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Scripts for the analysis of metagenomic data from the first week of life.
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A component to easily integrate other services with ELIXIR AAI, using Apache as a reverse proxy, and OIDC as a protocol to connect to ELIXIR AAI
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Malte Herold / LF_omics_analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyAnalysis workflows for the Leptospirillum ferriphilum omics data
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Supplementary information for manuscript "Closing the gap between formats for storing layout information in systems biology"
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Sonja Fixemer / git.practice
Apache License 2.0Practice repository R3 git training. Slides: https://r3school.pages.uni.lu/git.slides
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Nikola de Lange / git.practice
Apache License 2.0Practice repository R3 git training. Slides: https://r3school.pages.uni.lu/git.slides
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Vanja Vlasov / git.practice
Apache License 2.0Practice repository R3 git training. Slides: https://r3school.pages.uni.lu/git.slides
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Christophe Trefois / git.practice
Apache License 2.0Practice repository R3 git training. Slides: https://r3school.pages.uni.lu/git.slides
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Beatriz Garcia / git.practice
Apache License 2.0Practice repository R3 git training. Slides: https://r3school.pages.uni.lu/git.slides
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Zhi Zhang / bsa4yeast
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated