diff --git a/docs/plugins/search.md b/docs/plugins/search.md
index 05856f1703724d85759ff8752a2d5ebad04595b7..9401f1f6a2f26b58bc9aa6f3b119b349bbfc9e28 100644
--- a/docs/plugins/search.md
+++ b/docs/plugins/search.md
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ If we want to search using coordinates, we need to provide an object with the fo
 - coordinates: this property should indicate the x and y coordinates on the map. Its value should be an object type with x and y properties
 - modelId: this property should indicate submap identifier. Its value should be a number type
-- zoom: this property should indicate zoom level at which we want to trigger search. Its value should be a number type
 - fitBounds: should the map be resized to the rectangle fitting all results. Its value should be a boolean type. This property is optional, and by default, its value is `false`.
 ##### Example of search by query:
@@ -38,12 +37,11 @@ window.minerva.map.triggerSearch({
   fitBounds: true,
-window.minerva.map.triggerSearch({ coordinates: { x: 1947, y: 5203 }, modelId: 60, zoom: 5 });
+window.minerva.map.triggerSearch({ coordinates: { x: 1947, y: 5203 }, modelId: 60 });
   coordinates: { x: 1947, y: 5203 },
   modelId: 51,
   fitBounds: true,
-  zoom: 6,
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..692f274d006b0b0a357757093d2a4ad108009e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import { NewReaction } from '@/types/models';
+import { newReactionFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/newReactionFixture';
+import { getReactionLineSegments } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments';
+describe('getReactionLineSegments', () => {
+  it('should return all segments from reaction line and associated entities', () => {
+    const mockSegments1 = [
+      { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 1, y2: 1 },
+      { x1: 1, y1: 1, x2: 2, y2: 2 },
+    ];
+    const mockSegments2 = [
+      { x1: 2, y1: 2, x2: 3, y2: 3 },
+      { x1: 4, y1: 4, x2: 5, y2: 5 },
+    ];
+    const mockSegments3 = [
+      { x1: 6, y1: 6, x2: 7, y2: 7 },
+      { x1: 8, y1: 8, x2: 9, y2: 9 },
+    ];
+    const mockSegments4 = [
+      { x1: 10, y1: 10, x2: 11, y2: 11 },
+      { x1: 12, y1: 12, x2: 13, y2: 13 },
+    ];
+    const mockSegments5 = [
+      { x1: 14, y1: 14, x2: 15, y2: 15 },
+      { x1: 16, y1: 16, x2: 17, y2: 17 },
+    ];
+    const mockReaction: NewReaction = newReactionFixture;
+    mockReaction.operators = [mockReaction.operators[0]];
+    mockReaction.reactants = [mockReaction.reactants[0]];
+    mockReaction.modifiers = [mockReaction.modifiers[0]];
+    mockReaction.products = [mockReaction.products[0]];
+    mockReaction.line.segments = mockSegments1;
+    mockReaction.reactants[0].line.segments = mockSegments2;
+    mockReaction.products[0].line.segments = mockSegments3;
+    mockReaction.modifiers[0].line.segments = mockSegments4;
+    mockReaction.operators[0].line.segments = mockSegments5;
+    const result = getReactionLineSegments(mockReaction);
+    expect(result).toEqual([
+      ...mockSegments1,
+      ...mockSegments2,
+      ...mockSegments3,
+      ...mockSegments4,
+      ...mockSegments5,
+    ]);
+  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eed454dbd537ce2d4566e4b0802deab8f4bbd013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import { NewReaction, Segment } from '@/types/models';
+export function getReactionLineSegments(reaction: NewReaction): Segment[] {
+  const result: Segment[] = [];
+  result.push(...reaction.line.segments);
+  reaction.reactants.forEach(reactant => {
+    result.push(...reactant.line.segments);
+  });
+  reaction.products.forEach(product => {
+    result.push(...product.line.segments);
+  });
+  reaction.modifiers.forEach(modifier => {
+    result.push(...modifier.line.segments);
+  });
+  reaction.operators.forEach(operator => {
+    result.push(...operator.line.segments);
+  });
+  return result;
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/useOlMapReactionsLayer.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/useOlMapReactionsLayer.ts
index fa7c4196fa3cb80bd59a41e66013561d2a9c425e..cf4416f3a775263deac6fdc188050ff85088472e 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/useOlMapReactionsLayer.ts
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/useOlMapReactionsLayer.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
 import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
 import { createOverlayLineFeature } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/overlaysLayer/createOverlayLineFeature';
 import { Geometry } from 'ol/geom';
-import { getReactionLineSegments } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint';
+import { getReactionLineSegments } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/config/reactionsLayer/getReactionLineSegments';
 import { getLineFeature } from './getLineFeature';
 const getReactionsLines = (reactions: NewReaction[]): LinePoint[] =>
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a81b6973b20d01c2d096efb0940cb3259904cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import { bioEntityResponseFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityContentsFixture';
-import { ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS } from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { getReduxStoreWithActionsListener } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxStoreActionsListener';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { handleBioEntityResults } from './handleBioEntityResults';
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-describe('handleBioEntityResults - util', () => {
-  const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-  const { dispatch } = store;
-  mockedAxiosOldClient
-    .onGet(
-      apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-        searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-        isPerfectMatch: true,
-      }),
-    )
-    .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
-  beforeAll(async () => {
-    handleBioEntityResults(dispatch)(ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS);
-  });
-  it('should run setCurrentSelectedBioEntityId as first action', async () => {
-    await waitFor(() => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT].type).toEqual(
-        'contextMenu/setCurrentSelectedBioEntityId',
-      );
-    });
-  });
-  it('should run getMultiBioEntity as second action', async () => {
-    await waitFor(() => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[SECOND_ARRAY_ELEMENT].type).toEqual('project/getMultiBioEntity/pending');
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index be06232a761e90bf1ec497bb09db21d4e546db37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleBioEntityResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import { getMultiBioEntity } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.thunks';
-import { setCurrentSelectedBioEntityId } from '@/redux/contextMenu/contextMenu.slice';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-/* prettier-ignore */
-export const handleBioEntityResults =
-  (dispatch: AppDispatch) =>
-    async ({ id }: ElementSearchResult): Promise<void> => {
-      dispatch(setCurrentSelectedBioEntityId(id));
-      dispatch(
-        getMultiBioEntity({
-          searchQueries: [id.toString()],
-          isPerfectMatch: true
-        }),
-      );
-    };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 161d96b50502051d5aa114c224dd58e62f27568b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import * as handleReactionResults from '../mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults';
-import { handleSearchResultForRightClickAction } from './handleSearchResultForRightClickAction';
-import * as handleBioEntityResults from './handleBioEntityResults';
-jest.mock('./handleBioEntityResults', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  handleBioEntityResults: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => (): null => null),
-jest.mock('../mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  handleReactionResults: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => (): null => null),
-const handleBioEntityResultsSpy = jest.spyOn(handleBioEntityResults, 'handleBioEntityResults');
-const handleReactionResultsSpy = jest.spyOn(handleReactionResults, 'handleReactionResults');
-describe('handleSearchResultForRightClickAction - util', () => {
-  const dispatch = jest.fn();
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('on ALIAS search results', () => {
-    const searchResults = [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS];
-    it('should fire handleBioEntityResults', async () => {
-      await handleSearchResultForRightClickAction({ searchResults, dispatch });
-      expect(handleBioEntityResultsSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('on REACTION search results', () => {
-    const searchResults = [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION];
-    it('should fire handleReactionResults', async () => {
-      await handleSearchResultForRightClickAction({ searchResults, dispatch });
-      expect(handleReactionResultsSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 29056a8fe5467120d207ff2790af3828d3230661..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/handleSearchResultForRightClickAction.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT } from '@/constants/common';
-import { handleBioEntityResults } from './handleBioEntityResults';
-import { handleReactionResults } from '../mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults';
-interface HandleSearchResultActionInput {
-  searchResults: ElementSearchResult[];
-  dispatch: AppDispatch;
-export const handleSearchResultForRightClickAction = async ({
-  searchResults,
-  dispatch,
-}: HandleSearchResultActionInput): Promise<void> => {
-  const closestSearchResult = searchResults[FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT];
-  const { type } = closestSearchResult;
-  const action = {
-    ALIAS: handleBioEntityResults,
-    REACTION: handleReactionResults,
-  }[type];
-  await action(dispatch, closestSearchResult)(closestSearchResult);
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 33216241a6256adb94cfb5414169ebcc5b6f0c25..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { getReduxStoreWithActionsListener } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxStoreActionsListener';
-import { mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { onMapRightClick } from './onMapRightClick';
-import * as handleDataReset from '../mapSingleClick/handleDataReset';
-import * as handleSearchResultForRightClickAction from './handleSearchResultForRightClickAction';
-jest.mock('./handleSearchResultForRightClickAction', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  ...jest.requireActual('./handleSearchResultForRightClickAction'),
-jest.mock('../mapSingleClick/handleDataReset', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  ...jest.requireActual('../mapSingleClick/handleDataReset'),
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-const handleSearchResultForRightClickActionSpy = jest.spyOn(
-  handleSearchResultForRightClickAction,
-  'handleSearchResultForRightClickAction',
-const handleDataResetSpy = jest.spyOn(handleDataReset, 'handleDataReset');
-describe('onMapRightClick - util', () => {
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-    jest.resetAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('when always', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const modelId = 1000;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 90,
-      height: 90,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const handler = onMapRightClick(mapSize, modelId, dispatch, false);
-    const coordinate = [90, 90];
-    const pixel = [250, 250];
-    it('should fire data reset handler', async () => {
-      await handler(coordinate, pixel);
-      expect(handleDataResetSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-    it('should fire open context menu handler', async () => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT].type).toEqual('map/updateLastRightClick');
-      expect(actions[SECOND_ARRAY_ELEMENT].type).toEqual('contextMenu/openContextMenu');
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchResults are undefined', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const modelId = 1000;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 90,
-      height: 90,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const handler = onMapRightClick(mapSize, modelId, dispatch, false);
-    const coordinate = [90, 90];
-    const point = { x: 180.0008084837557, y: 179.99919151624428 };
-    const pixel = [250, 250];
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, undefined);
-    it('does not fire search result action', async () => {
-      await handler(coordinate, pixel);
