[row,..plot_group]
+    pp <- tab[row,..plot_plot]
+    res <- c(pg,pp)
+    names(res) <- c(plot_group,plot_plot)
+    res
+update_gui <- function(in_conf, session) {
+    upd_unit <- function(entry,inp_val,inp_unit,choices) {
+        if (isTruthy(entry)) {
+            cntnt <- strsplit(entry,split = "[[:space:]]+")[[1]]
+            cntnt <- cntnt[nchar(cntnt) > 0]
+            if (length(cntnt)!=2) stop("(upd_unit) ","Unable to interpret ", entry)
+            val <- cntnt[[1]]
+            unit <- cntnt[[2]]
+            updateNumericInput(session = session,
+                               inputId = inp_val,
+                               value = as.numeric(val))
+            updateSelectInput(session = session,
+                              inputId = inp_unit,
+                              selected = unit,
+                              choices = choices)
+        }
+    }
+    upd_num <- function(entry,inp_val) {
+        if (isTruthy(entry)) {
+            updateNumericInput(session = session,
+                               inputId = inp_val,
+                               value = as.numeric(entry))
+        }
+    }
+    upd_sel <- function(inputId,selected,choices) {
+        if (isTruthy(selected)) {
+            updateSelectInput(session = session,
+                              inputId = inputId,
+                              selected = selected,
+                              choices = choices)
+        }
+    }
+    isolate({
+        rv_state$conf$project <- in_conf$project
+        rv_state$conf$data <- in_conf$data
+        ## Lists
+        rv_state$conf$compounds$lists <- in_conf$compounds$lists
+        rv_state$conf$compounds$sets <- in_conf$compounds$sets
+        ## Tolerance
+        upd_unit(in_conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]],
+                 "ms1_fine",
+                 "ms1_fine_unit",
+                 choices=c("ppm","Da"))
+        upd_unit(in_conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]],
+                 "ms1_coarse",
+                 "ms1_coarse_unit",
+                 choices=c("ppm","Da"))
+        upd_unit(in_conf$tolerance[["eic"]],
+                 "ms1_eic",
+                 "ms1_eic_unit",
+                 choices=c("ppm","Da"))
+        upd_unit(in_conf$tolerance[["rt"]],
+                 "ms1_rt_win",
+                 "ms1_rt_win_unit",
+                 choices=c("min","s"))
+        ## Prescreen
+        upd_num(in_conf$prescreen[["ms1_int_thresh"]],
+                "ms1_int_thresh")
+        upd_num(in_conf$prescreen[["ms2_int_thresh"]],
+                "ms2_int_thresh")
+        upd_num(in_conf$prescreen[["s2n"]],
+                "s2n")
+        upd_unit(in_conf$prescreen[["ret_time_shift_tol"]],
+                 "ret_time_shift_tol",
+                 "ret_time_shift_tol_unit",
+                 choices=c("min","s"))
+        ## Files
+        df <- shinyscreen:::file2tab(in_conf$data)
+        df[,tag:=as.character(tag),with=T]
+        rv_dfile(df[,.(file,tag),by=c("file","tag"),mult="first"][,file:=NULL])
+        nms <- colnames(df)
+        nms <- nms[nms!="file"]
+        fdt <- df[,..nms]
+        rv_datatab(fdt)
+        ## figures
+        upd_unit(in_conf$figures$rt_min,
+                 "plot_rt_min",
+                 "plot_rt_min_unit",
+                 choices=c("min","s"))
+        upd_unit(in_conf$figures$rt_max,
+                 "plot_rt_max",
+                 "plot_rt_max_unit",
+                 choices=c("min","s"))
+        logentry <- in_conf$figures$logaxes
+        logchoice <- logical(0)
+        logchoice <- mapply(function(cn,uin) if (cn %in% logentry) uin else NA,
+                            c("ms1_eic_int","ms2_eic_int","ms2_spec_int"),
+                            c("MS1 EIC","MS2 EIC","MS2 Spectrum"),USE.NAMES = F)
+        logchoice <- logchoice[!is.na(logchoice)]
+        updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
+                                 inputId = "plot_log",
+                                 choices = c("MS1 EIC",
+                                             "MS2 EIC",
+                                             "MS2 Spectrum"),
+                                 selected = logchoice)
+        ## Report
+        if (isTruthy(in_conf$report$author)) updateTextInput(session,"rep_aut",value = in_conf$report$author)
+        if (isTruthy(in_conf$report$title)) updateTextInput(session,"rep_tit",value = in_conf$report$title)
+    })
+```{r, include="false", context='server'}
+rf_compound_input_state <- reactive({
+    sets <- rv_state$conf$compounds$sets
+    lst <- as.list(rv_state$conf$compounds$lists)
+    validate(need(length(lst)>0,
+                  message = "Load the compound lists(s) first."))
