import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import { InitialStoreState, getReduxWrapperWithStore, } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxWrapperWithStore'; import { projectFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/projectFixture'; import { StoreType } from '@/redux/store'; import { MODEL_WITH_DESCRIPTION } from '@/models/mocks/modelsMock'; import { ProjectInfoDrawer } from './ProjectInfoDrawer.component'; const MOCKED_STORE: InitialStoreState = { project: { data: { ...projectFixture }, loading: 'idle', error: new Error(), projectId: '', }, models: { data: [MODEL_WITH_DESCRIPTION], loading: 'idle', error: new Error(), }, }; const renderComponent = (initialStore?: InitialStoreState): { store: StoreType } => { const { Wrapper, store } = getReduxWrapperWithStore(initialStore); return ( render( <Wrapper> <ProjectInfoDrawer /> </Wrapper>, ), { store, } ); }; describe('ProjectInfoDrawer', () => { it('should render the project name', () => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); expect(screen.getByText(; }); it('should render the version', () => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); expect(screen.getByText(projectFixture.version)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it.skip('should render number of publications', () => {}); it.skip('should open publications modal when publications link is clicked', () => {}); it('should render the manual link', () => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); const manualLink = screen.getByText(/Manual/i); expect(manualLink).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(manualLink).toHaveAttribute('href', ''); }); it('should render the disease link with name and href', async () => { await act(() => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); }); const diseaseLink = screen.getByText(/Disease:/i); expect(diseaseLink).toBeInTheDocument(); const linkelement = screen.getByRole('link', { name: projectFixture.diseaseName ? projectFixture.diseaseName : 'xyz', }); expect(linkelement).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(linkelement).toHaveAttribute('href', projectFixture.disease?.link); }); it('should fetch disease name when diseaseId is provided', async () => { await act(() => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); }); const organismLink = screen.getByText(/Organism:/i); expect(organismLink).toBeInTheDocument(); const linkelement = screen.getByRole('link', { name: projectFixture.organismName ? projectFixture.organismName : 'xyz', }); expect(linkelement).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(linkelement).toHaveAttribute('href', projectFixture.organism?.link); }); it('should render the source file download button', () => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); const downloadButton = screen.getByRole('link', { name: /Download source file/i }); expect(downloadButton).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(downloadButton).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '', ); expect(downloadButton).toHaveAttribute('download', 'sourceFile.txt'); }); it('should render the description when it exists', () => { renderComponent(MOCKED_STORE); const desc = screen.getByTestId('project-description'); expect(desc.innerHTML).toContain( 'For information on content, functionalities and referencing the Parkinson\'s disease map, click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>', ); }); it.skip('should not render the description when it does not exist', () => { renderComponent(); const descriptionElement = screen.queryByText('This is the project description.'); expect(descriptionElement).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); });