index f36d27f5dbf1012e9f8f2f899f02f26fd9e0f556..0562e77dc75ca444e5e32074d87d929e9fe6c3d7 100644
@@ -1,148 +1,85 @@
-minerva (14.0.0~beta.2) unstable; urgency=low
+minerva (14.0.0) stable; urgency=medium
+  * Feature removal: BioCompendium annotator removed (#32)
+  * Feature removal: support for tomcat7 removed (#828)
+  * Feature: security layer redesigned - privilege types and scope changed
+    (#636, #624)
+  * Feature: log4j is replaced with log4j2 logging mechanism (#291)
+  * Feature: database installed via debian package is done via dbconfig-commons
+    (#469)
+  * Feature: Replaced connection pool manager C3P0 with better maintained
+    Hikari - restart of postgresql database doesn't require restart of tomcat
+    (#564)
+  * Small improvement: debian package can be installed on debian:buster (#879)
   * Small improvement: info window contains information about overlay No (#919)
-  * Small improvement: curator without write access to project has info about 
-    it when editing project (#940)
-  * Small improvement: when revoking view access to project, revoke 
-    automatically write access to it (#920)
-  * Bug fix: exported SBML passes online validation (#831)
-  * Bug fix: changing owner of data overlay should change order index (#945)
-  * Bug fix: allow user to remove own comments (#931)
-  * Bug fix: validation of project name length is provided (#950)
-  * Bug fix: after reducing privileges on himself interface is refreshed (#948)
-  * Bug fix: list of "Copy from" elements in "Select valid annotations" dialog 
-    is shortened to used bio entity typrd (#911)
-  * Bug fix: removing overlays as curator in admin panel fixed (#944)
-  * Bug fix: information about deprecated column is more clear about column 
-    names (#838)
-  * Bug fix: version of the project is limited to 20 characters (#951)
-  * Bug fix: link to comment on map from admin panel was broken (#941)
-  * Bug fix: hide glyphs tab when necessary (#949)
-  * Bug fix: user with write access but without can_create_privileges cannot
-    create data overlay (#939)
-  * Bug fix: export to CD could misalign reaction lines that were imported from
-    format that didn't require reaction line to be attached to the species (#933)
-  * Bug fix: problem with migration of default privileges  (#902)
-  * Bug fix: some project privileges were not migrated properly (#902)
-  * Bug fix: problem with uploading data_overlays with type included in header
-    (#936)
- -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 18 Sep 2019 19:00:00 +0200
-minerva (14.0.0~beta.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Bug fix: problem with changing user role (#932)
- -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Tue, 3 Aug 2019 21:00:00 +0200
-minerva (14.0.0~beta.0) unstable; urgency=low
   * Small improvement: sorting by columns that doesn't make sense in admin
     panel is disabled (#895)
   * Small improvement: version of minerva is visible in map browser panel
   * Small improvement: small info about annotator details is available in
-    select anntoators dialog (#923)
+    select annotators dialog (#923)
   * Small improvement: CellDesigner layers are always visualized as pathways
-  * Small improvement: setting "Modify project| checkbox automatically select
-    "View project" checkbox when editing privileges (#920)
   * Small improvement: notification email uses minerva name and id of affected
     project (#926)
   * Small improvement: information about person who uploaded project is visible
     in list of projects (#927)
-  * Small improvement: user role introduced in edit user dialog (#924)
-  * Small improvement: tab with list of glyps is available when adding project
+  * Small improvement: tab with list of glyphs is available when adding project
     with glyphs (#925)
   * Small improvement: BackgroundColor parameter should be assigned using ":"
     character (#929)
+  * Small improvement: anonymous login is no longer required - each API query
+    outside session is authorized with anonymous user privileges (#629)
+  * Small improvement: bcrypt is used for password encryption (#387)
+  * Small improvement: caching is active by default for new users when
+    uploading project (#202)