+    validate(need(length(sets)>0 && nchar(sets)>0,
+                  message = "Load the setid table first."))
+    isolate({
+        state <- rev2list(rv_state)
+        m <- load_compound_input(state)
+        ## Side effect! This is because my pipeline logic does not
+        ## work nicely with reactive stuff.
+        rv_state$input$tab$cmpds <- list2rev(m$input$tab$cmpds)
+        rv_state$input$tab$setid <- m$input$tab$setid
+        m
+    })
+rf_conf_proj <- reactive({
+    state <- rev2list(rv_state)
+    dir.create(state$conf$project,showWarnings = F)
+    state
+rf_conf_state <- reactive({
+    state <- rf_conf_proj()
+    ## mzml1 <- rf_get_inp_datatab()
+    ## mzml1[,`:=`(tag=as.character(tag),
+    ##             set=as.character(set),
+    ##             adduct=as.character(adduct))]
+    ## mzml2 <- rf_get_inp_datafiles()
+    ## mzml <- mzml1[mzml2,on="tag"]
+    ftab <- get_fn_ftab(state)
+    state$conf$data <- ftab
+    state$conf[["summary table"]]$filter <- rf_get_subset()
+    state$conf[["summary table"]]$order <- rf_get_order()
+    state
+rf_get_subset <- reactive({
+    input$summ_subset
+    dt <- tryCatch(rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$summ_subset),
+                   error = function(e) def_summ_subset)
+    dt[Select == shinyscreen:::SUBSET_VALS[["GOOD"]], extra := T]
+    dt[Select == shinyscreen:::SUBSET_VALS[["BAD"]], extra := F]
+    sdt <- dt[!is.na(extra)]
+    if (NROW(sdt) > 0) {
+        sdt[,paste0(`QA Column`," == ",extra)]
+    } else NULL
+rf_get_order <- reactive({
+    dt <- tryCatch(rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$order_summ),error = function(e) def_ord_summ)
+    tmp <- dt[Direction == "descending",.(`Column Name`=paste0("-",`Column Name`))]
+    tmp[,`Column Name`]
+rf_get_inp_datatab <- eventReactive(input$datatab,{
+    z <- data.table::as.data.table(tryCatch(rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$datatab)),
+                                   error = function(e) def_datatab)
+    z[,.(tag=as.character(tag),
+         adduct=as.character(adduct),
+         set=as.character(set)), with = T]
+rf_get_inp_datafiles <- eventReactive(input$datafiles,{
+    z <- data.table::as.data.table(tryCatch(rhandsontable::hot_to_r(input$datafiles)),
+                                   error = function(e) def_datafiles)
+    z[,.(file,
+         tag=as.character(tag)), with = T]
+rf_summ_table_rows <- eventReactive(input$summ_table_rows_all,{
+    input$summ_table_rows_all
+rf_gen_sel_plot_tab <- reactive({
+    rv_state$out$tab$flt_summ
+    m <- rev2list(rv_state)
+    fltsumm <- m$out$tab$flt_summ
+    validate(need(NROW(fltsumm) > 0,
+                  message = "Generate summary table first."))
+    rows <- rf_summ_table_rows()
+    ## Reduce to currently selected rows.
+    m$out$tab$flt_summ <- m$out$tab$flt_summ[rows,]
+    gen_key_plot_tab(m)
+rf_rtrange_from_data <- eventReactive(input$plot_sel_cell_clicked,{
+    ## Determine the plotting RT range.
+    ptab <- rf_gen_sel_plot_tab()
+    plot_group <- rv_state$conf$figures$grouping$group
+    plot_plot <- rv_state$conf$figures$grouping$plot
+    ms1_plot <- rv_state$out$tab$ms1_plot
+    ms2_plot <- rv_state$out$tab$ms2_plot
+    row <- input$plot_sel_cell_clicked[["row"]]
+    req(row)
+    sel_grp <- ptab[row,.SD,.SDcols=c(plot_group,plot_plot)]
+    mpl1 <- ms1_plot[sel_grp,on=c(plot_group,plot_plot),nomatch=NULL]
+    mpl2 <- ms2_plot[sel_grp,on=c(plot_group,plot_plot),nomatch=NULL]
+    res <- shinyscreen:::get_rt_interval(mpl1$fig_eic[[1]]$data,mpl2$fig_eic[[1]]$data,rv_state$conf$figures)
+    res
+rf_gen_struct_figs <- eventReactive(rv_state$out$tab$comp,gen_struct_plots(rv_state))
+<!-- OBSERVERS -->
+```{r, include="false", context='server'}
+observeEvent(input$setid_b, {
+    filters <- matrix(c("CSV files", ".csv",
+                        "All files", "*"),
+                      2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
+    setids <- tcltk::tk_choose.files(filters=filters)
+    message("(config) Selected compound sets (setid): ", paste(setids,collapse = ","))
+    rv_state$conf$compounds$sets <- if (length(setids)>0 && nchar(setids[[1]])>0) setids else "Nothing selected."