-      expect(handleSearchResultForRightClickActionSpy).not.toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchResults are valid', () => {
-    describe('when results type is ALIAS', () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      const { modelId } = ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS;
-      const mapSize = {
-        width: 270,
-        height: 270,
-        tileSize: 256,
-        minZoom: 2,
-        maxZoom: 9,
-      };
-      const coordinate = [270, 270];
-      const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-      const pixel = [250, 250];
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS]);
-      it('does fire search result for right click action handler', async () => {
-        const handler = onMapRightClick(mapSize, modelId, dispatch, false);
-        await handler(coordinate, pixel);
-        await waitFor(() => expect(handleSearchResultForRightClickActionSpy).toBeCalled());
-      });
-    });
-    describe('when results type is REACTION', () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      const mapSize = {
-        width: 0,
-        height: 0,
-        tileSize: 256,
-        minZoom: 2,
-        maxZoom: 9,
-      };
-      const coordinate = [0, 0];
-      const point = {
-        x: 0,
-        y: 0,
-      };
-      const pixel = [0, 0];
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION]);
-      it('does fire search result for right click action - handle reaction', async () => {
-        const handler = onMapRightClick(mapSize, modelId, dispatch, false);
-        await handler(coordinate, pixel);
-        await waitFor(() => expect(handleSearchResultForRightClickActionSpy).toBeCalled());
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a52cd458507ab2dcf153c14a04acefdf7ae82498..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import { openContextMenu } from '@/redux/contextMenu/contextMenu.slice';
-import { SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY } from '@/constants/common';
-import { MapSize } from '@/redux/map/map.types';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate';
-import { Pixel } from 'ol/pixel';
-import { updateLastRightClick } from '@/redux/map/map.slice';
-import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
-import { latLngToPoint } from '@/utils/map/latLngToPoint';
-import { getSearchResults } from '../mapSingleClick/getSearchResults';
-import { handleDataReset } from '../mapSingleClick/handleDataReset';
-import { handleSearchResultForRightClickAction } from './handleSearchResultForRightClickAction';
-/* prettier-ignore */
-export const onMapRightClick =
-  (mapSize: MapSize, modelId: number,dispatch: AppDispatch,     shouldConsiderZoomLevel:boolean,
-    considerZoomLevel?:number, ) => async (coordinate: Coordinate, pixel: Pixel): Promise<void> => {
-    const [lng, lat] = toLonLat(coordinate);
-    const point = latLngToPoint([lat, lng], mapSize);
-    dispatch(updateLastRightClick({coordinates:point, modelId}));
-    dispatch(handleDataReset);
-    dispatch(openContextMenu(pixel));
-    const { searchResults } = await getSearchResults({ coordinate, mapSize, modelId, shouldConsiderZoomLevel, considerZoomLevel });
-    if (!searchResults || searchResults.length === SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY) {
-      return;
-    }
-    handleSearchResultForRightClickAction({ searchResults, dispatch });
-  };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b10f6834dad0e87c789718d99e9119ac584eb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { bioEntityFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityFixture';
-import { findClosestBioEntityPoint } from './findClosestBioEntityPoint';
-describe('findClosestBioEntityPoint', () => {
-  const bioEntityContents = [
-    {
-      ...bioEntityFixture,
-      x: 10,
-      y: 10,
-      width: 20,
-      height: 20,
-    },
-    {
-      ...bioEntityFixture,
-      x: 50,
-      y: 50,
-      width: 30,
-      height: 30,
-    },
-  ];
-  const validPoint = { x: 15, y: 15 };
-  const invalidPoint = {
-    x: 500,
-    y: 300,
-  };
-  const searchDistance = '10';
-  const maxZoom = 5;
-  const zoom = 2;
-  it('should return the closest bioEntity within the search distance', () => {
-    const result = findClosestBioEntityPoint(
-      bioEntityContents,
-      searchDistance,
-      maxZoom,
-      zoom,
-      validPoint,
-    );
-    expect(result).toEqual(bioEntityContents[0]);
-  });
-  it('should return undefined if no matching bioEntity is found within the search distance', () => {
-    const result = findClosestBioEntityPoint(
-      bioEntityContents,
-      searchDistance,
-      maxZoom,
-      zoom,
-      invalidPoint,
-    );
-    expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 329f8452d902f3fc58d18f9a6241b4d2dc9ac659..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestBioEntityPoint.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import { Point as PointType } from '@/types/map';
-import { BioEntity } from '@/types/models';
-import { getMaxClickDistance } from './getMaxClickDistance';
-export const findClosestBioEntityPoint = (
-  bioEntityContents: BioEntity[],
-  searchDistance: string,
-  maxZoom: number,
-  zoom: number,
-  point: PointType,
-): BioEntity | undefined => {
-  const maxDistance = getMaxClickDistance(maxZoom, zoom, searchDistance);
-  const matchingBioEntityFound = bioEntityContents.find(bio => {
-    const { x, y, width, height } = bio;
-    const minX = x - maxDistance;
-    const maxX = x + width + maxDistance;
-    const minY = y - maxDistance;
-    const maxY = y + height + maxDistance;
-    const withinXRange = point.x >= minX && point.x <= maxX;
-    const withinYRange = point.y >= minY && point.y <= maxY;
-    return withinXRange && withinYRange;
-  });
-  return matchingBioEntityFound;
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 943699197355550107fb3d0a17e03e30c0575974..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { newReactionFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/newReactionFixture';
-import { ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR } from '@/constants/map';
-import { findClosestReactionPoint, getReactionLineSegments } from './findClosestReactionPoint';
-describe('findClosestReactionPoint', () => {
-  const reaction = {
-    ...newReactionFixture,
-  };
-  const validPoint = { x: reaction.line.segments[0].x1, y: reaction.line.segments[0].y1 };
-  let x = reaction.line.segments[0].x1;
-  let y = reaction.line.segments[0].y1;
-  getReactionLineSegments(reaction).forEach(lineSegment => {
-    x = Math.min(x, lineSegment.x1);
-    x = Math.min(x, lineSegment.x2);
-    y = Math.min(y, lineSegment.y1);
-    y = Math.min(y, lineSegment.y2);
-  });
-  const invalidPoint = { x: x - 1000, y: y - 1000 };
-  const searchDistance = '10';
-  const maxZoom = 10;
-  const zoom = ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 5;
-  it('should return the matching line segment if a point within the search distance is found', () => {
-    const result = findClosestReactionPoint({
-      reaction,
-      searchDistance,
-      maxZoom,
-      zoom,
-      point: validPoint,
-    });
-    expect(result).toEqual(reaction.line.segments[0]);
-  });
-  it('should return undefined if no point within the search distance is found', () => {
-    const result = findClosestReactionPoint({
-      reaction,
-      searchDistance,
-      maxZoom,
-      zoom,
-      point: invalidPoint,
-    });
-    expect(result).toBeUndefined();
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 33fbd42f9f6b89b519f71ddba3898c6dfe50a6ad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/findClosestReactionPoint.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { Point as PointType } from '@/types/map';
-import { NewReaction, Segment } from '@/types/models';
-import { distance } from 'ol/coordinate';
-import { LineString, Point } from 'ol/geom';
-import { getMaxClickDistance } from './getMaxClickDistance';
-type ReactionLine = Segment;
-type FindClosestReactionArgs = {
-  reaction: NewReaction;
-  searchDistance: string;
-  maxZoom: number;
-  zoom: number;
-  point: PointType;
-export function getReactionLineSegments(reaction: NewReaction): Segment[] {
-  const result: Segment[] = [];
-  result.push(...reaction.line.segments);
-  reaction.reactants.forEach(reactant => {
-    result.push(...reactant.line.segments);
-  });
-  reaction.products.forEach(product => {
-    result.push(...product.line.segments);
-  });
-  reaction.modifiers.forEach(modifier => {
-    result.push(...modifier.line.segments);
-  });
-  reaction.operators.forEach(operator => {
-    result.push(...operator.line.segments);
-  });
-  return result;
-export const findClosestReactionPoint = ({
-  reaction,
-  searchDistance,
-  maxZoom,
-  zoom,
-  point,
-}: FindClosestReactionArgs): ReactionLine | undefined => {
-  const maxDistance = getMaxClickDistance(maxZoom, zoom, searchDistance);
-  const clickedPoint = new Point([point.x, point.y]);
-  const lines = getReactionLineSegments(reaction);
-  const closestLine = lines.find(line => {
-    const lineString = new LineString([
-      [line.x1, line.y1],
-      [line.x2, line.y2],
-    ]);
-    const closestPointOnLine = lineString.getClosestPoint(clickedPoint.getCoordinates());
-    const distanceToLine = distance(closestPointOnLine, clickedPoint.getCoordinates());
-    return distanceToLine <= maxDistance;
-  });
-  return closestLine;
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3425b44236afae43040dffcf155a08db91f28a4d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR } from '@/constants/map';
-import { getMaxClickDistance } from './getMaxClickDistance';
-describe('getMaxClickDistance', () => {
-  it.each([
-    [10, ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 5, '10', 320],
-    [10, ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 5, '20', 640],
-    [10, ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 2, '10', 2560],
-    [10, ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 3, '18', 2304],
-  ])(
-    'should calculate the maximum click distance correctly',
-    (maxZoom, zoom, searchDistance, expected) => {
-      expect(getMaxClickDistance(maxZoom, zoom, searchDistance)).toBe(expected);
-    },
-  );
-  it.each([['invalid'], [''], [' ']])(
-    'should throw an error if the search distance "%s" is not a valid number',
-    invalidDistance => {
-      expect(() => getMaxClickDistance(10, 5, invalidDistance)).toThrow(
-        'Invalid search distance. Please provide a valid number.',
-      );
-    },
-  );
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 42317465fbd5e03beeec21c1f6a99f133cc4270c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getMaxClickDistance.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { ZOOM_FACTOR } from '@/constants/common';
-import { ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR } from '@/constants/map';
-export const getMaxClickDistance = (
-  maxZoom: number,
-  zoom: number,
-  searchDistance: string,
-): number => {
-  const distance = parseFloat(searchDistance);
-  if (typeof distance !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(distance)) {
-    throw new Error('Invalid search distance. Please provide a valid number.');
-  }
-  const zoomDiff = (ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * maxZoom - zoom) / ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR;
-  const maxDistance = distance * ZOOM_FACTOR ** zoomDiff;
-  return maxDistance;
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa4d06f1128a897b2efb484962d6342d05cb06c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { getSearchResults } from './getSearchResults';
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-describe('getSearchResults - util', () => {
-  describe('when results type is ALIAS', () => {
-    const { modelId } = ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 270,
-      height: 270,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const coordinate = [270, 270];
-    const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-    beforeAll(() => {
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS]);
-    });
-    it('returns valid array of objects', async () => {
-      const result = await getSearchResults({
-        coordinate,
-        mapSize,
-        modelId,
-        shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-      });
-      expect(result).toEqual({
-        point,
-        searchResults: [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS],
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when results type is REACTION', () => {
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 270,
-      height: 270,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const coordinate = [270, 270];
-    const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-    beforeAll(() => {
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION]);
-    });
-    it('returns valid array of objects', async () => {
