diff --git a/frontend-js/src/main/js/gui/admin/ConfigurationAdminPanel.js b/frontend-js/src/main/js/gui/admin/ConfigurationAdminPanel.js
index f1f7fc907278d3858bc4be0d25eba16d744c7b2a..4d19d6bb4b94807b858258dfe544d3e56793c399 100644
--- a/frontend-js/src/main/js/gui/admin/ConfigurationAdminPanel.js
+++ b/frontend-js/src/main/js/gui/admin/ConfigurationAdminPanel.js
@@ -1,247 +1,272 @@
-"use strict";
-/* exported Promise*/
-var AbstractAdminPanel = require('./AbstractAdminPanel');
-var PrivilegeType = require('../../map/data/PrivilegeType');
-var Functions = require('../../Functions');
-var GuiConnector = require('../../GuiConnector');
-/* exported logger */
-// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-var logger = require('../../logger');
-// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-var Promise = require("bluebird");
-var xss = require("xss");
-function ConfigurationAdminPanel(params) {
-  AbstractAdminPanel.call(this, params);
-  var self = this;
-  $(self.getElement()).addClass("minerva-configuration-tab");
-  self._createGui();
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype = Object.create(AbstractAdminPanel.prototype);
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.constructor = ConfigurationAdminPanel;
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype._createGui = function () {
-  var self = this;
-  var configurationDiv = Functions.createElement({
-    type: "div"
-  });
-  self.getElement().appendChild(configurationDiv);
-  configurationDiv.appendChild(Functions.createElement({
-    type: "h3",
-    content: 'Configuration category: <select name="categorySelect"></select>',
-    xss: false
-  }));
-  configurationDiv.appendChild(Functions.createElement({
-    type: "br"
-  }));
-  var configurationTable = Functions.createElement({
-    type: "table",
-    name: "configurationTable",
-    className: "display",
-    style: "width:100%"
-  });
-  configurationDiv.appendChild(configurationTable);
-  // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
-  $(configurationTable).DataTable({
-    columns: [{
-      title: 'Category'
-    }, {
-      title: 'Name'
-    }, {
-      title: 'Value'
-    }, {
-      title: 'Save',
-      orderable: false
-    }],
-    order: [[1, "asc"]]
-  });
-  self.bindUserGuiPreference({
-    jQueryObject: $(configurationTable),
-    event: 'length.dt',
-    preferenceName: 'admin-configuration-datatable-length',
-    defaultValue: '10',
-    getter: function () {
-      return $(configurationTable).DataTable().page.len() + '';
-    },
-    setter: function (value) {
-      return $(configurationTable).DataTable().page.len(value).draw();
-    }
-  });
-  $(configurationTable).on("click", "[name='saveOption']", function () {
-    var button = this;
-    return self.saveOption($(button).attr("data")).then(null, GuiConnector.alert);
-  });
-  $(configurationTable).on("input", ".minerva-color-input", function () {
-    var input = this;
-    var value = $(input).val();
-    var type = $(input).attr("data");
-    if (value.length !== 6) {
-      value = "FFFFFF";
-    }
-    $("[name='edit-color-" + type + "']", configurationTable).css("background-color", "#" + value);
-  });
-  $(configurationTable).on("click", ".minerva-color-button", function () {
-    var button = this;
-    var value = $(button).css("background-color");
-    var type = $(button).attr("data");
-    var colorPicker = $(button).parent().spectrum({
-      color: value,
-      move: function (color) {
-        var value = color.toHexString().replace("#", '');
-        $("[name='edit-" + type + "']", configurationTable).val(value);
-        $("[name='edit-color-" + type + "']", configurationTable).css("background-color", "#" + value);
-      },
-      hide: function () {
-        colorPicker.spectrum("destroy");
-      }
-    });
-    return new Promise.delay(1).then(function () {
-      colorPicker.show();
-      colorPicker.spectrum("show");
-    });
-  });
- *
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.init = function () {
-  var self = this;
-  return self.getServerConnector().getLoggedUser().then(function (user) {
-    var configuration = self.getConfiguration();
-    var privilege = configuration.getPrivilegeType(PrivilegeType.CONFIGURATION_MANAGE);