+    wd <- tcltk::tk_choose.dir(default = getwd(),
+                               caption = "Choose project directory")
+    message("Set project dir to ", wd)
+    dir.create(wd,recursive = T,showWarnings = F)
+    rv_state$conf$project <- wd
+observeEvent(input$comp_list_b, {
+    filters <- matrix(c("CSV files", ".csv",
+                        "All files", "*"),
+                      2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
+    compfiles <- tcltk::tk_choose.files(filters=filters)
+    message("(config) Selected compound lists: ", paste(compfiles,collapse = ","))
+    rv_state$conf$compounds$lists <- if (length(compfiles)>0 && nchar(compfiles[[1]])>0) compfiles else "Nothing selected."
+    filters <- matrix(c("mzML files", ".mzML",
+                        "All files", "*"),
+                      2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
+    fns <- tcltk::tk_choose.files(filters=filters)
+    message("(config) Selected data files: ", paste(fns,collapse = ","))
+    ## Did the user choose any files?
+    if (length(fns) > 0) {
+        oldtab <- rf_get_inp_datafiles()
+        newf <- setdiff(fns,oldtab$file)
+        nr <- NROW(oldtab)
+        tmp <- if (length(newf)>0) shinyscreen:::dtable(file=newf,tag=paste0('F',(nr+1):(nr + length(newf)))) else shinyscreen:::dtable(file=character(),tag=character())
+        z <- rbind(oldtab, tmp)
+        z[,tag:=as.character(tag)]
+        rv_dfile(z)
+    }
+    df_tab <- rf_get_inp_datafiles()
+    state <- rf_compound_input_state()
+    isolate(oldtab <- rf_get_inp_datatab())
+    oldt <- oldtab$tag
+    tagl <- df_tab$tag
+    diff <- setdiff(tagl,
+                    oldt)
+    res <- if (length(diff)!=0) {
+               ## Only change the tag names in the old ones.
+               pos_tag <- 1:length(tagl)
+               pos_old <- 1:NROW(oldtab)
+               pos_mod <- intersect(pos_tag,pos_old)
+               new_tag <- tagl[pos_mod]
+               if (NROW(oldtab)>0) oldtab[pos_mod,tag := ..new_tag]
+               ## Now add tags for completely new files, if any.
+               rest_new <- if (NROW(oldtab) > 0) setdiff(diff,new_tag) else diff
+               tmp <- shinyscreen:::dtable(tag=rest_new,
+                                           adduct=character(0),
+                                           set=character(0))
+               dt <-data.table::as.data.table(rbind(as.data.frame(oldtab),
+                                                    as.data.frame(tmp)))
+               dt[tag %in% df_tab$tag,]
+           } else oldtab
+    rv_datatab(res)
+    mc <- rf_conf_state()
+    rv_state$conf <- mc$conf
+}, label = "conf_state")
+    dtab <- rv_datatab()
+    dfiles <- rv_dfile()
+    message("(config) Generating mzml from rv.")
+    isolate(rv_state$input$tab$mzml <- dtab[dfiles,on="tag"])
+    message("(config) Done generating mzml from rv.")
+}, label = "mzml_from_rv")
+    dtab <- rf_get_inp_datatab()
+    dfiles <- rf_get_inp_datafiles()
+    message("(config) Generating mzml from inputs.")
+    res <- dtab[dfiles,on="tag"]
+    isolate(rv_state$input$tab$mzml <- res)
+    message("(config) Generating mzml from inputs.")
+}, label = "mzml_from_inp")
+    m <- rf_conf_state()
+    fn_c_state <- file.path(m$conf$project,
+                            paste0("extract.",shinyscreen:::FN_CONF))
+    yaml::write_yaml(x=m$conf,file=fn_c_state)
+    message("(extract) Config written to ", fn_c_state)
+    state <- shinyscreen::run(m=m,
+                              phases=c("setup",
+                                       "comptab",
+                                       "extract"))
+    message("(extract) Done extracting.")
