index 0f870cca68b9697f9bb3144ac25e81151f33fd75..2c3e0d571b725830fff289ef810fc105c0dd80b4 100644
@@ -3,8 +3,5 @@
diff --git a/R/mix.R b/R/mix.R
index 70e7789d4a5312bd72011b4f33e9a3922d1cbc84..135c39da4754bc55700be9f3820481e439e2003e 100644
--- a/R/mix.R
+++ b/R/mix.R
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ stripext<-function(fn) {
 ##' Create directories without drama.
 ##' @title Create directories without drama
-##' @param path Name of the directory.
+##' @param path Names of the directories.
 ##' @return The character string containing the input argument `path`.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
 no_drama_mkdir<-function(path) {
-    if (! dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path)
-    path
+    f <- Vectorize(function(path) {
+        if (! dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path)
+        path},vectorize.args="path")
+    f(path)
 ##' Produce the Rmb Settings file
@@ -60,6 +61,62 @@ mk_combine_file<-function(sett_fns,fname) {
+fn_data2wd <- function(fn_data,dest) {
+    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data) {
+        noext <- stripext(fn_data)
+        file.path(dest,basename(noext))
+    },vectorize.args="fn_data")
+    f(fn_data)
+get_presc_d <- function(wd) { file.path(wd,"prescreen")}
+gen_presc_d <- function(wd) { no_drama_mkdir(get_presc_d(wd))}
+get_cmpd_l_fn <- function(wd) {
+    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"compounds.csv")
+    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))
+    fv(wd)
+get_stgs_fn <- function(wd) {
+    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"settings.ini")
+    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))
+    fv(wd)
+get_ftable_fn <- function(wd) {
+    f <- function(wd) file.path(wd,"ftable.csv")
+    fv <- Vectorize(f,vectorize.args=c("wd"))
+    fv(wd)
+get_inp_stgs_fn<- function(fn_data) {
+    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data) {
+        bnm <- stripext(fn_data)
+        fn <- paste(bnm,".ini",sep='')},
+        vectorize.args="fn_data")
+    f(fn_data)}
+get_info_dir <- function(wd) {
+    file.path(wd,"info")
+get_info_fn <- function(wd) {
+    file.path(get_info_dir(wd),"info.csv")
+gen_info_dir <- function(wd) {
+    nm <- get_info_dir(wd)
+    no_drama_mkdir(nm)
+    nm
 ##' Generate the RMassBank compound list from the input compound list
 ##' in CSV file src_fn. The input compound list format is either a
 ##' Chemical Dashboard csv file with, at least, PREFERRED_ SMILES
@@ -67,13 +124,12 @@ mk_combine_file<-function(sett_fns,fname) {
 ##' SMILES and Names filled. Argument dest_fn is the destination
 ##' filename. Returns the number of compounds.
 ##' @title Generate Compound List File
 ##' @param src_fn The input compound list CSV filename.
 ##' @param dest_fn The resulting compound list CSV filename.
 ##' @return Number of compounds.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
-gen_comp_list<-function(src_fn,dest_fn) {
+gen_cmpd_l<-function(src_fn,dest_fn) {
     ## Names
     nms<-if ("PREFERRED_NAME" %in% names(df)) df$PREFERRED_NAME else df$Name
@@ -87,43 +143,40 @@ gen_comp_list<-function(src_fn,dest_fn) {
     casvals<-if ("CASRN" %in% names(df)) df$CASRN else rep(NA,sz)
     if (is.null(haha)) stop("Unable to read SMILES from the input compound list.")
-    write.csv(outdf,file=dest_fn,row.names=F,na="")
+    f <- Vectorize(function (dest_fn) {
+        write.csv(outdf,file=dest_fn,row.names=F,na="")
+    },vectorize.args="dest_fn",SIMPLIFY=F)
+    f(dest_fn)
 ##' Generates settings file and loads it.
 ##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File
-##' @param fn_data The mzML filename.
 ##' @param stgs Settings named list, or a settings filename.
 ##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
 ##' @return result of RMassBank::loadRmbSettings
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
-gen_stgs_and_load <- function(fn_data,stgs,wd) {
-    wd <- normalizePath(wd)
-    fn_data <- normalizePath(fn_data)
+gen_stgs_and_load <- function(stgs,wd) {
     stgs<-if (is.character(stgs)) yaml::yaml.load_file(stgs) else stgs
-    sfn<-file.path(wd,paste(basename(fn_data),".ini",sep=''))
+    sfn<-get_stgs_fn(wd)
 ##' Generates the RMassBank compound list and loads it.
 ##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Compound List
-##' @param fn_data The mzML filename.
 ##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
+##' @param fn_cmpdl The input compound list filename. 
 ##' @return Named list. The key `fn_cmpdl` is the path of the
 ##'     generated compound list and the key `n` the number of
 ##'     compounds.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
-gen_cmpdl_and_load <- function(fn_data,wd,fn_cmpdl) {
-    wd <- normalizePath(wd)
-    fn_data <- normalizePath(fn_data)
-    fn_comp<-file.path(wd,paste(basename(fn_data),".comp.csv",sep=''))
-    n_cmpd<-gen_comp_list(fn_cmpdl,fn_comp)
+gen_cmpdl_and_load <- function(wd,fn_cmpdl) {
+    fn_comp<-get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)
+    n_cmpd<-gen_cmpd_l(fn_cmpdl,fn_comp)
@@ -133,225 +186,50 @@ gen_cmpdl_and_load <- function(fn_data,wd,fn_cmpdl) {
 ##' @title Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File
 ##' @param fn_data The mzML filename.
