... | ... | @@ -597,6 +597,53 @@ sourmash plot ont_hybrid_bins_sourmash_comp --labels --pdf |
# downloaded the .csv file to the "Desktop" and used an additional Rscript for plotting
##### dREP #####
# checking to see if the bins are the same
cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB
mkdir bins
cp /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/results/Binning/checkm_output/sample_list bins/.
cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/bins
# symlink files by renaming incrementally
export i=1
for f in `cat sample_list`
for file in /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/results/Binning/"$f"/dastool_output/"$f"_DASTool_bins/*.fa
# Copy file to new location, safer than move in case you make a mistake
ln -s "$file" /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/bins/"$i"_"$f".fa
# Increment
let i=i+1
# Reset if exceeds 12
if [ $i -gt 500 ]
export i=1
# removing some broken links
rm 20_metaspades.fa 21_metaspades_hybrid.fa
# Creating a new conda environment for drep
srun -p interactive -t 4:00:00 --pty bash -i
cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB
conda create -n drep -c bioconda drep
conda activate drep
conda install -c bioconda fastani
cd ~/apps/miniconda3/envs/drep/
wget https://ani.jgi.doe.gov/download_files/ANIcalculator_v1.tgz
tar -xzvf ANIcalculator_v1.tgz
cp ANIcalculator_v1/ANIcalculator bin/.
# testing drep installation
dRep bonus testDir --check_dependencies
# Running drep on the bins to see similarities
cd /scratch/users/sbusi/ONT/cedric_ont_basecalling/2019_GDB/bins
dRep compare drep_output -g ./*.fa
##### QUAST #####
- Testing assembly stats using quast
... | ... | |