+    z <- shinyscreen::merge2rev(rv_state,lst = state)
+    eval(z)   
+    validate(need(NROW(rv_state$extr$ms1) > 0,
+                  message = "Perform extraction first."))
+    m <- rev2list(rv_state)
+    fn_c_state <- file.path(m$conf$project,
+                            paste0("presc.",shinyscreen:::FN_CONF))
+    yaml::write_yaml(x=m$conf,file=fn_c_state)
+    message("(prescreen) Config written to ", fn_c_state)
+    state <- shinyscreen::run(m=m,
+                              phases=c("prescreen"))
+    message("(prescreen) Done prescreening.")
+    z <- shinyscreen::merge2rev(rv_state,lst = state)
+    eval(z)
+    m <- rev2list(rv_state)
+    fn_c_state <- file.path(m$conf$project,
+                            paste0("sortsubset.",shinyscreen:::FN_CONF))
+    yaml::write_yaml(x=m$conf,file=fn_c_state)
+    message("(sortsubset) Config written to ", fn_c_state)
+    state <- shinyscreen::run(m=m,
+                              phases=c("sort",
+                                       "subset"))
+    message("(sortsubset) Done with sorting and subsetting.")
+    z <- shinyscreen::merge2rev(rv_state,lst = state)
+    eval(z)
+    validate(need(NROW(rv_state$out$tab$flt_summ) > 0,
+                  message = "Perform prescreening first."))
+    m <- rev2list(rv_state)
+    fn_c_state <- file.path(m$conf$project,
+                            paste0("genplot.",shinyscreen:::FN_CONF))
+    yaml::write_yaml(x=m$conf,file=fn_c_state)
+    message("(generate plots) Config written to ", fn_c_state)
+    state <- shinyscreen::run(m=m,
+                              phases=c("plot"))
+    message("(generate plots) Done generating plots.")
+    z <- shinyscreen::merge2rev(rv_state,lst = state)
+    eval(z)
+    filters <- matrix(c("RDS files", ".rds",
+                        "YAML config files", ".yaml",
+                        "All files", "*"),
+                      3, 2, byrow = TRUE)
+    fn <- tcltk::tk_choose.files(filters=filters,
+                                 multi = F)
+    message("(config) Loading state from: ", paste(fn,collapse = ","))
+    fn <- if (length(fn)>0 && nchar(fn[[1]])>0) fn else ""
+    if (nchar(fn) > 0) {
+        if (grepl("yaml",fn)) {
+            state <- new_state_fn_conf(fn)
+            conf <- state$conf
+            update_gui(conf,session=session)
+        } else {
+            state <- readRDS(file=fn)
+            z <- shinyscreen::merge2rev(rv_state,lst = state)
+            eval(z)
+            update_gui(rv_state$conf, session=session)
+        }
+    }
+    filters <- matrix(c("RDS files", ".rds",
+                        "All files", "*"),
+                      2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
+    fn <- tk_save_file(filters=filters,                       
+                       default = "state.rds")
+    message("(config) Saving state to: ", paste(fn,collapse = ","))
+    fn <- if (length(fn)>0 && nchar(fn[[1]])>0) fn else ""
+    if (nchar(fn) > 0) {
+        m <- rev2list(rv_state)
+        ftab <- get_fn_ftab(m)
+        fconf <- get_fn_conf(m)
+        yaml::write_yaml(m$conf,
+                         file = fconf)
+        shinyscreen:::tab2file(tab=m$input$tab$mzml,file=ftab)
+        m$conf$data <- ftab
+        saveRDS(object=m,file=fn)
+    }
+    res <- rf_rtrange_from_data()
+    rv_rtrange$min <- res[[1]]
+    rv_rtrange$max <- res[[2]]
+},label = "rt_from_data")
+    xmin <- input$plot_brush[["xmin"]]
+    xmax <- input$plot_brush[["xmax"]]
+    if (!is.null(xmin)) rv_rtrange$min <- xmin
+    if (!is.null(xmin)) rv_rtrange$max <- xmax
+    session$resetBrush("plot_brush")
+    res <- rf_rtrange_from_data()
+    rv_rtrange$min <- res[[1]]