-##' @param n_cmpd Number of compounds.
 ##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
+##' @param n_cmpd Number of compounds.
 ##' @return File path of the file table.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
-gen_file_table <- function(fn_data,n_cmpd,wd) {
-    wd <- normalizePath(wd)
-    fn_data <- normalizePath(fn_data)
-    df_table<-data.frame(Files=rep(fn_data,n_cmpd),ID=1:n_cmpd)
-    fn_table<-file.path(wd,paste("fn-table.",basename(fn_data),".csv",sep=''))
-    write.csv(x=df_table,file=fn_table,row.names=F)
-    fn_table
+gen_ftable <- function(fn_data,wd,n_cmpd) {
+    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_data,wd) {
+        df_table<-data.frame(Files=rep(fn_data,n_cmpd),ID=1:n_cmpd)
+        fn_table<-get_ftable_fn(wd)
+        write.csv(x=df_table,file=fn_table,row.names=F)
+        fn_table
+    }, vectorize.args=c("fn_data","wd"))
+    f(fn_data,wd)
-##' Wrapper for a single prescreening call. Produces output in the
-##' usual mix method places.
-##' @title Wrapper for RMB_EIC_Prescreen
-##' @param fn_data The mzML filename.
-##' @param stgs_alist Settings named list, or a settings filename.
-##' @param wd Directory under which results are archived.
-##' @param mode RMB mode. 
-##' @param fn_cmpd_l Filename of the compound list.
-##' @param ppm_lim_fine The ppm_limit_fine argument to RMB_EIC_Prescreen
-##' @param EIC_limit Passed down to RMB_EIC_Prescreen.
-##' @return result of RMB_EIC_Prescreen
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-##' @export
-presc.single <- function(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,mode,fn_cmpd_l,ppm_lim_fine=10,EIC_limit=0.001) {
-    no_drama_mkdir(wd)
-    wd <- normalizePath(wd)
-    gen_stgs_and_load(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd)
-    ## Generate and load the compound list.
-    x <- gen_cmpdl_and_load(fn_data,wd,fn_cmpd_l)
-    fn_comp <- x$fn_cmpdl
-    n_cmpd <- x$n
-    ## Generate file table.
-    fn_table <- gen_file_table(fn_data,n_cmpd,wd)
-    #curd <- setwd(wd)
-    res <-RMB_EIC_prescreen_df(wd=wd,RMB_mode=mode, FileList=fn_table,
-                               cmpd_list=fn_comp,
-                               ppm_limit_fine=ppm_lim_fine,
-                               EIC_limit=EIC_limit)
-    #setwd(curd)
-    res
+gen_fn_stgs <- function(fn_inp,fn) {
+    f <- Vectorize(function(fn_inp,fn) {
+        stgs <- yaml::yaml.load_file(fn_inp)
+        mk_sett_file(stgs,fn)
+        fn}, vectorize.args=c("fn_inp","fn"))
+    f(fn_inp,fn)
-##' Runs a compound mixture workflow on a single mzML file.
-##' @title RMassBank Spectral Workflow on a Single Compound Mixture
-##' @param fn_data A mzML data file.
-##' @param stgs_alist RMassBank settings. It can either be a named
-##'     list of settings, or a filename of a YAML file.
-##' @param wd The name of the work directory.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_list The file name of he compound list
-##'     corresponding to `fn_data`.
-##' @param mode Modes as described in the standard workflow vignette
-##'     of RMassBank.
-##' @param readMethod Default read method is "mzR". Consult the
-##'     documentation of `msmsRead` for details.
-##' @param archdir The directory to store R objects created during
-##'     workflow execution.
-##' @param lastStep The last step in the workflow. Default is eight.
-##' @return MsmsWorkspace object.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-single.sw<-function(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod="mzR",archdir="archive",lastStep=8) {
-    ## Generate settings file and load.
-    stgs_alist<-if (is.character(stgs_alist)) yaml::yaml.load_file(stgs_alist) else stgs_alist
-    sfn<-file.path(wd,paste(fn_data,".ini",sep=''))
-    mk_sett_file(stgs_alist,sfn)
-    RMassBank::loadRmbSettings(sfn)
-    ## Generate and load the compound list.
-    fn_comp<-file.path(wd,paste(fn_data,".comp.csv",sep=''))
-    n_cmpd<-gen_comp_list(fn_cmpd_list,fn_comp)
-    RMassBank::loadList(fn_comp)
-    ## Generate file table.
-    df_table<-data.frame(Files=rep(fn_data,n_cmpd),ID=1:n_cmpd)
-    fn_table<-file.path(wd,paste("fn-table.",fn_data,".csv",sep=''))
-    write.csv(x=df_table,file=fn_table,row.names=F)
-    ## Make empty workspace.
-    w <- RMassBank::newMsmsWorkspace()
-    ## Run the workflow.
