From 0e04a8bb7dccf252df6377edb0e6e3af6c9364bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: stelmo <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 14:47:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added constraint modification callback

 src/analysis/fba.jl   | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/base/utilities.jl | 60 ---------------------------
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/analysis/fba.jl b/src/analysis/fba.jl
index ad8a5c748..7b9beed1e 100644
--- a/src/analysis/fba.jl
+++ b/src/analysis/fba.jl
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ Arguments are passed to [`flux_balance_analysis`](@ref).
 function flux_balance_analysis_vec(args...)::Union{Vector{Float64},Nothing}
     optmodel = flux_balance_analysis(args...)
+    vars = optmodel[:x]
     termination_status(optmodel) in [MOI.OPTIMAL, MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED] || return nothing
-    value.(optmodel[:x])
+    value.(vars)
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ function flux_balance_analysis_dict(
-    flux_balance_analysis(model::CobraModel, optimizer; objective_func::Union{Reaction, Array{Reaction, 1}}=Reaction[], weights=Float64[], solver_attributes=Dict{Any, Any}(), constraints=Dict{String, Tuple{Float64,Float64}}())
+    fba(model::CobraModel, optimizer; objective_func::Union{Reaction, Array{Reaction, 1}}=Reaction[], weights=Float64[], solver_attributes=Dict{Any, Any}(), constraints=Dict{String, Tuple{Float64,Float64}}())
 Run flux balance analysis (FBA) on the `model` optionally specifying `objective_rxn(s)` and their `weights` (empty `weights` mean equal weighting per reaction).
 Optionally also specify any additional flux constraints with `constraints`, a dictionary mapping reaction `id`s to tuples of (lb, ub) flux constraints.
@@ -61,40 +62,76 @@ biomass = findfirst(model.reactions, "BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_WT_53p95M")
 sol = fba(model, biomass, optimizer; solver_attributes=atts)
-function flux_balance_analysis(
+function fba(
-    modifications::Union{Vector, Function} = [(model, opt_model)->nothing]
+    modifications = [(model, opt_model)->nothing]
+objective_func::Union{Reaction,Array{Reaction,1}} = Reaction[]
+weights = Float64[]
+solver_attributes = Dict{Any,Any}()
+sense = MOI.MAX_SENSE
     # get core optimization problem
-    cbm = make_optimization_model(model, optimizer)
-    # apply callbacks - user can also just put in a function
-    if typeof(modifications) <: Vector
-        for mod in modifications
-            mod(model, cbm)
-        end    
-    else
-        modifications(model, cbm)
+    cbm = make_optimization_model(model, optimizer, sense = sense)
+    v = cbm[:x] # fluxes
+    # apply callbacks
+    for mod in modifications
+        mod(model, cbm)
-    optimize!(cbm)
-    return cbm
+    # modify core optimization problem according to user specifications
+    if !isempty(solver_attributes) # set other attributes
+        for (k, val) in solver_attributes
+            set_optimizer_attribute(cbm, k, val)
+        end
+    end
-function flux_balance_analysis_vec()
+    # if an objective function is supplied, modify the default objective
+    if typeof(objective_func) == Reaction || !isempty(objective_func)
+        # ensure that an array of objective indices are fed in
+        if typeof(objective_func) == Reaction
+            objective_indices = [model[objective_func]]
+        else
+            objective_indices = [model[rxn] for rxn in objective_func]
+        end
+        if isempty(weights)
+            weights = ones(length(objective_indices))
+        end
+        opt_weights = zeros(length(model.reactions))
-status = (
-    termination_status(cbm) == MOI.OPTIMAL ||
-    termination_status(cbm) == MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED
+        # update the objective function tracker
+        # don't update model objective function - silly thing to do
+        wcounter = 1
+        for i in eachindex(model.reactions)
+            if i in objective_indices
+                # model.reactions[i].objective_coefficient = weights[wcounter]
+                opt_weights[i] = weights[wcounter]
+                wcounter += 1
+                # else
+                # model.reactions[i].objective_coefficient = 0.0
+            end
+        end
+        @objective(cbm, sense, sum(opt_weights[i] * v[i] for i in objective_indices))
+    else # use default objective
+        # automatically assigned by make_optimization_model
+    end
+    optimize!(cbm)
+    status = (
+        termination_status(cbm) == MOI.OPTIMAL ||
+        termination_status(cbm) == MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED
+    )
-if status
-    return map_fluxes(cbm[:v], model)
-    @warn "Optimization issues occurred."
-    return Dict{String,Float64}()
+    if status
+        return map_fluxes(v, model)
+    else
+        @warn "Optimization issues occurred."
+        return Dict{String,Float64}()
+    end
diff --git a/src/base/utilities.jl b/src/base/utilities.jl
index 0ae3f14c9..e2d6d7233 100644
--- a/src/base/utilities.jl
+++ b/src/base/utilities.jl
@@ -46,63 +46,3 @@ function modify_constraint(reaction::Reaction, lb, ub)
         set_bound(ind, opt_model, lb=lb, ub=ub)
-    modify_sense(sense)
-    Modify the objective sense. 
-Allowed options are MOI.MAX_SENSE and MOI.MIN_SENSE.
-function modify_sense(sense)
-    (model, opt_model) -> begin
-        set_objective_sense(opt_model, sense)
-    end
-modify_solver_attributes(option_key, option_value)
-function modify_solver_attributes(option_key, option_value)
-    (model, opt_model) -> begin
-        set_optimizer_attribute(opt_model, option_key, option_value)
-    end
-    modify_objective(objective_function::Union{Reaction,Array{Reaction,1}}; objective_weights=[], sense=MOI.MAX_SENSE)
-Modify the objective function and optionally specify weights 
-(useful if more than one reaction is set in `objective_rxns`)
-and the sense of the objective.
-# Example
-function modify_objective(objective_function::Union{Reaction,Array{Reaction,1}}; objective_weights=[], sense=MOI.MAX_SENSE)
-    (model, opt_model) -> begin
-        v = opt_model[:x]
-        # ensure that an array of objective indices are fed in
-        if typeof(objective_function) == Reaction
-            objective_indices = [model[objective_function]]
-        else
-            objective_indices = [model[rxn] for rxn in objective_function]
-        end
-        if isempty(objective_weights)
-            weights = ones(length(objective_indices))
-        end
-        opt_weights = zeros(length(model.reactions))
-        # update the objective function tracker
-        wcounter = 1
-        for i in eachindex(model.reactions)
-            if i in objective_indices
-                opt_weights[i] = weights[wcounter]
-                wcounter += 1
-            end
-        end
-        @objective(cbm, MOI.MAX_SENSE, sum(opt_weights[i] * v[i] for i in objective_indices))
-    end