## Copyright (C) 2020,2021,2023 by University of Luxembourg ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. #' @title Run Shinyscreen Pipeline #' #' @details TODO. #' #' @param envopts `envopts`, an `envopts` object. #' @param project `character(1)`, a directory containing input data. #' @param m `state`, a Shinyscreen state. #' @param phases `character(n)`, a character vector of Shinyscreen #' phases. #' @param help `logical(1)`, print help? #' @export run <- function(envopts, project="", m=NULL, phases=NULL, help=F) { all_phases=list(setup=setup_phase, comptab=mk_comp_tab, db=make_db, extract=extr_data, prescreen=prescreen, sort=sort_spectra, subset=subset_summary, plot=create_plots) if (help) { message("(run): You can run some of the following, or all the phases:") message(paste(paste0("(run): ",names(all_phases)),collapse = "\n")) return(invisible(NULL)) } the_phases <- if (is.null(phases)) all_phases else { x <- setdiff(phases,names(all_phases)) if (length(x)>0) { message("(run): Error. Unknown phases:") message(paste(paste0("(run): ",x),collapse = "\n")) stop("Aborting.") } all_phases[phases] } m = if (is.null(m)) { ## A project from scratch. new_project(project,envopts=envopts) } else { ## Regenerate the runtime environment. project = if (nchar(project)==0L) m$run$project else project m$run = new_runtime_state(project=project, envopts = envopts, conf=m$conf) m } m = withr::with_dir(new=m$run$paths$project,code = Reduce(function (prev,f) f(prev), x = the_phases, init = m)) return(invisible(m)) } ##' @export setup_phase <- function(m) { message("Stage: setup") m <- mk_tol_funcs(m) m <- load_inputs(m) m <- concurrency(m) m } ##' @export run_in_dir <- function(m) { m <- setup_phase(m) m <- mk_comp_tab(m) m <- extr_data(m) m <- prescreen(m) m <- sort_spectra(m) m <- subset_summary(m) m <- create_plots(m) invisible(m) } ##' @export load_compound_input <- function(m) { fns <- file.path(m$run$paths$project,m$conf$compounds$lists) cmpds = join_compound_lists(fns) ## Process sets. cmpds = process_cmpd_sets(cmpds) dups <- duplicated(cmpds$ID) dups <- dups | duplicated(cmpds$ID,fromLast = T) dupIDs <- cmpds$ID[dups] dupfns <- cmpds$ORIG[dups] msg <- "" for (fn in unique(dupfns)) { inds <- which(dupfns %in% fn) fndupID <- paste(dupIDs[inds], collapse = ',') msg <- paste(paste('Duplicate IDs', fndupID,'found in',fn),msg,sep = '\n') } ## TODO: Should we just kick out the duplicates, instead of ## erroring? assert(all(!dups), msg = msg) cmpds[,("known"):=.(the_ifelse(!is.na(SMILES),"structure",the_ifelse(!is.na(Formula),"formula","mz")))] m$input$tab$cmpds <- cmpds m } ##' @export load_data_input <- function(m) { if (NROW(m$input$tab$mzml)==0L) { if (!file.exists(m$run$paths$datatab)) { stop("A CSV file with data file entries does not exist (`paths$datatab' in config).") } m$input$tab$mzml <- file2tab(m$run$paths$datatab) } else { message("Table `datatab' already loaded.") } m$input$tab$mzml <- as.data.table(m$input$tab$mzml) assert(all(unique(m$input$tab$mzml[,.N,by=c("adduct","tag")]$N)<=1),msg="Some rows in the data table contain multiple entries with same tag and adduct fields.") pref<-m$run$paths$data message("load_data_input: ", pref) for (fn in m$input$tab$mzml$file) { if (!file.exists(file.path(pref,fn))) stop("File ",fn," does not exist.") } ## m$input$tab$mzml[,file:=fifelse(file.exists(file),file,file.path(..pref,file))] ## m$input$tab$mzml[,file:=norm_path(file)] m } ##' @export load_inputs <- function(m) { m <- load_compound_input(m) m <- load_data_input(m) m } ##' @export mk_comp_tab <- function(m) { message("Stage: comptab") mzml<- m$input$tab$mzml setkey(mzml,set) cmpds<-m$input$tab$cmpds setkey(cmpds,set,ID) assert(nrow(cmpds)>0,msg="No compound lists have been provided.") assert(all(mzml[,unique(set)] %in% cmpds[,unique(set)]),msg="Not all set names in the `datatab' data file table match those in the provided set list.") assert(all(mzml[,!is.na(unique(adduct))]),msg="Some data file entries do not have selected adducts.") message("Begin generation of the comprehensive table.") comp <- cmpds[mzml,.