-    message(paste("Reading in file:",fn_data))
-    w <-RMassBank::msmsRead(w,filetable=fn_table,readMethod="mzR",mode=mode)
-    archdir<-file.path(wd,archdir)
-    if (!dir.exists(archdir)) dir.create(archdir)
-    fn_arch<-file.path(archdir,paste(fn_data,".archive",sep=''))
-    RMassBank::msmsWorkflow(w, mode=mode, steps=2:lastStep,archivename=fn_arch)
+conf <- function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,dest) {
+    no_drama_mkdir(dest)
+    wd <- fn_data2wd(fn_data,dest)
+    no_drama_mkdir(wd)
+    fn_inp_stgs <- get_inp_stgs_fn(fn_data)
+    fn_stgs <- get_stgs_fn(wd)
+    fn_out_cmpd_l <- get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)
-##' Prepare single mbWorkspace object based on the workspace, the
-##' infolist name and RMassBank settings.
-##' @title Prepare Single mbWorkspace object
-##' @param w MsmsWorkspace object.
-##' @param fn_info Filename of the infolist to be generated.
-##' @param fn_stgs Filename of the RMassBank settings.
-##' @return A mbWorkspace object.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-mb.prep.single<-function(w,fn_info,fn_stgs) {
-    RMassBank::loadRmbSettings(fn_stgs)
-    mb <- RMassBank::newMbWorkspace(w)
-    RMassBank::resetInfolists(mb)
-    RMassBank::mbWorkflow(mb,infolist_path=fn_info)
+    gen_fn_stgs(fn_inp_stgs,fn_stgs)
+    n_cmpd <- gen_cmpd_l(fn_cmpd_l,fn_out_cmpd_l)
+    gen_ftable(fn_data,wd,n_cmpd)
-##' Vectorize mb.prep function.
-##' @title Vectorized mb.prep function.
-##' @param w A sequence of msmsWorkspaces.
-##' @param fn_info A sequence of infolist filenams to be generated.
-##' @param fn_stgs A sequence of settings associated with each
-##'     msmsWorkspace object.
-##' @return A list of mbWorkspaces.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-mb.prep.v<-function(w,fn_info,fn_stgs) {
-    f<-Vectorize(mb.prep.single,vectorize.args=c("w","fn_info","fn_stgs"),SIMPLIFY=F)
-    res<-f(w,fn_info,fn_stgs)
-    names(res)<-names(w)
-    res
-##' Performs a single MassBank workflow after preparation.
-##' @title Single MassBank workflow.
-##' @param mb A mbWorkspace object.
-##' @param infodir Directory containing the infolist.
-##' @param fn_stgs The settings associated with the mbWorkspace
-##'     object.
-##' @return A mbWorkflow object.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-mb.single<-function(mb,infodir,fn_stgs) {
+reconf <- function(wd) {## Load the settings.
+    fn_stgs <- get_stgs_fn(wd)
-    mb <- RMassBank::resetInfolists(mb)
-    mb <- RMassBank::loadInfolists(mb,infodir)
-    ## loadInfolists
-    ## addPeaks
-    prevd<-setwd(infodir)
-    res<-RMassBank::mbWorkflow(mb,step=1:8)
-    setwd(prevd)
-    res
-##' Vectorises presc.single.
-##' @title Vectorises presc.single
-##' @param fn_data Sequence of mzML filenames.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_l Compound list filename.
-##' @param mode RMB mode.
-##' @param ppm_lim_fine Prescreen fine limit (see ReSOLUTION prescreening function).
-##' @param EIC_limit Prescreen EIC limit (see ReSOLUTION prescreening function).
-##' @return Nothing useful.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-##' @export
-presc.v<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,mode,ppm_lim_fine=10,EIC_limit=0.001) {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(".",stripext(n))
-    wd <- sapply(fn_data,idir)
-    stgs_alist <- sapply(wd,function(d) {paste(d,".ini",sep='')})
-    f<-Vectorize(presc.single,vectorize.args=c("fn_data","stgs_alist","wd"),SIMPLIFY=F)
-    f(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,mode=mode,fn_cmpd_l=fn_cmpd_l,ppm_lim_fine=ppm_lim_fine,EIC_limit=EIC_limit)
-##' Interface to vectorised spectral workflow.
-##' @title Vectorised Spectral Workflow.
-##' @param fn_data A sequence of mzML input files.
-##' @param stgs_alist A list of named list of settings, or a list of
-##'     filenames of YAML files containing the settings.
-##' @param wd The list of working directories.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_list The compound list characterising the mixtures.
-##' @param mode Same as in msmsRead.
-##' @param readMethod Same as in msmsRead.
-##' @param archdir Name of the archive.
-##' @param lastStep The last step of the spectral workflow.
-##' @param combine If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
-##'     workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.
