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## SBML v0.5.2

[Diff since v0.5.1](

**Closed issues:**
- Make `GPAAnd` and `GPAOr` parametric? (#72)
-  include runs on Julia 1.5 and Julia 1.6 (#80)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Strip whitespaces when reporting error messages from `readSBML` (#73) (@giordano)
- Remove `DocumenterTools` from `docs/` environment (#74) (@giordano)
- Run CI with GitHub Actions on pull requests (#75) (@giordano)
- Gitignore files downloaded during the tests (#76) (@giordano)
- Make `sbml` a proper function, instead of a non-const anononymous one (#77) (@giordano)
- Make `convert_simplify_math` constant (#78) (@giordano)
- Make `default_symbolics_mapping` constant (#79) (@giordano)
- Fix minimum compatible version of Julia and run CI on 1.5 and 1 (#81) (@giordano)
- Move test files to `test/data` to keep `test` clean (#82) (@giordano)
- symbolics compat  (#83) (@anandijain)
- fun accessors for initial amounts and concentrations (#84) (@exaexa)
- version bump to 0.5.2 (#86) (@exaexa)