-      const result = await getSearchResults({
-        coordinate,
-        mapSize,
-        modelId,
-        shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-      });
-      expect(result).toEqual({
-        point,
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when results type is invalid', () => {
-    const { modelId } = ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 270,
-      height: 270,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const coordinate = [270, 270];
-    const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-    beforeAll(() => {
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, {
-          invalidObject: true,
-        });
-    });
-    it('should return undefined', async () => {
-      const result = await getSearchResults({
-        coordinate,
-        mapSize,
-        modelId,
-        shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-      });
-      expect(result).toEqual({
-        point,
-        searchResults: undefined,
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f86ee0fe825823f7b186616676c4fa3efc700388..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/getSearchResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import { MapSize } from '@/redux/map/map.types';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
-import { ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { latLngToPoint } from '@/utils/map/latLngToPoint';
-import { getElementsByPoint } from '@/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates';
-import { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate';
-import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
-interface GetSearchResultsInput {
-  coordinate: Coordinate;
-  mapSize: MapSize;
-  modelId: number;
-  shouldConsiderZoomLevel: boolean;
-  considerZoomLevel?: number;
-export const getSearchResults = async ({
-  coordinate,
-  mapSize,
-  modelId,
-  shouldConsiderZoomLevel,
-  considerZoomLevel,
-}: GetSearchResultsInput): Promise<{
-  searchResults: ElementSearchResult[] | undefined;
-  point: Point;
-}> => {
-  const [lng, lat] = toLonLat(coordinate);
-  const point = latLngToPoint([lat, lng], mapSize);
-  const searchResults = await getElementsByPoint({
-    point,
-    currentModelId: modelId,
-    shouldConsiderZoomLevel,
-    considerZoomLevel,
-  });
-  return {
-    searchResults,
-    point,
-  };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a1dacb2612ddaf0e0614c0c3531826ba436f1034..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY, ZERO } from '@/constants/common';
-import { bioEntityResponseFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityContentsFixture';
-import { ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS } from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { searchFitBounds } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchFitBounds';
-import { mockNetworkNewAPIResponse, mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { getReduxStoreWithActionsListener } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxStoreActionsListener';
-import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { bioEntityFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityFixture';
-import { ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR } from '@/constants/map';
-import { isReactionBioEntity } from '@/redux/reactions/isReactionBioentity';
-import { handleAliasResults } from './handleAliasResults';
-const mockedAxiosClient = mockNetworkNewAPIResponse();
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-  point: {
-    x: 500,
-    y: 700,
-  },
-  maxZoom: 9,
-  isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-describe('handleAliasResults - util', () => {
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-    const bioEntityWithIdReaction = bioEntityResponseFixture.content
-      .filter(c => isReactionBioEntity(c.bioEntity))
-      ?.map(b => b.bioEntity || { id: ZERO });
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getReactionsWithIds(
-          bioEntityWithIdReaction.map(bioEntity => Number(`${bioEntity.id}`)),
-        ),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-  });
-  describe('when matching bioEntity not found', () => {
-    it('should clear bio entities and do not close drawer if result drawer is not open', async () => {
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getElementById(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, {
-          ...bioEntityFixture,
-          idReaction: undefined,
-        });
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      await handleAliasResults(dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS, {
-        searchDistance: '10',
-      await waitFor(() => {
-        const actions = store.getActions();
-        expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-        const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-        expect(actionTypes).toEqual([
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/pending',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/fulfilled',
-          'bioEntityContents/clearBioEntities',
-        ]);
-      });
-    });
-    it('should clear bio entities and close drawer if result drawer is already open', async () => {
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getElementById(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, {
-          ...bioEntityFixture,
-          idReaction: undefined,
-        });
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      await handleAliasResults(dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS, {
-        searchDistance: '10',
-        isResultDrawerOpen: true,
-      await waitFor(() => {
-        const actions = store.getActions();
-        expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-        const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-        expect(actionTypes).toEqual([
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/pending',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/fulfilled',
-          'drawer/closeDrawer',
-          'bioEntityContents/clearBioEntities',
-        ]);
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when matching bioEntity found', () => {
-    it('should select tab and open bio entity drawer', async () => {
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getElementById(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, {
-          ...bioEntityFixture,
-          x: 500,
-          y: 700,
-          width: 50,
-          height: 50,
-          idReaction: undefined,
-        });
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      await handleAliasResults(
-        dispatch,
-      await waitFor(() => {
-        const actions = store.getActions();
-        expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-        const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-        expect(actionTypes).toEqual([
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/pending',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/fulfilled',
-          'drawer/selectTab',
-          'drawer/openBioEntityDrawerById',
-        ]);
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchDistance is not provided', () => {
-    it('should select tab and open drawer without clearing bio entities', async () => {
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getElementById(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityFixture);
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getReactionsWithIds([Number(bioEntityFixture.id)]))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityFixture);
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      await handleAliasResults(dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS, {
-        isResultDrawerOpen: true,
-      await waitFor(() => {
-        const actions = store.getActions();
-        expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-        const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-        expect(actionTypes).toEqual([
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/pending',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/pending',
-          'project/getCommentElement/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getBioEntityById/fulfilled',
-          'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-          'project/getMultiBioEntity/fulfilled',
-          'drawer/selectTab',
-          'drawer/openBioEntityDrawerById',
-        ]);
-      });
-    });
-    describe('fitBounds after search', () => {
-      it('should fit bounds after search when hasFitBounds is true', async () => {
-        mockedAxiosClient
-          .onGet(
-            apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-              searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-              isPerfectMatch: true,
-            }),
-          )
-          .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
-        const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-        const { dispatch } = store;
-        await handleAliasResults(dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS, {
-          ...SEARCH_CONFIG_MOCK,
-          hasFitBounds: true,
-        await waitFor(() => {
-          expect(searchFitBounds).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-      });
-      it('should not fit bounds after search when hasFitBounds is false', async () => {
-        mockedAxiosClient
-          .onGet(
-            apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-              searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-              isPerfectMatch: true,
-            }),
-          )
-          .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
-        const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-        const { dispatch } = store;
-        await handleAliasResults(dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS, {
-          ...SEARCH_CONFIG_MOCK,
-          hasFitBounds: false,
-        await waitFor(() => {
-          expect(searchFitBounds).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a0f97e1628e93b77972050fd01d6ef86dabab283..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleAliasResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import { closeDrawer, openBioEntityDrawerById, selectTab } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { searchFitBounds } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchFitBounds';
-import { ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
-import { clearBioEntities } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.slice';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
-import { getMultiBioEntityByIds } from '@/redux/bioEntity/thunks/getMultiBioEntity';
-import { handleOpenImmediateLink } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleOpenImmediateLink';
-import { ZERO } from '@/constants/common';
-import { findClosestBioEntityPoint } from './findClosestBioEntityPoint';
-type SearchConfig = {
-  point: Point;
-  searchDistance?: string;
-  maxZoom: number;
-  zoom: number;
-  hasFitBounds?: boolean;
-  isResultDrawerOpen?: boolean;
-/* prettier-ignore */
-/* prettier-ignore */
-export const handleAliasResults =
-  (dispatch: AppDispatch, closestSearchResult: ElementSearchResult, { hasFitBounds, maxZoom, point, searchDistance, zoom, isResultDrawerOpen }: SearchConfig) =>
-    async ({ id, modelId, type }: ElementSearchResult): Promise<void> => {
-      const bioEntities = await dispatch(
-        getMultiBioEntityByIds({
-          elementsToFetch: [{elementId: id, type, modelId, addNumbersToEntityNumber: true}]
-        }),
-      ).unwrap();
-      if (searchDistance) {
-        const matchingBioEntityFound = findClosestBioEntityPoint(bioEntities, searchDistance, maxZoom, zoom, point);
-        if (!matchingBioEntityFound) {
-          if (isResultDrawerOpen) {
-            dispatch(closeDrawer());
-          }
-          dispatch(clearBioEntities());
-          return;
-        }
-        handleOpenImmediateLink(bioEntities[ZERO]);
-      }
-      dispatch(selectTab(`${id}`));
-      dispatch(openBioEntityDrawerById(id));
-      PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent('onSearch', {
-        type: 'bioEntity',
-        searchValues: [closestSearchResult],
-        results: [bioEntities.map((bioEntity)=>{return {perfect: true, bioEntity};})],
-      });
-      if (hasFitBounds) {
-        searchFitBounds();
-      }
-    };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b39bdca0a40440f8c5220156ce4690cb9f618f0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY } from '@/constants/common';
-import { bioEntityResponseFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityContentsFixture';
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { INITIAL_STORE_STATE_MOCK } from '@/redux/root/root.fixtures';
-import { mockNetworkNewAPIResponse, mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { getReduxStoreWithActionsListener } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxStoreActionsListener';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
-import { bioEntityFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityFixture';
-import { newReactionFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/newReactionFixture';
-import { ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR } from '@/constants/map';
-import * as findClosestReactionPoint from './findClosestReactionPoint';
-import { handleReactionResults } from './handleReactionResults';
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-const mockedAxiosNewClient = mockNetworkNewAPIResponse();
-jest.mock('./findClosestReactionPoint', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  ...jest.requireActual('./findClosestReactionPoint'),
-const findClosestReactionPointSpy = jest.spyOn(
-  findClosestReactionPoint,
-  'findClosestReactionPoint',
-  point: {
-    x: 200,
-    y: 3012,
-  },
-  maxZoom: 9,
-  isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-const reaction = {
-  ...newReactionFixture,
-  products: [],
-  reactants: [],
-  modifiers: [],
-describe('handleReactionResults - util', () => {
-  const searchDistance = '10';
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('actions', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener({
-    });
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    mockedAxiosNewClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-          searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-          isPerfectMatch: true,
-        }),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
-    mockedAxiosNewClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getElementById(
-        ),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityFixture);
-    mockedAxiosNewClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getNewReaction(
-        ),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, {
-        ...reaction,
-        reactants: [],
-        products: [],
-        modifiers: [
-          {
-            ...newReactionFixture.modifiers[0],
-            element: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id,
-          },
-        ],
-      });
-    beforeEach(async () => {
-      await handleReactionResults(
-        dispatch,
-    });
-    it('should run getReactionsByIds as first action', () => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[0].type).toEqual('reactions/getByIds/pending');
-      expect(actions[1].type).toEqual('reactions/getByIds/fulfilled');
-    });
-    it('should run openReactionDrawerById to empty array as third action', () => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[2].type).toEqual('drawer/openReactionDrawerById');
-      expect(actions[2].payload).toEqual(reaction.id);
-    });
-    it('should run select tab as fourth action', () => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[3].type).toEqual('drawer/selectTab');
-    });
-    it('should run getMultiBioEntity to empty array as fifth action', () => {
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      expect(actions.length).toBeGreaterThan(SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY);
-      expect(actions[4].type).toEqual('project/getMultiBioEntity/pending');
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when search config provided but search distance is not provided', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    it('should not find closest reaction', async () => {
-      await handleReactionResults(
-        dispatch,
-      expect(findClosestReactionPointSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when search config provided and matching reaction not found', () => {
-    mockedAxiosNewClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-          searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-          isPerfectMatch: true,
-        }),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
-    mockedAxiosNewClient
-      .onGet(
-        apiPath.getNewReaction(
-        ),
-      )
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, reaction);
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getReactionsWithIds([ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION.id]))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [
-        {
-          ...reaction,
-          reactants: [],
-          products: [],
-          modifiers: [
-            {
-              ...newReactionFixture.modifiers[0],
-              element: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id,
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      ]);
-    const invalidPoint = {
-      x: 991,
-      y: 612,
-    };
-    it('should close drawer and reset data if result drawer open', async () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      await handleReactionResults(store.dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION, {
-        searchDistance,
-        point: invalidPoint,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: true,
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-      expect(actionTypes).toStrictEqual([
-        'reactions/getByIds/pending',
-        'reactions/getByIds/fulfilled',
-        'drawer/closeDrawer',
-        'reactions/resetReactionsData',
-        'bioEntityContents/clearBioEntities',
-      ]);
-    });
-    it('should only reset data if result drawer is closed', async () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const dispatchSpy = jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch');
-      await handleReactionResults(store.dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION, {
-        searchDistance,
-        point: invalidPoint,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-      expect(dispatchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
-        payload: undefined,
-        type: 'reactions/resetReactionsData',
-      });
-      expect(dispatchSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
-        payload: undefined,
-        type: 'bioEntityContents/clearBioEntities',
-      });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when search config provided and matching reaction found', () => {
-    const point = { x: 1, y: 1 };
-    const maxZoom = 10;
-    const zoom = ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 5;
-    it('should open reaction drawer and fetch bio entities', async () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      mockedAxiosNewClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-            searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-            isPerfectMatch: true,
-          }),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-      mockedAxiosNewClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getNewReaction(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, reaction);
-      await handleReactionResults(store.dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION, {
-        searchDistance,
-        maxZoom,
-        zoom,
-        point,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-      const actions = store.getActions();
-      const actionTypes = actions.map(action => action.type);
-      expect(actionTypes).toStrictEqual([
-        'reactions/getByIds/pending',
-        'reactions/getByIds/fulfilled',
-        'drawer/openReactionDrawerById',
-        'drawer/selectTab',
-        'project/getMultiBioEntity/pending',
-        'entityNumber/addNumbersToEntityNumberData',
-        'project/getMultiBioEntity/fulfilled',
-      ]);
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when matching reaction found', () => {
-    const point = { x: reaction.line.segments[0].x1, y: reaction.line.segments[0].y1 };
-    const maxZoom = 10;
-    const zoom = ZOOM_RESCALING_FACTOR * 5;
-    it('should dispatch onSearch event with reaction data', async () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      mockedAxiosNewClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-            searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-            isPerfectMatch: true,
-          }),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-      mockedAxiosNewClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getNewReaction(
-          ),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, reaction);
-      await handleReactionResults(store.dispatch, ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION, {
-        searchDistance,
-        maxZoom,
-        zoom,
-        point,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-      expect(PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith('onSearch', {
-        results: [[{ bioEntity: reaction, perfect: true }]],
-        type: 'reaction',
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 5631573e85adf6ab6c309f3df02cb8e312358117..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-import { FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT, SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY } from '@/constants/common';
-import { openReactionDrawerById, selectTab } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
-import { getReactionsByIds } from '@/redux/reactions/reactions.thunks';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { searchFitBounds } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchFitBounds';
-import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
-import { BioEntity, ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { axiosInstanceNewAPI } from '@/services/api/utils/axiosInstance';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { validateDataUsingZodSchema } from '@/utils/validateDataUsingZodSchema';
-import { getMultiBioEntityByIds } from '@/redux/bioEntity/thunks/getMultiBioEntity';
-import { newReactionSchema } from '@/models/newReactionSchema';
-import getModelElementsIdsFromReaction from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getModelElementsIdsFromReaction';
-import { handleReactionSearchClickFailure } from './handleReactionSearchClickFailure';
-import { findClosestReactionPoint } from './findClosestReactionPoint';
-type SearchConfig = {
-  point: Point;
-  searchDistance?: string;
-  maxZoom: number;
-  zoom: number;
-  hasFitBounds?: boolean;
-  isResultDrawerOpen: boolean;
-/* prettier-ignore */
-export const handleReactionResults =
-  (dispatch: AppDispatch, closestSearchResult: ElementSearchResult, searchConfig?: SearchConfig) =>
-    async ({ id, modelId }: ElementSearchResult): Promise<void> => {
-      const data = await dispatch(getReactionsByIds({ ids: [{ id, modelId }] }));
-      const payload = data?.payload;
-      if (!data || !payload || typeof payload === 'string' || payload.data.length === SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY) {
-        return;
-      }
-      const reaction = payload.data[FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT];
-      const bioEntitiesIds = getModelElementsIdsFromReaction(reaction);
-      if (searchConfig && searchConfig.searchDistance) {
-        const { maxZoom, point, searchDistance, zoom, isResultDrawerOpen } = searchConfig;
-        const matchingReactionFound = findClosestReactionPoint({
-          reaction, searchDistance, maxZoom, zoom, point
-        });
-        if (!matchingReactionFound) {
-          handleReactionSearchClickFailure(dispatch, isResultDrawerOpen);
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      dispatch(openReactionDrawerById(reaction.id));
-      dispatch(selectTab(''));
-      const response = await axiosInstanceNewAPI.get<BioEntity>(apiPath.getNewReaction(reaction.model, reaction.id));
-      const isDataValid = validateDataUsingZodSchema(response.data, newReactionSchema);
-      if (isDataValid) {
-        const reactionNewApi = response.data;
-        const bioEntities = await dispatch(
-          getMultiBioEntityByIds({
-            elementsToFetch: bioEntitiesIds.map((bioEntityId) => {
-              return {
-                elementId: bioEntityId,
-                modelId,
-                type: 'ALIAS'
-              };
-            })
-          })
-        ).unwrap();
-        if (bioEntities) {
-          const result = bioEntities.map((bioEntity) => {return { bioEntity, perfect: true };});
-          result.push({ bioEntity: reactionNewApi, perfect: true });
-          PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent('onSearch', {
-            type: 'reaction',
-            searchValues: [closestSearchResult],
-            results: [result]
-          });
-          if (searchConfig && searchConfig.hasFitBounds) {
-            searchFitBounds();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionSearchClickFailure.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionSearchClickFailure.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c6178fd8257aa687962e7a54c7db33a8c8fbd0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleReactionSearchClickFailure.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { closeDrawer } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
