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  • v1.5.1
    [Diff since v1.5.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - bump documenter version, use doc pkg cache (#256) (@exaexa)
    - Add support for specie conversionFactor (#259) (@sebapersson)
    **Closed issues:**
    - Add support for species conversion factor (#257)
    - Support StoichiometryMath (#258)
  • v1.5.0
    [Diff since v1.4.4](
    **Closed issues:**
    - readSBML fails on SBML semantic test case 00928 (#254)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Fix non-mandatory event IDs (#255) (@exaexa)
  • v1.4.4
    [Diff since v1.4.3](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - add sbmlPower dispatch (#250) (@paulflang)
    - add test for sbmlPower (#252) (@paulflang)
  • v1.4.3
    [Diff since v1.4.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Bad annotation crashes the cvterm extraction (#248)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - do not crash on misclassified bqbiol/bqmodel cvterms (#249) (@exaexa)
  • v1.4.2
    [Diff since v1.4.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - fixup throw_severities, allow converters to change error reporting (#246) (@exaexa)
    - support more CVTerms and annotations (#247) (@exaexa)
  • v1.4.1
    [Diff since v1.4.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - writing/exporting SBML (#239)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - add functions that make it easy to get models from a url and sbml-test-suite (#241) (@anandijain)
    - [CI] Use `julia-actions/cache` for caching (#242) (@giordano)
    - make throwing SBML load errors configurable (#243) (@exaexa)
    - clean up the SBML test suite URL machinery (#245) (@exaexa)
  • v1.4.0
    [Diff since v1.3.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - `use_value_from_trigger_time` is semantically a Bool (#236) (@exaexa)
    - include ccov badge (#237) (@exaexa)
    - add convert_promote_expand (#238) (@paulflang)
  • v1.3.0
    [Diff since v1.2.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - support reading of the CV terms (#27)
    - SBML model does not load with reaction or metabolite annotations (#208)
    - Use XML.jl to represent annotations (#209)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - implement the special handling for avogadro constant (#233) (@exaexa)
    - Fix backwards compatibility of `interpret_math` with Avogadroes (#234) (@exaexa)
    - support CV terms (#235) (@exaexa)
  • v1.2.0
    [Diff since v1.1.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Check possible silent errors while building SBML structure (#217)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - allow github collaborators to `/format` stuff (#227) (@exaexa)
    - update compathelper scriptage (#228) (@exaexa)
    - support SBO terms (+ bonuses) (#229) (@exaexa)
    - fix sbmlRelational error with `Num` arguments (#230) (@paulflang)
    - cleanup&fix the sbmlRelational patch (#231) (@exaexa)
    - bump version to 1.2.0 (#232) (@exaexa)
  • v1.1.0
    [Diff since v1.0.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Add `exponentiale` to `default_constants` (#213)
    - Power fails with negative exponents (#214)
    - Import species reference metadata (#218)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Pl/interpret fixes (#215) (@paulflang)
    - finish #215 (#219) (@exaexa)
    - remove the debugging leftover (#220) (@exaexa)
    - enable multiple arguments for comparisons (#221) (@paulflang)
    - use rule.variable instead of in seemsdefined (#222) (@paulflang)
    - implement full species references (#224) (@exaexa)
    - use the safer Object_createChild SBML methods. (#225) (@exaexa)
    - Formatting for #221 (#226) (@exaexa)
  • v1.0.0
    [Diff since v0.10.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - writeSBML (#11)
    - Events: Trigger may need to be a struct (#202)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add `writeSBML` (#143) (@giordano)
    - Test starting from Julia v1.6 in CI (#205) (@giordano)
    - simplify format check reporting (#206) (@exaexa)
    - do not store kinetic law parameters as global parameters (#210) (@exaexa)
    - Add `Objective` struct (#211) (@giordano)
    - 2 tiny fixes (#212) (@exaexa)
    - [dramatic voice:] Time has come. (#216) (@exaexa)
  • v0.10.2
    [Diff since v0.10.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Remove direct dependency on Symbolics (#195)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add precompilation statement for `readSBML` (#193) (@giordano)
    - Read also name of unit definitions (#196) (@giordano)
    - add format checker & format cmd to github actions (#197) (@exaexa)
    - externalize the support for converting to Symbolics (#198) (@exaexa)
    - extensive math correctly exposes compartment identifications (#199) (@exaexa)
    - DocStringExtensions + some extra fixes (#200) (@exaexa)
    - further formatter improvements (#203) (@exaexa)
    - fix isfreein() (#204) (@paulflang)
  • v0.10.1
    [Diff since v0.10.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - avoid eval by directly using functions (#189) (@exaexa)
    - bump version 0.10.1 (#190) (@exaexa)
  • v0.10.0
    [Diff since v0.9.2](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Clean up the parameter handling (#182) (@exaexa)
    - separate substance units from initial amounts and concentrations (#183) (@exaexa)
    - extract reaction names (#184) (@exaexa)
    - species constantness (#185) (@exaexa)
    - bump version 0.10 (#186) (@exaexa)
  • v0.9.2
    [Diff since v0.9.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Model attributes (#175)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - load units annotations from Model_t (#174) (@exaexa)
    - add Genie shield to README (#176) (@exaexa)
    - Add CompatHelper (#177) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Read `name`, `id` and `conversionFactor` model attributes (#178) (@giordano)
    - bemp release 0.9.2 (#179) (@exaexa)
  • v0.9.1
    [Diff since v0.9.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - new jll with experimental builds (m1) (#152)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - isfile(fn) in readsbml (#132) (@anandijain)
    - add downstream SBMLToolkit testing (#146) (@anandijain)
    - Mention UCL contribution to the package (#172) (@giordano)
    - supply sane defaults to most SBML structures (#173) (@exaexa)
  • v0.9.0
    [Diff since v0.8.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Rate rules  (#53)
    - Find and add good tests for loading converters (#56)
    - Handling of lb, ub and oc in `Reaction`s (#85)
    - Support for math in initial assignments (orig: case 00489 fails) (#134)
    - functions with more than ~3 parameters should be converted to keyword parameters (#167)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - fix function name in README (#161) (@exaexa)
    - Follow the SBML structure of bounds and objectives (#162) (@exaexa)
    - Support initial assignments (#163) (@giordano)
    - Add test cases for loading dynamic models and convert.jl (#164) (@giordano)
    - Events support (#165) (@anandijain)
    - Support list of rules (#166) (@giordano)
    - Define keywords-based constructors for `Model` and `Reaction` (#168) (@giordano)
    - Support list of constraints (#170) (@giordano)
    - Improve the documentation (#171) (@exaexa)
  • v0.8.2
    [Diff since v0.8.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Rollback (temporarily) the unitful units (#160) (@exaexa)
  • v0.8.1
    [Diff since v0.8.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Parameters should not just be `Dict{String,Float64}` (#130)
    - case 01296 fails (#139)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - custom show for SBML.Model (#153) (@anandijain)
    - support default compartment sizes (#154) (@exaexa)
    - Read units of parameters [potentially breaking] (#155) (@giordano)
    - Add mapping of `rateOf` for Symbolics (#156) (@giordano)
    - symbolics 4 (#157) (@anandijain)
    - Fix typo in name of `sbmlRateOf` function (#158) (@giordano)
    - fix rateOf attempt 3 (#159) (@exaexa)
  • v0.8.0
    [Diff since v0.7.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Tag? (#149)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - simplify stoichiometry_matrix API & make it more efficient (#147) (@exaexa)
    - Update to Symbolics 3 (#148) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - release 0.8 (#150) (@exaexa)