-##' @return A named list of spectral workspaces. The names are derived
-##'     from data filenames.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-v<-function(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod="mzR",archdir="archive",lastStep=8,combine=F) {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(".",stripext(n))
-    f<-Vectorize(single.sw,vectorize.args=c("wd","fn_data","stgs_alist"),SIMPLIFY=F)
-    rootdir <- getwd()
-    if (combine) {
-        z<-f(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod=readMethod,archdir=archdir,lastStep=7)
-        names(z)<-basename(fn_data)
-        zz<-RMassBank::combineMultiplicities(z)
-        combdir<-"combined"
-        archdir<-file.path(rootdir,combdir,archdir)
-        no_drama_mkdir(combdir)
-        no_drama_mkdir(archdir)
-        fn_arch<-file.path(archdir,"archive")
-        fn_comb_stgs <- file.path(rootdir,combdir,paste(combdir,".mzML.ini",sep=''))
-        ddirs <- sapply(names(z),idir)
-        stgs_fls <- sapply(ddirs,function(x) file.path(x,paste(x,".mzML.ini",sep='')))
-        mk_combine_file(stgs_fls,fn_comb_stgs)
-        res<-list(RMassBank::msmsWorkflow(zz, steps=8, mode=mode, archivename = fn_arch))
-        names(res)<-paste(combdir,".mzML",sep='') #Clearly a hack.
-        res
-    } else {
-        z<-f(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod=readMethod,archdir=archdir,lastStep=lastStep)
-        names(z)<-basename(fn_data)
-        z
-    }
+    ## Load the compound list.
+    fn_cmpd_l <- get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)
+    RMassBank::loadList(fn_cmpd_l)
 ##' Prescreens. Writes data out. Adapted from ReSOLUTION
@@ -437,33 +315,6 @@ RMB_EIC_prescreen_df <- function (wd, RMB_mode, FileList, cmpd_list,
               row.names = F)
-##' Parallel version of presc.single.
-##' @title Parallel version of presc.single
-##' @param cl Cluster object.
-##' @param fn_data Sequence of mzML files.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_l Filename of the compound list.
-##' @param mode RMB mode.
-##' @param ppm_lim_fine See ReSOLUTION.
-##' @param EIC_limit See ReSOLUTION.
-##' @return Nothing useful.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-##' @export
-presc.p<-function(cl,fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,mode,ppm_lim_fine=10,EIC_limit=0.001) {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(".",stripext(n))
-    wd <- sapply(fn_data,idir)
-    stgs_alist <- sapply(wd,function(d) {paste(d,".ini",sep='')})
-    f <- function(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd) presc.single(fn_data=fn_data,stgs_alist=stgs_alist,wd=wd,mode=mode,
-                                                      fn_cmpd_l=fn_cmpd_l,ppm_lim_fine=ppm_lim_fine,EIC_limit=EIC_limit)
-    parallel::clusterMap(cl,fun=f,fn_data,stgs_alist,wd)
 ##' Plot the output of prescreen.
 ##' @title Plot the Output of Prescreen
@@ -484,7 +335,7 @@ presc.plot <- function(wd,out="prescreen.pdf",pal="Dark2",cex=0.75,digits=6) {
     for (i in seq(length(eics))) {
         eic <- eics[[i]]
         maybekid <- maybekids[[i]]
-        fn_ini <- lapply(wd,function(x) file.path(x,list.files(path=x,patt="*.ini")[[1]]))
+        fn_ini <- lapply(wd,get_stgs_fn)
         lbls <- lapply(fn_ini,function(x) {s <- yaml::yaml.load_file(x);s$spectraList[[1]]$ce})
@@ -551,65 +402,6 @@ presc.plot <- function(wd,out="prescreen.pdf",pal="Dark2",cex=0.75,digits=6) {
-##' Interface to parallel spectral workflow.
-##' @title Parallel Spectral Workflow.
-##' @param fn_data A sequence of mzML input files.
-##' @param stgs_alist A list of named list of settings, or a list of
-##'     filenames of YAML files containing the settings.
-##' @param wd The list of working directories.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_list The compound list characterising the mixtures.
-##' @param mode Same as in msmsRead.
-##' @param readMethod Same as in msmsRead.
-##' @param archdir Name of the archive.
-##' @param lastStep The last step in spectral workflow.
-##' @param combine If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
-##'     workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.
-##' @param cl Cluster.
-##' @return A named list of spectral workspaces. The names are derived
-##'     from data filenames.
-##' @author Todor Kondić
-p.sw<-function(fn_data,stgs_alist,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod="mzR",archdir="archive",lastStep=8,combine=F,cl=NULL) {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(".",stripext(n))
-    fnocomb<-function(fn,stgs,wd) {
-        single.sw(fn,stgs,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod,archdir,lastStep=lastStep)
-    }
-    fcomb<-function(fn,stgs,wd) {
-        single.sw(fn,stgs,wd,fn_cmpd_list,mode,readMethod,archdir,lastStep=7)
-    }
-    if (combine) {
-        rootdir <- getwd()
-        z<-parallel::clusterMap(cl,fcomb,fn_data,stgs_alist,wd)
-        names(z)<-basename(fn_data)
-        zz<-RMassBank::combineMultiplicities(z)
-        combdir<-"combined"
-        archdir<-file.path(rootdir,combdir,archdir)
-        no_drama_mkdir(combdir)
-        no_drama_mkdir(archdir)
-        fn_arch<-file.path(archdir,"archive")
-        fn_comb_stgs <- file.path(rootdir,combdir,paste(combdir,".mzML.ini",sep=''))
-        ddirs <- sapply(names(z),idir)
-        stgs_fls <- sapply(ddirs,function(x) file.path(x,paste(x,".mzML.ini",sep='')))
-        mk_combine_file(stgs_fls,fn_comb_stgs)
-        res<-list(RMassBank::msmsWorkflow(zz, steps=8, mode=mode, archivename = fn_arch))
-        names(res)<-paste(combdir,".yml",sep='') #Clearly a hack.