(tag,adduct,ID,RT,set,Name,file,SMILES,Formula,mz,known),on="set",allow.cartesian=T] tab2file(tab=comp,file=paste0("setidmerge",".csv")) setkey(comp,known,set,ID) message("Merged all sets.") message("Calculate formulas from SMILES (if any). Please wait.") ## Get just the info needed for mz calculation. comp_known <- comp[known=="structure" | known=="formula"] ## Remove mz==NA col from knowns. comp_known[,mz:=NULL] comp_unknown <- comp[known=="mz"] smiforadd <- comp_known[known=="structure" | known=="formula",unique(.SD),.SDcols=c("adduct","ID","SMILES","Formula")] ## Turn SMILES into formulas. smiles <- smiforadd[,unique(.SD),.SDcols=c("SMILES")] smiles[,`:=`(Formula=smiles2form(SMILES))] badsmiles <- as.character(smiles[Formula=="",SMILES]) if (length(badsmiles)>0) { stop("Unable to create formula from SMILES:",paste(badsmiles,collapse="\n")) } smiforadd <- smiles[smiforadd,.(ID,SMILES,Formula,adduct),on=c("SMILES")] data.table::setkey(smiforadd,"adduct","ID") smiforadd[,Formula:=as.character(Formula)] ## Update the intermediate table with masses. message("Formulas have been calculated. Start calculating masses from formulas.") smiforadd[,mz:=calc_mz_from_formula(Formula,adduct,ID)] message("Mass calculation has been completed.") ## Update the whole comprehensive table with masses from ## formulas. Doing it in a merge leaves a mess that has to be ## cleaned. comp2 <- merge(comp_known,smiforadd,all.x = T, by= c("adduct","ID")) ## Take Formulas from smiforadd (y) and SMILES from comp (x). comp2[,`:=`(Formula=Formula.y,SMILES=SMILES.x)] ## Now, populate mz from smiforadd (y) if SMILES/formula known, ## else take what was in the comp (x). ## comp2[,mz:=fifelse(known=="structure" | known=="formula",mz.y,mz.x)] nms <- names(comp) comp_known<-comp2[,..nms] ## In case you were wondering why is this all so complicated, ## well, for the moment I do not want to exclude mixed knowns and ## unknowns in the same run. The unknowns would have masses filled ## already at the stage of the compound list, so thay are taken ## from comp_unknown. Another twist is that mz can be calculated ## from either SMILES, or Formula. ## Combine knowns and unknowns finally. comp <- rbind(comp_known,comp_unknown) ## Rename stuff to be renamed and reorder columns. setnames(comp,names(COMP_NAME_MAP), function(o) COMP_NAME_MAP[[o]]) setcolorder(comp,COMP_NAME_FIRST) ## Write it out. fn_out <- get_fn_comp(m) tab2file(tab=comp,file=fn_out) message("Generation of comprehensive table finished.") ## Index for fast search and access. setkeyv(comp,c("set","tag","mz")) m$out$tab$comp <- comp ## TODO: Not tested on cases when there are both knowns and ## unknowns present in the compound lists. It *should* work ## though. m } #' @export concurrency <- function(m) { ## Reads the concurrency entry in the config. It is optional, if ## not given, then it is up to the user to define the plan of the ## futures package. If present, it contains at least the `plan' ## specification. It can also contain `workers` entry specifying ## the number of workers. If that entry is absent, the default ## number of workers is NO_WORKERS from the resources.R. ## TODO: Needs a rework to be useful. But, this is not a problem, ## because the user controls concurrency settings from the outside ## using future::plan. ## workers <- m$conf$concurrency$workers ## plan <- m$conf$concurrency$plan ## if (!is.null(plan) && plan!