+  * Small improvement: when removing overlay in admin panel there is a
+    confirmation dialog (#696)
+  * Small improvement: overlay name is obligatory (#698)
+  * Small improvement: list of projects in admin panel contains creation date
+    (#447)
+  * Small improvement: links in list of publications open in new tab (#447)
+  * Small improvement: target gene in search panel contains also information
+    about type of database that identifies the target (#66)
+  * Small improvement: redundant 'references' field in gene variants data
+    overlay is now deprecated (#850)
+  * Small improvement: information about deprecated columns in data overlay is
+    visible in overlay list (#838)
+  * Small improvement: publication list is resizeable (#740)
+  * Small improvement: user list on project edit dialog is sortable (#808)
+  * Bug fix: exported SBML passes online validation (#831)
+  * Bug fix: allow user to remove own comments (#931)
+  * Bug fix: validation of project name length is provided (#950)
+  * Bug fix: list of "Copy from" elements in "Select valid annotations" dialog 
+    is shortened to used bio entity types (#911)
+  * Bug fix: version of the project is limited to 20 characters (#951)
+  * Bug fix: export to CD could misalign reaction lines that were imported from
+    format that didn't require reaction line to be attached to the species (#933)
+  * Bug fix: problem with uploading data_overlays with type included in header
+    (#936)
   * Bug fix: work on FF Private Window mode could cause logout or raise an
     error on when opening new tab with minerva (#892)
   * Bug fix: fetching list of miRnas resulted sometimes in "Internal Server
     Error" (#889)
-  * Bug fix: user without admin right can accept terms of service (#893)
   * Bug fix: edit project dialog verifies organism id  (#914)
-  * Bug fix: user without admin or curator privileges shouldn't be able to
-    check logs (#894)
-  * Bug fix: user without admin or curator privileges had issues with accesing
-    and removing data overlays (#897, #898, #899, #903)
-  * Bug fix: privilege checking on updating privileges, data overlays were not
-    sufficient and could lead to access escalation
-  * Bug fix: user without privileges had edit map input options enabled
-  * Bug fix: user without privileges had edit map input options for managing
-    project users
-  * Bug fix: curator couldn't update data overlay in some situations (#905)
-  * Bug fix: alignment of tabs fixed for dialogs: "Add Project", "Edit Genome",
-    "Edit Project", "Edit User" (#881)
   * Bug fix: all colors in boolean reaction (from CellDesigner) are processed
     properly (#907)
   * Bug fix: proper line type for boolean reaction is used on the whole
     reaction (#908)
-  * Bug fix: user with modify access to the project can edit it in admin panel
-    (#901)
-  * Bug fix: creating project with too long name hung (#916)
-  * Bug fix: too long user login thrown an error (#915)
-  * Bug fix: width of info window adjust to the content size (#903)
+  * Bug fix: creating project with too long name hung upload (#916)
+  * Bug fix: too long user login threw an error (#915)
   * Bug fix: when uploading generic data overlay the type was not updated in
     case the type was not specified in the input file (#906)
   * Bug fix: list of types when copying from annotators contains only types
     that are selectable in the dialog (#911)
-  * Bug fix: remove of data overlay didn't update numbering of data overlays
-    that are still in the system (#918)
   * Bug fix: too long name for data overlay in info window is trimmed (#919)
   * Bug fix: too long name in general overlay list is wrapped (#857)
   * Bug fix: after genome is removed list of genomes is refreshed (#922)
-  * Bug fix: when session expired anonymous user could access admin panel with
-    very limited access (#928)
-  * Bug fix: migrating from old minerva will grant WRITE_PROJECT privilege to
-    users who have manage comments or manage overlays privilege (#902)
- -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Wed, 28 Aug 2019 21:00:00 +0200
-minerva (14.0.0~alpha.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Feature removal: support for tomcat7 removed (#828)