+    rv_rtrange$max <- res[[2]]
+    rv_mzrange$min <- NA
+    rv_mzrange$max <- NA
+    m <- gen_struct_plots(rev2list(rv_state))
+    rv_state$out$tab$structfig <- m$out$tab$structfig 
+}, label = "gen_struct_plots")
+    xmin <- input$plot_mz_brush[["xmin"]]
+    xmax <- input$plot_mz_brush[["xmax"]]
+    if (!is.null(xmin)) rv_mzrange$min <- xmin
+    if (!is.null(xmin)) rv_mzrange$max <- xmax
+    session$resetBrush("plot_mz_brush")
+<!-- Tolerance -->
+```{r, include='false', context = 'server'}
+uni_ass <- function(val,unit) {
+    paste(input[[val]],
+          input[[unit]])
+    rv_state$conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]] <- uni_ass("ms1_fine",
+                                                     "ms1_fine_unit")
+    rv_state$conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]] <- uni_ass("ms1_coarse",
+                                                       "ms1_coarse_unit")
+    rv_state$conf$tolerance[["eic"]] <- uni_ass("ms1_eic",
+                                                "ms1_eic_unit")
+    rv_state$conf$tolerance[["rt"]] <- uni_ass("ms1_rt_win",
+                                               "ms1_rt_win_unit")
+<!-- Prescreen -->
+```{r, include='false', context = 'server'}
+## uni_ass <- function(val,unit) {
+##     paste(input[[val]],
+##           input[[unit]])
+## }
+    rv_state$conf$prescreen[["ms1_int_thresh"]] <- input[["ms1_int_thresh"]]
+    rv_state$conf$prescreen[["ms2_int_thresh"]] <- input[["ms2_int_thresh"]]
+    rv_state$conf$prescreen[["s2n"]] <- input$s2n
+    rv_state$conf$prescreen[["ret_time_shift_tol"]] <- uni_ass("ret_time_shift_tol",
+                                                               "ret_time_shift_tol_unit")
+<!-- Plotting -->
+```{r, include='false', context = 'server'}
+    plot_group <- PLOT_FEATURES[[as.integer(input$plot_grp)]]
+    plot_plot <- PLOT_FEATURES[[as.integer(input$plot_grp_plot)]]
+    plot_label <-PLOT_FEATURES[[as.integer(input$plot_label)]]
+    isolate({
+        rv_state$conf$figures$grouping$group <- plot_group
+        rv_state$conf$figures$grouping$plot <- plot_plot
+        rv_state$conf$figures$grouping$label <- plot_label
+    })
+}, label = "plot-grouping")
+    vals <- input$plot_log
+    checked <- c("MS1 EIC"=F,
+                 "MS2 EIC"=F,
+                 "MS2 Spectrum"=F)
+    if (length(vals)!=0) checked[vals] <- T
+    l <- list()
+    l <- c(if (checked[["MS1 EIC"]]) "ms1_eic_int" else NULL,l)
+    l <- c(if (checked[["MS2 EIC"]]) "ms2_eic_int" else NULL,l)
+    l <- c(if (checked[["MS2 Spectrum"]]) "ms2_spec_int" else NULL,l)
+    rv_state$conf$figures[["logaxes"]] <- l[!sapply(l,is.null)]
+	rv_state$conf$figures$rt_min <- uni_ass("plot_rt_min","plot_rt_min_unit")
+	rv_state$conf$figures$rt_max <- uni_ass("plot_rt_max","plot_rt_max_unit")
+<!-- Report -->
+```{r, include='false', context = 'server'}
+	rv_state$conf$report$author <- input$rep_aut
+	rv_state$conf$report$title <- input$rep_tit
+<!-- RENDER -->
+```{r, include="false", context="server"}
+output$project <- renderText(rv_state$conf$project)
+output$comp_lists <- renderText({
+    lsts <- rev2list(rv_state$conf$compounds$lists)
+    if (length(lsts) > 0 &&
+        isTruthy(lsts) &&
+        lsts != "Nothing selected.") {
+        paste(c("<ul>",
+                sapply(lsts,
+                       function (x) paste("<li>",x,"</li>")),
+                "</ul>"))
+    } else "No compound list selected yet."
+output$setids <- renderText({
+    sets <- rv_state$conf$compounds$sets
+    if (isTruthy(sets) && sets != "Nothing selected.")
+        paste("selected <em>setid</em> table:",
+              sets) else "No <em>setid</em> table selected."
+output$order_summ <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable(rhandsontable::rhandsontable(def_ord_summ,
+                                                                                     manualRowMove = T))
+output$datafiles <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable(
+    res <- rv_dfile()
+    rhandsontable::rhandsontable(as.data.frame(res),
+                                 width = "50%",
+                                 height = "25%",
+                                 allowInvalid=F)
+output$datatab <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable(
+    setid <- rv_state$input$tab$setid
+    res <- rv_datatab()
+    if (NROW(res)>0) {
+        res$tag <- factor(res$tag,
+                          levels = c(unique(res$tag),
+                                              "invalid"))
+        res$set <- factor(res$set,
+                          levels = c(unique(setid$set),
+                                             "invalid"))
+        res$adduct <- factor(res$adduct,
+                             levels = shinyscreen:::DISP_ADDUCTS)
+    }
+    rhandsontable::rhandsontable(res,stretchH="all",
+                                 allowInvalid=F)
+output$comp_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    state <- rf_compound_input_state()
+    DT::datatable(state$input$tab$cmpds,
+                  style = 'bootstrap',
+                  class = 'table-condensed',
+                  extensions = 'Scroller',
+                  options = list(scrollX = T,
+                                 scrollY = 200,
+                                 deferRender = T,
+                                 scroller = T))
+output$setid_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    state <- rf_compound_input_state()
+    DT::datatable(state$input$tab$setid,
+                  style = 'bootstrap',
+                  class = 'table-condensed',
+                  extensions = 'Scroller',
+                  options = list(scrollX = T,
+                                 scrollY = 200,
+                                 deferRender = T,
+                                 scroller = T))
+output$summ_subset <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
+    rhandsontable::rhandsontable(def_summ_subset)
+output$summ_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    tab <- rv_state$out$tab$flt_summ
+    nms <- colnames(tab)
+    dpl_nms <- nms[nms!="file"]
+    validate(need(NROW(tab)>0, message = "Please prescreen the data first."))
+    DT::datatable(tab[,..dpl_nms],
+                  style = 'bootstrap',
+                  class = 'table-condensed',
+                  extensions = 'Scroller',
+                  options = list(scrollX = T,
+                                 scrollY = 200,
+                                 deferRender = T,
+                                 scroller = T))
+output$plot_sel <- DT::renderDataTable({
+    tab <- rf_gen_sel_plot_tab()
+    DT::datatable(tab,
+                  style = 'bootstrap',
+                  class = 'table-condensed',
+                  extensions = 'Scroller',
+                  selection = 'single',
+                  options = list(scrollX = T,
+                                 scrollY = 200,
+                                 deferRender = T,
+                                 scroller = T))
+output$plot_b_ctrl <- renderUI({
+    tab <- rv_state$out$tab$flt_summ
+    req(NROW(tab)>0)
+    actionButton(inputId = "plot_b",
+             label= "Save all plots")
+output$plot_ms1_eic <- renderPlot({
+    plot_boiler(m=rv_state,
+                tab=rf_gen_sel_plot_tab(),
+                row=input$plot_sel_cell_clicked[["row"]],
+                plot_fun=plot_ms1_chr,
+                rv_x_range=rv_rtrange)
+output$plot_ms2_eic <- renderPlot({
+    plot_boiler(m=rv_state,
+                tab=rf_gen_sel_plot_tab(),
+                row=input$plot_sel_cell_clicked[["row"]],
+                plot_fun=plot_ms2_chr,
+                rv_x_range=rv_rtrange)
+output$plot_ms2_spec <- renderPlot({
+    plot_boiler(m=rv_state,
+                tab=rf_gen_sel_plot_tab(),
+                row=input$plot_sel_cell_clicked[["row"]],
+                plot_fun=plot_ms2_spec,
+                rv_x_range=rv_mzrange)
+output$plot_struct <- renderPlot({
+    req(NROW(rv_state$out$tab$structfig)>0)
+    message("plot struuuct")
+    plot_boiler(m=rv_state,
+                tab=rf_gen_sel_plot_tab(),
+                row=input$plot_sel_cell_clicked[["row"]],
+                plot_fun=plot_struct,
+                adapt_x_range=F)
+output$plot_hover_out <- renderText({
+    inp1 <- input$plot_hover[[1]]
+    inp2 <- input$plot_hover[[2]]
+    res <- if (all(!(c(is.null(inp1),is.null(inp2))))) {
+               paste0('(',
+                      format(inp1,digits=5),
+                      ',',
+                      format(inp2,digits=2,scientific=T),
+                      ')')
+           } else "Currently not in the plot."
+```{r, echo=F, context = 'server'}
+session$onSessionEnded(function () stopApp())
diff --git a/man/RMB_EIC_prescreen_df.Rd b/man/RMB_EIC_prescreen_df.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 13016b13aeb3f850bf6dad2fabda3cd1eedee151..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/RMB_EIC_prescreen_df.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-RMB_EIC_prescreen_df(wd, RMB_mode, FileList, cmpd_list,
-  ppm_limit_fine = 10, EIC_limit = 0.001)
-\item{wd}{Absolute path to the directory that will contain the
-resulting data frame.}
-Prescreens. Writes data out. Adapted from ReSOLUTION
-Emma Schymanski, Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/attch.Rd b/man/attch.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index d752dbd55280620a463cccf385688d9ff0fe2255..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/attch.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/run.R
-\title{Paste With No Separator}
-\item{...}{Strings to paste together.}
-Pasted string.