-        res
-    } else {
-        z<-parallel::clusterMap(cl,fnocomb,fn_data,stgs_alist,wd)
-        names(z)<-basename(fn_data)
-        z
-    }
 ##' Interface to vectorised Mass Bank workflow.
diff --git a/R/run.R b/R/run.R
index b4187ccbb4959fe73992fd1e0477095d1d4d82fa..9e95cd40470c9444815ce4219f1b7de86cc4a886 100644
--- a/R/run.R
+++ b/R/run.R
@@ -13,20 +13,34 @@ attch<-function(...) paste(...,sep='')
 ##' @title Prescreening on bunch of files.
 ##' @param fn_data The mzML files. Basis for the out directory name
 ##'     generation.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_list The compound list CSV.
+##' @param fn_cmpd_l The compound list.
 ##' @param mode RMB mode.
+##' @param dest Destination directory.
 ##' @param proc Amount of processors, or FALSE. 
+##' @param fn_cmpd_list The compound list CSV.
 ##' @return Nothing useful.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
 ##' @export
-presc.do<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_list,mode,proc=F) {
+presc.do<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,mode,dest=".",proc=F,...) {
+    conf(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,dest)
+    fread <- function(fn_data) {
+        wd <- fn_data2wd(fn_data,dest)
+        gen_presc_d(wd)
+        reconf(wd)
+        message("Currently processing: ",wd)
+        fn_ftable <- get_ftable_fn(wd)
+        fn_cmpd_l <- get_cmpd_l_fn(wd)
+        RMB_EIC_prescreen_df(wd=wd,RMB_mode=mode,FileList=fn_ftable,
+                             cmpd_list=fn_cmpd_l,...)
+    }
     if (proc) {
-        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(proc,type='FORK')
-        presc.p(cl=cl,fn_data,fn_cmpd_l=fn_cmpd_list,mode=mode)
+        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(proc)
+        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl,library(rmbmix))
+        parallel::clusterMap(cl,fread,fn_data)
     } else {
-        presc.v(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l=fn_cmpd_list,mode)
+        lapply(fn_data,fread)
@@ -51,28 +65,62 @@ presc.do<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_list,mode,proc=F) {
 ##' @title Perform MassBank Workflow on Multiple Compound Mixtures
 ##' @param fn_data List of mzML data filenames to be processed.
-##' @param fn_cmpd_list Compound list.
+##' @param fn_cmpd_l Compound list.
 ##' @param mode as in msmsRead.
-##' @param rdir The root data directory.
+##' @param dest The destination data directory.
 ##' @param combine If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
 ##'     workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.
 ##' @param proc Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE
 ##'     (or, 1), run sequential.
+##' @param split This is the last step before combine
 ##' @return A named list of msmsWorkspace objects.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
 ##' @export
-sw.do<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_list,mode,rdir=".",combine=F,proc=F) {
-    no_drama_mkdir(rdir)
-    wdirs<-sapply(basename(fn_data),function(nm) file.path(rdir,stripext(nm)))
-    sapply(wdirs,no_drama_mkdir)
-    stgs<-sapply(basename(wdirs),function (nm) paste(nm,"yml",sep='.'))
-    if (proc) {
-        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(proc,type='FORK')
-        p.sw(fn_data,stgs,wdirs,fn_cmpd_list,mode,combine=combine,cl=cl)
-    } else {
-        v(fn_data,stgs,wdirs,fn_cmpd_list,mode,combine=combine)
+sw.do <- function(fn_data, fn_cmpd_l, mode, dest=".", combine=F,
+                  proc=F,split=3) {
+    conf(fn_data,fn_cmpd_l,dest)
+    fread <- function(fn_data) {
+        wd <- fn_data2wd(fn_data,dest)
+        reconf(wd)
+        w <- RMassBank::newMsmsWorkspace()
+        RMassBank::msmsRead(w=w,filetable = get_ftable_fn(wd),
+                            mode=mode,readMethod = "mzR")
+    }
+    fwork <- Vectorize(function(w,wd,steps) {
+        archdir <- file.path(wd,"archive")
+        no_drama_mkdir(archdir)
+        fn_arch <- file.path(archdir,"archive")
+        reconf(wd)
+        RMassBank::msmsWorkflow(w=w,mode=mode,steps=steps,archivename = fn_arch)
+    }, vectorize.args = c("w","wd"),SIMPLIFY=F)
+    w <- if (proc) {
+             cl=parallel::makeCluster(proc)
+             parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl,library(rmbmix))
+             parallel::clusterMap(cl,fread,fn_data)
+         } else {
+             lapply(fn_data,fread)
+         }
+    wd <- fn_data2wd(fn_data,dest)
+    w <- fwork(w,wd,steps=2:split)
+    if (combine) {
+        ## Combined workflow is not based on a single file, but the
+        ## functions that generate config are. Therefore, lets create
+        ## a fake filename.
