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## COBREXA v1.2.1

[Diff since v1.2.0](

**Closed issues:**
- Polishing: add `@__FILE__` and other stuff to macro-generated functions (#508)
- WIP: Miscellaneous fixes (#518)
- Are knockouts potentially confusing? (#520)

**Merged pull requests:**
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "JuMP" to "0.22" (#511) (@github-actions[bot])
- use the keyword arguments in new version of SBML (#544) (@exaexa)
- Revert "Merge pull request #544 from LCSB-BioCore/mk-sbml-091" (#547) (@exaexa)
- Move the changes from #544 to `develop` (#548) (@exaexa)
- CompatHelper checks the `develop` branch (#550) (@exaexa)
- Trigger documentation building on `master` too (#551) (@exaexa)
- explain the multi-gene knockouts better (#553) (@exaexa)
- clean up some leftover unions with Nothing (#555) (@exaexa)
- bemp a small patch release (#556) (@exaexa)
- improve macro-related documentation (#557) (@exaexa)
- Update the dind version in CI (was: fix dind in CI) (#558) (@exaexa)
- Develop → master merge for 1.2.1 (#559) (@exaexa)
- Build docs on PRs to master (to catch doc errors) (#560) (@exaexa)
- COBREXA should be a dep of documentation Project.toml to enforce version checks (#561) (@exaexa)
- postpone JuMP 0.22 compatibility (#562) (@exaexa)