-Paste with no separator.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd b/man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a69af6910b934079dd85aa43e3763f50a6ff5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Generate Compound List File}
-gen_cmpd_l(src_fn, dest_fn)
-\item{src_fn}{The input compound list CSV filename.}
-\item{dest_fn}{The resulting compound list CSV filename.}
-Number of compounds.
-Generate the RMassBank compound list from the input compound list
-in CSV file src_fn. The input compound list format is either a
-Chemical Dashboard csv file with, at least, PREFERRED_ SMILES
-columns \emph{filled} out, or just an ordinary CSV file with columns
-SMILES and Names filled. Argument dest_fn is the destination
-filename. Returns the number of compounds.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd b/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a782c7bc8c0b4c9138ac02f3733d4e45af5a204a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Compound List}
-gen_cmpdl_and_load(wd, fn_cmpdl)
-\item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
-\item{fn_cmpdl}{The input compound list filename.}
-Named list. The key \code{fn_cmpdl} is the path of the
-generated compound list and the key \code{n} the number of
-Generates the RMassBank compound list and loads it.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/gen_ftable.Rd b/man/gen_ftable.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index de5f27d08217170cf6b89b75d3dcb34741dd56ec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/gen_ftable.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File}
-gen_ftable(fn_data, wd, n_cmpd)
-\item{fn_data}{The mzML filename.}
-\item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
-\item{n_cmpd}{Number of compounds.}
-File path of the file table.
-Generates file table.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd b/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb26fcadaa0cd354710dcbf389120cdfd1913d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File}
-gen_stgs_and_load(stgs, wd)
-\item{stgs}{Settings named list, or a settings filename.}
-\item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
-result of RMassBank::loadRmbSettings
-Generates settings file and loads it.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/mk_combine_file.Rd b/man/mk_combine_file.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c02d2cfc77c04d850667107850af02b2c7e4e67..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/mk_combine_file.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Combine RMB Settings With Different Collisional Energies}
-mk_combine_file(sett_fns, fname)
-\item{sett_fns}{A list of settings files.}
-\item{fname}{The name of the combined file.}
-Combine the RMB settings files
-Combine RMB settings with different collisional energies into one
-settings file with multiple collisional energy entries.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/mk_sett_file.Rd b/man/mk_sett_file.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf885acf6429be534d34326454305720c5054e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/mk_sett_file.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Generate RMassBank settings file.}
-mk_sett_file(sett_alist, file)
-\item{sett_alist}{The named list of settings that are different
-from the RMassBank defaults.}
-\item{file}{The name of the YAML specification that will be merged
-with the template Rmb settings file.}
-Produce the Rmb Settings file
-Produce the Rmb Settings file based on the customisation file in
-YAML format.
diff --git a/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd b/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index c33d17dca9fe4c8aad8577c798f3294c3915f057..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Create directories without drama}
-\item{path}{Names of the directories.}
-The character string containing the input argument \code{path}.
-Create directories without drama.
-Create directories without drama.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/presc.do.Rd b/man/presc.do.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 162677c29787fcad7eeb80ecc9a1eb03550f3636..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/presc.do.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/run.R
-\title{Prescreening on bunch of files.}
-presc.do(fn_data, fn_cmpd_l, mode, dest = ".", proc = F, ...)
-\item{fn_data}{The mzML files. Basis for the out directory name
-\item{fn_cmpd_l}{The compound list.}
-\item{mode}{RMB mode.}
-\item{dest}{Destination directory.}
-\item{proc}{Amount of processors, or FALSE.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The compound list CSV.}
-Nothing useful.
-Do the prescreening.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/presc.plot.Rd b/man/presc.plot.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9939d6d477215c8bd9efb4d6436dbfe3c7aa8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/presc.plot.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Plot the Output of Prescreen}
-presc.plot(prescdf, mode, out = "prescreen.pdf", fn_cmpd_l,
-  pal = "Dark2", cex = 0.75, rt_digits = 2, m_digits = 4)
-\item{prescdf}{File table data-frame. See presc.shiny for details.}
-\item{mode}{RMB mode.}
-\item{out}{The name of the output file.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_l}{The compound list name.}
-\item{pal}{ColorBrewer palette name.}
-\item{cex}{As in legend.}
-\item{rt_digits}{Number of digits after the point for the retention time.}
-\item{m_digits}{Number of digits after the point for the mass.}
-\item{wd}{Sequence of data dirs containing the prescreen subdir.}
-\item{digits}{Number of significant digits for peak ret times.}
-Nothing useful.