-    if (user.hasPrivilege(privilege)) {
-      self.setOptions(configuration.getOptions(), true);
-    } else {
-      self.disablePanel("You have no privilege to manage configuration");
-    }
-  });
- *
- * @param {ConfigurationOption[]} options
- * @param {boolean} editable
- */
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.setOptions = function (options, editable) {
-  var self = this;
-  var dataTable = $("[name='configurationTable']", self.getElement()).DataTable();
-  var data = [];
-  var categoryDropDown = $("[name='categorySelect']", self.getElement());
-  categoryDropDown.empty();
-  var categories = {"": true};
-  categoryDropDown.append('<option value=""></option>');
-  for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
-    var option = options[i];
-    var rowData = self.optionToTableRow(option, editable);
-    data.push(rowData);
-    var group = option.getGroup();
-    if (categories[group] === undefined && group !== undefined) {
-      categories[group] = true;
-      categoryDropDown.append('<option value="' + group + '">' + group + '</option>')
-    }
-  }
-  categoryDropDown.change(function () {
-    logger.warn($(this).val());
-    dataTable.column(0).search($(this).val()).draw();
-  });
-  dataTable.clear().rows.add(data).draw();
- *
- * @param {ConfigurationOption} option
- * @param {boolean} editable
- * @returns {Array}
- */
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.optionToTableRow = function (option, editable) {
-  var value = option.getValue();
-  var row = [];
-  var editOption;
-  var disabled = '';
-  if (!editable) {
-    disabled = " disabled ";
-  }
-  if (option.getValueType() === "STRING" ||
-    option.getValueType() === "INTEGER" ||
-    option.getValueType() === "DOUBLE" ||
-    option.getValueType() === "EMAIL" ||
-    option.getValueType() === "PASSWORD" ||
-    option.getValueType() === "URL") {
-    editOption = "<input name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "'/>";
-  } else if (option.getValueType() === "TEXT") {
-    editOption = "<textarea name='edit-" + option.getType() + "'>" + xss(value) + "</textarea>";
-  } else if (option.getValueType() === "BOOLEAN") {
-    var checked = "";
-    if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {
-      checked = " checked ";
-    }
-    editOption = "<input type='checkbox' name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' " + checked + " />";
-  } else if (option.getValueType() === "COLOR") {
-    editOption = "<div>" +
-      "<input class='minerva-color-input' name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' data='" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "'/>" +
-      "<button class='minerva-color-button' name='edit-color-" + option.getType() + "' data='" + option.getType() + "' style='background-color: #" + value + "'>&nbsp</button>" +
-      "</div>";
-  } else {
-    logger.warn("Don't know how to handle: " + option.getValueType());
-    editOption = "<input name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "' readonly/>";
-  }
-  var group = option.getGroup();
-  if (group === undefined) {
-    group = "";
-  }
-  row[0] = group;
-  row[1] = option.getCommonName();
-  row[2] = editOption;
-  row[3] = "<button name='saveOption' data='" + option.getType() + "' " + disabled + "><i class='fa fa-save' style='font-size:17px'></i></button>";
-  return row;
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.saveOption = function (type) {
-  var self = this;
-  return self.getServerConnector().getConfiguration().then(function (configuration) {
-    var option = configuration.getOption(type);
-    var element = $("[name='edit-" + type + "']", self.getElement());
-    var value;
-    if (element.is(':checkbox')) {
-      if (element.is(':checked')) {
-        value = "true";
-      } else {
-        value = "false";
-      }
-    } else {
-      value = element.val();
-    }
-    option.setValue(value);
-    return self.getServerConnector().updateConfigurationOption(option);
-  });
-ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.destroy = function () {
-  var self = this;
-  var table = $("[name='configurationTable']", self.getElement())[0];
-  if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable(table)) {
-    $(table).DataTable().destroy();
-  }
-module.exports = ConfigurationAdminPanel;
+"use strict";
+/* exported Promise*/
+var AbstractAdminPanel = require('./AbstractAdminPanel');
+var PrivilegeType = require('../../map/data/PrivilegeType');
+var Functions = require('../../Functions');
+var GuiConnector = require('../../GuiConnector');
+/* exported logger */
+// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
+var logger = require('../../logger');
+// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
+var Promise = require("bluebird");
+var xss = require("xss");
+ *
+ * @param {Configuration} [params.configuration]
+ * @param {HTMLElement} params.element
+ * @param {Project} params.project
+ * @param {string} params.panelName
+ * @param params.parent
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @extends AbstractAdminPanel
+ */
+function ConfigurationAdminPanel(params) {
+  AbstractAdminPanel.call(this, params);
+  var self = this;
+  $(self.getElement()).addClass("minerva-configuration-tab");
+  self._createGui();
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype = Object.create(AbstractAdminPanel.prototype);
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.constructor = ConfigurationAdminPanel;
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype._createGui = function () {
+  var self = this;
+  var configurationDiv = Functions.createElement({
+    type: "div"
+  });
+  self.getElement().appendChild(configurationDiv);
+  configurationDiv.appendChild(Functions.createElement({
+    type: "h3",
+    content: 'Configuration category: <select name="categorySelect"></select>',
+    xss: false
+  }));
+  configurationDiv.appendChild(Functions.createElement({
+    type: "br"
+  }));
+  var configurationTable = Functions.createElement({
+    type: "table",
+    name: "configurationTable",
+    className: "display",
+    style: "width:100%"
+  });
+  configurationDiv.appendChild(configurationTable);
+  // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
+  $(configurationTable).DataTable({
+    columns: [{
+      title: 'Category'
+    }, {
+      title: 'Name'
+    }, {
+      title: 'Value'
+    }, {
+      title: 'Save',
+      orderable: false
+    }],
+    order: [[1, "asc"]]
+  });
+  self.bindUserGuiPreference({
+    jQueryObject: $(configurationTable),
+    event: 'length.dt',
+    preferenceName: 'admin-configuration-datatable-length',
+    defaultValue: '10',
+    getter: function () {
+      return $(configurationTable).DataTable().page.len() + '';
+    },
+    setter: function (value) {
+      return $(configurationTable).DataTable().page.len(value).draw();
+    }
+  });
+  $(configurationTable).on("click", "[name='saveOption']", function () {
+    var button = this;
+    return self.saveOption($(button).attr("data")).then(null, GuiConnector.alert);
+  });
+  $(configurationTable).on("input", ".minerva-color-input", function () {
+    var input = this;
+    var value = $(input).val();
+    var type = $(input).attr("data");
+    if (value.length !== 6) {
+      value = "FFFFFF";
+    }
+    $("[name='edit-color-" + type + "']", configurationTable).css("background-color", "#" + value);
+  });
+  $(configurationTable).on("click", ".minerva-color-button", function () {
+    var button = this;
+    var value = $(button).css("background-color");
+    var type = $(button).attr("data");
+    // noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
+    var colorPicker = $(button).parent().spectrum({
+      color: value,
+      move: function (color) {
+        var value = color.toHexString().replace("#", '');
+        $("[name='edit-" + type + "']", configurationTable).val(value);
+        $("[name='edit-color-" + type + "']", configurationTable).css("background-color", "#" + value);
+      },
+      hide: function () {
+        colorPicker.spectrum("destroy");
+      }
+    });
+    return new Promise.delay(1).then(function () {
+      colorPicker.show();
+      colorPicker.spectrum("show");
+    });
+  });
+ *
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.init = function () {
+  var self = this;
+  return self.getServerConnector().getLoggedUser().then(function (user) {
+    var configuration = self.getConfiguration();
+    var privilege = configuration.getPrivilegeType(PrivilegeType.CONFIGURATION_MANAGE);
+    if (user.hasPrivilege(privilege)) {
