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[Diff since v1.0.0](

**Closed issues:**
- fluxVariabilityAnalysis doesn't check termination status (#5)
- add travis and github actions (#70)
- FVA does not include optimization problem modifications (#219)
- change suggested solved in README from GLPK to Tulip (#232)
- fix `Edit on Github` button on (#245)
- Register COBREXA.jl (#249)
- add backlink from docs (#250)
- unify and howToContribute sections (#253)
- remove Random dependency? (#280)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix hit and run sampler (#251) (@stelmo)
- add the abstract screening helper + on-disk externalized models (#254) (@exaexa)
- Revert "change installation to git (temporarily)" (#257) (@laurentheirendt)
- clean up docs badges and acks (#264) (@exaexa)
- switch README to Tulip (#265) (@exaexa)
- add support for travis CI (#268) (@laurentheirendt)
- increase coverage of serialization + fixes (#271) (@exaexa)
- fix banner on 80col terminal (#272) (@exaexa)
- fix a problem in screening (#273) (@exaexa)
- unify contribution guides (#274) (@exaexa)
- Clean up FVA (#275) (@exaexa)
- disable the edit link in docs (#276) (@exaexa)
- Clean up tests (#277) (@exaexa)
- replace link (#278) (@laurentheirendt)
- fix directory in doc deployment (#282) (@laurentheirendt)
- Clean up hit-and-run sampling (#284) (@exaexa)
- docs: improve the contribution edit link (#285) (@exaexa)
- bump to 1.0.1 (#286) (@exaexa)