=user) { ## n <- if (!is.null(workers)) workers else NO_WORKERS ## if (!is.na(n)) future::plan(plan,workers=workers) else future::plan(plan) ## m$conf$concurrency$workers <- n ## } else { ## m$conf$concurrency$workers <- NA ## m$conf$concurrency$plan <- "user" ## } ## message("plan: ",m$conf$concurrency$plan) ## message("workers: ",m$conf$concurrency$workers) ## So we can actually debug. m$future <- if (is.null(m$conf$debug) || !m$conf$debug) future::future else { message("Debug: futures evaluate as identity") function(x,...) identity(x) } m } #' @export mk_tol_funcs <- function(m) { ## Depending on units given when the user specified the errors, ## generate functions that calculate errors given the concrete ## mass. ## Mass errors can be either in ppm, or Da. ## Time errors in min, or s. ## The mass error calculation functions and the retention time ## error in minutes are in m$extr$tol. ## TODO make these things compatible with futures. m$extr$tol$coarse <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 coarse"]], "ms1 coarse error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed." ) m$extr$tol$fine <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance[["ms1 fine"]], "ms1 fine error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.") m$extr$tol$eic <- gen_mz_err_f(m$conf$tolerance$eic, "eic error: Only ppm, or Da units allowed.") m$extr$tol$rt <- gen_rt_err(m$conf$tolerance$rt, "rt error: Only s(econds), or min(utes) allowed.") m } ##' @export extr_data <-function(m) { fine = create_fine_table(m) dpath = m$run$paths$data ## Open all files. fns = fine[,unique(file)] lms = lapply(fns,function(fn) read_data_file(file.path(dpath,fn))) names(lms) = fns ## Load all feature data. lfdata = lapply(lms,get_fdata) names(lfdata) = fns ## Extract MS1 chromatograms using "fine" tolerance. cgram_ms1 = fine[,extr_cgrams_ms1(lms[[file]],.SD,lfdata[[file]]), by="file", .SDcols=c("iso_fine_min", "iso_fine_max", "rt_min", "rt_max", "precid")] setkey(cgram_ms1,file,precid) ## Extract MS2 chromatograms. ## Create the "coarse" table. Parent masses are known with ## "coarse". We will prefilter our ms2 results based on that... coarse = create_coarse_table(m) cgram_ms2 = data.table(precid=integer(0), ce=numeric(0), scan=character(0), idx=integer(0), rt=numeric(0), intensity=numeric(0)) ## Extract MS2 spectra. spectra = empty_spectra_table() for (fn in names(lfdata)) { rtab = relate_ms2_to_precid(coarse=coarse[.(fn),on=.(file)], ms2=lfdata[[fn]]$ms2, cgram_ms1=cgram_ms1[.(fn), on=.(file)]) sptab = extract_spectra(lms[[fn]],rtab) cgram_ms2 = rbind(cgram_ms2,rtab) spectra = rbind(spectra,sptab) } setkey(cgram_ms1,precid,rt) setkey(cgram_ms2,precid,ce,rt) setkey(spectra,precid,scan) m$db$extr$cgm$ms1 = cgram_ms1 m$db$extr$cgm$ms2 = cgram_ms2 m$db$extr$spectra = spectra m } ##' @export conf_trans <- function(conf) { conf$prescreen <- conf_trans_pres(conf$prescreen) conf } ##' @export prescreen <- function(m) { ## Top-level auto prescreening function. message("(prescreen): Start.") m$qa = NULL m$out$tab$summ = NULL m$qa = analyse_extracted_data(m$db,m$conf$prescreen) m$out$tab$summ = gen_summ(m$db,m$qa,m$out$tab$comp) message("(prescreen): End.") m } ##' Sets the key specified by DEF_KEY_SUMM and adds second indices, ##' either from DEF_INDEX_SUMM, or user-specified in ##' conf[["summary table"]]$order. The order entry is a list of ##' strings with names of columns in summ, optionally prefixed with a ##' minus(-) sign. Columns prefixed with the minus are going to be in ##' ascending order. ##' ##' @title Sort the Summary Table ##' @param m ##' @return m ##' @author Todor Kondić ##' @export sort_spectra <- function(m) { ## Sorts the summary table (summ) in order specified either in ## `order spectra` sublist of m$conf, or if that is null, the ## DEF_INDEX_SUMM. ## Now, add secondary indexing. cols <- if (!is.null(m$conf[["summary table"]]$order)) m$conf[["summary table"]]$order else DEF_INDEX_SUMM idx <- gsub("^\\s*-\\s*","",cols) #We need only column names for #now, so remove minuses where #needed. assertthat::assert_that(all(idx %in% colnames(m$out$tab$summ)),msg = "Some column(s) in order key in conf file does not exist in the summary