-import { resetReactionsData } from '@/redux/reactions/reactions.slice';
-import { clearBioEntities } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.slice';
-export const handleReactionSearchClickFailure = (
-  dispatch: AppDispatch,
-  isResultDrawerOpen: boolean,
-): void => {
-  if (isResultDrawerOpen) {
-    dispatch(closeDrawer());
-  }
-  dispatch(resetReactionsData());
-  dispatch(clearBioEntities());
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d07fe1bed16b9e748b1f1a2309386b7bbbaec5d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import * as handleAliasResults from './handleAliasResults';
-import * as handleReactionResults from './handleReactionResults';
-import { handleSearchResultAction } from './handleSearchResultAction';
-jest.mock('./handleAliasResults', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  handleAliasResults: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => (): null => null),
-jest.mock('./handleReactionResults', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  handleReactionResults: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => (): null => null),
-const handleAliasResultsSpy = jest.spyOn(handleAliasResults, 'handleAliasResults');
-const handleReactionResultsSpy = jest.spyOn(handleReactionResults, 'handleReactionResults');
-const POINT_MOCK = {
-  x: 1323,
-  y: 2000,
-const ZOOM_MOCK = 3;
-const MAX_ZOOM_MOCK = 9;
-describe('handleSearchResultAction - util', () => {
-  const dispatch = jest.fn();
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('on ALIAS search results', () => {
-    const searchResults = [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS];
-    it('should fire handleAliasResults', async () => {
-      await handleSearchResultAction({
-        searchResults,
-        dispatch,
-        maxZoom: MAX_ZOOM_MOCK,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-        point: POINT_MOCK,
-        zoom: ZOOM_MOCK,
-      });
-      expect(handleAliasResultsSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('on REACTION search results', () => {
-    const searchResults = [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION];
-    it('should fire handleReactionResults', async () => {
-      await handleSearchResultAction({
-        searchResults,
-        dispatch,
-        maxZoom: MAX_ZOOM_MOCK,
-        isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-        point: POINT_MOCK,
-        zoom: ZOOM_MOCK,
-      });
-      expect(handleReactionResultsSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f85813b1dad50806ee66f25b56751da0ec9e8134..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import { FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT } from '@/constants/common';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
-import { handleAliasResults } from './handleAliasResults';
-import { handleReactionResults } from './handleReactionResults';
-interface HandleSearchResultActionInput {
-  searchResults: ElementSearchResult[];
-  dispatch: AppDispatch;
-  point: Point;
-  searchDistance?: string;
-  maxZoom: number;
-  zoom: number;
-  hasFitBounds?: boolean;
-  isResultDrawerOpen: boolean;
-export const handleSearchResultAction = async ({
-  searchResults,
-  dispatch,
-  point,
-  searchDistance,
-  maxZoom,
-  zoom,
-  hasFitBounds,
-  isResultDrawerOpen,
-}: HandleSearchResultActionInput): Promise<void> => {
-  const closestSearchResult = searchResults[FIRST_ARRAY_ELEMENT];
-  const { type } = closestSearchResult;
-  const action = {
-    ALIAS: handleAliasResults,
-    REACTION: handleReactionResults,
-  }[type];
-  await action(dispatch, closestSearchResult, {
-    point,
-    searchDistance,
-    maxZoom,
-    zoom,
-    hasFitBounds,
-    isResultDrawerOpen,
-  })(closestSearchResult);
-  if (type === 'ALIAS') {
-    PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent('onBioEntityClick', closestSearchResult);
-  }
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b91b2b33c59d4b6b3532edf5bf3fcbc43c31f995..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
-/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
-import {
-} from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
-import { getReduxStoreWithActionsListener } from '@/utils/testing/getReduxStoreActionsListener';
-import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { Feature, Map, MapBrowserEvent } from 'ol';
-import * as handleDataReset from './handleDataReset';
-import * as handleSearchResultAction from './handleSearchResultAction';
-import { onMapSingleClick } from './onMapSingleClick';
-jest.mock('./handleSearchResultAction', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  ...jest.requireActual('./handleSearchResultAction'),
-jest.mock('./handleDataReset', () => ({
-  __esModule: true,
-  ...jest.requireActual('./handleDataReset'),
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-const handleSearchResultActionSpy = jest.spyOn(
-  handleSearchResultAction,
-  'handleSearchResultAction',
-const handleDataResetSpy = jest.spyOn(handleDataReset, 'handleDataReset');
-const getEvent = (coordinate: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>['coordinate']): MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent> =>
-  ({
-    coordinate,
-  }) as unknown as MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>;
-const MAX_ZOOM_MOCK_MOCK = 9;
-const ZOOM_MOCK = 3;
-describe('onMapSingleClick - util', () => {
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-    jest.resetAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('when always', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const modelId = 1000;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 90,
-      height: 90,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-      mapSize,
-      modelId,
-      dispatch,
-      ZOOM_MOCK,
-      [],
-      false,
-    );
-    const coordinate = [90, 90];
-    const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-    const mapInstanceMock = {
-      forEachFeatureAtPixel: (): void => {},
-    } as unknown as Map;
-    it('should fire data reset handler', async () => {
-      await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-      expect(handleDataResetSpy).toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchResults are undefined', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const modelId = 1000;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 90,
-      height: 90,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-      mapSize,
-      modelId,
-      dispatch,
-      ZOOM_MOCK,
-      [],
-      false,
-    );
-    const coordinate = [90, 90];
-    const point = { x: 180.0008084837557, y: 179.99919151624428 };
-    const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, undefined);
-    const mapInstanceMock = {
-      forEachFeatureAtPixel: (): void => {},
-    } as unknown as Map;
-    it('does not fire search result action', async () => {
-      await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-      expect(handleSearchResultActionSpy).not.toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchResults are empty', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const modelId = 1000;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 180,
-      height: 180,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-      mapSize,
-      modelId,
-      dispatch,
-      ZOOM_MOCK,
-      [],
-      false,
-    );
-    const coordinate = [180, 180];
-    const point = { x: 360.0032339350228, y: 359.9967660649771 };
-    const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-    const mapInstanceMock = {
-      forEachFeatureAtPixel: (): void => {},
-    } as unknown as Map;
-    it('does not fire search result action', async () => {
-      await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-      expect(handleSearchResultActionSpy).not.toBeCalled();
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when clicked on feature type = pin icon bioentity', () => {
-    const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-    const { dispatch } = store;
-    const { modelId } = ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS;
-    const mapSize = {
-      width: 270,
-      height: 270,
-      tileSize: 256,
-      minZoom: 2,
-      maxZoom: 9,
-    };
-    const coordinate = [270, 270];
-    const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-    const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-    mockedAxiosOldClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS]);
-    const mapInstanceMock = {
-      forEachFeatureAtPixel: (pixel: any, mappingFunction: (feature: Feature) => void): void => {
-        [
-          new Feature({
-            id: 1000,
-          }),
-        ].forEach(mappingFunction);
-      },
-    } as unknown as Map;
-    it('does NOT fire search result action handler', async () => {
-      const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-        mapSize,
-        modelId,
-        dispatch,
-        ZOOM_MOCK,
-        [],
-        false,
-      );
-      await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-      await waitFor(() => expect(handleSearchResultActionSpy).not.toBeCalled());
-    });
-  });
-  describe('when searchResults are valid', () => {
-    describe('when results type is ALIAS', () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      const { modelId } = ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS;
-      const mapSize = {
-        width: 270,
-        height: 270,
-        tileSize: 256,
-        minZoom: 2,
-        maxZoom: 9,
-      };
-      const coordinate = [270, 270];
-      const point = { x: 540.0072763538013, y: 539.9927236461986 };
-      const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS]);
-      const mapInstanceMock = {
-        forEachFeatureAtPixel: (): void => {},
-      } as unknown as Map;
-      it('does fire search result action handler', async () => {
-        const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-          mapSize,
-          modelId,
-          dispatch,
-          MAX_ZOOM_MOCK_MOCK,
-          ZOOM_MOCK,
-          [],
-          false,
-        );
-        await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-        await waitFor(() => expect(handleSearchResultActionSpy).toBeCalled());
-      });
-    });
-    describe('when results type is REACTION', () => {
-      const { store } = getReduxStoreWithActionsListener();
-      const { dispatch } = store;
-      const mapSize = {
-        width: 0,
-        height: 0,
-        tileSize: 256,
-        minZoom: 2,
-        maxZoom: 9,
-      };
-      const coordinate = [0, 0];
-      const point = {
-        x: 0,
-        y: 0,
-      };
-      const event = getEvent(coordinate);
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_REACTION]);
-      const mapInstanceMock = {
-        forEachFeatureAtPixel: (): void => {},
-      } as unknown as Map;
-      it('does fire search result action - handle reaction', async () => {
-        const handler = onMapSingleClick(
-          mapSize,
-          modelId,
-          dispatch,
-          MAX_ZOOM_MOCK_MOCK,
-          ZOOM_MOCK,
-          [],
-          false,
-        );
-        await handler(event, mapInstanceMock);
-        await waitFor(() => expect(handleSearchResultActionSpy).toBeCalled());
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e9d10be3f2a02acbbb9f1a11325145bd8989a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/onMapSingleClick.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import { SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY } from '@/constants/common';
-import { MapSize } from '@/redux/map/map.types';
-import { AppDispatch } from '@/redux/store';
-import { Map, MapBrowserEvent } from 'ol';
-import { FeatureLike } from 'ol/Feature';
-import { Comment } from '@/types/models';
-import { updateLastClick } from '@/redux/map/map.slice';
-import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
-import { latLngToPoint } from '@/utils/map/latLngToPoint';
-import { getSearchResults } from './getSearchResults';
-import { handleDataReset } from './handleDataReset';
-import { handleFeaturesClick } from './handleFeaturesClick';
-import { handleSearchResultAction } from './handleSearchResultAction';
-/* prettier-ignore */
-export const onMapSingleClick =
-  (mapSize: MapSize, modelId: number, dispatch: AppDispatch, searchDistance: string | undefined, maxZoom: number, zoom: number, isResultDrawerOpen: boolean,
-    comments: Comment[],     shouldConsiderZoomLevel:boolean,
-    considerZoomLevel?:number,
-  ) =>
-    async ({ coordinate, pixel }: Pick<MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>, 'coordinate' | 'pixel'>, mapInstance: Map): Promise<void> => {
-      const [lng, lat] = toLonLat(coordinate);
-      const point = latLngToPoint([lat, lng], mapSize);
-      dispatch(updateLastClick({coordinates:point, modelId}));