+        fakefile <- "combine.mzML"
+        cwd <- fn_data2wd(fakefile,dest)
+        xx <- get_stgs_fn(wd[[1]])
+        file.copy(xx,"combine.ini",overwrite = T)
+        # mk_combine_file(get_stgs_fn(wd),"combine.ini")
+        conf(fakefile,fn_cmpd_l,dest)
+        reconf(cwd)
+        w <- list(RMassBank::combineMultiplicities(w))
+        wd <- list(cwd)
+    w <- fwork(w,wd,steps=(split+1):8)
+    names(w) <- wd
+    w
 ##' Creates and prepares mbWorkspace objects before the full workflow
@@ -83,17 +131,22 @@ sw.do<-function(fn_data,fn_cmpd_list,mode,rdir=".",combine=F,proc=F) {
 ##' @title Prepare mbWorkspace objects
 ##' @param w A list of spectral workspace inputs.
-##' @param rdir Data root.
-##' @param proc Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE
 ##' @return Named list of prepared mbWorkspace objects.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
 ##' @export
-mb.prep<-function(w,rdir=".") {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(rdir,stripext(n))
-    sapply(names(w),function (n) no_drama_mkdir(file.path(idir(n),"info")))
-    fn_info<-sapply(names(w),function (n) file.path(idir(n),"info",attch(n,'.info.csv')))
-    fn_stgs<-sapply(names(w),function(n) file.path(idir(n),attch(n,'.ini')))
-    mb.prep.v(w,fn_info,fn_stgs)
+mb.prep<-function(w) {
+    wd <- names(w)
+    fwork <- Vectorize(function(w,wd) {
+        reconf(wd)
+        idir <- gen_info_dir(wd)
+        mb <- RMassBank::newMbWorkspace(w)
+        RMassBank::resetInfolists(mb)
+        RMassBank::mbWorkflow(mb,infolist_path = get_info_fn(wd))
+    },vectorize.args = c("w","wd"))
+    mb <- fwork(w,wd)
+    names(mb) <- wd
+    mb
@@ -104,21 +157,27 @@ mb.prep<-function(w,rdir=".") {
 ##' @title Perform the Mass Bank workflow
 ##' @param mb The list of prepared mbWorkspace objects.
-##' @param rdir Root data dir.
 ##' @param proc Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE
 ##'     (or, 1), run sequential.
 ##' @return The named list of processed mbWorkspace objects.
 ##' @author Todor Kondić
 ##' @export
-mb.do<-function(mb,rdir=".",proc=F) {
-    idir<-function(n) file.path(rdir,stripext(n))
-    infodir<-sapply(names(mb),function(n) file.path(idir(n),"info"))
-    fn_stgs<-sapply(names(mb),function(n) file.path(idir(n),attch(n,'.ini')))
+mb.do<-function(mb,proc=F) {
+    wd <- names(mb)
+    infodir <- get_info_dir(wd)
+    fwork <- Vectorize(function(mb,id,wd) {
+        reconf(wd)
+        mb <- RMassBank::resetInfolists(mb)
+        mb <- RMassBank::loadInfolists(mb,id)
+        dcur <- setwd(id)
+        mb <- RMassBank::mbWorkflow(mb,step=1:8)
+        setwd(dcur)
+        mb},vectorize.args = c("mb","id","wd"))
     if (proc) {
-        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(proc,type='FORK')
-        mb.p(mb,infodir,fn <- stgs,cl=cl)
+        cl<-parallel::makeCluster(proc)
+        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl,library("rmbmix"))
+        parallel::clusterMap(cl,fwork,mb,infodir,wd)
     } else {
-        mb.v(mb,infodir,fn_stgs)
+        fwork(mb,infodir,wd)
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 964bb466c032c81023c64471f31f8c7a14204ce2..06b9fd789b83db4635a05c0ce3d5c38bdd80740d 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 ** Prescreening
    1. Generate prescreening data frames,
       #+BEGIN_SRC R
-      presc.do(list.files(patt=".*mzML"),"pH",fn_cmpd_list="./Pesticides.info.csv",proc=4)
+      presc.do(list.files(path="~/ECI_SCRATCH/20190627_HEROBER",patt=".*.mzML",full.names=T),
+               mode="pH",fn_cmpd_l="./cutlist.csv",proc=F,dest=".")
       This is to be carried out inside the directory containing the
       ~mzML~ files. For sequential execution, leave out the ~proc~
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
    2. Plot,
       #+BEGIN_SRC R
-      presc.plot(normalizePath(list.dirs(".",recursive=F,full.names=F)))
+      presc.plot(list.files(".",patt="2.*POS",include.dirs=T),cex=0.7,digits=4)
       The only argument is a sequence of absolute paths to directories
       containing the prescreen data. The resulting plot file is going
diff --git a/man/gen_comp_list.Rd b/man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd
similarity index 90%
rename from man/gen_comp_list.Rd
rename to man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd
index e242bbf272b201a309db9387455829f2d5270455..e2a69af6910b934079dd85aa43e3763f50a6ff5e 100644
--- a/man/gen_comp_list.Rd
+++ b/man/gen_cmpd_l.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
 % Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
 \title{Generate Compound List File}
-gen_comp_list(src_fn, dest_fn)
+gen_cmpd_l(src_fn, dest_fn)
 \item{src_fn}{The input compound list CSV filename.}
diff --git a/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd b/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd
index eb28d7831ea21875005dc192d21cba5ec99c1fdc..a782c7bc8c0b4c9138ac02f3733d4e45af5a204a 100644
--- a/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd
+++ b/man/gen_cmpdl_and_load.Rd
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 \title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Compound List}
-gen_cmpdl_and_load(fn_data, wd, fn_cmpdl)
+gen_cmpdl_and_load(wd, fn_cmpdl)
-\item{fn_data}{The mzML filename.}
 \item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
+\item{fn_cmpdl}{The input compound list filename.}
 Named list. The key \code{fn_cmpdl} is the path of the
diff --git a/man/gen_ftable.Rd b/man/gen_ftable.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de5f27d08217170cf6b89b75d3dcb34741dd56ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/gen_ftable.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
+\title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File}
+gen_ftable(fn_data, wd, n_cmpd)
+\item{fn_data}{The mzML filename.}
+\item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
+\item{n_cmpd}{Number of compounds.}
+File path of the file table.