-  * Small improvement: debian package can be installed on debian:buster (#879)
   * Bug fix: REST API bioEntities:search method didn't limit results to the
     submodel id (#860)
   * Bug fix: Empty Overlay colours were not preserved during export to
     CellDesigner (#714)
-  * Bug fix: some project couldn't be accessed due to problem with migration of
-    reaction with unknown boolean operator (#880)
   * Bug fix: problem with unloading plugin is properly handled (#884)
   * Bug fix: upload of invalid plugin doesn't add it to plugin tab and list of
     loaded plugins (#885)
-  * Bug fix: link to molart was brokwn (#886)
-  * Bug fix: context menu visualization fixed
-  * Bug fix: problem with uploading projects (#887)
- -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Mon, 13 Aug 2019 21:00:00 +0200
-minerva (14.0.0~alpha.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Feature: security layer redesigned - privilege types and scope changed
-    (#636, #624)
-  * Feature: log4j is replaced with log4j2 logging mechanism (#291)
-  * Feature: database installed via debian package is done via dbconfig-commons
-    (#469)
-  * Feature: Replaced connection pool manager C3P0 with better maintained
-    Hikari - restart of postgresql database doesn't require restart of tomcat
-    (#564)
-  * Feature removal: BioCompendium annotator removed (#32)
-  * Small improvement: anonymous login is no longer required - each API query
-    outside session is authorized with anonymous user privileges (#629)
-  * Small improvement: bcrypt is used for password encryption (#387)
-  * Small improvement: caching is active by default for new users when
-    uploading project (#202)
-  * Small improvement: when removing overlay in admin panel there is a
-    confirmation dialog (#696)
-  * Small improvement: overlay name is obligatory (#698)
-  * Small improvement: list of projects in admin panel contains creation date
-    (#447)
-  * Small improvement: links in list of publications open in new tab (#447)
-  * Small improvement: target gene in search panel contains also information
-    about type of database that identifies the target (#66)
-  * Small improvement: redundant 'references' field in gene variants data
-    overlay is now deprecated (#850)
-  * Small improvement: information about deprecated columns in data overlay is
-    visible in overlay list (#838)
-  * Small improvement: publication list is resizeable (#740)
-  * Small improvement: user list on project edit dialog is sortable (#808)
   * Bug fix: export to CellDesigner of reaction with two modifiers connected
     with boolean operator resulted was skipping some layout information
   * Bug fix: reaction in SBGNML file containing two products was improperly
@@ -156,7 +93,7 @@ minerva (14.0.0~alpha.0) unstable; urgency=low
   * Bug fix: Search drug by target element did not return values when this
     element was annotated automatically (#216)
- -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Fri, 09 Aug 2019 10:00:00 +0200
+ -- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu>  Wed, 09 Oct 2019 12:00:00 +0200
 minerva (13.2.0) stable; urgency=medium
   * Small improvement: MolArt v1.4 is used which provide information from
diff --git a/rest-api/src/main/java/lcsb/mapviewer/api/projects/overlays/OverlayController.java b/rest-api/src/main/java/lcsb/mapviewer/api/projects/overlays/OverlayController.java
index 7cfd280fc1d4f4f8f510f2ee985f8fad9a6b1c0d..51d4b086f373cf0ab409d6a396f8e37cdf27e384 100644
--- a/rest-api/src/main/java/lcsb/mapviewer/api/projects/overlays/OverlayController.java
+++ b/rest-api/src/main/java/lcsb/mapviewer/api/projects/overlays/OverlayController.java
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ public class OverlayController extends BaseController {
   @PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('IS_ADMIN')" +
       " or (hasAuthority('IS_CURATOR') and hasAuthority('WRITE_PROJECT:' + #projectId))" +
+      " or (hasAuthority('IS_CURATOR') and hasAuthority('READ_PROJECT:' + #projectId))" +
       " or (hasAuthority('READ_PROJECT:' + #projectId) and hasAuthority('CAN_CREATE_OVERLAYS'))")
   @PostMapping(value = "/")
   public Map<String, Object> addOverlay(