-      const featuresAtPixel: FeatureLike[] = [];
-      mapInstance.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, (feature) => featuresAtPixel.push(feature));
-      const { shouldBlockCoordSearch } = handleFeaturesClick(featuresAtPixel, dispatch, comments);
-      if (shouldBlockCoordSearch) {
-        return;
-      }
-      // side-effect below is to prevent complications with data update - old data may conflict with new data
-      // so we need to reset all the data before updating
-      dispatch(handleDataReset);
-      const {searchResults} = await getSearchResults({ coordinate, mapSize, modelId,     shouldConsiderZoomLevel,
-        considerZoomLevel,
-      });
-      if (!searchResults || searchResults.length === SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY) {
-        return;
-      }
-      handleSearchResultAction({ searchResults, dispatch, point, searchDistance, maxZoom, zoom, isResultDrawerOpen });
-    };
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edc575be6cb081a3c0f24143aace1552ca065265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import { Feature } from 'ol';
+import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
+import Map from 'ol/Map';
+import { VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/MapViewer.constants';
+import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
+import getFeatureAtCoordinate from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate';
+import SimpleGeometry from 'ol/geom/SimpleGeometry';
+describe('getFeatureAtCoordinate', () => {
+  let mapInstance: Map;
+  const coordinate = [100, 50];
+  const vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({});
+  vectorLayer.set('type', VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE);
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    const dummyElement = document.createElement('div');
+    mapInstance = new Map({ target: dummyElement });
+    jest.clearAllMocks();
+  });
+  it('returns undefined if mapInstance is not provided', () => {
+    const result = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+      mapInstance: undefined,
+      coordinate,
+    });
+    expect(result).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('returns undefined if no feature is found at the pixel', () => {
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'getPixelFromCoordinate').mockReturnValue([200, 100]);
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation(() => {});
+    const result = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+      mapInstance,
+      coordinate,
+    });
+    expect(result).toBeUndefined();
+  });
+  it('returns the feature if a filled compartment feature is found', () => {
+    const feature = new Feature({ type: FEATURE_TYPE.COMPARTMENT, filled: true, zIndex: 1 });
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'getPixelFromCoordinate').mockReturnValue([200, 100]);
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation((_, callback) => {
+      callback(feature, vectorLayer, new SimpleGeometry());
+    });
+    const result = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+      mapInstance,
+      coordinate,
+    });
+    expect(result).toBe(feature);
+  });
+  it('returns the feature if a non-compartment feature is found', () => {
+    const feature = new Feature({ type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS, zIndex: 1 });
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'getPixelFromCoordinate').mockReturnValue([200, 100]);
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation((_, callback) => {
+      callback(feature, vectorLayer, new SimpleGeometry());
+    });
+    const result = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+      mapInstance,
+      coordinate,
+    });
+    expect(result).toBe(feature);
+  });
+  it('ignores features with invalid zIndex', () => {
+    const feature = new Feature({ type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS, zIndex: -1 });
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'getPixelFromCoordinate').mockReturnValue([200, 100]);
+    jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation((_, callback) => {
+      callback(feature, vectorLayer, new SimpleGeometry());
+    });
+    const result = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+      mapInstance,
+      coordinate,
+    });
+    expect(result).toBeUndefined();
+  });
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c1fc99eab6a781cae57c82d1fbdb3c0eef65a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
+import { VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/MapViewer.constants';
+import { MapInstance } from '@/types/map';
+import { Coordinate } from 'ol/coordinate';
+import { FeatureLike } from 'ol/Feature';
+import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
+function isFeatureFilledCompartment(feature: FeatureLike): boolean {
+  return feature.get('type') === FEATURE_TYPE.COMPARTMENT && feature.get('filled');
+function isFeatureNotCompartment(feature: FeatureLike): boolean {
+  return (
+    [...Object.values(FEATURE_TYPE)].includes(feature.get('type')) &&
+    feature.get('type') !== FEATURE_TYPE.COMPARTMENT
+  );
+export default function getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+  mapInstance,
+  coordinate,
+  hitTolerance = 10,
+}: {
+  mapInstance: MapInstance;
+  coordinate: Coordinate;
+  multiple?: boolean;
+  hitTolerance?: number;
+}): FeatureLike | undefined {
+  let featureAtPixel: FeatureLike | undefined;
+  if (!mapInstance) {
+    return featureAtPixel;
+  }
+  const pixel = mapInstance.getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate);
+  mapInstance.forEachFeatureAtPixel(
+    pixel,
+    (feature, layer) => {
+      const featureZIndex = feature.get('zIndex');
+      if (
+        layer &&
+        layer.get('type') === VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE &&
+        (isFeatureFilledCompartment(feature) || isFeatureNotCompartment(feature)) &&
+        (featureZIndex === undefined || featureZIndex >= 0)
+      ) {
+        featureAtPixel = feature;
+        return true;
+      }
+      return false;
+    },
+    { hitTolerance },
+  );
+  return featureAtPixel;
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset.test.ts
rename to src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset.test.ts
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset.ts
rename to src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset.ts
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick.test.ts
rename to src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick.test.ts
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick.ts
rename to src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick.ts
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias.ts
index f5d678d902da7c578d8024a41ef3d6e75efb9423..5f07ab3d3948b4bb518ca183357654512d8f32ff 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias.ts
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import { FeatureLike } from 'ol/Feature';
 import { PluginsEventBus } from '@/services/pluginsManager/pluginsEventBus';
 import { searchFitBounds } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchFitBounds';
 import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
+import { handleOpenImmediateLink } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleOpenImmediateLink';
+import { ZERO } from '@/constants/common';
 /* prettier-ignore */
 export const leftClickHandleAlias =
@@ -16,18 +18,22 @@ export const leftClickHandleAlias =
           elementsToFetch: [{ elementId: id, type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS, modelId, addNumbersToEntityNumber: true }],
+      handleOpenImmediateLink(bioEntities[ZERO]);
+      const searchValue = { id, modelId, type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS };
       PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent('onSearch', {
         type: 'bioEntity',
-        searchValues: [{ id, modelId, type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS }],
+        searchValues: [searchValue],
         results: [
           bioEntities.map(bioEntity => {
             return { perfect: true, bioEntity };
+      PluginsEventBus.dispatchEvent('onBioEntityClick', searchValue);
       if (hasFitBounds) {
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.test.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.test.ts
index 2ef85495469d48e4c76d7030b5028ca980e27903..deb191074f33989005b5ecd4c0f316bd8cc48547 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.test.ts
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.test.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { updateLastClick } from '@/redux/map/map.slice';
 import { closeDrawer } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
 import { resetReactionsData } from '@/redux/reactions/reactions.slice';
 import { clearBioEntities } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.slice';
-import { handleFeaturesClick } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick';
+import { handleFeaturesClick } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick';
 import Map from 'ol/Map';
 import { onMapLeftClick } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick';
 import { Comment } from '@/types/models';
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import { VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/MapViewer.cons
 import * as leftClickHandleAlias from './leftClickHandleAlias';
 import * as clickHandleReaction from '../clickHandleReaction';
-jest.mock('../../mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick', () => ({
+jest.mock('./handleFeaturesClick', () => ({
   handleFeaturesClick: jest.fn(),
 jest.mock('./leftClickHandleAlias', () => ({
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.ts
index fdca7e96d7bbaf36fd5bdf3e3920bb0abe81a36d..0c01e4a2fa5fa13d6adcd3847a2095fe418bf970 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.ts
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/onMapLeftClick.ts
@@ -6,27 +6,15 @@ import { Comment, ModelElement, NewReaction } from '@/types/models';
 import { updateLastClick } from '@/redux/map/map.slice';
 import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
 import { latLngToPoint } from '@/utils/map/latLngToPoint';
-import { FeatureLike } from 'ol/Feature';
 import { closeDrawer } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
 import { clearBioEntities } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.slice';
 import { leftClickHandleAlias } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias';
-import { handleFeaturesClick } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleFeaturesClick';
+import { handleFeaturesClick } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick';
 import { resetReactionsData } from '@/redux/reactions/reactions.slice';
-import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset';
+import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset';
 import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
 import { clickHandleReaction } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/clickHandleReaction';
-import { VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/MapViewer.constants';
-function isFeatureFilledCompartment(feature: FeatureLike): boolean {
-  return feature.get('type') === FEATURE_TYPE.COMPARTMENT && feature.get('filled');
-function isFeatureNotCompartment(feature: FeatureLike): boolean {
-  return (
-    [...Object.values(FEATURE_TYPE)].includes(feature.get('type')) &&
-    feature.get('type') !== FEATURE_TYPE.COMPARTMENT
-  );
+import getFeatureAtCoordinate from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate';
 /* prettier-ignore */
 export const onMapLeftClick =
@@ -40,34 +28,17 @@ export const onMapLeftClick =
     reactions: Array<NewReaction>,
   ) =>
     async (
-      { coordinate, pixel }: Pick<MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>, 'coordinate' | 'pixel'>,
+      { coordinate }: Pick<MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>, 'coordinate' | 'pixel'>,
       mapInstance: Map,
     ): Promise<void> => {
       const [lng, lat] = toLonLat(coordinate);
       const point = latLngToPoint([lat, lng], mapSize);
       dispatch(updateLastClick({ coordinates: point, modelId }));
+      const featureAtCoordinate = getFeatureAtCoordinate({mapInstance, coordinate, multiple: false});
-      let featureAtPixel: FeatureLike | undefined;
-      mapInstance.forEachFeatureAtPixel(
-        pixel,
-        (feature, layer) => {
-          const featureZIndex = feature.get('zIndex');
-          if (
-            layer && layer.get('type') === VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE &&
-            (isFeatureFilledCompartment(feature) || isFeatureNotCompartment(feature)) &&
-            (featureZIndex === undefined || featureZIndex >= 0)
-          ) {
-            featureAtPixel = feature;
-            return true;
-          }
-          return false;
-        },
-        { hitTolerance: 10 },
-      );
-      if (featureAtPixel) {
-        const { shouldBlockCoordSearch } = handleFeaturesClick([featureAtPixel], dispatch, comments);
+      if (featureAtCoordinate) {
+        const { shouldBlockCoordSearch } = handleFeaturesClick([featureAtCoordinate], dispatch, comments);
         if (shouldBlockCoordSearch) {
@@ -75,7 +46,7 @@ export const onMapLeftClick =
-      if (!featureAtPixel) {
+      if (!featureAtCoordinate) {
         if (isResultDrawerOpen) {
@@ -85,10 +56,10 @@ export const onMapLeftClick =
-      const type = featureAtPixel.get('type');
-      const id = featureAtPixel.get('id');
+      const type = featureAtCoordinate.get('type');
+      const id = featureAtCoordinate.get('id');
-        await leftClickHandleAlias(dispatch)(featureAtPixel, modelId);
+        await leftClickHandleAlias(dispatch)(featureAtCoordinate, modelId);
       } else if (type === FEATURE_TYPE.REACTION) {
         clickHandleReaction(dispatch)(modelElements, reactions, id, modelId);
diff --git a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts
index 9773b48e4f9aaa1ecf91babc44d5e317b832dc18..0daefedd37203bd41a0ba65b142b8a174ef8c026 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts
+++ b/src/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseRightClick/onMapRightClick.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Feature, Map, MapBrowserEvent } from 'ol';
 import { updateLastRightClick } from '@/redux/map/map.slice';
 import { toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
 import { latLngToPoint } from '@/utils/map/latLngToPoint';
-import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset';
+import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset';
 import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
 import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
 import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';
diff --git a/src/redux/apiPath.ts b/src/redux/apiPath.ts
index 1e0c81b808574ee25b445dd68a7add92185f5764..9f81dab46dfc320c06bd3a7c74dbc871b2b9efdb 100644
--- a/src/redux/apiPath.ts
+++ b/src/redux/apiPath.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import { PROJECT_ID } from '@/constants';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
 import { PerfectSearchParams } from '@/types/search';
 import { GetPublicationsParams, PublicationsQueryParams } from './publications/publications.types';
@@ -28,13 +27,6 @@ export const apiPath = {
   }: PerfectSearchParams): string =>
-  getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates: (
-    { x, y }: Point,
-    currentModelId: number,
-  ): string => {
-    const coordinates = [x, y].join();
-    return `projects/${PROJECT_ID}/models/${currentModelId}/bioEntities:search/?coordinates=${coordinates}&count=1`;
-  },
   getReactionsWithIds: (ids: number[]): string =>
   getDrugsStringWithQuery: (searchQuery: string): string =>
diff --git a/src/redux/configuration/configuration.selectors.ts b/src/redux/configuration/configuration.selectors.ts
index 158ac40459b7ed56be24d86e6ca1efb536af5746..7a8009e4ada3396353d04c048588bc7bfba14a22 100644
--- a/src/redux/configuration/configuration.selectors.ts
+++ b/src/redux/configuration/configuration.selectors.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import {
@@ -62,11 +61,6 @@ export const simpleColorValSelector = createSelector(
   state => configurationAdapterSelectors.selectById(state, SIMPLE_COLOR_VAL_NAME_ID)?.value,
-export const searchDistanceValSelector = createSelector(
-  configurationOptionsSelector,
-  state => configurationAdapterSelectors.selectById(state, SEARCH_DISTANCE_NAME_ID)?.value,
 export const matomoUrlSelector = createSelector(
   state => configurationAdapterSelectors.selectById(state, MATOMO_URL)?.value,
@@ -93,11 +87,6 @@ export const defaultLegendImagesSelector = createSelector(configurationOptionsSe
   ).filter(legendImage => Boolean(legendImage)),
-export const elementTypesSelector = createSelector(
-  configurationMainSelector,
-  state => state?.elementTypes,
 export const modelFormatsSelector = createSelector(
   state => state?.modelFormats,
diff --git a/src/redux/modelElements/modelElements.selector.ts b/src/redux/modelElements/modelElements.selector.ts
index 4be70ab40f652e4c887e0e97714818be179df35d..b31fd45f63706fe311f14d8d43171bada5ea4cda 100644
--- a/src/redux/modelElements/modelElements.selector.ts
+++ b/src/redux/modelElements/modelElements.selector.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ export const modelElementsStateForCurrentModelSelector = createSelector(
   (state, currentModelId) => state[currentModelId],
+export const modelElementsByModelIdSelector = createSelector(
+  [modelElementsSelector, (_state, modelId: number): number => modelId],
+  (state, modelId) => state[modelId]?.data || [],
 export const modelElementsLoadingSelector = createSelector(
   state => state?.loading,
diff --git a/src/redux/newReactions/newReactions.selectors.ts b/src/redux/newReactions/newReactions.selectors.ts
index 6bf11f0e122132c75ef757a362234d0305408bb0..a17245b4d6c5ddb21032444f417bc1aa409bbf04 100644
--- a/src/redux/newReactions/newReactions.selectors.ts
+++ b/src/redux/newReactions/newReactions.selectors.ts
@@ -19,3 +19,8 @@ export const newReactionsForCurrentModelSelector = createSelector(
   state => state?.data || [],
+export const newReactionsByModelIdSelector = createSelector(
+  [newReactionsSelector, (_state, modelId: number): number => modelId],
+  (state, modelId) => state[modelId]?.data || [],
diff --git a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchByCoordinates.ts b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchByCoordinates.ts
index 6b7a9b9df402651327afef1f245c34fe9f747679..235bf0f5cd7de671d6142cc99ec5c34fd824a830 100644
--- a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchByCoordinates.ts
+++ b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/searchByCoordinates.ts
@@ -1,51 +1,59 @@
-import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleDataReset';
-import { handleSearchResultAction } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction';
-import { SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY } from '@/constants/common';
+import { handleDataReset } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/handleDataReset';
 import { store } from '@/redux/store';
-import { getElementsByPoint } from '@/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates';
-import { mapDataLastZoomValue, mapDataMaxZoomValue } from '@/redux/map/map.selectors';
-import { searchDistanceValSelector } from '@/redux/configuration/configuration.selectors';
-import { DEFAULT_ZOOM } from '@/constants/map';
+import { mapDataSizeSelector } from '@/redux/map/map.selectors';
 import { resultDrawerOpen } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.selectors';
+import { MapInstance } from '@/types/map';
+import getFeatureAtCoordinate from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/getFeatureAtCoordinate';
+import { pointToLngLat } from '@/utils/map/pointToLatLng';
+import { fromLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
+import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
+import { leftClickHandleAlias } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias';
+import { clickHandleReaction } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/clickHandleReaction';
+import { modelElementsByModelIdSelector } from '@/redux/modelElements/modelElements.selector';
+import { newReactionsByModelIdSelector } from '@/redux/newReactions/newReactions.selectors';
+import { closeDrawer } from '@/redux/drawer/drawer.slice';
+import { resetReactionsData } from '@/redux/reactions/reactions.slice';
+import { clearBioEntities } from '@/redux/bioEntity/bioEntity.slice';
 import { Coordinates } from './triggerSearch.types';
 export const searchByCoordinates = async (
+  mapInstance: MapInstance,
   coordinates: Coordinates,
   modelId: number,
-  shouldConsiderZoomLevel: boolean,
   hasFitBounds?: boolean,
-  fitBoundsZoom?: number,
-  considerZoomLevel?: number,
 ): Promise<void> => {
   const { dispatch, getState } = store;
   // side-effect below is to prevent complications with data update - old data may conflict with new data
   // so we need to reset all the data before updating
-  const maxZoom = mapDataMaxZoomValue(getState());
-  const lastZoom = mapDataLastZoomValue(getState());
-  const searchDistance = searchDistanceValSelector(getState());
+  const mapSize = mapDataSizeSelector(getState());
   const isResultDrawerOpen = resultDrawerOpen(getState());
-  const searchResults = await getElementsByPoint({
-    point: coordinates,
-    currentModelId: modelId,
-    shouldConsiderZoomLevel,
-    considerZoomLevel,
+  const newReactions = newReactionsByModelIdSelector(getState(), modelId);
+  const modelElements = modelElementsByModelIdSelector(getState(), modelId);
+  const [lng, lat] = pointToLngLat(coordinates, mapSize);
+  const projection = fromLonLat([lng, lat]);
+  const coordinate = projection.map(v => Math.round(v));
+  const searchResultVector = getFeatureAtCoordinate({
+    mapInstance,
+    coordinate,
-  if (!searchResults || searchResults?.length === SIZE_OF_EMPTY_ARRAY) {
+  if (!searchResultVector) {
+    if (isResultDrawerOpen) {
+      dispatch(closeDrawer());
+    }
+    dispatch(resetReactionsData());
+    dispatch(clearBioEntities());
-  handleSearchResultAction({
-    searchResults,
-    dispatch,
-    hasFitBounds,
-    zoom: fitBoundsZoom || lastZoom || DEFAULT_ZOOM,
-    maxZoom,
-    point: coordinates,
-    searchDistance,
-    isResultDrawerOpen,
-  });
+  const type = searchResultVector.get('type');
+  const id = searchResultVector.get('id');
+    await leftClickHandleAlias(dispatch, hasFitBounds)(searchResultVector, modelId);
+  } else if (type === FEATURE_TYPE.REACTION) {
+    clickHandleReaction(dispatch)(modelElements, newReactions, id, modelId);
+  }
diff --git a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.test.ts b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.test.ts
index abb470aa4b1fc5e1738a4b2962b0b36b2c168431..a2d3165b4c99b7d73cc565844c9ea06065aa1b5a 100644
--- a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.test.ts
+++ b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.test.ts
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
 /* eslint-disable no-magic-numbers */
-import { handleSearchResultAction } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction';
 import { initialMapDataFixture, openedMapsThreeSubmapsFixture } from '@/redux/map/map.fixtures';
 import { CONFIGURATION_INITIAL_STORE_MOCKS } from '@/redux/configuration/configuration.mock';
 import { bioEntityResponseFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/bioEntityContentsFixture';
 import { chemicalsFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/chemicalsFixture';
 import { drugsFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/drugFixtures';
-import { ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS } from '@/models/mocks/elementSearchResultMock';
 import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
 import { RootState, store } from '@/redux/store';
-import { mockNetworkNewAPIResponse, mockNetworkResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
+import { mockNetworkNewAPIResponse } from '@/utils/mockNetworkResponse';
 import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
 import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
+import { Feature, Map } from 'ol';
+import SimpleGeometry from 'ol/geom/SimpleGeometry';
+import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
+import { VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE } from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/MapViewer.constants';
+import { FEATURE_TYPE } from '@/constants/features';
+import * as leftClickHandleAlias from '@/components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias';
+import { MapManager } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/mapManager';
+import { ModelElementsState } from '@/redux/modelElements/modelElements.types';
+import { NewReactionsState } from '@/redux/newReactions/newReactions.types';
 import { triggerSearch } from './triggerSearch';
 import { ERROR_INVALID_MODEL_ID_TYPE } from '../../errorMessages';
 const mockedAxiosClient = mockNetworkNewAPIResponse();
-const mockedAxiosOldClient = mockNetworkResponse();
 const SEARCH_QUERY = 'park7';
 const point = { x: 545.8013, y: 500.9926 };
 const modelId = 1000;
@@ -30,18 +36,54 @@ const MOCK_STATE = {
     error: { message: '', name: '' },
     openedMaps: openedMapsThreeSubmapsFixture,
+  modelElements: {
+    0: {
+      data: [],
+      loading: 'succeeded',
+      error: { message: '', name: '' },
+    },
+  } as ModelElementsState,
+  newReactions: {
+    0: {
+      data: [],
+      loading: 'succeeded',
+      error: { message: '', name: '' },
+    },