+Generates file table.
+Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd b/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd
index 53ee0bba8eef9a9aa2d8173a34a1b88b0d7c5ff0..1fb26fcadaa0cd354710dcbf389120cdfd1913d9 100644
--- a/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd
+++ b/man/gen_stgs_and_load.Rd
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@
 \title{Generate and Load the RMassBank Settings File}
-gen_stgs_and_load(fn_data, stgs, wd)
+gen_stgs_and_load(stgs, wd)
-\item{fn_data}{The mzML filename.}
 \item{stgs}{Settings named list, or a settings filename.}
 \item{wd}{Directory under which results are archived.}
diff --git a/man/mb.do.Rd b/man/mb.do.Rd
index 73e319d502ee46098ba30753221dca5eded59767..d77aec260a82277c5fdf639f315a0d87a37352fa 100644
--- a/man/mb.do.Rd
+++ b/man/mb.do.Rd
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
 \title{Perform the Mass Bank workflow}
-mb.do(mb, rdir = ".", proc = F)
+mb.do(mb, proc = F)
 \item{mb}{The list of prepared mbWorkspace objects.}
-\item{rdir}{Root data dir.}
 \item{proc}{Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE
 (or, 1), run sequential.}
diff --git a/man/mb.prep.Rd b/man/mb.prep.Rd
index 43fdac85f45a3111b019bf504123fda8c389ed39..24634416a375b2d9ef7432a635c44ead15888b2c 100644
--- a/man/mb.prep.Rd
+++ b/man/mb.prep.Rd
@@ -4,14 +4,10 @@
 \title{Prepare mbWorkspace objects}
-mb.prep(w, rdir = ".")
 \item{w}{A list of spectral workspace inputs.}
-\item{rdir}{Data root.}
-\item{proc}{Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE}
 Named list of prepared mbWorkspace objects.
diff --git a/man/mb.prep.single.Rd b/man/mb.prep.single.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f116c7c0ab702e855be151903763801d5ac311..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/mb.prep.single.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Prepare Single mbWorkspace object}
-mb.prep.single(w, fn_info, fn_stgs)
-\item{w}{MsmsWorkspace object.}
-\item{fn_info}{Filename of the infolist to be generated.}
-\item{fn_stgs}{Filename of the RMassBank settings.}
-A mbWorkspace object.
-Prepare single mbWorkspace object based on the workspace, the
-infolist name and RMassBank settings.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/mb.prep.v.Rd b/man/mb.prep.v.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aba41e44d98c25a3834f6b2d9f6586b0fb03588..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/mb.prep.v.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Vectorized mb.prep function.}
-mb.prep.v(w, fn_info, fn_stgs)
-\item{w}{A sequence of msmsWorkspaces.}
-\item{fn_info}{A sequence of infolist filenams to be generated.}
-\item{fn_stgs}{A sequence of settings associated with each
-msmsWorkspace object.}
-A list of mbWorkspaces.
-Vectorize mb.prep function.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/mb.single.Rd b/man/mb.single.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 107e606c03ddf66ed3929a7b298560ec953429e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/mb.single.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Single MassBank workflow.}
-mb.single(mb, infodir, fn_stgs)
-\item{mb}{A mbWorkspace object.}
-\item{infodir}{Directory containing the infolist.}
-\item{fn_stgs}{The settings associated with the mbWorkspace
-A mbWorkflow object.
-Performs a single MassBank workflow after preparation.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd b/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd
index aa1bc123bbaedb07749b901a4f2f92395fed7c29..c33d17dca9fe4c8aad8577c798f3294c3915f057 100644
--- a/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd
+++ b/man/no_drama_mkdir.Rd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-\item{path}{Name of the directory.}
+\item{path}{Names of the directories.}
 The character string containing the input argument \code{path}.
diff --git a/man/p.sw.Rd b/man/p.sw.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f64c0b861bddeeae16283d5dbaccbd25a3082d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/p.sw.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Parallel Spectral Workflow.}
-p.sw(fn_data, stgs_alist, wd, fn_cmpd_list, mode, readMethod = "mzR",
-  archdir = "archive", lastStep = 8, combine = F, cl = NULL)
-\item{fn_data}{A sequence of mzML input files.}
-\item{stgs_alist}{A list of named list of settings, or a list of
-filenames of YAML files containing the settings.}
-\item{wd}{The list of working directories.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The compound list characterising the mixtures.}
-\item{mode}{Same as in msmsRead.}
-\item{readMethod}{Same as in msmsRead.}
-\item{archdir}{Name of the archive.}
-\item{lastStep}{The last step in spectral workflow.}
-\item{combine}{If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
-workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.}
-A named list of spectral workspaces. The names are derived
-from data filenames.
