## Homework

Ideally, do this exercise on a computer on which `Matlab` or `octave` **are** installed.

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More information on how install these software are on [mathworks.com](www.mathworks.com]) or on [gnu.org/software/octave](gnu.org/software/octave)

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Don't forget to properly configure `git` with your username and email as explained in the training slides.

## Detailed instructions

- First, fork the [https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/R3school/git.practice](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/R3school/git.practice) repository.

- Create the new branch `homework_myName`.

- Implement a new function (create a new file `sqrt_myName.m` in a new folder `src/thirdCommit`) called `sqrt_myName(x)` that computes the square root of `x`.

- Rename the `test.m` file in the `test/suite` directory to `test_myName.m`.

- Edit the file `test.m` and change the names of the functions accordingly.

- Before submitting the merge request, verify locally that your code is running properly.

  To do so, open the MATLAB application and type `matlabroot`. This will return the path to the MATLAB application. Note or copy this path and exit MATLAB. 
  NOTE: Do not copy the apostrophes, as they just denote the returned string.

  Open the Terminal and execute the following command:
   $ matlabroot/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash < test_testAll.m
   and verify that no error is reported.
   NOTE: `matlabroot`in the terminal window refers to the copied path from the previous instruction.

- Create a merge-request.

- Assign @laurent.heirendt and your merge-request will be reviewed.

That's it!