table.") data.table::setindexv(m$out$tab$summ,idx) ## Now we order based on either summary table order subkey, or ## DEF_ORDER_SUMM tmp <- quote(data.table::setorder()) tmp[[2]] <- quote(m$out$tab$summ) for (n in 1:length(cols)) tmp[[2+n]] <- parse(text=cols[[n]])[[1]] message("Ordering expression: \n",deparse(tmp)) eval(tmp) #Execute the setorder call m } ##' Subsets the summary table by applying conditions set out in the ##' filter subkey of summary table key of the config. Each member of ##' filter is an expression that and all of them are chained together ##' using AND logical operation and applied to the summary table. ##' ##' ##' @title Subset the Summary Table ##' @param m ##' @return m ##' @author Todor Kondić ##' @export subset_summary <- function(m) { filt <- m$conf[["summary table"]]$filter m$out$tab$flt_summ <- if (!is.null(filt)) { tmp <- lapply(filt, function (x) parse(text = x)[[1]]) expr <- Reduce(function (x,y) {z<-call("&");z[[2]]<-x;z[[3]]<-y;z},x=tmp) message("Filtering with: ",deparse(bquote(m$out$tab$summ[.(expr)]))) eval(bquote(m$out$tab$summ[.(expr)])) } else m$out$tab$summ m } #' @export create_plots <- function(m) { ## Produce plots of EICs and spectra and group them acording to ## conf$figures$grouping. ## Select the data nedeed for plotting. flt_summ <- m$out$tab$flt_summ ms2 <- m$db$extr$cgm$ms2 ms1 <- m$db$extr$cgm$ms1 rt_min <- rt_in_min(m$conf$figures$rt_min) rt_max <- rt_in_min(m$conf$figures$rt_max) keytab <- flt_summ[,unique(.SD),.SDcol=c("adduct","ID")] for (n in 1:NROW(keytab)) { select <- dtable(adduct=keytab$adduct[[n]], ID=keytab$ID[[n]]) pdata_ms1 <- data4plot_ms1_cgram(ms1,select) pdata_ms2 <- data4plot_ms2_cgram(ms2,select) pdata_spec <- data4plot_ms2_spec(ms2,flt_summ,select) tabl_ms1 <- table_eic(pdata_ms1) ## tabl_ms2 <- table_eic(pdata_ms2) # For the moment, no real # info to be had here. tabl_spec <- table_spec(pdata_spec) palette = plot_palette(pdata_ms1) p_eic <- plot_eic_w_facet(pdata_ms1 = pdata_ms1, pdata_ms2 = pdata_ms2, rt_range = c(rt_min,rt_max), palette = palette) p_spec <- plot_spec_w_facet(pdata_ms2 = pdata_spec, mz_range = c(NA_real_,NA_real_), palette = palette) ## TODO plot_save_single(p_eic, decotab = select, figtag = "eic", proj_path = m$run$paths$project, tabl = tabl_ms1, extension = m$conf$figures$ext) plot_save_single(p_spec, decotab = select, figtag = "spec", proj_path = m$run$paths$project, tabl = tabl_spec, extension = m$conf$figures$ext) message("Plotting of figure ",n," out of ",NROW(keytab)," has been completed.") } m } prepare_app <- function(dir_before, envopts) { ## Information that needs to be availabe to the shiny server. init <- list() init$dir_before <- dir_before init$envopts = envopts ## Create independent starting `home' for the server. dir_start <- tempfile("shinyscreen") dir.create(dir_start, recursive = T) ## Get list of app document contents. dir_rmd = system.file("rmd",package = "shinyscreen") fnms_rmd = list.files(dir_rmd,pattern = r"(^app.*\.Rmd$)",full.names=T) ## Copy startup files to that location. dir.create(file.path(dir_start,'www'), showWarnings=F) saveRDS(object = init,file=file.path(dir_start,"init.rds")) file.copy(system.file(file.path("www","custom.css"),package = "shinyscreen"),file.path(dir_start,"www","custom.css")) for (fn in fnms_rmd) file.copy(fn,file.path(dir_start,basename(fn))) dir_start } #' @export #' @title app #' @param envopts `envopts`. Shinyscreen environment options. #' @param shiny_args `list`, optional list of arguments conveyed to #' `rmarkdown::run` `shiny_args` argument. #' @param render_args `list`, optional list of arguments conveyed to #' `rmarkdown::run` `render_args` argument. #' @param metfrag_runtime `character(1)`, a location on the server side #' of the MetFrag jar file. #' @return Nada. #' @author Todor Kondić app <- function(envopts, shiny_args=list(launch.browser=F), render_args=NULL) { dir_before = getwd() message("dir_before: ", dir_before) message("top_data_dir: ", envopts$top_data_dir) message("projects: ", envopts$projects) dir_start = prepare_app(dir_before=dir_before, envopts=envopts) on.exit(expr=setwd(dir_before)) setwd(dir_start) rmarkdown::run(file = "app.Rmd", shiny_args = shiny_args, render_args = render_args) } #' @export #' @title serve #' @param envopts `envopts`, an `envopts` object. #' @param user `character(1)`, subdir of usersdir. #' @param host `character(1)`, optional, address where the page is #' served. #' @param port `integer(1)`, optional, port at which the page is #' served. #' @param top_data_dir `character(1)`, a location on the server side #' containing data directories. #' @param metfrag_db_dir `character(1)`, a location on the server side #' containing MetFrag DBs. #' @return Nada. #' @author Todor Kondić serve <- function(envopts,user,host='',port=7777) { shiny_args <- c(list(launch.browser=F),list(host=host,port=port)) projects <- file.path(envopts$users_dir,user) if (!dir.exists(projects)) { dir.create(projects) message('Created projects: ',projects) } else { message('Using existing projects: ', projects) } app(shiny_args=shiny_args, envopts=envopts) } #' @export #' @title report report <- function(m) { report_author <- if (!is.null(m$conf$report$author)) m$conf$report$author else REPORT_AUTHOR report_title <- if (!is.null(m$conf$report$title)) m$conf$report$title else REPORT_TITLE fn_header <- system.file(file.path('rmd','report_header.rmd'),package = "shinyscreen") fn_chunk <- system.file(file.path('rmd','report_chunk.rmd'), package = "shinyscreen") dir.create(REP_TOPDIR,recursive = T,showWarnings = F) header <- knitr::knit_expand(fn_header) flt_summ <- m$out$tab$reptab ms2 <- m$db$extr$cgm$ms2 ms1 <- m$db$extr$cgm$ms1 rt_min <- rt_in_min(m$conf$figures$rt_min) rt_max <- rt_in_min(m$conf$figures$rt_max) keytab <- flt_summ[,unique(.SD),.SDcol=c("adduct","ID")] repdoc <- header for (n in 1:NROW(keytab)) { select <- dtable(adduct=keytab$adduct[[n]], ID=keytab$ID[[n]]) pdata_ms1 <- data4plot_ms1_cgram(ms1,select) pdata_ms2 <- data4plot_ms2_cgram(ms2,select) pdata_spec <- data4plot_ms2_spec(ms2,flt_summ,select) tabl_ms1 <- table_eic(pdata_ms1) ## tabl_ms2 <- table_eic(pdata_ms2) # For the moment, no real # info to be had here. tabl_spec <- table_spec(pdata_spec) palette = plot_palette(pdata_ms1) p_eic <- plot_eic_w_facet(pdata_ms1 = pdata_ms1, pdata_ms2 = pdata_ms2, rt_range = c(rt_min,rt_max), palette = palette) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") p_spec <- plot_spec_w_facet(pdata_ms2 = pdata_spec, mz_range = c(NA_real_,NA_real_), palette = palette) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") eic_things <- plot_save_single(p_eic, decotab = select, figtag = "eic", proj = m$conf$project, tabl = tabl_ms1, subdir = REP_TOPDIR, extension = m$conf$figures$ext) spec_things <- plot_save_single(p_spec, decotab = select, figtag = "spec", proj = m$conf$project, tabl = tabl_spec, subdir = REP_TOPDIR, extension = m$conf$figures$ext) report_chunk_header <- paste0("Adduct: ",keytab$adduct[[n]],"; ", "ID: ",keytab$ID[[n]]) report_tab_eic_cap <- sprintf("EIC for %s",keytab$ID[[n]]) report_fn_eic <- eic_things$fn_plot report_tab_eic <- if (shiny::isTruthy(eic_things$tab)) knitr::kable(eic_things$tab, caption = report_tab_eic_cap) else "" report_tab_spec_cap <- sprintf("Spectrum for %s",keytab$ID[[n]]) report_fn_spec <- spec_things$fn_plot report_tab_spec <- if (shiny::isTruthy(eic_things$tab)) knitr::kable(spec_things$tab, caption = report_tab_spec_cap) else "" repdoc <- c(repdoc,knitr::knit_expand(fn_chunk)) message("(report) Knitting of chunk ",n," out of ",NROW(keytab)," has been completed.") } fn_rep <- file.path(m$run$paths$project,"report.Rmd") message("(report) Writing Rmd...") cat(repdoc,file=fn_rep,sep = "\n") message("(report) ...done.") message("(report) Render start ...") rmarkdown::render(fn_rep,output_dir = m$run$paths$project) message("(report) ...done.") m } #' @title Initialise Shinyscreen Configuration #' @details This function is used to inform `shinyscreen` about the #' working environment. If argument `save` is T, the configuration #' will be memorised. Subsequent calls to `init` without arguments #' will just load the configuration. If `merge` argument is T, the #' resulting configuration object is going to be a merge between #' the new parameters and the memorised ones. Those arguments not #' mentioned in the argument list will be remembered from the save #' config. #' @inheritParams empty_envopts #' @param merge `logical(1)`, optional. If T, merge with saved #' configuration. #' @param save `logical(1)`, optional. If T, save configuration, #' otherwise just return the Shinyscreen environment options. #' @param conf_dir `character(1)`, optional. Place where the #' configuration resides. Changing this usually only makes sense #' for testing. #' @return An `envopts` object. #' @author Todor Kondić #' @export init <- function(projects=NULL, top_data_dir=NULL, users_dir=NULL, metfrag_db_dir=NULL, metfrag_jar=NULL, java_bin=NULL, metfrag_max_proc=NULL, no_structure_plots=NULL, merge=T, save=F, conf_dir=tools::R_user_dir(package="shinyscreen", which="config")) { ## The function will usually return a merge between the saved ## configuration and arguments provided by the user. This is why ## we need to know which arguments have been actually changed by ## the user. In order to do this, all `envopts'-like arguments to ## `init' have been created with an illegal default value, NULL. ## Therefore, any argument with an user-supplied _valid_ value ## will be non-NULL. We can browse through the function ## environment, pick out these non-NULLs and then override the ## saved config with them. ## So, get the function environment. env = environment() ## Get the list of all possible arguments from the simpletst ## `envopts' constructor. eargs = formalArgs(empty_envopts) ## Check which are NULLs and retain only those which are ## not. evals = lapply(eargs,function(ca) env[[ca]]) ennull = sapply(evals,is.null,USE.NAMES=F) eargs = eargs[!ennull] evals = evals[!ennull] names(evals) = eargs ## Now call the empty envopts constructor only with non-NULL ## arguments. enew = do.call(empty_envopts,evals) ## If merging should occur. if (merge) { ## Get saved values. eold = load_envopts(dir=conf_dir) if (length(eold)>0L) { ## First, merge on non-metfrag keys. Overwrite only NULLs. simplekeys = setdiff(names(enew),"metfrag") for (a in simplekeys) { if (is.null(enew[[a]])) enew[[a]] = eold[[a]] } ## Now, metfrag. Do the same. mfkeys = names(enew$metfrag) for (a in mfkeys) { if (is.null(enew$metfrag[[a]])) enew$metfrag[[a]] = eold$metfrag[[a]] } } } ## Replace the remaining NULL values with actual defaults. e = seal_envopts(enew) if (save) save_envopts(o=e,dir=conf_dir) e } #' @title Run MetFrag #' @details #' @param m `state`, a state object. #' @return m #' @author Todor Kondić metfrag <- function(m) { stagtab = metfrag_get_stag_tab(m$out$tab$summ[ms2_sel==T]) ftab = metfrag_run(param = m$run$metfrag$param, path = m$run$metfrag$path, subpaths = m$run$metfrag$subpaths, db_file = m$run$metfrag$db_file, stag_tab = stagtab, ms2 = m$db$extr$spectra, runtime=m$run$metfrag$runtime, java_bin=m$run$metfrag$java_bin, nproc = m$conf$metfrag$nproc) tab = summarise_metfrag_results(param = m$conf$metfrag$param, path = m$run$metfrag$path, subpaths = m$run$metfrag$subpaths, cand_parameters = m$conf$metfrag$cand_parameters, db_scores = m$conf$metfrag$database_scores, int_scores = m$conf$metfrag$intrinsic_scores, collect_candidates= m$conf$metfrag$collect_candidates, file_tab = ftab) fn = file.path(m$run$metfrag$path,"metfrag_summary.csv") data.table::fwrite(x=tab,file=fn,quote=T) m } make_db <- function(m) { m = make_db_catalogue(m) m = make_db_precursors(m) m }