-Interface to parallel spectral workflow.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/presc.do.Rd b/man/presc.do.Rd
index f001b9bae73f1fd4e24fd0af8d85d96d98f85300..162677c29787fcad7eeb80ecc9a1eb03550f3636 100644
--- a/man/presc.do.Rd
+++ b/man/presc.do.Rd
@@ -4,17 +4,21 @@
 \title{Prescreening on bunch of files.}
-presc.do(fn_data, fn_cmpd_list, mode, proc = F)
+presc.do(fn_data, fn_cmpd_l, mode, dest = ".", proc = F, ...)
 \item{fn_data}{The mzML files. Basis for the out directory name
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The compound list CSV.}
+\item{fn_cmpd_l}{The compound list.}
 \item{mode}{RMB mode.}
+\item{dest}{Destination directory.}
 \item{proc}{Amount of processors, or FALSE.}
+\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The compound list CSV.}
 Nothing useful.
diff --git a/man/presc.plot.Rd b/man/presc.plot.Rd
index b6721d192a3a955582bfdab6f7813857767c99c2..fd6139b74ffce5b6d5dd5dfd15aa91dc9caf3fa3 100644
--- a/man/presc.plot.Rd
+++ b/man/presc.plot.Rd
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
 presc.plot(wd, out = "prescreen.pdf", pal = "Dark2", cex = 0.75,
   digits = 6)
-presc.plot(wd, out = "prescreen.pdf", pal = "Accent")
 \item{wd}{Sequence of data dirs containing the prescreen subdir.}
@@ -17,7 +14,6 @@ presc.plot(wd, out = "prescreen.pdf", pal = "Accent")
 \item{pal}{ColorBrewer palette name.}
 \item{cex}{As in legend.}
 \item{digits}{Number of significant digits for peak ret times.}
diff --git a/man/single.sw.Rd b/man/single.sw.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fc2a0713a11f0fadaeec4681acd0ab5c95b0de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/single.sw.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{RMassBank Spectral Workflow on a Single Compound Mixture}
-single.sw(fn_data, stgs_alist, wd, fn_cmpd_list, mode,
-  readMethod = "mzR", archdir = "archive", lastStep = 8)
-\item{fn_data}{A mzML data file.}
-\item{stgs_alist}{RMassBank settings. It can either be a named
-list of settings, or a filename of a YAML file.}
-\item{wd}{The name of the work directory.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The file name of he compound list
-corresponding to \code{fn_data}.}
-\item{mode}{Modes as described in the standard workflow vignette
-of RMassBank.}
-\item{readMethod}{Default read method is "mzR". Consult the
-documentation of \code{msmsRead} for details.}
-\item{archdir}{The directory to store R objects created during
-workflow execution.}
-\item{lastStep}{The last step in the workflow. Default is eight.}
-MsmsWorkspace object.
-Runs a compound mixture workflow on a single mzML file.
-Todor Kondić
diff --git a/man/sw.do.Rd b/man/sw.do.Rd
index a025d6c3c00957a17650cd9bd59bf124e82bf9ef..51ff104adb0878fc505d509264019c406da083c7 100644
--- a/man/sw.do.Rd
+++ b/man/sw.do.Rd
@@ -4,22 +4,25 @@
 \title{Perform MassBank Workflow on Multiple Compound Mixtures}
-sw.do(fn_data, fn_cmpd_list, mode, rdir = ".", combine = F, proc = F)
+sw.do(fn_data, fn_cmpd_l, mode, dest = ".", combine = F, proc = F,
+  split = 3)
 \item{fn_data}{List of mzML data filenames to be processed.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{Compound list.}
+\item{fn_cmpd_l}{Compound list.}
 \item{mode}{as in msmsRead.}
-\item{rdir}{The root data directory.}
+\item{dest}{The destination data directory.}
 \item{combine}{If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
 workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.}
 \item{proc}{Split work between this amount of processes. If FALSE
 (or, 1), run sequential.}
+\item{split}{This is the last step before combine}
 A named list of msmsWorkspace objects.
diff --git a/man/v.Rd b/man/v.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 803834482a3f6d1bce3ed638a5fd3fc26afa4c90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/man/v.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mix.R
-\title{Vectorised Spectral Workflow.}
-v(fn_data, stgs_alist, wd, fn_cmpd_list, mode, readMethod = "mzR",
-  archdir = "archive", lastStep = 8, combine = F)
-\item{fn_data}{A sequence of mzML input files.}
-\item{stgs_alist}{A list of named list of settings, or a list of
-filenames of YAML files containing the settings.}
-\item{wd}{The list of working directories.}
-\item{fn_cmpd_list}{The compound list characterising the mixtures.}
-\item{mode}{Same as in msmsRead.}
-\item{readMethod}{Same as in msmsRead.}
-\item{archdir}{Name of the archive.}
-\item{lastStep}{The last step of the spectral workflow.}
-\item{combine}{If TRUE, use combineMultiplicies to merge
-workspaces corresponding to different collisional energies.}
-A named list of spectral workspaces. The names are derived
-from data filenames.
-Interface to vectorised spectral workflow.
-Todor Kondić