+      self.setOptions(configuration.getOptions(), true);
+    } else {
+      self.disablePanel("You have no privilege to manage configuration");
+    }
+  });
+ *
+ * @param {ConfigurationOption[]} options
+ * @param {boolean} editable
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.setOptions = function (options, editable) {
+  var self = this;
+  var dataTable = $("[name='configurationTable']", self.getElement()).DataTable();
+  var data = [];
+  var categoryDropDown = $("[name='categorySelect']", self.getElement());
+  categoryDropDown.empty();
+  var categories = {"": true};
+  categoryDropDown.append('<option value=""></option>');
+  for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+    var option = options[i];
+    var rowData = self.optionToTableRow(option, editable);
+    data.push(rowData);
+    var group = option.getGroup();
+    if (categories[group] === undefined && group !== undefined) {
+      categories[group] = true;
+      categoryDropDown.append('<option value="' + group + '">' + group + '</option>')
+    }
+  }
+  categoryDropDown.change(function () {
+    logger.warn($(this).val());
+    dataTable.column(0).search($(this).val()).draw();
+  });
+  dataTable.clear().rows.add(data).draw();
+ *
+ * @param {ConfigurationOption} option
+ * @param {boolean} editable
+ * @returns {Array}
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.optionToTableRow = function (option, editable) {
+  var value = option.getValue();
+  var row = [];
+  var editOption;
+  var disabled = '';
+  if (!editable) {
+    disabled = " disabled ";
+  }
+  if (option.getValueType() === "STRING" ||
+    option.getValueType() === "INTEGER" ||
+    option.getValueType() === "DOUBLE" ||
+    option.getValueType() === "EMAIL" ||
+    option.getValueType() === "PASSWORD" ||
+    option.getValueType() === "URL") {
+    editOption = "<input name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "'/>";
+  } else if (option.getValueType() === "TEXT") {
+    editOption = "<textarea name='edit-" + option.getType() + "'>" + xss(value) + "</textarea>";
+  } else if (option.getValueType() === "BOOLEAN") {
+    var checked = "";
+    if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") {
+      checked = " checked ";
+    }
+    editOption = "<input type='checkbox' name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' " + checked + " />";
+  } else if (option.getValueType() === "COLOR") {
+    editOption = "<div>" +
+      "<input class='minerva-color-input' name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' data='" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "'/>" +
+      "<button class='minerva-color-button' name='edit-color-" + option.getType() + "' data='" + option.getType() + "' style='background-color: #" + value + "'>&nbsp</button>" +
+      "</div>";
+  } else {
+    logger.warn("Don't know how to handle: " + option.getValueType());
+    editOption = "<input name='edit-" + option.getType() + "' value='" + value + "' readonly/>";
+  }
+  var group = option.getGroup();
+  if (group === undefined) {
+    group = "";
+  }
+  row[0] = group;
+  row[1] = option.getCommonName();
+  row[2] = editOption;
+  row[3] = "<button name='saveOption' data='" + option.getType() + "' " + disabled + "><i class='fa fa-save' style='font-size:17px'></i></button>";
+  return row;
+ *
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.saveOption = function (type) {
+  var self = this;
+  return self.getServerConnector().getConfiguration().then(function (configuration) {
+    var option = configuration.getOption(type);
+    var element = $("[name='edit-" + type + "']", self.getElement());
+    var value;
+    if (element.is(':checkbox')) {
+      if (element.is(':checked')) {
+        value = "true";
+      } else {
+        value = "false";
+      }
+    } else {
+      value = element.val();
+    }
+    option.setValue(value);
+    return self.getServerConnector().updateConfigurationOption(option);
+  });
+ *
+ */
+ConfigurationAdminPanel.prototype.destroy = function () {
+  var self = this;
+  var table = $("[name='configurationTable']", self.getElement())[0];
+  if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable(table)) {
+    $(table).DataTable().destroy();
+  }
+module.exports = ConfigurationAdminPanel;