+  } as NewReactionsState,
-  '../../../../components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mapSingleClick/handleSearchResultAction',
+  '../../../../components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias',
+  () => ({
+    __esModule: true,
+    ...jest.requireActual(
+      '../../../../components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/leftClickHandleAlias',
+    ),
+  }),
+const leftClickHandleAliasSpy = jest.spyOn(leftClickHandleAlias, 'leftClickHandleAlias');
+  '../../../../components/Map/MapViewer/utils/listeners/mouseClick/mouseLeftClick/handleFeaturesClick',
+  () => ({
+    handleFeaturesClick: jest.fn(),
+  }),
 describe('triggerSearch', () => {
+  let mapInstance: Map;
+  const vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({});
+  vectorLayer.set('type', VECTOR_MAP_LAYER_TYPE);
   beforeEach(() => {
+    const dummyElement = document.createElement('div');
+    mapInstance = new Map({ target: dummyElement });
+    MapManager.setMapInstance(mapInstance);
   describe('search by query', () => {
     it('should throw error if query param is wrong type', async () => {
       jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockImplementation(() => MOCK_STATE as RootState);
@@ -142,7 +184,8 @@ describe('triggerSearch', () => {
-  describe('search by coordinations', () => {
+  describe('search by coordinates', () => {
     it('should throw error if coordinates param is wrong type', async () => {
       jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockImplementation(() => MOCK_STATE as RootState);
       const invalidParams = {
@@ -155,6 +198,7 @@ describe('triggerSearch', () => {
         'Invalid coordinates type or values',
     it('should throw error if model id param is wrong type', async () => {
       jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockImplementation(() => MOCK_STATE as RootState);
       const invalidParams = {
@@ -165,20 +209,20 @@ describe('triggerSearch', () => {
       await expect(triggerSearch(invalidParams)).rejects.toThrowError(ERROR_INVALID_MODEL_ID_TYPE);
     it('should search result with proper data', async () => {
+      const mockBioEntities = [{ id: 1, name: 'BioEntity 1' }];
       jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockImplementation(() => MOCK_STATE as RootState);
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS]);
+      jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockImplementation(
+        jest.fn(() => ({
+          unwrap: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockBioEntities),
+        })),
+      );
+      const feature = new Feature({ id: 1, type: FEATURE_TYPE.ALIAS, zIndex: 1 });
+      jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation((_, callback) => {
+        callback(feature, vectorLayer, null as unknown as SimpleGeometry);
+      });
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-            searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-            isPerfectMatch: true,
-          }),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
       const params = {
         coordinates: point,
@@ -187,35 +231,15 @@ describe('triggerSearch', () => {
       await expect(triggerSearch(params)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
       await waitFor(() => {
-        expect(handleSearchResultAction).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
-          searchResults: [ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS],
-          dispatch: store.dispatch,
-          hasFitBounds: undefined,
-          isResultDrawerOpen: false,
-          maxZoom: 9,
-          point: {
-            x: 545.8013,
-            y: 500.9926,
-          },
-          searchDistance: '10',
-          zoom: 5,
-        });
+        expect(leftClickHandleAliasSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(store.dispatch, undefined);
     it('should not search result if there is no bio entity with specific coordinates', async () => {
       jest.spyOn(store, 'getState').mockImplementation(() => MOCK_STATE as RootState);
-      mockedAxiosOldClient
-        .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, modelId))
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-      mockedAxiosClient
-        .onGet(
-          apiPath.getBioEntityContentsStringWithQuery({
-            searchQuery: ELEMENT_SEARCH_RESULT_MOCK_ALIAS.id.toString(),
-            isPerfectMatch: true,
-          }),
-        )
-        .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, bioEntityResponseFixture);
+      jest.spyOn(mapInstance, 'forEachFeatureAtPixel').mockImplementation((_, callback) => {
+        callback(new Feature({ zIndex: 1 }), vectorLayer, null as unknown as SimpleGeometry);
+      });
       const params = {
         coordinates: point,
@@ -223,7 +247,7 @@ describe('triggerSearch', () => {
       await expect(triggerSearch(params)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
-      expect(handleSearchResultAction).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+      expect(leftClickHandleAliasSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
diff --git a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.ts b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.ts
index 363a01553ff227d30676d7384e0b3fc91265fd6b..01b1cdad24d542239cb90459e86e0b336ef9afe9 100644
--- a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.ts
+++ b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { MapManager } from '@/services/pluginsManager/map/mapManager';
 import { SearchParams } from './triggerSearch.types';
 import { searchByQuery } from './searchByQuery';
 import { searchByCoordinates } from './searchByCoordinates';
@@ -8,6 +9,10 @@ import {
 } from '../../errorMessages';
 export async function triggerSearch(params: SearchParams): Promise<void> {
+  const mapInstance = MapManager.getMapInstance();
+  if (!mapInstance) {
+    return;
+  }
   if ('query' in params) {
     if (typeof params.query !== 'string') {
       throw new Error(ERROR_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE);
@@ -19,15 +24,12 @@ export async function triggerSearch(params: SearchParams): Promise<void> {
     const areCoordinatesMissingKeys = !('x' in params.coordinates) || !('y' in params.coordinates);
     const areCoordinatesValuesInvalid =
       typeof params.coordinates.x !== 'number' || typeof params.coordinates.y !== 'number';
     if (areCoordinatesInvalidType || areCoordinatesMissingKeys || areCoordinatesValuesInvalid) {
       throw new Error(ERROR_INVALID_COORDINATES);
     if (typeof params.modelId !== 'number') {
       throw new Error(ERROR_INVALID_MODEL_ID_TYPE);
-    searchByCoordinates(params.coordinates, params.modelId, false, params.fitBounds, params.zoom);
+    await searchByCoordinates(mapInstance, params.coordinates, params.modelId, params.fitBounds);
diff --git a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.types.ts b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.types.ts
index fa6cd67ad8cc1ad8db58bc7ca2cf7ddd15dba6ab..c43023642d0b0647f7e3ccfc2b3703e34e9e6eca 100644
--- a/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.types.ts
+++ b/src/services/pluginsManager/map/triggerSearch/triggerSearch.types.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ export type SearchByCoordinatesParams = {
   coordinates: Coordinates;
   modelId: number;
   fitBounds?: boolean;
-  zoom?: number;
 export type SearchParams = SearchByCoordinatesParams | SearchByQueryParams;
diff --git a/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.test.ts b/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d24ece7cd88fbe2fdd5f6f6a9b62f229ea668a6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import { elementSearchResultFixture } from '@/models/fixtures/elementSearchResultFixture';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { HttpStatusCode } from 'axios';
-import { mockNetworkResponse } from '../mockNetworkResponse';
-import { getElementsByPoint } from './getElementsByCoordinates';
-const mockedAxiosClient = mockNetworkResponse();
-describe('getElementsByPoint - utils', () => {
-  const point = {
-    x: 0,
-    y: 0,
-  };
-  const currentModelId = 1000;
-  it('should return data when data response from API is valid', async () => {
-    mockedAxiosClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, currentModelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, elementSearchResultFixture);
-    const response = await getElementsByPoint({
-      point,
-      currentModelId,
-      shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-    });
-    expect(response).toEqual(elementSearchResultFixture);
-  });
-  it('should return undefined when data response from API is not valid ', async () => {
-    mockedAxiosClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, currentModelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, { randomProperty: 'randomValue' });
-    const response = await getElementsByPoint({
-      point,
-      currentModelId,
-      shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-    });
-    expect(response).toEqual(undefined);
-  });
-  it('should return empty array when data response from API is empty', async () => {
-    mockedAxiosClient
-      .onGet(apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, currentModelId))
-      .reply(HttpStatusCode.Ok, []);
-    const response = await getElementsByPoint({
-      point,
-      currentModelId,
-      shouldConsiderZoomLevel: false,
-    });
-    expect(response).toEqual([]);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.ts b/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fa54f1de0978145ce1d676a4663bca699216e570..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/utils/search/getElementsByCoordinates.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-import { elementSearchResult } from '@/models/elementSearchResult';
-import { apiPath } from '@/redux/apiPath';
-import { axiosInstance, axiosInstanceNewAPI } from '@/services/api/utils/axiosInstance';
-import { Point } from '@/types/map';
-import { BioEntity, ElementSearchResult } from '@/types/models';
-import { z } from 'zod';
-import { ONE, ZERO } from '@/constants/common';
-import { validateDataUsingZodSchema } from '../validateDataUsingZodSchema';
-interface FirstVisibleParentArgs {
-  bioEntity: BioEntity;
-  considerZoomLevel: number;
-export const getFirstVisibleParent = async ({
-  bioEntity,
-  considerZoomLevel,
-}: FirstVisibleParentArgs): Promise<BioEntity> => {
-  let parentId = bioEntity.complex;
-  if (!parentId) {
-    parentId = bioEntity.compartment;
-  }
-  if (parentId) {
-    const parentResponse = await axiosInstanceNewAPI.get<BioEntity>(
-      apiPath.getElementById(parentId, bioEntity.model),
-    );
-    const parent = parentResponse.data;
-    if (
-      parent.visibilityLevel !== null &&
-      parseInt(parent.visibilityLevel, 10) > Math.ceil(considerZoomLevel)
-    ) {
-      return getFirstVisibleParent({
-        bioEntity: parent,
-        considerZoomLevel,
-      });
-    }
-    return parent;
-  }
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-  console.log(`Cannot find visible parent for object. (zoomLevel=${considerZoomLevel})`, bioEntity);
-  return bioEntity;
-interface Args {
-  point: Point;
-  currentModelId: number;
-  shouldConsiderZoomLevel: boolean;
-  considerZoomLevel?: number;
-export const getElementsByPoint = async ({
-  point,
-  currentModelId,
-  shouldConsiderZoomLevel,
-  considerZoomLevel,
-}: Args): Promise<ElementSearchResult[] | undefined> => {
-  let result: ElementSearchResult[];
-  const response = await axiosInstance.get<ElementSearchResult[]>(
-    apiPath.getSingleBioEntityContentsStringWithCoordinates(point, currentModelId),
-  );
-  const isDataValid = validateDataUsingZodSchema(response.data, z.array(elementSearchResult));
-  if (!isDataValid) {
-    return undefined;
-  }
-  result = response.data;
-  if (shouldConsiderZoomLevel && result.length > ZERO && result[ZERO].type === 'ALIAS') {
-    const elementResponse = await axiosInstanceNewAPI.get<BioEntity>(
-      apiPath.getElementById(result[ZERO].id, result[ZERO].modelId),
-    );
-    const element = elementResponse.data;
-    if (
-      element.visibilityLevel != null &&
-      parseInt(element.visibilityLevel, 10) - (ONE - FRACTIONAL_ZOOM_AT_WHICH_IMAGE_LAYER_CHANGE) >
-        (considerZoomLevel || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
-    ) {
-      const visibleParent = await getFirstVisibleParent({
-        bioEntity: element,
-        considerZoomLevel: considerZoomLevel || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
-      });
-      let id: number;
-      if (typeof visibleParent.id === 'string') {
-        id = parseInt(visibleParent.id, 10);
-      } else {
-        id = visibleParent.id;
-      }
-      result = [
-        {
-          id,
-          type: 'ALIAS',
-          modelId: visibleParent.model,
-        },
-      ];
-    }
-  }
-  return result;