-Plot the output of prescreen.
-Todor Kondić
-Mira Narayanan
-Anjana Elapavalore
diff --git a/man/presc.shiny.Rd b/man/presc.shiny.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index d2f0e5d163fa35d128aa7205e1de7951f30f0244..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/presc.shiny.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Prescreening with Shiny}
-presc.shiny(prescdf, mode, fn_cmpd_l, pal = "Dark2", cex = 0.75,
-  rt_digits = 2, m_digits = 4)
-\item{prescdf}{File table data-frame. Columns: Files,ID,wd,tag,set_name ...}
-\item{mode}{RMassBank mode.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_l}{Compound list file name.}
-\item{pal}{ColorBrewer palette.}
-\item{cex}{Size of fonts.}
-\item{rt_digits}{Number of decimal places for the retention time.}
-\item{m_digits}{Number of decimal places for the mass.}
-Nothing useful.
-Prescreening using shiny interface.
-Jessy Krier
-Mira Narayanan
-Hiba Mohammed Taha
-Anjana Elapavalore
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/rendersmiles2.Rd b/man/rendersmiles2.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index f9bf7abeb3d1f8c8e56eeac1e2b503fccf8f6976..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/rendersmiles2.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Turn SMILES to an Image Using Online Resource}
-rendersmiles2(smiles, style = "cow", ...)
-\item{smiles}{The SMILES string.}
-\item{style}{Structure style.}
-\item{...}{Hand over to renderurl.}
-Nothing useful.
-Render smiles from an online resource.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/renderurl.Rd b/man/renderurl.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a143f46a0f5ba9655608ae19b03b45155be6d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/renderurl.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Render Compound from an Online Resource}
-renderurl(depictURL, coords = c(0, 0, 100, 100),
-  filename = tempfile(fileext = ".svg"))
-\item{depictURL}{The URL of the object to plot.}
-\item{coords}{The positioning of the image (in data coords).}
-\item{filename}{Temp filename.}
-Nothing useful.
-Helper function for rendersmiles2
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/sort_spectra.Rd b/man/sort_spectra.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49954c4ac3954785862b6844d18aece0bd8095cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/sort_spectra.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/api.R
+\title{Sort the Summary Table}
+Sets the key specified by DEF_KEY_SUMM and adds second indices,
+either from DEF_INDEX_SUMM, or user-specified in
+conf[\link{"summary table"}]$order. The order entry is a list of
+strings with names of columns in summ, optionally prefixed with a
+minus(-) sign. Columns prefixed with the minus are going to be in
+ascending order.
+Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/subset_summary.Rd b/man/subset_summary.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45deb6e014a31c3a9dd969d36e3c56cfec1f9f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/subset_summary.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/api.R
+\title{Subset the Summary Table}
+Subsets the summary table by applying conditions set out in the
+filter subkey of summary table key of the config. Each member of
+filter is an expression that and all of them are chained together
+using AND logical operation and applied to the summary table.
+Todor Kondić
diff --git a/shiny-lessons.org b/shiny-lessons.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51bcf2793a54a62fb8dd89010b6ce2e6ac64fb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shiny-lessons.org
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#+TITLE: Empirical Notes on Shiny 
+- It used to be better for Shinyscreen to retain the bare minimum of
+  observers and keep as much of functionality as possible inside
+  reactive functions. The fluidity of UI experience was reported to be
+  better. Probably the logic of the application got better, too. But,
+  going full reactive can sometimes be exhausting. These days, we
+  build some stuff inside observers. All in moderation, though.
+- Assignment to a reactive value does not add a dependency on that
+  value.
+- A reactive values list is not adding a dependency on all its
+  members. Not even if it was nested inside some other reactive values
+  list.
+- An ordinary list inside reactive values list, if used, will add
+  dependency on all its members. Even if only some of its members are
+  used, the dependency is on all the members.
+- Recursive dependencies can get ugly. If really needed, do not
+  depend, but use isolate.
+- Do *NOT* change the value of things you depend on. This creates
+  infinite loops. It may even work, but will be sloooow.
+- Single output produced by any input from a group of inputs: separate
+  observers are needed do differentiate between which of the inputs
+  have been triggered.
+- The only way to detect if the button press was acted upon in a
+  reactive expression that depends on multiple inputs is to raise a
+  flag, or write the state of the button when done.
+- As development progresses, keep an observer that transforms
+  shinyscreen mess into the logics of the workflow. Then move out as
+  much of this as possible into reactive functions. Example,
+  Shinyscreen underlying script flow was first emulated by an
+  observer.